

词汇 raise
🔑raiseraise1 /reɪz /


move upward提升
  1. to lift something举起;抬起If you want to leave the room, raise your hand.如果想离开房间请举手。The captain of the winning team raised the trophy in the air.获胜队的队长把奖杯高高举起。 OPP lower
  1. to increase something or to make something better or stronger增加;提高They've raised their prices a lot since last year.从去年起,他们把价格提高了很多。The hotel needs to raise its standards.这家酒店需要提高水准。There's no need to raise your voice (= speak angrily).你不必提高嗓门儿。 OPP lower
collect money筹款
  1. to get something; obtain筹集;募集;获取We managed to raise nearly $100 for the school at the bake sale.我们在糕点义卖会上设法为学校筹款近 100 美元。
  1. to take care of a child until he / she is an adult抚养;养育You can't raise a family on what I earn.我挣的那点钱没法养活孩子。 SYN bring up
farm animals / crops牲畜;农作物
  1. to make a plant or animal grow so that you can use it饲养;培育;种植In New Zealand, sheep are raised for meat and wool.在新西兰,人们饲养绵羊以获取羊肉和羊毛。
mention subject引出话题
  1. to introduce a subject that needs to be talked about提起,引出(话题)I would like to raise the subject of money.我想谈一谈钱的事。This raises the question of why nothing was done before.这就引发一个问题:为什么之前什么都没有做。
raise your eyebrowsto show that you are surprised or that you do not approve of something扬起眉头(表示惊讶或不赞同)raise / sound the alarmto warn people about something dangerous发出警报I hammered on all the doors to raise the alarm.我敲打所有的门以发出警报。

raiseraise2 /reɪz /


an increase in pay涨工资;加薪I'm going to ask the boss for a raise.我打算要求老板给我加薪。




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