标题 | 山东济南趵突泉导游词 |
范文 | 山东济南趵突泉导游词(通用3篇) 山东济南趵突泉导游词 篇1各位游客、各位先生、小姐,一路辛苦了,欢迎您来趵突泉游园赏泉。 我们公园始建于一六年,因内有趵突泉而得名。现居市中心,位于泺源大街西首。趵突泉周围泉池众多,形成了趵突泉群。着名的金线泉、漱玉泉、马跑泉、卧牛泉、皇华泉、柳絮泉、老金线泉、洗钵泉、尚志泉、螺丝泉、满井泉、无忧泉、白云泉、望水泉、东高泉、登州泉、杜康泉、混沙泉、龙池泉、白龙湾等,构成了四大泉群之首。作为众泉之冠趵突泉成了泉城的独特象征。 我们趵突泉公园以观泉、赏鱼、品茶、山石、文化为特色,以小巧玲珑、步移景异,清洁幽静、古朴典雅而着称。全园共规划为十个景区,这就是趵突泉景区、三大殿景区、尚志堂景区、漱玉泉景区、东门入口区、枫溪景区、沧园景区、白雪楼区、南门入口区、万竹园景区,总面积近百亩。 趵突泉景区在我们公园内西侧,是全园构图中心,由亭、堂、廊、榭组成了一个封闭空间,高低错落的建筑像众星捧月一样,簇拥着喷突腾涌的趵突泉,人们可以从不同的角度欣赏泉景,被誉为泺水之源,在史书上第一次出现是<<春秋>>上关于鲁桓公和济襄公谈判两国边界一事的记载。鲁桓公十七年(公元前695年)。齐国和鲁国因边界争执发生战争,次年春,鲁桓公到齐国谈判边界问题,会齐侯(齐襄公)于泺。泺,泺水的源头,即趵突泉。所以趵突泉为人所知已经有二千五、六百年的历史了。当然那时泺水之源,名字并不叫趵突泉,北魏时,因泉上建有娥姜(英)庙,谷称娥姜(英)水,直到唐宋八大家之一的北宋文学家曾巩始称为趵突泉,并流传至今。不过,宋朝.金代曾有人称叫“温泉”、“槛泉”、“爆流泉”、“瀑流泉”等等,但都不如趵突泉这个名字精当传神。 趵突泉,三窟并发,声如隐雷,“泉源上奋”,“水涌若轮”称“趵突腾空“。“云雾润蒸”是趵突泉一景。泉水一年四季恒定在摄氏18度左右,到了严冬早晨,水面上水气袅袅上升,象一层薄烟,一边是泉池幽深,波光粼粼,一边是楼阁彩绘,雕梁画栋,这一切与淡淡的薄雾,构成一幅奇妙的人间仙境.奇特景观为济南八景之一,历代着名文学家、哲学家、诗人多有赞美。诸如宋代曾巩、苏轼、金代元好问,元代赵孟府、张养浩,明代王守仁,清代王士祯、蒲松龄、何绍基等都有吟泉佳作。康熙、乾隆皇帝都曾在趵突泉边写诗刻石,颂扬名泉,当代文豪郭沫若等也都有赞颂的美文。 趵突泉东西之间的这座南北向的小桥,名曰来鹤桥,原为木桥,明代万历初所建,天启末年重修,济南解放后扩建公园时将其改建为石桥。桥南首的彩绘木牌坊是原来的样子,牌坊匾额朝南的一面上刻“洞天福地”;朝北的一面是“蓬山旧迹”,“蓬山”指传说中东海神山的蓬莱、方丈、瀛州三座神山,趵突泉为何称“蓬山旧迹”?意为东海神山不过传说而已,谁也没有见过,但趵突泉的三股水其状如山,但不可攀,好象神话中的蓬莱仙山一般,所以称其为“蓬山旧迹”。泉池西侧伸入水中的小亭叫观澜亭,此亭建于明朝天顺五年(1461),至今已有500多年历史,亭西墙壁上嵌刻的两块石碑,一块“观澜”两个大字,取自<<孟子.尽心>>“观水有术,必观其澜”,为明代书法家张钦的墨迹。另一“第一泉”的石刻,是清朝同治年间王钟霖的手笔。亭东泉池中这块半浸水中的石碑,上镌三个雄健大字:趵突泉,为明代山东巡抚胡缵宗所写,细心的游客有的可能会发现突变成了“突”,缺了两点,传说劲挺柱涌的三股水把“盖子”顶掉了,才使“突”字变成了现在这个样子,当然这只是形容泉水势强,人们的一种遐想。泉池南岸透窗临池榭廊是解放后所建,近年来成了“闲时墨客会名优”京剧名流演出的舞台。趵突泉东池北岸,依水而着,窗明几净的建筑就是有名的蓬莱茶社,又称望鹤亭茶社,清代文人施闰章曾写诗歌曰:“仰而见山之青,俯而见泉之洁,清流激湍兮,孰浚其源?潜蛟出蛰兮,飞虹蜿蜒”。说明这个地方在当时是极目远眺,俯首凝视,观赏领略远近山水之美的绝妙境地。据说当年康熙、乾隆两个皇帝都曾在这里临水静坐,品茗赏泉,领略趵突泉的万般风韵。当品尝到趵突泉水后,竟将南巡中携饮之 北京玉泉水全部换为趵突泉的水,故有“润泽春茶味更真”,不饮趵突泉的水,空负济南游之说。趵突泉池北岸的大殿叫“泺源堂”,紧挨泺源堂的两座大殿,统称吕祖庙,也叫“吕仙祠”、“吕公祠”、“吕祖阁”。 这三座大殿坐北朝南,在同一中轴线上,自成院落,是一组较大的古建筑群。解放前,第一大殿祀道教八仙之一的吕洞宾,称“吕祖阁”,第二大殿祀吕洞宾的教师钟离权,称“钟离宫”,上层祀文昌,第三大殿是斗母殿。最南的大殿泺源堂,三间两层,歇山飞檐,古色古香,楹柱上的木刻楹联,“云雾润蒸华不注,波涛声震大明湖”是赵孟府的泳泉句,由当代着名书法家金荣先生书写。一大殿始建于北宋熙宁年间,南殿临泺水的源头,故称“泺源堂”,北殿面对历山故称“历山堂”,解放后恢复为“泺源堂”。游客们看到中间这座殿堂叫娥英祠,娥英祠是纪念大舜的两妃娥皇和女英而建,据<<水经注>>记载:“泺水谷谓之娥姜水。以泉源的娥英祠故也”足以证明在1520xx年前就建有此祠。现在的祠是明代建筑。娥英祠后面的“三圣殿”是清代建筑。在院落内花格透墙镶嵌着的30余方石刻都是明清时名人的泳泉佳作,院内这尊石碑,前书“激湍”二字,后<<再题趵突泉作>>出自康熙和乾隆之手,两个皇帝在同一石碑题词作诗,在国内极为少见,这些碑文,石刻文物不仅具有较高的观赏价值,也是研究泉水文脉不可多得的史料。 山东济南趵突泉导游词 篇2Hello everyone! Welcome to Baotu Spring Scenic spot. Today, I'll be yourguide. I hope you have a good time! Baotu Spring is characterized by spring view, fish appreciation, teatasting and culture. It is small and exquisite, simple and elegant. Entering the east gate, you come to Baotu Spring Park, where the treesbecome shade and the flowers and plants are luxuriant. Among them, the mostfamous is Baotu Spring. The Baotu Spring group with him as the center is thefirst of the four spring groups in Jinan. Walking inside, you can see the famous springs such as Shuyu spring,Jinxian spring, woniu spring and so on. Further down, we come to the world-famous edge, which has the reputation of"the first spring in the world". There are many literati here have left thepraise of spring works. There are three springs gushing out day and night in the pool. There aremany fish swimming happily in the pool. They sink to the bottom and float to thesurface. The spring water is clear, like Jasper. It is at 18 ℃ on average everyyear. In winter, there is a layer of mist on the surface of the water, whichbrings people a fairyland. This is also one of the eight scenic spots of Jinanin the old days. Baotu Spring is so beautiful! I can't say it clearly. I hope you have timeto visit here. 山东济南趵突泉导游词 篇3Dear passengers, hello. Welcome to Baotu Spring Park, the best spring inthe world. Baotu Spring Park is located in the center of Jinan, in the middle of BaotuSpring South Road and Luoyuan street, with Qianfo Mountain in the south,Quancheng Square in the East and Daming Lake in the north, covering an area of158 mu. Built in 1958, it is named after Baotu Spring. Enter from the east gate and walk along the path. There are many springsbeside the path, including the famous golden spring. Shuyuquan. Ma paoquan.Woniuquan. Liuxuquan and so on. Baotu Spring is on the west side of the park. It is the center of the wholepark. It is surrounded by pavilions. Don. Corridor. The structure of thepavilion. In the middle of the spring pool, there are three water columns likesmall snow piles, that is Baotu Spring. There is a pavilion on the west side ofthe spring pool, called Guanlan Pavilion, which was built in 1461. There are twostone tablets on both sides, one with "Baotu Spring" and the other with "thefirst spring". Baotu Spring caves coexist and sound like hidden thunder. Inwinter, water vapor curls up on the water surface, like a thin layer of smoke.This is one of the eight sceneries in Jinan, which is called "cloud moisteningsteaming". It is said that there is another legend about the No.1 spring in the world:Qianlong took Yuquan water with him every time he visited the south, but afterdrinking Baotu Spring water, he felt very sweet. He replaced the Yuquan water hecarried with Baotu Spring water and sealed Baotu Spring as "the first spring inthe world". The main hall on the North Bank of Baotu Spring pool is called "Luoyuanhall", and next to it is "luzu Temple" Wanzhu garden is the garden of Baotu Spring, located in the west of thepark, covering an area of 18 mu, composed of 13 courtyards. Li kuchan memorialhall, a famous Chinese painting master, has a garden. OK, that's the end of the tour. Thank you. Looking forward to your nextvisit. |
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