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词汇 clear
🔑clearclear1 /klɪr /


easy to see / hear清晰
  1. easy to see, hear, or understand清晰的;清楚的;明白的We get a very clear picture on our new TV set.我们的新电视图像很清晰。His voice wasn't very clear over the phone.他的声音在电话里不是很清楚。She gave me clear directions on how to get there.她清楚地告诉我怎么到那儿。 OPP unclear
  1. easy to see through透明的;清澈的clear glass明净的玻璃The water was so clear that we could see the bottom of the lake.湖水清澈见底。
without marks无污点
  1. free from marks明净的;没有污点的a clear sky (= without clouds) 晴朗无云的天空clear skin (= without pimples) 光洁的皮肤
not blocked无障碍
  1. free from things that are blocking the way无障碍的;畅通无阻的The highway patrol says that most roads are now clear of snow.公路巡警说现在大部分道路上的积雪已经清除。
without confusion / doubt清楚明白;无疑问
  1. clear (to sb) easy to see; obvious清楚明白的;明显的There are clear advantages to the second plan.第二种方案的优势显而易见。It was clear to me that he was not telling the truth.我很清楚他没说实话。The answer to the problem is absolutely clear.问题的答案一清二楚。 OPP unclear➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库showreferring to a chart, graph, or table描述图表This bar graph shows / illustrates how many journeys people made using public transportation over a three-month period.这个条形图表明/显示在三个月时间内人们利用公共交通出行的次数。In this pie chart, the survey results are broken down by age.在这个饼分图中,按照年龄对调查结果进行了细分。According to these figures, bus travel accounts for 60% of public transportation use.从这些数字来看,利用公共汽车出行占公共交通使用的 60%。From the data in the graph above, it is apparent that / it is clear that / it can be seen that buses are the most popular form of public transportation.根据上述图表中的数据,可明显地看出/可清楚地看出/可以看出,公共汽车是最受欢迎的公共交通工具。
  1. clear (about / on sth) sure or definite; without any doubts肯定的;明确的;无疑的I'm not quite clear about the arrangements for tomorrow.我不太清楚明天的安排。
  1. not confused不含糊的;不迷糊的Clear thinking is very important in this job.思维清晰对于这项工作很重要。a clear understanding of the situation对局势的清醒认识
  1. without blame or fault无过错的;问心无愧的It wasn't your fault. You can have a completely clear conscience.这不是你的错,你完全可以问心无愧。
crystal clearvery easy to understand显而易见的;浅显易懂的The meaning is crystal clear.意思很清楚。make yourself clearmake sth clear / plain (to sb)to speak so that there can be no doubt about what you mean表达清楚;说明白“I do not want you to go to that concert, said my mother. “Do I make myself clear?“我不想让你去听那场音乐会。”我母亲说道,“我说清楚了吗?”He made it very clear that he was not happy with the decision.他明确表示不满意这个决定。

clearclear2 /klɪr /


  1. = clearly (1) We can hear you loud and clear from here.我们这里可以很清楚地听到你的话。
  1. clear (of sth) away from something; not touching something离开;不接触They managed to pull the victims clear of the car wreckage.他们设法把受害者从汽车残骸中拉了出来。
  1. (informal) completely完全地;彻底地Jim just kicked his foot clear through the door!吉姆一脚踹开了门!
keep / stay / steer clear (of sb / sth)to avoid someone or something避开;躲避You'd better steer clear of Vanessa she's in a bad mood today.你最好离瓦妮莎远点儿,她今天心情不好。

🔑clearclear3 /klɪr /


remove something or someone移动某物;使某人离开
  1. [transitive] to remove something that is not wanted or needed from a place移走,清除(不需要的东西)to clear the roads of snow / to clear snow from the roads清除路上的积雪It's your turn to clear the table (= to take away the dirty plates after a meal).轮到你收拾饭桌了。Can I help you clear away the dishes?要我帮你收拾碗碟吗?
  1. [transitive] to make people leave a place使人离开After the bomb warning, the police cleared the building.接到有炸弹的警告后,警察把大楼里的人都疏散了。
of smoke, etc.烟等
  1. [intransitive](used about smoke, etc.) to disappear(烟等)消散,散去The fog slowly cleared and the sun came out.雾慢慢散去,太阳出来了。
get over / past越过;通过
  1. [transitive] to jump over or get past something without touching it(无接触地)越过,跃过,通过Sara didn't hit the ball very hard, so it barely cleared the net.萨拉击球不是很重,球差点没过网。
get / give official permission批准
  1. [transitive] to go through a process, especially of getting permission for something to happen获得…许可;通过…程序The bill has cleared the House and the Senate and will soon be signed into law.该法案已经获得众议院和参议院通过,很快就会签署成为法律。
  1. [transitive] to give permission for something to happen批准At last the plane was cleared for takeoff.飞机终于获准起飞。
  1. [intransitive] (business商业) (used about a check) to go through the system that transfers money from one account to another(支票)兑现The check will take three days to clear.支票兑现需要三天的时间。
prove someone innocent证明无罪
  1. [transitive] clear sb (of sth) to prove that someone is not guilty of a crime or mistake证明(某人)无罪Hector was finally cleared of murder and has been released from prison.赫克托最后被判定没有犯谋杀罪,无罪获释。
clear the airto help people feel better in a difficult situation by talking openly about worries, doubts, etc.(通过坦诚交流)改变困境,缓解气氛If you discuss your feelings with her, it will help to clear the air between you.如果你跟她谈谈你的感受,会有助于改善你们俩的关系。clear your throatto cough slightly in order to make it easier to speak清嗓子He cleared his throat and then began his speech.他清了清嗓子开始演讲。 clear sth outto clean something and throw away things that you do not want把…清空;清理I really need to clear out the kitchen cabinets.我真该把橱柜好好清理一下了。 SYN clean sth outclear up(used about the weather or an illness) to get better(天气或疾病)好转We can go out for a walk if it clears up later on.如果天气稍后好转的话,我们可以出去走走。The doctor told him to stay at home until his cold cleared up.医生吩咐他感冒没好之前要一直待在家里。clear (sth) upto make something neat and clean清理;整理Make sure you clear up all your stuff before you leave.离开之前一定要把自己的东西整理好。clear sth upto find the solution to a problem, mystery, etc.澄清,解决,解释(问题、疑团等)There was a slight misunderstanding, but we've cleared it up now.我们之间有点儿小误会,但现在已解释清楚了。




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