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黄帝陵景区英语导游词 篇1

  Huangdi mausoleum, the mausoleum of Xuanyuan family, the ancestor of theChinese nation, is located in Beiqiao mountain, Huangling County. In 1961, theState Council announced the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor as the first batchof national key cultural relics protection units, known as "the first mausoleumin the world". The three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" before the mausoleumof Huangdi were mentioned by Chiang Kai Shek. The mausoleum of the YellowEmperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in ancient times. It was a place foremperors and famous people to worship the Yellow Emperor. According to records,the earliest sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor began in 442 BC. Mausoleumattractions include: the world's first mausoleum, Xuanyuan bridge, mausoleumarea, Xuanyuan temple, Yellow Emperor's hand planted cypress, sincere Pavilion,guajia cypress, etc.

  Qiaoshan mountain is thick and majestic, surrounded by JuShui at the footof the mountain. There are ancient cypresses on the mountain, which areevergreen and lush all the year round. The whole mausoleum is magnificent. Thetomb of the first mausoleum in the world is 3,6 meters high and 48 meters long.It is surrounded by a green brick wall. In front of the mausoleum, there is theinscription "Long Yu in Qiaoshan" in the 15th year of Jiajing reign of the MingDynasty, which means "Long Yu ascends to heaven" of the Yellow Emperor. In frontof the pavilion for a sacrifice, Xie hilltop, cornices up warped, dignified.Inside the pavilion stands the stone tablet of "mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor"written by Guo Moruo. The cemetery area is surrounded by red walls, withLingxing gate on the southeast side and imitation stone towers of Han Dynasty onboth sides.

  Just south of the front of the mausoleum, outside the wall of themausoleum, is a high earthen platform, namely "Hanwu Sendai". According to thebook of Fengchan in historical records, "Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty visitedShuofang in the north, and killed more than 100000 soldiers to sacrifice to theYellow Emperor's tomb." Hanwu Sendai, which was built by Hanwu emperor tosacrifice to Huangdi, is more than 20 meters high. It has been built with blockstones and has stone steps, cloud plates and guardrails. The front area ofHuangdi temple is magnificent, covering an area of about 10000 square meters.5000 large river pebbles are selected for paving, which symbolizes the 5000 yearcivilization history of the Chinese nation.

  The Yellow Emperor's hand planted cypress is located in Xuanyuan Temple ofHuangling County in the middle of Shaanxi Province. It is more than 20 metershigh and 11 meters in diameter at breast height. It is vigorous and straight,with a canopy covering the air. Its leaves keep growing all the year round. Itis thick and dense, like a huge green umbrella. It is said that it was plantedby the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan himself, more than 5000 years ago. It is theoldest cypress in the world. There is a local proverb: seven arms eight half, GeGe Ge is not worth it. It is said that seven people are not surrounded by eachother.

黄帝陵景区英语导游词 篇2

  After the Yellow Emperor united with Yan Emperor to defeat Chiyou, theleader of the Chinese tribal alliance became the common leader of the world,which made the Chinese nation step into the era of civilization from thebarbarian era. The great achievements of the Yellow Emperor were naturallyrespected and worshipped by later generations. After the death of the YellowEmperor, in order to express the nostalgia for this cultural ancestor, peopleset up tombs as mausoleums and temples to offer sacrifices in Qiaoshan. In thethousands of years after the death of the Yellow Emperor, the activities ofoffering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor never stopped. In Yu, Xia, Shang,Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the YellowEmperor was worshipped as an ancestor, except in some periods when he wasregarded as a "God" and "emperor".

  After Qin Shihuang wiped out the six countries and unified the world, hestipulated that all the tombs of the emperor were called "mausoleums" and thecommon people's tombs were called "tombs". In the Han Dynasty, it was stipulatedthat there must be a "Temple" beside the emperor's mausoleum. At the beginningof the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the emperor of the HanDynasty, issued an imperial edict to the whole world - "I pay great attention tothe ancestral temple and offer sacrifices.". Today's God's sacrifice and thegods of mountains and rivers are worshipped, and the "Xuanyuan Temple" is builtat the West foot of the bridge. Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty personallyoffered sacrifices to the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. It is recorded inShiji, Volume 12, Chapter 12 of Xiaowu and Shiji, Volume 2, Volume 18, Chapter 6of Fengchan: "in the winter of the coming year, it is said that the ancientsfirst mobilized their troops and then Fengchan." Then he went to the north toinspect Shuofang, and killed more than 100000 soldiers. He also sacrificed tothe Yellow Emperor Zhongqiao mountain, and released his soldiers. " In thewinter of the first year of Yuanfeng (120__ BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynastyled 100000 troops to the north to visit Shuofang. When they returned, they madea special trip to Qiaoshan to offer sacrifices to the tomb of the YellowEmperor. This is the first record of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor inofficial history.

  Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, due to the attention of the emperors ofvarious dynasties, the tombs have been enlarged.

  In 770, the fifth year of emperor zongdali of Tang Dynasty, Zang Xilang,the festival envoy of Wenfang, wrote: "there is a Yellow Emperor Mausoleum inFangzhou. Please buy a temple and enjoy the sacrifice at four o'clock. It islisted in the sacrificial ceremony". With the approval of emperor Daizong, theTang Dynasty started a two-year large-scale renovation activity in Qiaoling,building the Yellow Emperor Temple and planting 1140 cypress trees. Since then,offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor has been upgraded to a nationalceremony, and Qiaoling has become the only official place for offeringsacrifices to the Yellow Emperor. This not only helps to standardize the ritual,but also plays an objective role in strengthening political rule and culturalidentity.

  After the wars in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the tombsof the former emperors, including the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, hadappeared the situation of "being unable to help cutting wood". The "destruction"of sacrificial buildings makes normal sacrificial activities impossible.Therefore, as soon as Zhao Kuangyin ascended the throne, he issued two imperialedicts in the first year of Jianlong and the beginning of Qiande, stipulatingthat the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor and the mausoleums of Yan Emperor, GaoXin, Tang Yao, Yu Shun and Xia Yu "each had five families in charge of themausoleum, and the ancestral temple of the spring and Autumn period had anethereal prison" and that those who destroyed it had to repair it. In the secondyear of Kaibao, due to the erosion of the Juhe River year after year, cliffcollapses and water collapses often occurred at the West foot of the bridge,threatening the survival of the temple. Local officials wrote to the imperialcourt, and song Taizu issued a decree to move Xuanyuan temple from the West footof the bridge to the Yellow Emperor's palace at the east foot of the bridge,which is the present site.

黄帝陵景区英语导游词 篇3

  Huangdi mausoleum, known as the first mausoleum in the world, is themausoleum of Xuanyuan Huangdi, the ancestor of the Chinese nation. It is locatedon the top of the bridge in the north of Huangling County. The mausoleum of theYellow Emperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in ancient times. It was a placefor emperors and famous people to worship the Yellow Emperor. According torecords, the earliest sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor began in 442 BC. Since theestablishment of the temple ceremony in 770, it has been the place of nationalsacrifice in successive dynasties. Huangdi was a great tribal leader at the endof the primitive society in China and the ancestor of the Chinese civilization.Later, our country can stand tall among the four ancient civilizations in theworld, which is inseparable from the extraordinary honor of the YellowEmperor.

  The tomb is 3,6 meters high and 48 meters long. It is surrounded by a greenbrick wall. In front of the tomb is the inscription "Long Yu on Qiaoshanmountain" in the 15th year of Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty, which means"Long Yu ascends to heaven" of the Yellow Emperor. In front of the pavilion fora sacrifice, Xie hilltop, cornices up warped, dignified.

  Inside the pavilion stands the stone tablet of "mausoleum of the YellowEmperor" written by Guo Moruo. The cemetery area is surrounded by red walls,with Lingxing gate on the southeast side and imitation stone towers of HanDynasty on both sides. The interior of the cemetery area is paved with bricks,which looks simple and elegant. The front area of Huangdi temple is magnificent.The entrance square with an area of about 10000 square meters is paved with 5000large river pebbles, which symbolizes the 5000 year history of Chinesecivilization.

  Every Qingming Festival, Chinese people from all over the world often comehere to worship.

黄帝陵景区英语导游词 篇4

  Dear tourist friends, Hello everyone! Today we visit Huangdi mausoleum,which is known as the first mausoleum in the world. I'm your tour guide. My nameis Jiang. You can also call me director Jiang. If you encounter problems in yourtravel, you can ask me and I will help you. I wish you a happy trip! In order tolet you have a deep understanding of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, Iwould like to introduce to you the ancestor of our Shenhua nation - the YellowEmperor.

  Huangdi was an outstanding leader of tribal alliance at the end ofprimitive society about 5020 x years ago. According to ancient records, theYellow Emperor was the son of Shaodian. His surname was Gongsun. Because he wasgood at Jishui, his surname was Ji. There is a bear in the seal, and there is abear in the name. Once lived in Xuanyuan hill, also known as Xuanyuan. It isalso known as the "Yellow Emperor" because of its advocating of local moralityand yellow color.

  According to legend, the Yellow Emperor is not only the leader of a hero,but also the embodiment of wisdom. Many inventions and creations are attributedto the Yellow Emperor or his wife and subordinates. For example, making boatsand carts, making clothes and crowns, sericulture, creating medicine, settingtemperament, writing, distributing grains, burning painted pottery, andregulations in political life, wedding and funeral rituals in customs andhabits, etc. later generations regard the era of the Yellow Emperor as thebeginning of the Chinese civilization, so the Yellow Emperor is respected as the"ancestor of humanity".

  There are many opinions about where the Yellow Emperor was buried. However,from the records of historical materials and the attitude of successivegovernments, the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor that you are about to see isthe only resting place for the Yellow Emperor in a hundred years. Sima Qian, ahistorian of the Western Han Dynasty, clearly states in his historical recordsthat "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in the bridge mountain". Themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in history, and itwas renamed in 1944. According to ancient Chinese documents, the yellow emperorascended to heaven by riding a dragon in Qiaoshan of Huangling County. Latergenerations buried the Yellow Emperor's clothes here and built a tomb for it.This is the origin of the Yellow Emperor's mausoleum. In addition, the Huangdimausoleum area has been proved by archaeology to be the settlement of primitiveclans in this area. The unearthed pottery and stone tools have distinctivecharacteristics of Yangshao culture.

  Huangdi mausoleum is located in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province, about180 kilometers north of Xi'an. Huangling County, formerly known as ZhongbuCounty, was renamed Huangling County in 1944 with the approval of the formergovernment of the Republic of China. In June 1997, Huangdi mausoleum wasannounced by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee as one ofthe 100 patriotic education demonstration bases in China.

  You are now in Xuanyuan square. This is the starting point of Yiling. Theground of Xuanyuan square is paved with natural river pebbles in QinlingMountains, with a total of 5000 pieces, which means that it represents the longhistory of the Chinese nation for 5020__ years. The pool in front of us iscalled YinChi. It is said that it is the place where the Yellow Emperor washedhis pen. The water of YinChi comes from Juhe river. In ancient Chinese, Juheriver is also regarded as the river of ancestors. When night comes, there willbe a beautiful landscape of "JuShui moon night".

  Now, the bridge we pass is called Xuanyuan bridge. The bridge, which spansYinChi, is built of all granite stone and is known as "the first bridge of allstone in modern China". At the north end of Xuanyuan bridge, Longwei Road, whichleads to the temple, has 95 steps, implying the lofty status of the YellowEmperor as the "king of __". In recent years, most of the public sacrificeactivities have been held here, which has been widely known by modern media.Stand in front of the broad Temple Square, please look back at Xuanyuan square,you will feel a "majestic, solemn, solemn, simple" grand momentum.

  Generally speaking, worshiping the Yellow Emperor means "worshiping thetemple first, then paying homage to the mausoleum". Xuanyuan temple is locatedin the north of JuShui, facing south, commanding and magnificent. Please followme into this sacred place. It is said that this ancient temple was built in theHan Dynasty. It was originally in the West foot of the bridge and moved here inthe Song Dynasty. Xuanyuan temple is composed of four courtyards. The gate ofthe temple is in the architectural style of Han Dynasty, with white walls, blackglazed tiles, tall and lofty, simple and generous. "Xuanyuan Temple" was writtenby Mr. Jiang Dingwen. Stepping into the gate of Xuanyuan temple, you can see atowering ancient cypress on the left. The branches of ancient cypress arevigorous and green, and the crown is like a canopy. The tree is about 4720__years old. It is said that it was planted by the Yellow Emperor himself, so itis called "Yellow Emperor's hand planted cypress". In 1982, British forestryexpert Robert and others came to China after inspecting 27 countries in theworld and marveled that it is "the father of cypress in the world". In 1998, thetree was recognized as one of the first batch of "100 ancient and famous treesin China".

  This pavilion is called "stele Pavilion". There are four stone tabletshere. The content of the first inscription on the right hand is a memorial poemwritten by Dr. Sun Yat Sen when he was the provisional president of the Republicof China. The second pass on the right hand is the three big characters"mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor" inscribed by Chiang Kai Shek in 1942. Thefirst passage on the left is a sacrificial essay written by Mao Zedong on April5, 1937 when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly sacrificed to themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. The second one is Deng Xiaoping's handwritten"descendants of the Yellow River".

  After leaving the pavilion, continue to walk in, you will see a one metersquare blue stone on your left side, with a huge inscription on it

  The footprints of the Yellow Emperor. The stone was excavated in Guowa,Southeast of Huangling. It is said that there are three footprints of the YellowEmperor. One is in Henan, one is in Shandong, and the other is in Huangling.According to the local people, if someone hits the big toe with a coin acrossthe fence, it indicates good luck and good luck.

  On the left side of Xuanyuan hall, there is a cypress tree. The tree trunkswere covered with spots and lines, as if there were broken nails. It is saidthat in 120__ BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty returned from his northernexpedition to Shuofang, and when he sacrificed to the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor, he nailed a nail on the tree trunk to hang his armor. So it's called"guajia cypress", also called "general cypress". Every year before QingmingFestival, cypress juice will overflow in the tree hole and condense into beads,like tears. After the Qingming Festival, it returned to its original state andwas called "the wonder of Qunbai".

  Now, the building in front of us is called Xuanyuan hall. The hall wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. On the forehead of the hall is a four characterplaque entitled "the first ancestor of humanity" by Cheng Qian, the formerpatriotic general of the Kuomintang in 1938.

  Entering the main hall, we see a semi relief statue of the Yellow Emperor.Based on the rubbings of the stone portraits of Wuliang ancestral temple in theEastern Han Dynasty, this sacred statue of the nation's ancestor was enlargedand carved with the approval of the State Administration of cultural relicsafter soliciting the opinions of relevant experts.

  At the north end of Xuanyuan Temple lies the hall of ancestor worship,which was newly built in 20__. In 20__, the first national ceremony ofsacrificing Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of China, was held hereduring the Qingming Festival. The whole building of the hall adheres to thestyle of Han and Tang Dynasties, and integrates the ancient tradition with theflavor of the new era. The ancestral square in front of the hall is paved withgranite, covering an area of more than 10000 square meters, and can accommodate5000 lines of sacrificial activities at the same time.

  Well, here is Xuanyuan temple. Next, we will climb mountains and visit themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

  Huangdi mausoleum is the mausoleum of Xuanyuan Huangdi, the ancestor of theChinese nation, known as "the first mausoleum in the world". In 1962, it wasannounced by the State Council as the national key cultural relics protectionunit "No.1 ancient tomb". Lingjia is located in Qiaoshan, 1km north of HuanglingCounty.

  Huangdi mausoleum has a unique "bridge mountain ancient cypress.". Nomatter which direction you enter the county, you can see the 5800 mu Qiaoshanmountain, full of green cypresses and lush. At present, there are more than81000 cypresses in Xuanyuan Huangdi Mausoleum scenic area, which is located inHuangling County, Shaanxi Province. There are more than 30000 ancient cypressesmore than 1000 years old. It is the oldest and best preserved group of ancientcypresses in China. This is really "the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum with toweringancient cypresses. It's full of smoke and light breeze. Qiaoshan completelytowering green, Ju water around the waist for thousands of years. All theseancient cypresses are priceless. Therefore, the ancient Chinese governmentsattach great importance to the protection of the ancient cypresses in themausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

  Dear friends, we are now at the gate of the cemetery. Please look to theleft side of the gate. This 20 meter high conical platform is called HanwuSendai. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after worshiping hisancestors, was very envious of the Yellow Emperor's ascending to heaven andbecoming an immortal. So hundreds of thousands of soldiers were ordered to carrya bag of soil on their backs to build this high platform overnight. He went onthe stage to pray for immortals and said to the people, "if I can go back toheaven like the Yellow Emperor, it's nothing to leave my wife, but it's justlike leaving my shoes." Today, there are two stone curved paths leading to thetop of the platform. Up 77 steps, down 78 steps, called "seven up and eightdown.". It's said that one visit to the stage can add years and blessings.

  Friends, this tomb in front of us is the resting place of our ancestors,the Yellow Emperor. The tomb is a oblate earth tomb. In front of the tomb, thereis another stele engraved with the four characters of "Qiaoshan Longyu", whichmeans that this is the place where the yellow emperor ascended to heaven bydriving a dragon. It is said that the Yellow Emperor lived for more than 100years. The emperor felt that he had made great achievements and sent a dragon totake him up to heaven. His subjects didn't want the Yellow Emperor to leave andsurrounded him. The dragon carries the Yellow Emperor into the air. In a panic,people pull off the Yellow Emperor's skirt, boots and sword. People bury theYellow Emperor's clothes, boots and swords here, and build a mound as amemorial. This is the origin of the saying that the mausoleum of the YellowEmperor is the family of clothes and crowns, but the legend is a legend afterall. Historical records and other books clearly record that "the Yellow Emperorcollapsed and buried in the bridge mountain.". Moreover, Emperor Wu of the HanDynasty and other emperors came here to pay homage to the Yellow Emperor, so itis recognized as the location of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

  In front of the "Qiaoshan Longyu" stele, there is another stele engravedwith three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" written by Guo Moruo in 1958.

  Well, tourists, due to the time constraint, this is the end of ourexplanation of Huangdi mausoleum today. You can visit it by yourself. We willgather at the gate in half an hour. Please pay attention to safety. Thankyou!

黄帝陵景区英语导游词 篇5

  According to legend, the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor is the mausoleumof Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation. It is located on the top of thebridge in the north of Huangling County. Huangdi was a great tribal leader atthe end of the primitive society in China and the ancestor of the Chinesecivilization. He used jade as weapons and made boats, bows and arrows. His wifecan raise silkworms, his historian Cangjie created characters, his ministerDatao created Ganzhi calendar, and his music officer Linglun made musicalinstruments. Later, our country can stand tall among the four ancientcivilizations in the world, which is inseparable from the extraordinary honor ofthe Yellow Emperor.

  The Yellow Emperor also recorded in history his great achievement ofpunishing evil and unifying the Chinese nation for the first time. It is saidthat the Yellow Emperor lived 118 years. Once, during his tour of Henan, therewas a thunderbolt on a clear day, and a yellow dragon came down from the sky. Itsaid to the Yellow Emperor, "your mission has been completed. Please come backto heaven with me." The Yellow Emperor knew that it was hard to disobey hisdestiny, so he got on the dragon's back. When Huanglong flew over the Qiaoshanmountain in Shaanxi Province, the Yellow Emperor asked to drive down to appeasehis subjects. Hearing the news, the people came from all directions, all crying.Under Huang Long's repeated urging, the Yellow Emperor stepped on the dragon'sback again, and people grabbed the Yellow Emperor's skirt to keep him. AfterHuanglong took away the Yellow Emperor, only his clothes were left. Peopleburied the Yellow Emperor's clothes in Qiaoshan and built tombs for mausoleums.This is the origin of the legendary Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. However,some people say that the Yellow Emperor was buried in Qiaoshan after hisdeath.

  Huangdi mausoleum area is about 4 square kilometers, surrounded bymountains and rivers, lush trees. When visitors arrive at the top of Qiaoshanmountain, they first see a stone tablet standing on the road, engraved with theinscription "all civil and military officials dismount here". There is amemorial Pavilion in front of the mausoleum. In the center of the pavilionstands a large stone tablet with three characters of "mausoleum of the YellowEmperor". There is another stone tablet behind the pavilion, which reads "LongYu in Qiaoshan". Then there is the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. Huangdimausoleum is located in the middle of the top of the mountain, facing the south.The mausoleum is about 4 meters high and 50 meters long. There is a 20 meterhigh platform 40 meters in front of the mausoleum, and a stone tablet next to itreads "Hanwu Xiantai". This platform was built in 120__ B.C. when Emperor Wu ofHan Dynasty Liu Che returned from his tour to Shuofang to pay homage to EmperorHuang and pray for immortals and gods.

  There are some buildings, ancient cypresses and stone tablets in Xuanyuantemple under Huangling mausoleum. Stepping into the temple gate, there is a hugecypress tree on the left. It is said that the cypress was planted by the YellowEmperor himself, so it is called "the cypress planted by the Yellow Emperor". Ithas a history of more than 4000 years. There is a hall and a stele Pavilion inthe north of the temple gate. There are 47 steles in the stele Pavilion. In thenorth lies the main hall, in front of which there is a tall ancient cypresscalled "guajia cypress". It is said that this was caused by Emperor Wu of theHan Dynasty's Gilded armor. The hall is majestic and magnificent, with a fourcharacter plaque of "the ancestor of humanity" hanging on the forehead. In themiddle of the hall is the magnificent tablet of the Yellow Emperor, and thereare some exhibits under the walls around it.





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