

词汇 say
🔑saysay1 /seɪ /


(third person singular present tense says /sɛz / , past tense, past participle said /sɛd /)
  1. [transitive] say sth (to sb) to speak words说;讲;告诉“Please come back, she said.“请回来。”她说道。The teacher said we should hand in our papers by Friday.老师说我们要在星期五前交论文。to say goodbye道别to say your prayers祈祷He said to his mother that he would call back later.他对母亲说他稍后会回电话。They just sat there without saying anything.他们就坐在那儿,一言不发。“This isn't going to be easy, she said to herself (= she thought).“这可不好办。”她想。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Say or tell? * say 还是 tell?Say is often used with the actual words that were spoken, or before that in indirect speech. * say 常与所说的直接引语连用,或用在 that 引导的间接引语前“I'll catch the 9 o'clock flight,” he said.“我要赶 9 点钟的航班。”他说道。He said that he would catch the 9 o'clock flight.他说他要赶 9 点钟的航班。Notice that you say something to someone.注意要说 say something to someoneHe said to me that he would catch the 9 o'clock flight.他对我说他要赶 9 点钟的航班。Tell is always followed by a noun or pronoun, showing who you were speaking to. * tell 总是后接名词或代词,表明说话的对象He told me that he would catch the 9 o'clock flight.他告诉我他要赶 9 点钟的航班。Tell, not say, can also be used when you are talking about giving orders or advice. * tell 也可以表示下命令或提建议,say 不能这样用I told them to hurry up.我让他们抓紧时间。She's always telling me what I ought to do.她老是吩咐我该干什么。
  1. [transitive](used about a book, notice, etc.) to give information(书、通告等)提供,显示,标示(信息)What time does it say on that clock?那个钟显示几点了?The map says the hotel is just a couple of blocks away.地图上显示那家旅馆就在两个街区外。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to express a thought, feeling, answer, opinion, etc.表达,流露,表述(思想、感情、意见等)“What time is she coming? “I don't know she didn't say.“她什么时候来?”“我不知道,她没说。”I would like to say how happy I am to be here today.我想说今天我到了这里是多么的高兴。He is said to be very rich (= people say that he is very rich).听说他非常富有。What is the artist trying to say in this painting?画家想通过这幅画表达什么呢?Don't get mad at me all I'm saying is that we should wait a little longer.别对我发火,我只不过说我们应该多等一会儿。Well, what do you say? Do you think it's a good idea?嗯,你怎么看?你觉得这主意好吗?
  1. [transitive] to suppose something比方说;假定We will need, say, $20,000 for a new car.我们买辆新车需要,比方说,2 万美元吧。Say you don't get into college what will you do then?假如你没上大学,那么你会做什么?
go without sayingto be clear, so that you do not need to say it显而易见;不用说It goes without saying that the children will be taken care of at all times.不用说,孩子们会一直有人照看的。that is to say… (formal) which means…换句话说;也就是说A car which cost $15,000 two years ago now costs $16,500. That is to say, the price has gone up by 10%.两年前要花 15,000 美元的车现在得用 16,500 美元。也就是说,价格上涨了 10%。to say the leastused to say that you are describing a situation in a very mild way至少可以说;少说也是Mom was pretty upset, to say the least (= she was really very angry).毫不夸张地说,妈妈非常生气。

saysay2 /seɪ /


[singular, uncountable] say (in sth)
the power or right to decide something决定权;发言权I'd like to have some say in the arrangements for the party.我希望在聚会的安排上有点发言权。have your sayto express your opinion表达意见Thank you for your comments. Now let someone else have their say.感谢你的评论。现在请别的人说说他们的意见。

saysay3 /seɪ /


used in order to get someone's attention or to introduce a new topic in a conversation(用于引起注意或在谈话中引入新话题)嘿,喂Say, Kelly how about going to see a movie tomorrow night?我说,凯利,明天晚上去看电影怎么样?




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