标题 |
弃如弁髦 |
范文 |
弃如弁髦 | 拼音 | qì rú biàn máo | 简拼 | qrbm | 近义词 | | 反义词 | | 感情色彩 | 褒义词 | 成语结构 | 补充式 | 成语解释 | 弁:古代的帽子;髦:儿童的垂发。比喻毫不可惜地丢弃无用之物 | 成语出处 | 清·翟灏《通俗编·服饰》:“弃如弁髦,《左传·昭公九年》:‘岂如弁髦,而因以敝之。’” | 成语用法 | 作谓语、宾语;用于书面语 | 产生年代 | 近代 | 常用程度 | 一般 |
随便看 |
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- ╣Впу╣дю╢т╢,пу╣В╣дцШхк
- assistants
- assisted
- assisting
- assists
- Assoc.
- Assoc.
- assoc
- associate
- associated
- associatedegree
- associate degree
- associate degrees
- associatedegrees
- associates
- associate sb / sth (with sb / sth)
- associate's degree
- associates degree
- associatesdegrees
- associate's degrees
- associate with sb
- associate yourself with sth
- associating
- association
- associations
- as / so far as