标题 | 办健康证在职证明模板 |
范文 | 办健康证在职证明模板(精选3篇) 办健康证在职证明模板 篇1兹证明高山(身份证号:)系本公司(单位)xx部门(用工形式)员工,自20xx年xx月xx日起至今(xx年xx月xx日)已经在本公司(单位)连续工作xx个月,现担任职务。 日期:xx年xx月xx日 办健康证在职证明模板 篇2Certificate of employment Date: To: Consulate-General of America This is to certify that theis assistant marketing manager in our company. She has been working here since . She is allowed to be off work between andto have a trip to America,total days . We guarantee that she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time. All of the traveling expenses will be paid by herself. We agree and will keep her position after she comes back to China. Your sincerely Manager Position: human resources manager Manager Signature: 办健康证在职证明模板 篇3在 职 证 明 兹证明 女士/先生,于 年 月 日出生,身份证号码: ,自 年 月起在我公司工作至今,现担任本公司 经理一职,月收入约为 元。 特此证明! 公司盖章︰ 公司负责人签名: 日 期 |
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