

词汇 life
🔑lifelife /laɪf /


(plural lives /laɪvz /)
state of living生存状态
  1. [uncountable] the quality that people, animals, or plants have when they are not dead生命Life on earth began in a very simple form.地球上的生命起源于非常简单的形态。Do you believe in life after death?你相信来生吗?
  1. [countable] the existence of an individual person人的生命;人命;性命He risked his life to save the child.他冒着生命危险去救那个孩子。Doctors fought all night to save her life.医生彻夜抢救她的生命。Three lives were lost in the fire.火灾中有三人丧生。
  1. [uncountable] the state of being alive as a human being人的存活;活着The hostages were rescued without loss of life.人质都平安获救。to bring someone back to life使某人起死回生
living things生物
  1. [uncountable] living things生物No life was found on the moon.月球上没有发现生物。There was no sign of life in the deserted house.废弃的房子里没有生命迹象。plant life植物
period of time时期
  1. [countable] the period between your birth and death or between your birth and the present一生;一辈子;经历过的人生He worked as a doctor all his life.他当了一辈子医生。to ruin someone's life毁掉某人的一生
  1. [uncountable] the things that you may experience during your life生活;日子Life can be hard for a single parent.单亲家长的日子往往很艰难。I'm not happy with the situation, but that's life.我对这个处境不满意,但这就是生活。
  1. [uncountable] the period between the present and your death余生;后半生She was sent to prison for life.她被终身监禁。life membership in a club俱乐部的终身会员身份
way of living生活方式
  1. [countable, uncountable] a way of living生活方式They came to America to start a new life.他们来美国开始了新的生活。They lead a busy life.他们的生活忙忙碌碌。married life婚姻生活
energy / excitement精力;兴奋
  1. [uncountable] lively activity热闹活跃;活力Young kids are full of life.儿童充满活力。This town comes to life in the evenings.这座小城到了晚上就热闹起来。
the facts of life (health医疗保健) the details of sexual behavior and how babies are born性知识;生理知识get a life (informal) (often imperative常用于祈使句) to stop being boring and annoying; to have a better sense of what things are important别无聊了;来点有意思的Stop moaning about money all the time and get a life!别开口闭口总抱怨钱,有点境界吧!life in the fast lane (informal) a way of living that involves exciting activities and spending a lot of money丰富多彩的生活;奢华的生活lose your lifeto be killed丧命;丧生real lifethe real worldthe way that things in general actually are, not the way someone imagines they are真实的生活;真实的世界;真实的情况He looks shorter in real life than he does on TV.他真人看上去比在电视上矮一些。That's not how things work in the real world.现实生活中事情不是那么回事。take your (own) lifeto kill yourself自杀a walk of lifea person's job or position in society职业;地位;阶层She has friends from many different walks of life.她各行各业都有朋友。a way of lifethe behavior and customs that are typical of a person or group of people生活方式;生活习惯




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