

词汇 model
🔑modelmod·el1 /ˈmɑdl /


small copy模型
  1. a copy of something that is usually smaller than the real thing(通常比实物小的)模型a model airplane飞机模型
  1. a person who is employed to wear clothes at a fashion show or for magazine photographs(时装表演或杂志照片的)模特儿a male fashion model男时装模特儿
  1. (business商业) one of the machines, vehicles, etc. that is made by a particular company(机器、车辆等的)型号Our latest models are all on display in the store.我们最新的款型都在商店展出。
for artists艺术家
  1. (art美术) a person who is painted, drawn, or photographed by an artist(绘画或摄影的)模特儿
example to copy榜样
  1. a person or thing that is a good example to copy模范;范例Our city's school system could serve as a model for other communities.我市的学校体制可以当作其他社区仿效的典范。a model student模范学生  look at role model
description of system体系描述
  1. a simple description of a system, used for explaining how something works or calculating what might happen, etc.(解释运作方式或进行预测的)模型a mathematical model for determining the safe level of pesticides in food测算食物中农药安全含量的数学模型

modelmod·el2 /ˈmɑdl /


(mod·el·ing, mod·eled) (CanE -ll-)
  1. [transitive] to try to copy or be like someone or something仿效;仿照;以…为榜样He modeled himself after his favorite teacher.他以自己最喜欢的老师为榜样。The house is modeled on the Palace of Versailles.这所房子是仿照凡尔赛宫建造的。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to work as a model for an artist or in the fashion industry当模特儿;做…的模特儿to model swimsuits做泳装模特儿
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to make a model1 (1) of something(将…)做成模型
  1. [transitive] to shape an object out of a material such as clay(用黏土等)塑造




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