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词汇 burn
🔑burnburn1 /bərn /


(past tense, past participle burned /bərnd / or burnt /bərnt /)
  1. [transitive] to destroy, damage, or injure someone or something with fire or heat烧毁;烧坏;烧伤;灼伤Campers may not burn their trash anywhere in the campgrounds.野营者不可在营地的任何地方焚烧垃圾。It was a terrible fire and the whole building was burned to the ground (= was completely destroyed).那次火灾极为严重,整栋楼都被夷为平地。The water was so hot that I burned my hands.水太烫,把我的双手都烫伤了。Turn the heat down or you'll burn the roast.把火调小点,不然烤肉会烧焦的。
  1. [intransitive] to be destroyed, damaged, or injured by fire or heat被烧毁;被烧坏;被烧伤;被灼伤If you leave the cake in the oven for much longer, it will burn.蛋糕放在烤炉里太久就会烤煳。I can't spend too much time in the sun because I burn easily.我不能长时间待在太阳底下,因为我容易晒伤。
  1. [transitive] to produce a hole or mark in or on something by burning烧出,烫出(洞或痕)He dropped his cigarette and it burned a hole in the carpet.他随手扔掉香烟,结果把地毯烧了个洞。
  1. [intransitive] to be on fire燃烧;着火;烧着Firemen raced to the burning building.消防队员冲向失火的大楼。
of a light
  1. [intransitive] to produce light发光;发亮I don't think he went to bed at all I could see his light burning all night.我觉得他根本没睡,我看到他的灯整夜都亮着。
of fat / energy脂肪;能量
  1. [intransitive] to use up energy in your body by exercising(通过锻炼)消耗(身体能量)a fat-burning aerobics class消耗脂肪的有氧运动班to burn calories消耗热量
CD, etc.光盘等
  1. [transitive] to put information onto a CD, etc.刻录(光盘等)
trick / cheat欺骗
  1. [transitive] (usually passive通常用被动语态) (informal) to hurt someone by tricking or cheating him / her, or treating him / her badly(通过欺骗或虐待)伤害He got burned in his last relationship and says he never wants to have a girlfriend again.他在上次恋爱中受到了伤害,说再也不交女朋友了。
feel emotion / desire感情;欲望
  1. [intransitive] (formal) burn (with sth) to be filled with a very strong feeling充满(强烈感情);渴望She was burning with indignation.她义愤填膺。
burn (sth) down(used about a building) to be destroyed completely by fire; to completely destroy something by fire(建筑物)被烧毁;把…烧毁The fire could not be brought under control, and the school burned down.火势无法控制,校舍被焚毁。burn (sb / yourself) out (health医疗保健) to use all your energy or ruin your health, especially by working too hard over a long period of time(尤指长期工作过累)耗尽…的精力,搞垮…的身体You're going to burn yourself out if you don't stop working so hard.如果你还这么辛苦工作,会把身体搞垮的。burn sth out (usually passive通常用被动语态) to completely destroy something by burning烧毁;烧光the burned-out wreck of a car汽车烧毁后的残骸burn (sth) up
  1. to destroy something or be destroyed by fire or strong heat烧毁;被烧毁The space capsule burned up when it entered the earth's atmosphere.太空舱进入地球大气层时焚毁了。She burned up all the letters from her former boyfriend.她烧毁了前男友寄来的所有信件。
  1. (health医疗保健) (of body temperature) to be very warm(体温)很热You must have a temperature you're burning up!你一定是发烧了,你的体温很高!

burnburn2 /bərn /


(health医疗保健) damage or an injury caused by fire or heat烧伤;烫伤;烧坏;灼伤He has been treated for minor burns to his face and hands.他因脸和手轻度烧伤而接受了治疗。 third-degree burns (= the worst kind of burns) 三级烧伤  look at sunburn




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