

词汇 lie
🔑lielie1 /laɪ /


[intransitive] (present participle ly·ing, past tense, past participle lied)lie (to sb) (about sth)
to say or write something that you know is not true说谎;撒谎He lied about his age in order to join the army.为了参军,他谎报了年龄。 (figurative) The camera cannot lie.相机不会撒谎。

🔑lielie2 /laɪ /


a statement that you know is not true谎话;谎言to tell a lie说谎  look at white lie, liar

lielie3 /laɪ /


[intransitive] (present participle ly·ing, past tense lay /leɪ / , past participle lain /leɪn /)
  1. to be or put yourself in a flat or horizontal position (so that you are not standing or sitting)躺;卧He lay on the sofa and went to sleep.他躺在沙发上睡着了。to lie on your back / side / front仰卧;侧卧;俯卧The book lay open in front of her.书摊开放在她面前。
  1. to be or remain in a certain state or position处于,保持(某状态或位置)Snow lay thick on the ground.地上积着厚厚的雪。The hills lie to the north of the town.群山位于小城的北边。The final decision lies with the chief executive officer.最终决定权在首席执行官手里。They are young and their whole lives lie ahead of them.他们还年轻,前面的日子还很长。
  1. lie (in sth) to exist or to be found somewhere在于;见于The problem lies in deciding when to stop.问题在于决定什么时候停下来。
lie in wait (for sb)to hide somewhere waiting to attack, surprise, or catch someone埋伏以待;伏击 lie aroundto relax and do nothing无所事事;游手好闲Don't just lie around all day do some work!别成天闲着,干点事情!lie backto relax and do nothing while someone else works, etc.(在别人干活时)偷懒,闲着不干活lie down(used about a person) to be or put yourself in a flat or horizontal position so that you can rest(人)平卧,躺着,躺倒I'm feeling dizzy I have to lie down.我感觉头晕,得躺一躺。




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