标题 | 2022西宁导游词英语 |
范文 | 2022西宁导游词英语(精选20篇) 2022西宁导游词英语 篇1Xining is an ancient plateau city with a history of more than 2100 years.It was called xipingting in ancient times. It was the place where Zhao Chongguo,the general of the later Han Dynasty, settled his fields, the capital ofNanliang, the throat of the Tang and fan ancient road, the main road of theSouth Silk Road, the gateway of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau to the Central Plains,and one of the birthplaces of Hehuang culture. It has been a bright "Pearl ofthe plateau" since ancient times Leave the most perfect scene. In 20__, Xiningreceived 14.4325 million domestic and foreign tourists, with a total tourismrevenue of 12.683 billion yuan. The eight sceneries in Xining are the eight sceneries in ancientHuangzhong. In the old days, Xining government was called Huangzhong. The eightsceneries are the eight sceneries in and around Xining. They are: the breeze ofShixia, the dawn of Jin'e, the verdant of Wenfeng, the cloud of Fengtai, themoonlit night of Longchi, the spring rise of Huangliu, the waterfall of Wufengand the misty rain of Beishan. It was written by Zhang Sixian, a native ofHuangzhong in the late Qing Dynasty Shixia breeze Shixia Qingfeng is 15 kilometers east of Xining. Shixia, commonly known asXiaoxia, is famous for its dangerous passes in history. During the reign of theworld, it was the main road connecting the East and the West; during the chaosof the world, it was the important door separating the two places. In SongDynasty, Suiyuan pass was built to control the key area, and then Wuding passand De'an pass were built in Qing Dynasty. Xiaoxia also left a moving legend forpeople: in the past, it was surrounded by heavy mountains, and the river wasblocked. Some immortals threw stones to hit the mountains, and the hillscollapsed, and the Huangshui River was connected, forming a majestic Xiaoxia.Today's Xiaoxia, a reinforced concrete arch bridge Flying North and south, theroad is flat as a stone, pedestrians and vehicles flow ceaselessly, dangerouspass into a thoroughfare. Golden moth in the morning Niangniang mountain, also known as golden moth mountain, is located inDatong Hui and Tu Autonomous County. There is a Tianchi Lake on the top of themountain, and there is a commanding height on Niangniang mountain. In themorning, you can watch the sunrise on the mountain, and the sun gushes out fromthe mountains. It is said that the spectacular scene is comparable to that ofMount Tai. Niangniang mountain is famous for its deep and beautiful scenery. Wen Feng To mention this scenic spot is bound to mention a beautiful legend ofNanshan in Xining. It is said that people once built a loft in Nanshan, andPhoenix fell here. Local people regard it as auspicious omen. Later, peoplebuilt Kuixing Pavilion on the mountain in the hope of flourishing local literarystyle. Fengtai Liuyun Xining Nanshan is also called Fenghuang mountain. There is a pavilion onthe mountain, which is called Fenghuang Pavilion. In Nanliang period, FengtaiLiuyun, one of the eight ancient sceneries in Xining, became one of the mostfamous sceneries in Xining. The building complex in Nanshan, with Guandi templeas the center, was built in the eighth year of Yongle of Ming Dynasty. It is awell protected Ming building in Xining. Now the scenic spots on the mountain arenewly built after liberation. Due to the high altitude of Nanshan, Fengtai isoften shrouded in clouds and fog, forming its own scenery. [19] Dragon pool night moon The so-called "dragon pool" refers to a spring located in the southwest ofsujiahewan village in the western suburb of Xining. Because many temples havebeen built here, it is a place with strong fragrance in history. The templeshere were first built in the Ming Dynasty, and then they were built andabandoned again and again. In the late Qing Dynasty, they were called the "FiveDragon Palace" and once flourished. Huangliu spring rise Huangshui River, also known as Xining River, is an important tributary ofthe Yellow River flowing through the north of Xining city. Every spring andsummer, the ice and snow melt in the upper reaches of Huangshui River, and thewater source is sufficient. It flows to Xijiao River, Beichuan River andNanchuan River in Xining, and then flows into Huangshui River successively. As aresult, the river rises suddenly and the waves are turbulent, so it is called"spring rise of Huangshui River", which is one of the eight ancient scenic spotsin Xining. [19] Wufeng waterfall Wufeng waterfall is located in beigounao of Huzhu Tu Autonomous County. Itis named Wufeng mountain because the peak looks like five fingers. Wufengmountain has three wonders: forest, spring and cave. From the dragon palacespring up the stairs is Wufeng temple. Wufeng temple was built in Qianlongperiod of Qing Dynasty. It mainly includes Bodhisattva hall, Longwang Pavilion,Yuhuang palace, Xianggong building and Tongle Pavilion. Wufeng mountain is alsoa popular folk song singing resort in Qinghai, commonly known as "Hua'er"festival. June 6 every year is the most beautiful season in Wufeng mountain, andthe "Hua'er" festival on June 6 in Wufeng mountain is also well-known. Misty rain in Beishan The north mountain of Xining is also known as Tulou mountain. Tuloumountain temple was built on Tulou mountain, and temple was built on the formersite of the temple, formerly known as BeiChan temple, also known as Yongxingtemple. There are many historic sites in Beishan, including Buddhist temples,Taoist temples, brick towers, caves, murals and open-air Buddha. After theexpansion and renovation in the past dynasties, caves were chiseled between thecliffs, and "nine caves and eighteen caves" were successively distributed fromwest to East. The ningshou pagoda on the top of the North Mountain has thearchitectural style of the Tang Dynasty. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇2Today, we flew to Xining, where it was dark at nine o'clock, so we went tobed very late. It's fun to go to the night market there at night. In the night market,there are all kinds of things to eat, wear and play, most of which are eating.There are clothes, shoes, magnets, grilled fish, baking powder, sachets and soon in the night market. I bought a Hami melon, because there is a long time ofsunshine and a lot of sugar accumulation, so it is very sweet. We also boughttwo sachet cakes, one of which is as big as the iron pot cover. I heard thatsachet cakes can be preserved for a month! The next day, we went to Riyue mountain, which is more than 3000 metersabove sea level. When I climbed 2.5 percent, I had altitude reaction, but Istill climbed it. On the way, I rode a white yak. The White Yak's hair was verylong, nearly one meter. Sitting on the white yak, it was very bumpy, and Ialways felt that I was going to fall. I also held the lamb. It was verycomfortable. I also saw the "Princess Wencheng Memorial". It is said that PrincessWencheng is regarded as "GuanShiYin" by Tibetan people! The top of the sun moon mountain is a grassland, green, full of purplishred, yellow flowers. We also saw Qinghai Lake. Qinghai Lake covers an area as big as four HongKong, and is surrounded by golden rape flowers. Like Qinghai Lake, the goldenrape flowers can't be seen at a glance, just like the golden ocean. I took atelescope to see, blue Qinghai Lake color has a deep and shallow, the level isvery obvious. I also saw the "China torpedo experimental base" and heard thatChina's first torpedo was launched there. The next day, we went to Ta'er temple. As soon as we got there, we saw a golden roof. We followed the guide in.According to the guide, there is a red pillar in front of the door, whichrepresents the place where people with high Buddhism teach, and two red pillarsin front of the door represent the Buddhist Academy. There are beautiful patterns on the beams and pillars of the temple, inwhich there are all kinds of Buddhas, as well as the statue of master zongkabawho founded the Yellow religion (Gelu Religion). I want to tell you another divine thing: a bodhi tree grew in the placewhere master zongkaba cut the umbilical cord and dropped blood, and the letterthat master zongkaba sent to his mother actually called "mother". Then hermother built a silver tower with believers' money on the bodhi tree where masterzongkaba cut the umbilical cord and dropped blood. Hundreds of years later, whenrepairing the Silver Tower, she found that the bodhi tree was still alive! Thereason is this The root of a bodhi tree extends to the outside and grows intoanother bodhi tree. The bodhi tree outside the tower transmits energy to thebodhi tree inside the tower, so that the bodhi tree inside the tower has energyto survive. I have also been blessed by the living Buddha touching the top! First Ioffer hada to the living Buddha, and then I am blessed by the living Buddhatouching the top. In Ta'er temple, I also saw some believers worshiping step by step, andthey were all ready to worship. I've also seen butter. Here's what the ghetto does: the monks first puttheir hands in the snow to cool down, then put up the skeleton with iron wire,and then put on the ghetto. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇3Wufeng temple is called Wufeng mountain because the peak here looks likefive fingers. It used to be one of the eight scenic spots in Huangzhong, but nowit is still a famous scenic spot in Qinghai Province. It was built in Qianlongperiod of Qing Dynasty. Its main buildings are Bodhisattva hall, LongwangPavilion, Yuhuang palace, Xianggong tower, Minsheng Pavilion, Tongle Pavilion,etc. It was destroyed in ten years of civil strife. Since 1979, the localgovernment has renovated the paint to give it a new look and listed it as animportant tourist area. Pavilions and pavilions, painted with new colors, attract more tourists'attention. There is a poem: "the five peaks are like the palms of clouds, andthe waterfalls are flying like turbulence. In the summer of June, the sound ofpines is rustling and the sound of water is cold. " Xinzhi of Xining Prefecturesays that it is the most popular scenic spot in Huangzhong because of its fivepeaks, two big springs on the left and right sides of the mountain, and thebeauty of the forest and gully The mountain here is quiet and elegant, with manysprings and small streams, just like a waterfall. The main scenery of Wufeng mountain is three forests, three caves and threesprings. The three forests are pine forest, poplar forest and birch forest. Insummer, the three forests are lush and luxuriant everywhere. In autumn, the pineis green, the poplar is yellow, and the birch is red. The layers of the forestsare dyed with their own characteristics. The three caves are East cave, Westcave and North cave. The East cave is 8m deep, 3M high and 3M wide; the Westcave is 7m deep, 2m high and 3M wide; the North cave is 10m deep, 3M high and 4mwide. Inside the cave, the dew is cold and the moss is green. It has a specialcharm. The three springs are Chenghua spring, Yinquan spring and Chakou spring.Among the three springs, Chenghua spring has the best water quality, which is asclear as dew, as fine as spray beads, and as sweet as Qiong liquid. The springwater gushes through the Stone Carving Dragon's mouth and flows down the sevenlevel stone wall to form a waterfall. The water splashes along the mountainpath. Around the spring stone, there are poems such as "the mountains aresecluded, the forests are quieter, the songs of the world are endless, the birdsare singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the water in the spring flowscontinuously". It is said that if you drink the water from Chenghua spring onJune 6, you will be able to eliminate disasters and diseases within a year, andeverything will go well, so it is also called "Longgong spring". Yinquan islocated in the north of Chenghua spring, surrounded by Penghao, so it is named.The spring is clear and charming, and you can learn from it. On June 6 everyyear, when Wufeng Temple meets, pilgrims from all over the world often sacrificefragrant flowers to the spring, and many people rush to drink. The Chakou springis not far from the gate of Wufeng temple. It rolls out from the cliff and fallsdown along the stone wall. It sprays beads and splashes jade. It trickles andgurgles. Wufeng mountain is also a popular folk song singing resort in QinghaiProvince, commonly known as "Huaer Festival". June 6 every year is the mostbeautiful season of Wufeng mountain, and Wufeng mountain's "Huaer Festival" onJune 6 is also famous. At that time, singers from all walks of life in NorthwestChina will gather on Wufeng mountain, singing loudly and soundly, singing fromdawn till late at night, "Wufeng June singing Festival, eight townships and fourfields looking for bosom friends." Such a large-scale mass art festival addssplendor to the grand scene of Wufeng. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇4Dear tourist friends, after leaving Daotang River and the legend ofPrincess Wencheng, we will arrive at our beautiful and rich Qinghai Lake.Qinghai Lake is called "Xihai" in ancient times, "cuowenbu" in Tibetan languageand "kukuroer" in Mongolian language Do you know why it's called "kukuroer", The Mongolian people call QinghaiLake "kukuzhuoer", which is what we call "kukuruoer". Modern geological researchshows that the Qinghai Lake was formed about 20 million years ago, and now theQinghai Tibet Plateau is a vast ocean. Later, due to the compression of thecontinental plate and the crustal movement, the seabed gradually uplifted, TheQinghai Tibet Plateau, known as "the third pole in the world", has graduallyformed. The Qinghai Lake was formed by fault collapse in the process of crustaluplift. There are also some very interesting legends about its formation. Forexample, it was formed by 108 rivers from the youngest son of the old DragonKing in Crystal Palace. For another thing, when the monkey king was in the sky,Fight with Erlang God. Erlang God was chased here, feeling hungry and thirsty,and found the holy spring covered by stone slabs. After he ran to drink a lot,he forgot to cover the stone slabs, and the holy spring rolled out and mergedinto a great lake. At this time, the monkey king had caught up with him. ErlangGod quickly grabbed five stones, Later, these five stones turned into five smallislands in the lake. Erlang Shen didn't even care about the food he cooked. Whenhe ran, he accidentally kicked over the pot. There was salt in the pot and itfell into the lake. From then on, the lake became salty. More than that, hissalt pocket was torn and spilled, leaking salt all the way This is the legend of Qinghai Lake. You can see the shining mirror in frontof you, which is embedded between the snow capped mountains and the vastgrassland. It is Qinghai Lake. It covers an area of more than 4400 squarekilometers, 106 kilometers from east to west, 63 kilometers from north to south,with an average depth of 19 meters and an elevation of more than 3260 meters.Now, Qinghai Lake is the largest inland salt lake in China, Qinghai Lake hasbecome one of the four major tourist areas in Qinghai Province, and hasinitially formed a tourism belt around the lake, which is mainly sightseeing,entertainment, leisure and vacation We are now in the lakeside area of Qinghai Lake. It is an ideal summerresort with flat and open terrain, abundant water resources and mild climate.Not only that, it is also an important animal husbandry base in QinghaiProvince, with rich pasture and fertile land, which are feeding herds of cattleand sheep. Before summer and autumn, the vast grassland is like a layer of greencarpet, and various wild flowers are colorful, The green carpet is decoratedlike brocade and satin. There are a lot of neat farmland around. The wheat wavesare rolling, and the rape flowers are golden. The lake is full of green waves.The white seagulls are chasing the fish sails in the air. The herdsmen's tentsare scattered all over the place. The sunrise and sunset scenery is full ofpoetic and refreshing 2022西宁导游词英语 篇5Dear tourists Hello! First of all, please allow me to represent you___ The staff of thetravel agency warmly welcome you to Xiamen for sightseeing! Xiamen is located in the southeast of China, on both sides of the Chinese TaiwanStrait, backed by Zhangzhou and Quanzhou plains, facing the Jinmen Islands. Itis a charming port and scenic tourist city. The city is composed of XiamenIsland, Gulangyu Island and some coastal areas on the North Bank of the inlandJiulongjiang River, with a total area of 1565 square kilometers. It has sevendistricts, Kaiyuan, Siming, Huli, Gulangyu, Jimei, Xinglin and Tong'an, with apopulation of 1.31 million___ In 20__, the city's GDP reached 50.1 billion yuanand its total financial revenue reached 9.15 billion yuan. Xiamen dialect is oneof the eight major dialects in China. As a tourist city, the overall style of Xiamen is "city on the sea, sea inthe city". Xiamen has 340 square kilometers of sea area and 234 kilometers ofcoastline, including 28 kilometers of deepwater coastline. Gulangyu Island withan area of 1.91 square kilometers and Xiamen island with an area of 133.54square kilometers are surrounded by sea water. Xiamen Island is connected withthe mainland outside the island by Xiamen bridge, Haicang Bridge and Jimeiseawall. Xiamen is just a river away from Chinese Taiwan. Xiamen Jiaoyu is 1.31 nauticalmiles away from Chinese Taiwan's Kinmen Island, and Xiamen port is 165 nautical milesaway from Chinese Taiwan's Kaohsiung port. Tourists: Xiamen has a long history, but it has only been a port city forseveral hundred years. The history of Xiamen can be summed up in two sentences.The first sentence is "Tong'an in ancient times, Xiamen today". Tongan countywas first established in 282 ad, with a history of more than 1700 years. Tongancounty was set up for the second time in 933. From the perspective ofadministrative division, from the second establishment of Tongan county to the19th___ Xiamen Island and its surrounding islands were all part of Tong'anCounty until Siming county was set up. In 1935, the executive yuan of thenational government changed Siming County into Xiamen City, which became thefirst city in Fujian Province, earlier than Fuzhou, the provincial capital___Year. After the founding of new China, the administrative region of Xiamen citygradually expanded and upgraded, and Tong'an county was incorporated into Xiamencity. At present, Xiamen is a special economic zone, a vice provincial city anda city under separate planning. The second sentence is "the key to Chinese Taiwan and the gateway to theSoutheast". This sentence points out Xiamen's strategic position in military andtransportation in China's history and reality. As an important militarystronghold along the coast of Fujian, the Ming government built Xiamen City onXiamen Island in 1394 and stationed troops to defend it. Since the second halfof the 16th century, Xiamen has not only become the most important port for theoverseas Chinese in Fujian, but also gradually replaced the Erythrina port inQuanzhou and the moon port in Zhangzhou, becoming an important port in thesoutheast coast of China. In the middle of the 17th century, Zheng Chenggong, anational hero, took Xiamen as the base of "resisting the Qing Dynasty, expellingthe Dutch and restoring the Ming Dynasty", actively developed foreign trade onthe sea, and recovered Chinese Taiwan, the treasure island of the motherland. Soonafter, the Qing government took Xiamen as its base and sent troops to unifyChinese Taiwan. Subsequently, the Qing government set up Chinese Taiwan Xiamen military road inXiamen to manage the affairs of Xiamen and Chinese Taiwan, and then set up a customs inXiamen. After the Opium War between China and Britain in the middle of the 19thcentury, Xiamen was set up as one of the five ports. Foreign economy and tradehave been further developed. The climate of Xiamen is subtropical marine monsoon climate. There is nosevere cold in winter and no cold in summer. The annual average temperature is21 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 1200 mm. In January, the lowesttemperature in a year, the average temperature is 12.6 ℃. The climate ispleasant and suitable for traveling all year round. Tourists: to understand Xiamen, it is necessary to know its city flowers,trees and birds. The city bird of Xiamen is egret. Egret is a beautiful andelegant bird. It used to live in Xiamen Island. In addition, Xiamen island lookslike egret, so it is known as Egret Island. The trees and flowers of Xiamen arephoenix trees and triangle plum. Fenghuang is a typical tree species withbeautiful branches and leaves. In summer, the city is full of shade and redflowers, symbolizing the construction of Xiamen Special Economic Zone in fullswing. The triangle plum is simple, easy to breed, has many kinds of flowers andcolors, and can be used as bonsai. Egret, Phoenix wood and triangle plum are thecity flowers, trees and birds of Xiamen, which better reflect the style ofXiamen, the character of Xiamen people and the take-off scene of Xiamen SpecialEconomic Zone. The transportation in Xiamen is very convenient. Modern tourism servicefunction is relatively perfect. Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport has opened 76domestic and international routes, including flights to Singapore, Penang, KualaLumpur, Manila, Jakarta, Osaka, Nagoya and Bangkok. There are about 380 flightsa week, and 22 airlines operate in the airport. It is one of the main aviationhubs in East China. High grade highways and expressways connect all parts of thecountry. Trains, passenger ships, buses and taxis are also very convenient. Theconstruction area of the first phase is 150000 square meters, with interiordecoration___ Xiamen International Convention and exhibition center withinternational standard booths___ It was officially put into use on September 8,20__, and successfully held the fourth China investment and trade fair. "110"joint action system, "120" emergency rescue system, "98161" tourism consultingservice are relatively sound. The nightscape projects in Gulangyu, huankudu lakeand Zhongshan Road are of high quality. Xiamen is one of the best cities in China in terms of environmentalquality, and has the reputation of "the warmest city". It has been awarded thetitles of "national health city", "national environmental protection modelcity", "national garden city", "China's excellent tourism city" and "China's topten residential cities"___ In 20__, the environmental protection investmentindex of Xiamen was 2.12%, the green coverage rate of urban built-up area was37.7%, the urban sewage treatment rate and domestic waste treatment rate were60.51% and 97.75% respectively, the average value of regional environmentalnoise was 56.3 dB, the urban air pollution index was 42, and the standard rateof urban drinking water source was 98.18%. At the same time, Xiamen NationalNature Reserve for rare marine species is also set up, focusing on egret,Chinese white dolphin, amphioxus, etc. Xiamen has a variety of scenic spots, mountains and sea. Islands, reefs,mountains, rocks, temples, flowers and trees are set off against each other. Thelocal customs of overseas Chinese, the customs of Southern Fujian, coastal foodand foreign buildings are integrated into a picturesque "sea garden". There isWanshi mountain on Gulangyu Island, a national key scenic spot. Zheng Chenggong,a national hero, has made great achievements in training troops, opening up thesea and recovering Chinese Taiwan, the treasure island of the motherland, which is stillthought-provoking and respected. The subtropical plant treasure house has formeda good environment for people to live in harmony with nature, which makes peoplerelaxed and happy. Here is Jimei, the hometown of the patriotic overseas Chineseleader, Tan Kah Kee: the boat race on the Dragon Boat pool is like an arrow offthe string; Daonan building, Nanxun building and Aoyuan blend Nanyangarchitectural style and Minnan traditional crafts, which is amazing; the Jimeilearning village invested by Mr. Chen Kah Kee is famous at home and abroad, andthe "spirit of Kah Kee" inspires generation after generation of Chinese to studyand save the country. There are Hulishan fort, an important ancient militarysite, the world's ancient cannon king, the world's largest existing ancientcoastal cannon, rare exhibitions of ancient Chinese and foreign swords, swords,guns, cannons and rare stones, and the famous thousand year old temple Nanputuotemple. There are also beautiful beaches such as gangchaihou, dadeji, Baishi andHuangcuo, qingjiao Tzu Chi palace dedicated to Baosheng Emperor Wu Zhenren,former residences and memorial halls of Su Song, Lu Xun, Oriental philosopherLin Yutang and angel Lin Qiaozhi, as well as overseas Chinese Museum, humanhistory museum of Xiamen University and Xiamen Museum . In recent years, XiamenChinese Taiwan folk custom village, Gulangyu Piano Museum, Bridge Museum, Gulangyu"underwater world", Jimei Aerospace Science and Technology City, Tong'an filmand television entertainment city and two international golf country clubs havebeen built. In order to give full play to the advantages of the sea, Xiamen hasmade great efforts to develop marine tourism. At present, we have opened up asea tour line, and dozens of cruise ships are engaged in sea tourism. Watermotor boats, luxury speedboats, sports sailboards, power umbrellas and other seaand air tourism projects are on the rise. At the same time, the luxury liner"lion star" of Star Cruises company visits Xiamen every week from April toOctober every year. Xiamen Cuisine has a long history and unique flavor. Mainly seafood, withthe characteristics of "clear, fresh, light, crisp, slightly spicy". XiamenCuisine originated in the Northern Song Dynasty and was originally a school ofFujian cuisine. Since the 1990s, Xiamen Cuisine has come to the fore from Fujiancuisine. It has become a school of its own, forming four series of seafooddishes, antique medicinal meals, Putuo vegetarian dishes and famous snacks. Xiamen's economy is full of vitality. At present, "two, three, one"industrial development path has been formed. In the second industry, we willfocus on the development of the three pillar industries of electronics,machinery and chemical industry, as well as the emerging industries ofinformation and biology, cultivate two to three enterprises with an output valueof more than 10 billion, and build a number of enterprises with an output valueof more than 1 billion. Foreign funded and Chinese Taiwan funded enterprises are themain force of the secondary industry. Xianglu, Kodak, Dell, Zhengxin and TDK areamong the best. The development goal of the tertiary industry is to build aregional international shipping, tourism and business center. "A city is like a flower, half leaning on a stone, and ten thousand greenhills embracing the sea." Xiamen today is beautiful, Xiamen tomorrow will bemore beautiful. Once again, on behalf of the travel agency, I warmly welcome alltourists to Xiamen for sightseeing and vacation. Xiamen will leave you a warmand charming experience. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇6Hefei, has a long history, called LuZhou, also known as LuYang, located in central anhui province, is located in the north shore between jianghuai, chaohu, east city, west city, 4 areas in the city, the suburb and changfeng, FeiDong, FeiXi 3 counties. The city of a total area of 7266 (458) square kilometers and a population of 425.9 127.94 (city). City road wide, tree-lined, beautiful scenery, many modern buildings, places of interest, is an ancient and young city. As the capital of anhui province, hefei is the province's political, economic, science and education, culture, information, finance, trade center and transportation hub, is also the national grade a open city, the national important scientific research and education base, with China university of science and technology and so on more than 30 universities. High-tech industrial park, the synchrotron radiation laboratory and other renowned Chinese and foreign. "The name, hefei". Northern wei li daoyuan's "water the note" : "the summer water surge, for at shi, the yue at." Usually called shi water nanfeihe river, water is called east fei rivers, this is a saying. One suggested another way of saying that in the tang dynasty, at the water out of the mountain chicken calls, 20 miles points north flow into two, one of the southeast flow (nanfeihe river), passing through into the chaohu lake; One (east fei rivers), northwest ShouChun into the huaihe river in two hundred. The journal, it is pointed out that "belong to different with yue fat". Two water are at, suitable for a source, points to two, yue in hefei. Hefei notoriously, the hometown of the triple return, bao zheng, at the world, with "huai right inner pipes, jiangnan lips" strategic position, often for the mohican. In The Three Kingdoms wei will zhang liao defeat sun quan xiaoyao jin comply to the army battle, namely happen here. More than two thousand years ago, had begun to form business will be here. Qin and han in the county, the Ming and qing for LuZhou FuZhi, republic of China, is the capital of anhui province, is now thousand Qiang scale times, merchants radial business will be. Hefei, known as "green city", "garden city" reputation, the ring park was built on the basis of the ancient city walls, hefei hill along the undulating hills, the terrain, together with the original green belt and the moat, fine building. Total length of about 9 km, ring park is divided into six scenic area, among the more famous south, Xia He morning dew of the Milky Way area; Lake mountain set each other off, water, green maple red xishan scenic spot; Trees, lawns evergreen HuanBei scenic spot. This ring park, without a gap of the wall surface of water, and a fascinating scenic jiangnan scenery. Hefei economy by leaps and bounds in recent years, urban construction changes with each passing day, the five flying things over, LuZhou colorful lights. High and new technology development zone, economic and technological development zone, longgang industrial zone surrounding the Mosaic. Through the city at the water park around the city like a jade necklace; Free and unfettered ancient ferry, hatosy xiuse, yao hai park such as pearl strew; Of shushan chunxiao, bao cemetery, teach crossbow traces of brahman clocks, prince, roaming, meanwhile, ancient theory today, make people linger on. Hefei many places of interest. Once upon a time, there was the town huai Angle of rhyme, the buddhist temple bell, hidden boat grass color, teach crossbow SongYin, of shushan xue ji, huai PuChunRong, chaohu night, four top sunglow eight place, generally referred to as the "LuYang eight sights". The chaohu lake night, four sunglow scene, such as has not in hefei; Town huai Angle of rhyme, etc, because over time, things change, has collapsed, become history. Now the places of interest to teach crossbows, zoroastrianism temple, free ferry, bao temple, etc. The most famous. Hefei the jie people spirit, celebrities, star turning, reform and opening up to hefei has brought a new era. Today, guided by positive science city, industrial city, garden city, rewarded brand-new posture, smile to maintaining truthful to meet, know more friends all over the world. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇7Hello, everyone! Welcome to Hunan for sightseeing. "I want to have a dreamand a bright future in Hibiscus country." Hunan is the hometown of Mao Zedong.It has beautiful scenery, long history and profound culture. It can be said thatit is a treasure of nature and outstanding people. Hunan is located in the South Bank of the middle reaches of the YangtzeRiver. It is named "Hunan" because it is located in the south of Dongting Lake,the second largest freshwater lake in China. In history, the name of "Hunan"first appeared in the administrative division, which began in the second year ofGuangde in Tang Dynasty (the "Hunan observation envoy" was set up in Hunan),that is, in 764 ad. Hunan is adjacent to Hubei in the north, Guangdong andGuangxi in the south, Jiangxi in the East, Chongqing and Guizhou in the West. Ithas an important strategic position of connecting the East and the West inChina. With a total area of more than 210000 square kilometers and a populationof more than 67 million, the province has residents of 56 ethnic groups livinghere. It has jurisdiction over one autonomous prefecture and 13 prefecture levelcities. Hunan is called "Xiang" for short. People often use "three Xiangsi and fourrivers" to express the whole territory of Hunan, and "Furong country" is also agood name for Hunan. "Xiang" is named for its mother river, Xiangjiang River.The "three Xiang" of "three Xiang and four rivers" means that the water of Xiangis called "Lixiang" when it flows with Li water at the origin, Xiaoxiang when itflows with Xiaoshui at the middle reaches, and steaming Hunan when it flows withsteam water at the lower reaches. "Four Rivers" refers to the four major watersystems throughout Hunan: Xiangjiang River, Zijiang River, Yuanjiang River andLishui river. Therefore, "three Xiangsi rivers" refers to the whole territory ofHunan. Hunan has the reputation of "Furong country" because Sanxiang has atradition of planting shuifurong (Lotus) and Mufurong (Mulian) since ancienttimes. Tang Dynasty poet Tan Yongzhi once wrote in his poem rain in theXiangjiang River in autumn: "the autumn wind is thousands of miles, the lotuscountry, and the rain is thousands of families, the village of Xue Li." Ofcourse, Comrade Mao Zedong's sentence "I want to have a few dreams, and thebeauty of Hibiscus" in "seven laws to answer friends" makes it famous all overthe world. The topography of Hunan is like a horseshoe shaped opening to the north. Itis surrounded by mountains in the East, West and south, and only opens toDongting Lake in the north. This topographical feature determines that therivers in Hunan do not "go to the East", but "go to the north of XiangjiangRiver" and pour 800 Li into Dongting Lake. When you walk into Hunan, it's hardto see a smooth scene. The hills and lakes, mountains and lakes form the mainbody. It's like wearing a zigzag and pitching coat on the land of Hunan. Underthis coat, there are abundant mineral resources. There are 111 kinds of mineralsdiscovered in Hunan Province and 83 kinds of proven reserves. Among thenonferrous metal mines, the reserves of antimony rank first in the world,tungsten and titanium rank first in China, and manganese and vanadium ranksecond in China. Among the non-metallic minerals, fluorite, barite, feldspar,sepiolite, kaolin, albite and other reserves, output and quality are in theforefront of the country. Hunan is known as "the hometown of nonferrous metals"and "the hometown of non metals". Hunan has a subtropical humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasonsand an average temperature of about 17 ℃. In spring, the temperature ischangeable, sometimes with "plum blossom and yellow rain"; in summer, the hotperiod is long, known as "stove"; in autumn, although there are many droughts,the air is crisp; in winter, the cold period is short, occasionally withauspicious snow, indicating a good harvest. Hunan has a long history and the culture of Hunan and Chu is extensive andprofound. According to archaeological findings, primitive people have beenliving in Hunan since 50000-100000 years ago. The excavation of Chengtoushansite in Lixian County proves that the primitive people in Hunan had alreadybegun to live a settled farming life as early as 9000 years ago. In ancienttimes, Chiyou fought with Yanhuang tribes and fled to Hunan after defeat, wherea tribal group called "Sanmiao" was formed. During the spring and Autumn periodand the Warring States period, Chu forces crossed the Yangtze River and DongtingHunan, and the Central Plains culture merged with the local culture, forming aunique style of Chu culture. At that time, Hunan's economic development reacheda fairly advanced level, the manufacture and use of bronze ware became moreextensive, and began to enter the iron age. During the Qin and Han Dynasties,Hunan's economy and culture got further development. The silk books, silkpaintings, silk fabrics and other cultural relics unearthed from Mawangdui Hantomb fully reflected the level of craft and cultural development at that time.By the time of the Three Kingdoms, there were three pillars in the world. HunanProvince was bounded by the Xiangjiang River and belonged to the sphere ofinfluence of Shu and Wu. In 219 ad, Sun Wu seized the whole territory of Hunanand ruled for 60 years. After the Wei, Jin and southern and Northern Dynasties,Hunan gradually became rich and prosperous, and its agriculture developed byleaps and bounds, and began to become an important rice producing area andsupply place in China. After the Song Dynasty, the water conservancy in DongtingLake area and Sishui River Basin was strengthened day by day, and Hunan became awell-known "land of fish and rice", and gradually gained the reputation of"well-known in the world". Hunan people who "worry about the world and dare tobe the first" began to show their skills from the end of Qing Dynasty to thebeginning of the Republic of China, so that there is a saying that "the generalof Zhongxing, Hunan in the 19th century". In the reform movement, Hunan was "themost dynamic province". During the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution, Hunan Leaguefirst responded to and supported the uprising with practical actions, which madeHunan in the forefront of the revolution. After the May 4th movement, Mao Zedongrushed from Shaoshan to the stage of Chinese history and opened a new page ofChinese revolution. The first battle of the Red Army's long march was on theXiangjiang River. Hunan was also an important battlefield in the Anti Japanesewar. From 1939 to 1942, the Chinese and Japanese armies fought in Changsha forthree times, especially the third battle. It was the first great victory of theAllies after the Pacific War, which made the Chinese fight. "Eight years fromLugou, a paper down the book out of Zhijiang." On August 21, 1945, the Japanesearmy submitted the letter of surrender to the Chinese people in Zhijiang, HunanProvince. The eight year Anti Japanese war ended with the victory of the Chinesepeople. "When the river goes to the East, the waves will be washed out, and peopleof all ages will be famous." Looking back at the history of Hunan, how manytalented people in Hunan "hit the water in the middle stream, and the wavesstopped the boats" in the long river of Chinese history and culture? AncientHunan was known as the wild land of "Nanman", which became the exile place ofthe criminal generals since the Warring States period. However, it was thearrival of these guilty ministers that brought Hunan precious cultural wealth.Qu Yuan was demoted to Yuanli valley of Hunan Province for many years, andcreated "Sao style". Lisao, Jiuge and Tianwen were published, which created aprecedent in the cultural history. Song Yu exiled linli for 40 years, inheritedthe literary form of "Ci" and carried it forward. Jia Yi was demoted to Changshafor 4 years in the Western Han Dynasty, and wrote "Ode to Qu Yuan" and "Ode topengniao", which started the Han Dynasty. In Tang Dynasty, Liu Zongyuan and LiuYuxi were demoted to Hunan, where they also found the source of creation. LiuZongyuan's "on feudalism", "Tian Shuo" and "eight chapters of Yongzhou" cameout; Liu Yuxi completed the famous political paper "Tian Lun" and created hisown "Zhuzhi Ci", which opened a new generation of poetry. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Li qunyu, the first great poet in China,Ouyang Xun, Ouyang Tong and huaisu, the first class calligraphers in China, ZhouDunyi, the founder of Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism and Wang Fuzhi, were born inHunan. "Only Chu has talent, and it is prosperous here." This couplet at the headof Yuelu Academy is the best summary of modern Hunan talents. Under theinfluence of Huxiang culture with the core of "managing the world for practicaluse", the reform pioneers Tao Shu, Wei Yuan, Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, anational hero in the Qing Dynasty, and later Tan Sitong, Huang Xing, Cai E, ChenTianhua, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and other Sanxiang heroes were created here. After the founding of new China, among the 52 leaders of the centralgovernment, 18 are from Hunan; among the 10 marshals, 3 are from Hunan; amongthe 10 generals, 6 are from Hunan; among the 57 generals, 19 are from Hunan;among the 100 generals, 45 are from Hunan. Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and Hu Yaobangsuccessively served as the state presidents, and Zhu Rongji served as the StateCouncil. In addition, a large number of cultural celebrities, such as Qi Baishi,Yang Shuda, Tian Han, Shen Congwen, Ding Ling and Zhou Gucheng, are alsowell-known at home and abroad. "It's all the past. I'll count the celebrities and look at the present."Today's Hunan people, adhering to the fine traditions of their predecessors andresponding to the call of the central government to "build a harmonioussociety", are making great strides towards a well-off society. Long history, distinctive culture, talented people, colorful ethnic customsand beautiful natural scenery endow Hunan with rich and unique tourismresources. There are Dongting Lake and Yueyang Tower with the same color ofwater and sky, Nanyue Hengshan with the unique beauty of five mountains, themausoleum of Emperor Yan and Emperor Shun, the paradise of peach blossomdescribed by Tao Yuanming, Zhangjiajie scenic spot listed in the world naturalheritage list by UNESCO, and so on; There are the former residences ofcontemporary revolutionary leaders Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, as well as worldcultural celebrities Qu Yuan, Cai Lun and Qi Baishi; there are world-famouscultural relics unearthed from Mawangdui Han tomb and the ancient city site ofChengtoushan in Lixian County, which is one of the top ten archaeologicaldiscoveries in China; there are also archaeological discoveries such as Zoumaloubamboo slips of Dongwu, Liye ancient city of Warring States and Qin bambooslips. Of course, the unique ethnic customs such as Tujia weeping marriage, Miaosilver ornaments and Jiangyong women's calligraphy will also make youlinger. With the rapid development of Hunan tourism, Hunan provincial governmenthas taken tourism as a pillar industry to support and build. At present, Hunantourism has been blooming everywhere, and seven tourism routes have beenlaunched, namely Changsha Huaminglou Shaoshan (famous city celebrity tour),Changsha Quzici Yueyang (Xiangchu culture tour), Changsha Zhangjiajie WangcunJishou Fenghuang (landscape and ethnic customs tour), Changsha Nanyue Chenzhou(religious culture and ecological tour), Changsha Liangshan (Geologicalspectacle tour), and Changsha Liangshan (Geological spectacle tour) YanEmperor's Mausoleum - Shun emperor's Mausoleum (root seeking and ancestorworship tour), Changsha - Taojiang - Taohuayuan (idyllic scenery tour). At thesame time, some special tourism festivals have been launched: YueyangInternational Dragon Boat Festival, nanyueshou Cultural Festival and templefair, Liuyang International Fireworks Festival, Zhangjiajie International ForestProtection Festival, Taohuayuan garden fair, Zhuzhou Yan Emperor Mausoleummemorial ceremony, Huaihua Dong Cultural Tourism Festival, Chenzhou landscapeFestival, etc. Hunan is rich in natural resources, and its local products are also richand colorful. The famous handicrafts include Xiang embroidery, Liling underglazeporcelain, Liuyang chrysanthemum stone, Yiyang peach stone carving, XiangxiTujia brocade, Tujia paste painting, Miao silver ornaments, etc.; the famousspecialties include Junshan silver needle tea, Guzhang Maojian tea, Xianglian,Dongting silver fish, Liuyang Douchi, furongwang tobacco, Jiugui Liquor, Baishatop grade tobacco, etc. "Hot girls are hot, hot girls are not afraid of being hot when they areyoung." when you hear song Zuying's "hot girls", you will immediately think ofred peppers. Yes, we Hunan people are famous for not being spicy. Hunan cuisine,as one of the eight major cuisines in China, has a history of more than 3000years. After a long period of development, there are more than 4000 cuisines,including more than 300 famous cuisines. To travel in Hunan, it's natural totaste authentic Hunan cuisine. We Hunan people will certainly receive the guestsall over the world with hot enthusiasm! There are endless beautiful scenery and amorous feelings in Sanxiang.Please open your heart and follow me carefully! 2022西宁导游词英语 篇8Xishan Park is located in the west of Guilin City, covering an area ofabout 2 square kilometers, including Yinshan and Xishan. Xishan was once a holyland of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty, with xiqinglin temple, one of the fiveBuddhist temples in the south at that time. Today, there are more than 90 nichesand more than 200 statues on the mountain wall. Before the Ming and QingDynasties, there used to be a 700 Mu West Lake at the southeast foot of the westmountain. The lotus pond was full of moonlight, and the smoke was curling. Inthe lake, an exquisite Hill loomed, which was named Yinshan. After that, no onedredged it, so it was silted. Today, there are only 74 mu of lake surface and 25mu of lotus pond. At present, the main scenic spots in China are six caves inYinshan, Xifeng, Guanyin peak, Longtou peak, Qianshan and babushi gold tomb,Guilin Museum, Kumamoto Friendship Museum, fazang temple in Yinshan, West Lake,Jiuqu bridge and pavilions. It has become the second largest comprehensive parkin Guilin. The gate of Xishan Park is located in the north of the east section ofXishan Road, opposite to the parking lot and bus stop. It is the gate of thepark and the entrance to the museum, Xishan and West Lake. It is composed of agroup of pavilions and corridors. It was built in October 1980. The mainentrance is decorated with 4 columns, 3 openings, Tongji, green tiles, and cloudhead with a famous calligrapher Qigong inscribed "Xishan Park". On the east sideof the main entrance is a corridor with sloping roof, green tiles and glazedwindows, which is connected with the circular arch at the entrance and exit. Onthe east side of the arch is a ticket booth. In front of the garden gate, thereis a 1200 square meter open terrace with a flower bed. The total area of thebuilding is 585 square meters. The whole garden gate is in harmony with thescenery in the garden, which is elegant and elegant. Guilin museum is located in Xishan Park. It started preparation in 1963,built in 1986, completed in June 1988 and opened in December of the same year.It is a local museum with Guilin history and culture as its main content. Itcovers an area of 9000 square meters and a construction area of 8500 squaremeters. It consists of the preface hall, the lecture hall, the reception hall,the information room, the cultural relics storeroom and eight exhibition halls.There are "Guilin Historical Relics Exhibition", "Guangxi minority customsExhibition", "international friends gift Exhibition", "Ming and Qing porcelainexhibition", etc. There are 21500 cultural relics in the collection. Inaddition, exhibitions of various works of art are often held. Guilin Kumamoto museum is in Xishan Park. It was completed in October 1990.The building area is 947.2 square meters, and the memorial garden is 1200 squaremeters. Japanese residential architectural style. It is composed of permanentexhibition hall, special exhibition hall and memorial garden. The permanentexhibition hall is equipped with Japanese badie room and tea ceremony room, aswell as photos and traditional crafts of Kumamoto. The special exhibition hallheld various exchange and exhibition activities between the two cities. Japanesestyle gardens reflect the customs and tastes of Kumamoto residents. Kumamotomuseum is the crystallization and symbol of friendly cooperation between thepeople of the two cities. Xishan is located in the east section of Xishan Road, Xiufeng District, onthe west side of Hunan Guangxi railway, 2 kilometers away from the downtownsquare. It is composed of 12 peaks, mainly including Qianshan, Liyu, Xifeng,Guanyin, etc., with Xifeng being the highest. It is composed of Upper Devonianless pure limestone strata 350 million years ago. There is a peak valley in thepeaks of the Western Hills, where the Soviet Army Lieutenant Colonel Babushkinwho supported China's Anti Japanese war was buried. In the west of the valley isQianshan Mountain, which is steep and steep, and is a barrier between the northand the South; in the northeast is Liyu peak, which is like a giant fish leapingover the water; in the northwest is the main peak of the west mountain, which isthe West peak; in the north by west is Guanyin peak, under which is a dangerousrock like Longtou peak, which is also called "Longtou stone forest". Xishan used to be an ancient Buddhist resort. In the Tang and SongDynasties, the temples here were brilliant and scattered. In Tang Dynasty, thereare famous xiqinglin temple, also known as Yanling temple and Xifeng temple; inSong Dynasty, there are Ziqing temple and Qianshan temple. At that time, eminentmonks, celebrities, good men and women traveled here in an endless stream. Thereare more than 200 cliff statues in Qianshan, Liyu peak, Guanyin peak and Longtoustone forest, most of which are works of the Tang Dynasty. In recent years, the stone mountain has been afforested and planted withpines and cypresses, covering 39% of the area. It is only today that Mo Xiufu ofTang Dynasty said in Guilin local customs that "the peaks and hills are full ofteeth, and the clouds and trees reflect each other, making it a place for agovernment to win and travel.". Guanyin peak is located in the west of Xishan Park, 328 meters above sealevel, with a relative height of 178 meters, second only to Xifeng. This is thetreasure house of cliff statues. You can climb to the top of the peak along thestone steps. There are dozens of niches of Buddha statues on the side of theroad. There are more than 100 statues, which are 2 meters high and tens ofcentimeters small. There is the famous pilushena Buddha on the half ridge, whichwas created by Li Shi in 679, the first year of Tiaolu in Tang Dynasty. Theniche is a natural grotto, 3.8 meters high and 2.6 meters wide; the statue is1.20 meters high and 0.79 meters wide, sitting on the lotus platform; theplatform is 0.52 meters high. The lotus Bodhisattva sits 0.9 meters high besidethe Buddha, one on each side. There is "statue" below. There is Xifeng pavilionnot far away. Xifeng is not only a Buddhist cultural relic resort, but also agood place to enjoy the landscape, buildings and clouds in the west of thecity. Xifeng is located in the west of Xishan Park. It is connected with Guanyin,Qianshan and Liyu. It is located in the west of the three peaks. The sea levelis 357 meters, the relative height is 107 meters, the East-West length is 1600meters, the North-South width is 97 meters, and the mountain area is 82.25hectares. Looking at the West Peak from afar, it is the highest peak of the westmountain. Every dusk, the setting sun sprinkles all over the world, and thegolden light is thousands of ways. It is the "Xifeng sunset" of Guilin's eightfamous sceneries. Xifeng Pavilion is located on the hillside of Liyu peak. It is a good placeto enjoy the sunset of Xifeng peak. It is called Xifeng Pavilion. Originally awooden structure, it was built in 1958 and later abandoned. Now it is on theWest platform of the old site. A new reinforced concrete upper structure isbuilt. The octagonal pavilion with single eaves, zanjianding, Zhuzhu and Lvwa is10 meters high, 8.3 meters long and 8.3 meters wide, covering an area of 71square meters. Zhou You's stone hurdles are inscribed by Huang Miaozi, a famouscalligrapher and painter, and couplets under them. They are "a view of athousand peaks around the world; a small pavilion with a breeze". They areattractive to linger around. The scenery is very beautiful, and the forest isquiet. They open up blocks and enjoy peace. Qianshan is located in the southeast of Xifeng in Xishan Park. The sealevel is 357 meters and the relative height is 207 meters. Qianshan temple wasbuilt in the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty (627-649). It was rebuilt in SongDynasty. Zhang Xiaoxiang and Li zengbo, the pacifier of Guangxi, engraved threecharacters "Qianshan Temple" on the side of the temple, which were abandoned fora long time. Qianshan Mountain is lush with beautiful scenery. Fang Xiaoru, apoet of the Song Dynasty, built "country mountain forest" and engraved fourcharacters on the stone to accompany his mother. It is a zigzag and quiet scenicroad from the existing Shideng to the peak. Qianshan temple is built on the Qianshan Mountain in Xishan Park. It wasbuilt between Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty and rebuilt in Song Dynasty. High andpowerful, with a wide field of vision, it is a place of great tourism. In theSong Dynasty, Zhang Xiaoxiang's Qianshan Guanji says: "Qiandao bingxu (1166)passed through Zhang in the Yang Dynasty. Because of the detached Pavilion, itwas based on Qianshan Guanji. It's the best way to see success and go away. "Beside the climbing Road of Qianshan Mountain, Li zengbo and Zhang Xiaoxianginscribed the book "Qianshan view" on the stone wall. Now it has been abandonedfor a long time, and the site should be at the precipice of "QianshanTemple". 2022西宁导游词英语 篇9Ladies and gentlemen: qufu is our country ancient times a great thinker, politician and educator Confucius's hometown, one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities published. Confucius had a famous saying: "there is companion come from afar, joy." Today, I had the privilege to you as a tour guide, very happy. I will do my best to provide satisfactory service for you, the deficiency, please correct me criticism. Qufu overview before a visit to the "three holes", please allow me to introduce qufu overview: Qufu is situated at in and plain of shandong province at the junction, north depends on mount tai, south Yi mountain, the east river bank Mongolia mountains, west plains of over thousand domain. Terrain east west high low, domestic SiHe, YiHe river flows from east to west, from ancient times there is "the saint door back water". Products rich, pleasant scenery. Great poet qufu Li Baiceng describes: "smile boast a friend refers to despair, the graceful green such as LAN". Qufu has a long history, as early as fifty-six thousand years ago, our ancestors would thrive here, created the early human civilization. Many ancient books, and the yan emperor, wu migration are less in qufu, the yellow emperor was born in longevity hill (qufu east eight miles), shun in life for what sorts of records. Visible, China ancient times the most influential in the existence of four people left traces in qufu. Although this is a legend, but also is not groundless. From more than 20 section of the preserved in dawenkou culture and longshan culture sites still remains visible to our ancestors conquering nature. "One of the earliest qufu" in rites > >. The eastern han dynasty YingShao explained: "east lu mound, winding in the seven or eight long, therefore qufu." The early stage of the shang dynasty, qufu I, is one of the important vassal shang dynasty. "Duke of sealing in qufu" since the zhou dynasty for over 800 years, qufu for lu capital, and was an important political, economic and cultural center. The wind of spring and autumn period, Confucius pioneering private teaching, "three thousand disciples, the sage three thousand two" throughout all over the country, and became the center of education. Lu is a golden period in the history of qufu, well known for its "formal state", so is still in use in shandong province "lu" as referred to. In 249 BC, chu lu, lu county, qin dynasty Xue Jun, the western han dynasty to lu, when the wei jin southern and northern dynasties to crewe. Sui emperor sixteen years (596), the first pronounce qufu county name. Song called fairy source county, jin recover qufu county name today. 1986 withdraw XianZhi, called qufu. Now covers an area of 890 square kilometers and a population of more than 60. Long history, splendid culture, left a large number of cultural relics to qufu, mainly there are more than 110, the Confucius temple, Confucius, konglin was suggested and lu cultural site is listed as one of the first key cultural relics protection units by the national, 11 listed as the provincial key cultural relics protection units. "Three holes" in 1994 by the United Nations as a world cultural heritage. After the founding of new China, especially since the third plenary session of the eleventh party and state leaders of great concern, qufu monuments in countries has budgeted more than 3000 3000 yuan on the "three holes" chopped comprehensive repair. In recent years, in order to develop the tourism, qufu company development and construction of the memorial garden city of six arts, analects of Confucius, a batch of new tourist attractions such as lu shengshi huaxia culture city, the formation of humanities and natural landscape, the old and new scenic spots one integrated mass, synergies of new pattern of tourism resources, become the culture of Chinese and foreign tourists yearning resort. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇10Nanguan mosque in Yinchuan is a building with Arabic style and ethniccharacteristics. It was rebuilt in 1981 and is located in the southeast cornerof Yinchuan city. It is the central place for Hui people to carry out religiousactivities in Yinchuan city. Every year, hundreds of Muslims gather here forpilgrimage and worship. The mosque in Nanguan has a long history. At the end of Ming Dynasty, theoriginal temple was located in Gongbei Pavilion outside Nanguan, Yinchuan, witha small scale. In 1916, the site of the temple was moved into Nanguan and alarge temple with classical style was built. In the 1960s, temples weredestroyed in the turmoil. In 1981, Muslims raised money to rebuild the site. The main hall of the reconstructed mosque in Nanguan is 26 meters high,with an area of about 10000 square meters. The main hall has two layers of roundvault, the upper layer is the main hall and balcony, and the square worship hallcan accommodate more than 1300 people. The lower floor has a spacious bath room,Chapel hall, female chapel hall, Arabic school, Imam's bedroom, office,reception room, etc., all connected by cloisters. In the center of the roof stands a large and four small green domedecoration. The large one is in the center, with a diameter of 9 meters. Thecrescent moon is hanging at the top, and the small one is 3 meters in diameter.It is distributed in the four corners of the roof. Looking from afar, the greendome is shining and magnificent. There are stairs leading to the upper floor infront of the main building, and flower beds are planted on both sides. In themiddle of the front of the hall is a 15 meter diameter fountain, surrounded byflowers and trees, with 30 meter high "minarets" on both sides. Many preciouspines and cypresses, trees and flowers are also planted in the temple. The wholebuilding has a strict layout, compact structure and grand scale. With its unique, elegant and solemn characteristics, and strong Islamicarchitectural art style, Nanguan mosque has become one of the key religiousactivity sites and Tourism Landscapes in the autonomous region. In recent years,leaders, envoys and friends from more than 90 countries and regions havevisited. Many overseas Muslims also come here to worship. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇11Hello, tourists. Welcome to the beautiful Xiangshan Mountain in Beijing. Asyour guide today, just call me Xiaomu. Today I will take you to enjoy thebeautiful scenery of Xiangshan mountain. Let's all follow me. Xiangshan Park isahead. Now we come to this place is the east gate of Xiangshan Park. There are tworoads for tourists to walk. The one on our left is the way up the mountain, andthe one on our right is the way to see the scenic spot. But today we are goingto walk on the right side. Now let's follow me. You go straight ahead and cometo Xiangshan restaurant. Many people here should know about it, so I won'tintroduce it. Further ahead is Songlin restaurant. We will have lunch here atnoon. Next, we came to the famous Shuangqing villa. Please follow me. Let's seeif the chairman's bed here is very interesting, whether it's high on one sideand low on the other. There are so many places to see in Xiangshan, and then it's time for you tomove freely. I'd like to tell you what you should pay attention to. First, don'tlitter and travel in a civilized way. Then when you take the cable car, you mustpay attention to safety. Finally, don't rush into dangerous places. Well, I hope everyone can have a good time! 2022西宁导游词英语 篇12Dear tourist friends: hello and welcome to Langya Mountain, a national keyscenic spot. I'm the local tour guide. Of course, you can call me.. First ofall, on behalf of all the staff of Langya Mountain Scenic Area, I would like towelcome you. Next, I will lead you to enjoy the beauty and show of LangyaMountain. Do you know what Langya Mountain is famous for? Well, yes, in fact,Langya Mountain is famous for the book "drunken man Pavilion" written by OuyangXiu, a great literary scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty, In the beginningof the story of the drunken man Pavilion, Langya Mountain was praised as "themost beautiful forest valley, the most magnificent and beautiful one, Langyaalso". In 20__, Langya Mountain was rated as the first batch of 4A scenic spotsapproved by the National Tourism Administration. Its main peaks are Dafengmountain, Xiaofeng mountain, Huashan Mountain, Fenghuang mountain, etc. itshighest peak is Huashan Mountain, with an altitude of 331 meters, and the othersare mostly between 200 and 300 meters. There are more than 50 springs in thescenic spot, with clear water Sweet, as well as Langya River, Shenxiu lake,Phoenix Lake and other streams and lakes, the scenery of lakes and mountains isshining. The arrival of tourists is really a kind of visual enjoyment. Now wesee the South Gate of Langya Mountain. Let's go in from here. Now we come to thefirst scenic spot of Langya Mountain - Langya ink garden, which is a kind ofgarden architecture, displayed in the grand view The white walls and blacktiles, cornices, pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and rockeries in front ofmy home reflect the style of Suzhou gardens. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties,many literati, such as Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Su Shi and Xin Qiji, have left alarge number of precious poems here. In order to better display these Langya inktreasures, the staff of the scenic spot collected and sorted out the informationabout Langya Mountain More than 200 poems and famous calligraphies and paintingsare engraved here, so it is called "Langya ink garden". You can see that thesecalligraphies and paintings are like flowing clouds and flowing water, whichshows the author's deep love for Langya Mountain Now we all walk along thismountain road and come to the most famous scenic spot of Langya Mountain,zuiwongting. In fact, zuiwongting was built in the fourth year of Qingli periodin the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, it was just a small pavilion fortourists to rest. However, because Ouyang Xiu wrote the famous poem "zuiwongtingJi" here, it has become famous all over the world. The current zuiwongtingcovers an area of about 5000 square meters, and was listed as "zuiwongting Ji"in 1956 As a key cultural relic protection unit at the provincial level, you cansee that the three words "zuiwang Pavilion" on the gate of the courtyard werewritten by Quanjiao people in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. Afterwalking eastward through the patio, you will arrive at zuiwang Pavilion, whichis a kind of Xieshan architectural style. The cornice is tilted and 16 columnsare separated in four directions. You can see the wooden railings around. This is the place where Ouyang Xiuused to drink wine and write poems with his guests. Visitors can stand here toexperience the artistic conception of the great literati at that time. Now wecome to the "Erxian hall", so it's named Siyi. It was built in memory of thesages. Erxian hall was built in the Northern Song Dynasty to commemorate twoChuzhou prefects, Wang Yu and Ouyang Now we can see the photocopies of the songand Ming Dynasty edition of "zuiwengtingji" and Ouyang Xiu's handwriting. Now wewalk westward to "Bao song Zhai". Here we can see the stone tablets carved in"zuiwengtingji" written by Su Shi, Ouyang Xiu's proud disciple. Because OuyangXiu's prose and Su Shi's calligraphy are the highest in the Northern SongDynasty Therefore, later generations call this monument "two unique steles".Now, if you go further, you can see the spring. This is the well-known rangspring. Around the rang spring now is a square pool made of stones. Look - thereis a stele inscribed "rang spring" by Mr. Wang cikui, governor of Chuzhou in20__ of Kangxi. The square pool is about three feet long and one foot deep. Thespring flows into the square pool first, and then flows northward into the glassmarsh. The water temperature of Fangchi has not changed much all the year round,and it has been kept at 17-18 ℃. The spring water contains a variety of traceelements beneficial to human body, which are sweet and clear. Dear tourists, wecome to Ouyang Xiu Memorial Hall. When we enter the inner hall, do you see thestatue of Ouyang Xiu? There are more than 30 murals that comprehensivelyintroduce Ouyang Xiu's life. The gallery is inlaid with Su Shi and Zhao Shi fromSong Dynasty Meng? And other great calligraphers wrote the story of the drunkenman Pavilion, which is amazing. Now we walk along the ancient Langya road forabout 400 meters and come to Langya temple, which was formerly known as BAOYINGtemple. It is said that before the temple was built, Li Youqing, the governor ofChuzhou, who was in charge of the construction of the temple, once drew apicture for emperor Zong of the Tang Dynasty. It happened that emperor Zong ofthe Tang Dynasty dreamt that there was a Temple deep in a mountain forest thenight before. The shape and scale of the temple were very similar to those onthe picture. He was very happy, so he was specially named "BAOYING Temple"."BAOYING Temple" has gone through many vicissitudes. Most of the buildings thattourists see now are rebuilt in the 30 years of the Qing Dynasty. Langya temple was officially named after Langya temple in 1984. There aremore than 80 scenic spots in Langya temple. Now you can see the main building ofLangya temple, which is located in the center of the temple. The hall is 14meters high and 15.3 meters deep. Its shape is simple and elegant, and itsmomentum is majestic. There are vivid statues of Sakyamuni and the eighteenArhats in the hall. The body of the statues is covered with gold, the goldenlight is brilliant, and the expression is vivid. Now we walk to the right andcome to the Sutra Pavilion. Its original name is "Sutra Pavilion". The SutraPavilion we see today was rebuilt in 1919, with the four characters "Sanzangxuanshu" engraved on the forehead. It is said that there was a precious book ofBeiye scriptures in this building. There is a thousand Jade Buddha Halldownstairs, in which more than one thousand jade Buddhas from Myanmar aredisplayed. Listen, I really want to go in and have a look, but now it'sgone. Dear tourist friends, today's tour is coming to an end. I'm very glad thatyou all support and cooperate with me very much. In this short time, I hope itwill become an eternal memory in your tour. I hope you will have the opportunityto serve you next time. I wish you happy and smooth every day in your futurelife. Goodbye! 2022西宁导游词英语 篇13Liaocheng city in shandong province is located in the west, the west by get wei river separates the water and the hebei handan, xingtai area, south and southeast across the dike river, Yellow River and the henan province and the province jining, Tai’an City, jinan neighbors, north and northeast border with dezhou. Because of the history of liaocheng city say about perturbation of national cultural heritage. Liaocheng dongchangfu, linqing city, guan, shen county and si 5, the company, 6 Ren, gaotang county, and an economic and technological development zone. Such as han, hui, Mongol 39 people. To the han nationality has the largest population, accounting for 99% of the total population in the city. Followed by the hui, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur, miao, etc. The city's major tourist resources of liaocheng ShanShan hall, linqing stupas, mosques, the company's tomb, si 5 jingyang hill to get protection and development, such as jingyang hill first phase of the project completion and open to tourists. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇14Good morning! Welcome to the beautiful star city - changsha, first of all,please allow me, on behalf of all the staff of travel agencies was the warmestwelcome the arrival of you, welcome to the "red sun" tour of the organization,is the red line, because we go. Shaoshan is the rising sun, so this journey wecall red sun. To introduce myself, I am the red sun tour guide, my name is zhao, in orderto facilitate you can call me xiao zhao, on xiao zhao left, that is our directorof master, master X X master drive technology is good, the rich, treats peoplethe enthusiasm, so we all can be at ease in his car, you have what problem cancarry out on the road, xiao zhao and X teacher will try our best to service foryou, ok, let's have a great journey together! Our journey began, and that is now under our feet with a "openning thefirst all the way" of the famous wuyi avenue and no.3, it represents thechangsha tomorrow, changsha boom radiates away from here, is founded in 1951 onMay 1, so hence the name, was the first asphalt road, the road only 9 meterswide, but along with the development of The Times, traffic developed, 9 meterswide far cannot satisfy the shuttle vehicles. Until 20__, spent five months timeto repair, that is what we see now, with all my heart Of 51 avenue, east railway station, west check the xiangjiang river bridge,a total length of 4138 meters, up to 60 meters in length, road for double tenthlanes, no.3 traffic is orderly, but most of the drivers don't want to go thisway, is this why? On the road there are 3 sets of original and 6 digitaltelevision monitoring equipment, carelessly is easy to copy brand, so drivers ishave a love-hate relationship! Where the source of the wuyi avenue? She is behind the changsha railwaystation, she construction in 1975, completed in 1977, with the Shanghai railwaystation ` Beijing railway station called China's three largest train station,that in the middle of the railway station there is a clock tower, tower 63.7meters high, the clock tower at the top of the hour will be played best young's"east is red" LeDian, as if to tell you that you have come to the generation ofa great man of chairman MAO's hometown - hunan. In the clock tower above, thereis a building that xiao zhao excuse me everybody, think what is she like? Yes,she is the red torch. Maybe someone will ask, now that is the torch, why not bewaving? But go straight into the blue sky? Xiao zhao to the problem have toexplain for everybody, because before railway station built, comes at a time -leather, stylist designed to float to the left her, said there will be left; Inthe designed to the right, say again afraid will have the right, then, designersimply put her into a straight at the torch of the above. In fact, she is verylike a specialty: let's hunan capsicum frutescens var, she is our chairman MAO'sfavorite kind of food, she also is a symbol of our people of hunan hot andenthusiasm, not to have such a saying: people are not afraid of spicy sichuan,guizhou people is afraid of hot, hunan people are afraid of not hot. Ok, now let's Yuan Guling overpass, why called Yuan Guling overpass? Andnot called Li Guling ` the wangjialing overpass? Because it is said that in thelarge pieces of the earth that is inhabited by a certain family. So in theconstruction of the bridge was named after had to. It is built down, in additionto the beautiful and also have the effect of ease the earthquake. Can anyone whohas both advantages and disadvantages, hunan is a rainy provinces, if encounterrainy weather, the bridge will be accumulated rainwater, formation water bringpedestrians through the troubles and inconvenience caused. I'm afraid this ishou only white water rafting and line! That is on the right-hand side of the xiao zhao shaoshanlu, because was notto shaoshan road, then built the road; Shaoshan. Good, that you pay attention to have a look at the trees on both sides ofthe tour bus, it is in the city of changsha were: camphor trees, camphor leavessmall but, under the big camphor tree is a good place to enjoy cool air, usingcamphor tree of camphor ball can drive midge catch ants, took a few pieces ofcamphor tree chew Ye Qing washed into the mouth, can also be sober refreshing.About the camphor tree, In changsha, there is such a local custom, it is the parents to marry thedaughter of a set of camphorwood furniture is very decent. On the left handside, xiao zhao is welcome road, 1972, President Nixon's visit to welcome thePresident of the United States and to build a road. Across the welcome road is ared and white building, she is 2 hospital of hunan province the government. Were made, xiao zhao mentioned that we're here to learn about the tree ofhunan province, it is the magnolia tree, it is from guangzhou introduced a tree.Suiting the city of changsha, azaleas, see the cuckoo that can want to went tothe countryside, three in April, when the brilliant red cuckoo open full ofhills, not to mention how beautiful. Fancy suiting of hunan province, is ahibiscus, since ancient times, hunan is known as lotus countries. Chairman MAO'spoem says, "the kingdom of the lotus from zhaohui". Lotus, also can be dividedinto water and cotton rose hibiscus. Then xiao zhao, please everyone: "what iswater lotus? Cotton rose?" Ha ha! Cotton rose is magnolia, water lotus islotus. Ok, now let's to lotus road, beside the lotus road, changsha is the newlotus square, you can see in the middle of a sculpture, that is the daughter ofliuyang river, you must be attracted by her long hair? The daughter of liuyangriver nine curved hair, a symbol of the liuyang river nine bending. It remindsus of the beautiful sounds of "liuyang river", the product comforms to thedrawing that xiao zhao here, give you sing a song "liuyang river", we hope youenjoy it. Okay, now we see the underlying white doves building is the famous peacehall business building. Peace in Japanese is the meaning of peace, meaning andharmonic development. There is a sino-japanese joint venture of shopping malls,Japan accounted for 60% of the company, shareholders shareholder China accountedfor 40%. Before peace hall was built, the unearthed here most of the country'sbamboo slips, which records the chu the history of The Three Kingdoms period,now the peace of the sixth floor display, also has people in shopping may wishto visit. In front of the hall of peace is the wuyi square, square in the middlethere is a huge music fountain, at eight o 'clock every night, music fountainwill dance with music. Now please look the top of the wuyi square, you can see asmall house, like the eyes there is big eyes "- the voice of the goldeneagle. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇15The ancient lotus pond is located in the ancient city of Baoding. It hasattracted many tourists with its unique antique color and various classicbuildings. Walking into the ancient lotus pond, the first thing you see is a rockery,which is surrounded by the East Canal connecting the north and South ponds.There are many strange rocks on the mountain. From a distance, some are likeexquisite pagodas, some are like crane's neck, some are like ape's ears, andsome run with horses. I'm intoxicated with all kinds of strange shapes. Around the rockery, I came to the beautiful lotus pool. The lotus pool islarge, accounting for almost a quarter of the park. The lotus leaves aresqueezed like big jade plates. The lotus in the pool is even more colorful: somejust have buds, green and green; some have pink flowers, ready to bloom; somehave one or two petals, like a shy little girl, shy to speak; some stretchpetals, reveal yellow stamens, like a beautiful girl, graceful. It can be saidthat the lotus in the sun is so red! The ancient lotus pond not only has beautiful scenery, but also has alegend: "lotus leaves supporting peach". It is the unique shape of the paviliontop in the garden. In the middle of the green rolled lotus leaf is a big redpeach. This structure is novel and natural. It is said that Empress Dowager Cixidisguised herself as a village woman and fled overnight when the eight nationallied forces entered Beijing. An old craftsman designed the pavilion top styleof "lotus leaf supporting peach" in Lianchi, which is harmonious with the soundof "escape in the night". The purpose is to expose Empress Dowager Cixi'sdisgraceful behavior. Empress Dowager Cixi passed by Baoding when she returnedto Beijing. When she saw "lotus leaves supporting peach", she became angry andimmediately sent a decree to kill the old craftsman. There are also world-famous stele corridor, Lianchi academy and somebuildings in the ancient lotus pond. The ancient lotus pond is rich in historyand culture, contributing to the ancient city of Baoding. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇16China's largest archipelago, Zhoushan, is located in the southeast coast ofChina. The center of the coastline of the Chinese mainland is the famous YangtzeRiver, Qian Tang River and Yongjiang River, and is the only sea city known forits archipelago in China. 1390 islands, like bright pearls, are scattered in thevast sea. The city has a total area of 22200 square kilometers and a populationof nearly one million. Zhoushan archipelago has a long history and was called "haizhongzhou" inancient times. The unique scenery of the island gives it endless charm. Bluesky, blue sea, green island, Jinsha and white waves are the main colors ofZhoushan eco-tourism environment. With the characteristics of sea, fishing,city, island, port, navigation and commerce, marine tourism resourcesintegrating island scenery, marine culture and Buddhist culture are unique inthe urban agglomeration of the Yangtze River Delta. Zhoushan has more than 1000Buddhist cultural landscapes, mountain and sea natural landscapes and islandfishing customs landscapes, mainly distributed in 23 islands. It has twonational scenic spots of Putuo Mountain and Shengsi archipelago, two provincialscenic spots of Daishan island and Taohua Island, and Dinghai, the only islandhistorical and cultural city in China. It is one of the most abundant touristresources in East China. It attracts more than 6 million tourists at home andabroad every year, and increases by 15% year by year. It is a famous islandresort in eastern China. Green, ecological and healthy tourism has become a new image of Zhoushan.After the SARS tourism alert was lifted, the green, ecological, healthy and pureland tourism route proposed by Zhoushan tourism department immediately receiveda warm response from the majority of tourists. "Green Zhoushan, healthyZhoushan" has become a new brand of Zhoushan tourism. Marine culture, Buddhistculture and ecological culture constitute the new connotation of Zhoushantourism. The unique charm of Zhoushan tourism is to enjoy sea view, tasteseafood, swim sea water, play sand, worship Guanyin and pray for health. Rich in resources, Zhoushan archipelago has beautiful natural scenery,pleasant climate, unique mountain and sea landscape, and many places ofinterest. Zhoushan archipelago belongs to the monsoon marine climate in thesouthern margin of the north subtropical zone. The annual temperature is about16 degrees centigrade. There is no severe heat in summer, no severe cold inwinter, and the four seasons are like spring. Zhoushan is rich in tourismresources. The scattered islands, the majestic sea, the harbor with many sails,the sea reefs with strange rocks, the soft and clean beaches, the simple andquiet temples, the pleasant climate in four seasons, and the folk customs withunique island characteristics constitute a beautiful picture of island scenery.It has developed and constructed more than 1000 landscapes, including Buddhistculture, mountain and sea culture, fishing custom culture, Jinyong martial artsculture and so on. Among them, there are 285 major scenic spots, mainlydistributed in Putuo Mountain, the "sea heaven Buddha kingdom", Shengsi,Shengsi, Penglai, Daishan, Zhujiajian, the hometown of sand sculpture, TaohuaIsland, etc. The ancients said that "the victory of mountain and lake will pushthe West Lake, and the victory of mountain and sea will push Putuo.". When you come to Zhoushan, you can enjoy the island scenery, deeplyunderstand the marine Buddhist culture, fully experience the seaside leisurevacation, and personally explore the mysterious martial arts legend. At present,Zhoushan tourism department has meticulously created more than 50 specialtourism routes for you, such as "pilgrimage to the sea and heaven Buddha","Putuo Golden Triangle leisure and holiday tour", "Happy Fishing Tour","history, folk customs Dinghai, Daishan Tour", etc. Diversified products Zhoushan's tourism products have gradually developedfrom simple pilgrimage and sightseeing to diversified products with distinctivefeatures and rich connotations, so as to meet the needs of the growing tourismmarket. After more than 20 years of development and construction, Zhoushan hasnot only developed traditional Buddhist cultural tourism, but also developed airRange Rover, seaside exploration, marine sports, marine science popularizationand other tourism projects full of marine Island characteristics. Among them,the most representative tourism festivals are: China Zhoushan international sandsculpture festival, Putuo Nanhai Guanyin Festival, Zhoushan seafood foodfestival, international sea fishing festival, international navigationcompetition, etc. Zhoushan tourism has become an important part of East Chinatourism network and East Zhejiang Tourism line. As the largest seaside tourismand leisure resort base in East China, Zhoushan tourism has begun to takeshape. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇17Hello, everyone! As the saying goes, "it's a pleasure to have friends from afar." I'm yourtour guide in Chuzhou today. My name is Xiaoxi. You can call me lonely. I'm fromXingyue travel agency. Next, I'll give you a brief introduction of Chuzhou. Chuzhou is located in the east of Anhui Province, known as "East Anhui".Since ancient times, Chuzhou has been known as "Jinling key" and "Jianghuaisecurity", and has the reputation of "Wu Chu" and "Qi Yue Huai Yang". Afterlistening to my introduction, do you have any impulse to go and find out? Well, next I'll take you to Langya Mountain scenic area. When it comes toLangya Mountain, do you think of a popular TV series "Langya list" not long ago?Yes, the Langya Pavilion mentioned in it is here. Now let me introduce LangyaMountain to you. Langya Mountain, formerly known as motuoling, enjoys thereputation of "no other mountain after Penglai" and "the Pearl of East Anhui".In addition to Langya Pavilion, there are many scenic spots such as ZUIWENGPavilion, fengle Pavilion, Chengxi lake, Gushan lake, etc. Talking about the drunken man Pavilion, I believe friends who have read Mr.Ouyang Xiu's the story of the drunken man Pavilion should be deeply impressed.In the story of the drunken man Pavilion, Mr. Ouyang Xiu describes in detail itsgeographical location and who built it. Among them, the sight of the Taishoutouring and enjoying with the people is more and more enviable. Later, it wasexpected that "the government was in harmony with the people, and all kinds ofwastes prospered.". Today, let's cross the barriers of time and space and havefun with the eunuch who is also in April. Let's feel the scene of the morningand evening in the mountains of "if the sun is early, the forest will open, theclouds will return and the cave will be dark". The place we are going to is called Da Xiong temple. Many friends should bevery interested when they hear the name, but the Da Xiong we mentioned here isnot the Da Xiong in Doraemon. The main hall is magnificent. There is a bright moon pool in the center ofthe courtyard in front of the hall. An arch bridge on the pool is called thebright moon bridge. In the north of the pool, there is a house for the brightmoon view. It is said that it is a scripture collected by Xuanzang, the eminentmonk of Tang Dynasty, from the West. From the right side of the building, youcan get to the garden. The green Pavilion in the garden is particularly unique.After the moon view, there is Sanyou Pavilion, which is named after the "threefriends of winter" of pine, plum and bamboo beside the pavilion. You can enjoyit by yourself, but you should pay attention to the maintenance of environmentalhygiene. Today, our journey is coming to an end. Although it's "hard to meet eachother, it's also hard to leave each other", we still have to make a difference.It's a permanent rule that the end of the song and the separation of people. Ihope we can all play together next time. I hope you pay attention to safety inthe next play process, happy to come, happy back. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇18Hello, everyone. Welcome to Yantai in spring. I'm a tour guide___ X。 Todaywe mainly visit the sea of Yantai. Yantai is a city facing the sea in the north, which is rarely seen inChina. As the winter fades, glaciers surge. Rivers from Liaohe River, HaiheRiver and Yellow River converge to the sea area north of Yantai and bring a lotof organic matter, making it a natural fishing ground for prawns, crabs andyellow croaker. So when spring comes to the seaside, you can enjoy the smoke___Special sea On the landscape. You see, under the beautiful sunshine, the sea becomes green. White spray,from the distant horizon in the north, chases to the shore with laughter. Assoon as we touch the rocks and beaches on the shore, we retreat shyly, and thenrush up again. What a naughty child! We can walk along the square, listening tothe sound of the waves and sniffing the water The taste of the sea, this is avery comfortable feeling! In addition to the light spring, there are also busy fishermen. As thesaying goes, the plan of a year lies in spring, and the sea is no exception.Look over there, the fishermen taking off their winter clothes have gone to sea.They sailed across the calm sea, went to the breeding area to plant seedlings,and sowed hope for the harvest season. How hardworking Yantai people are! Ibelieve they can create a more beautiful Yantai with their own hands! I'll introduce you here first. Next, you can take photos as a souvenir andreturn to the square at four o'clock. Have a good time! 2022西宁导游词英语 篇19Hello, everyone! I'm very glad to be your guide. I hope my service canbring you convenience and happiness. Now, you can see Chengde Mountain Resort inHebei Province, which has been included in the world heritage list. The summer resort, also known as Chengde Li palace or Rehe palace, islocated in the north of Chengde City Center in Hebei Province. It is a placewhere emperors of Qing Dynasty spent summer and dealt with government affairs.The summer resort was built in 1703, after three emperors of Qing Dynasty:Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong. It took about 90 years to complete. Summerresort is divided into palace area, Lake area, plain area and mountain area. Thepalace area is located on the South Bank of the lake, with a flat terrain. It isthe place where the emperor deals with government affairs, holds celebrationsand lives. It covers an area of 100000 square meters and consists of four groupsof buildings: the main palace, songhezhai, wangoufeng and the east palace. Thelake area is in the north of the palace area. The area of the lake includes ZhouIsland, which accounts for about 43 hectares. There are eight small islands. Thelake area is divided into different areas of different sizes with distinctlevels. The Zhou island is scattered and rippling, which is full of thecharacteristics of the land of fish and rice in the south of the YangtzeRiver. I hope this tour will leave a deep impression on you. 2022西宁导游词英语 篇20Good morning! Welcome to Changsha, the beautiful star city. First of all,on behalf of all the staff of the travel agency, please allow me to extend mywarmest welcome to you. Welcome to the "red sun Tour" organized by thisorganization, because we are taking the red route,. Shaoshan is also the placewhere the sun rises, so our journey is called the journey of the red sun. Let me introduce myself. I'm the tour guide of the red sun tour. My name isZhao. For your convenience, you can call me Xiao Zhao. On the left side of XiaoZhao is our director master X. master X has good driving skills, rich experienceand friendly treatment. So we can rest assured when we take his car. If you haveany problems during the journey, you can put forward them. Xiao Zhao and masterx will do their best To serve you, well, let's have a wonderful journeytogether! Our journey has begun. Now at our feet is the famous Wuyi Avenue, alsoknown as Wuyi Road, which has "the first road in Sanxiang". It represents thefuture of Changsha. The prosperous area of Changsha radiates from here. It wasbuilt on May 1, 1951, so it gets its name. It is the first asphalt road at thattime. The road width is only 9 meters, but with the development of the times,the traffic is getting better Developed, 9 meters wide is far from enough tomeet the shuttle vehicles. Until 20__, it took five months to renovate, which iswhat we see now Wuyi Avenue, which starts from the railway station in the East and ends atXiangjiang bridge in the west, has a total length of 4138 meters and a width of60 meters. It is a double ten lane road. The traffic on Wuyi Road is orderly,but most drivers are reluctant to take this road. Why? There are three sets ofTV monitoring equipment and six electronic eyes on this road. It's easy to becopied if you are not careful, so drivers love and hate each other! Where is the source of Wuyi Avenue? It is Changsha railway station behindyou. It was built in 1975 and completed in 1977. Together with Shanghai railwaystation and Beijing railway station, it is known as China's three major railwaystations. There is a bell tower in the middle of the railway station, which is63.7 meters high. The bell tower will play the excellent music "Dongfanghong" onthe hour, as if to tell you that you have come to Dai Wei Hunan, the hometown ofChairman Mao. And there is a building above the clock tower. What does Xiao Zhaothink she looks like? Yes, she is the red torch. Some people may ask, since itis a torch, why not fly with the wind? Instead, why rush straight to the bluesky? Xiao Zhao has to explain this question to everyone, because before thecompletion of the railway station, during the period of the cultural revolution,when the designer designed her to fly to the left, there would be the saying ofleaning to the left; When it was designed to lean to the right, I was afraidthat there would be Rightists, so the designer simply designed her as a torchthat went straight up into the sky. In fact, she is very similar to a specialtyof Hunan: Chaotian pepper, which is a favorite food of Chairman Mao. It alsosymbolizes the hot passion of Hunan people. Isn't there such a saying: Sichuanpeople are not afraid of spicy food, Guizhou people are not afraid of spicyfood, Hunan people are not afraid of spicy food. Well, now we go to Yuanjialing overpass. Why is it called Yuanjialingoverpass? It's not called lijialing zhangjialing overpass because it's said thatthere is a family named yuan living on this large area of land. Therefore, theconstruction of this bridge is named after the yuan family. It is builtdownward, in addition to beautiful, but also play a role in mitigating theearthquake. But there are both advantages and disadvantages. Hunan is a rainyprovince. If it rains, rain will accumulate under the bridge, which will causeinconvenience and trouble for pedestrians. I'm afraid it's time to goboating! On the right hand side of Xiao Zhao is Shaoshan Road, because there was noroad leading to Shaoshan at that time, and later this road was built; it wasnamed Shaoshan road. OK, let's take a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus. It's thecity tree of Changsha: Cinnamomum camphora. The leaves of Cinnamomum camphoraare small but there are many leaves. It's a good place to enjoy the cool underthe big camphor tree. The camphor balls extracted from the camphor tree candrive away mosquitoes and ants. Take off a few leaves of Cinnamomum camphora,clean them, chew them in the import, and wake up. About camphor tree, There is also a local custom in Changsha, that is, parents give theirmarried daughter a set of furniture made of camphor wood, which is very decent.On Zhao's left is Yingbin Road, a road built in 1972 to welcome PresidentNixon's visit to China. On the opposite side of Yingbin Road is a red and whitebuilding, which is the second courtyard of Hunan provincial government. Just now Xiao Zhao mentioned the city tree. Now let's learn about theprovincial tree in Hunan Province. It's Magnolia grandiflora. It's a treespecies introduced from Guangzhou. The city flower of Changsha City isRhododendron. If you look at the Rhododendron, you have to go to thecountryside. In March and April, the red Rhododendron blooms all over themountain, not to mention how beautiful it is. The provincial flower of HunanProvince is hibiscus. Since ancient times, Hunan has been known as Hibiscuscountry. Chairman Mao's poem says well that "the lotus country is full ofsunshine.". Hibiscus is also divided into wood hibiscus and water hibiscus. XiaoZhao asked: "what is water Hibiscus? What is wood Hibiscus?" ha ha! WoodHibiscus is magnolia, water Hibiscus is lotus. OK, now let's go to Furong Road. Next to Furong Road is the newly builtFurong square in Changsha. You can see a sculpture in the middle, that is thedaughter of Liuyang River. You must be attracted by her long hair. The hair ofthe daughter of Liuyang River has nine bends, which symbolizes the nine bends ofLiuyang River. This can not help but remind us of the beautiful "Liuyang River",that Xiao Zhao here to make a fool of himself, sing a song "Liuyang River", Ihope you can like it. Well, now we see the building with white doves on the ground floor is thefamous Pinghetang business building. Peace means peace in Japanese, which meansharmonious development. Here is a Sino Japanese joint venture shopping mall.Japanese shareholders account for 60% of the shares, while Chinese shareholdersaccount for 40%. Before the completion of Pinghetang, the largest number ofbamboo slips in China were unearthed here, which recorded the history of theChu, Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Now there is an exhibition on the sixthfloor of Pinghetang. You can visit it after shopping. In front of the peace hall is the May day square. There is a huge musicfountain in the middle of the square. At eight o'clock every night, the musicfountain will dance with the music. Now, please look at the top of May daysquare. You can see a small house like eyes. There is the big eye studio, thevoice of the Golden Eagle. |
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