标题 | 鹅妈妈恐怖童谣大全 |
范文 | 鹅妈妈恐怖童谣大全 鹅妈妈童谣是世界最早的儿歌集,这些故事在1720xx年被转变为英,鹅妈妈童谣有的是很恐怖的,以下是第一范文网小编为你整理的关于鹅妈妈恐怖童谣,欢迎大家阅读。 鹅妈妈恐怖童谣一Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king's horse And all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again 矮胖子,坐墙头, 栽了一个大跟斗。 国王呀,齐兵马, 破蛋难圆没办法。 鹅妈妈恐怖童谣二Old Mother Goose old mother goose,when she wanted to wander, would ride through the air on a very fine gander. 老母亲鹅 当母亲鹅老了时, 她想流浪, 会骑着空气 在一只非常好的鹅上。 鹅妈妈恐怖童谣三Pat A Cake pat-a-cake,pat-a-cake, baker's man! so i do,master, as fast as i can. pat it,and prick it, and mark it with t, put it in the oven for Tommy and me. 轻拍-一个-蛋糕,轻拍-一个-蛋糕, 贝克的男人! 因此我做,主人, 我可以尽可能地快速。 轻拍它,刺破它, 给它标注吨, 把它放入烤箱, 给汤米和我。 鹅妈妈恐怖童谣四When Good King ArthurRuled This Land When good King Arthur ruled his land He was a goodly king; He stole three pecks of barley meal To make a bag-pudding. A bag-pudding the king did make, And stuffed it well with plums, And in it put great lumps of fat As big as my two thumbs. The king and queen did eat thereof, And noblemen beside, And what they could not eat that night The queen next morning fried. 当亚瑟王治理这片土地的时候, 他是一位伟大的王。 他偷了三袋麦片, 为了做一个大布丁。 这个王做的布丁, 放进许多葡萄干, 还放进了一块大奶油, 就像我的两个拇指那么大。 王后吃了该吃的那份, 吃了身边贵族们的那份, 还吃了那天晚上不该吃的那份。 第二天早上皇后被油煎了。 |
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