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标题 2023河南省英语导游词


2023河南省英语导游词 篇1

  (自我介绍)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henanprovince。First, pleaselet me introduce myself to you.My name is apple , I?ll be your local guideduring your stay here ,This is MrZhang ,our driver ,He is conscientious andseasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding inhis coach, to avoidgetting a wrong bus .we?d better remember the number andthe features of our bus.the number is 21806 and its color is red, if you haveany special interests,please let me know, my job is to smooth your way and trymy best to answer yourquestions ,we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope thatduring your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes andstomach but alsoexperience the real Chinese culture and have a better understandingof theChinese people , it will take ushalf an hour to our destination, ShaoLinMonastery. During this time, I?dlike to give you a brief introduction aboutHenan province.

  (介绍河南)Henan province ,also called ?yu? for short,meaning a man pulling anelephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named ?centralPlain? or ?centralState?, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with atotal populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces inChina.

  As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, isour mother river. Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its namemeans ,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yellow River,

  A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 yearsago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here. So every year, many Chinesedescendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers. The last few years hasseen the development of Henan province. Especially in the industry andagriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.

  Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,butalso forits beautiful natural scenery. For the overseas tourists , Henanprovinceis just like a natural history museum with splendid culture civilization.

  Zhengzhou,which is the capital and largest city of Henanprovince in centralChina.A prefecture-level city, it also serves as the centre of political,economic,technological, and educational of the province, as well as amajortransportation hub for Central China. Zhengzhou is also named mall city .Itwasonce the capital of Shang dynasty 3500 years ago

  and now is a modern commercialcity. That makes it closely relate to shang,which means commerce and trade inchina. Because of that, Zhengzhouis one of theEight Great Ancient Capitals of China and holds important statusof modern mallcenter in connection with other places.

  Zhengzhou experiences amonsoon-influenced, four-season humid subtropicalclimate, with cool, drywinters and hot, humid summers. Spring and autumn are dryand short.

  Well, our bus is coming tothe downtown area of Dengfeng city. Dengfeng hasa long history. A number ofsites in and around the township are well worthvisiting them. Foremost on thelist is the Shaolin Temple the birth place ofbothKungfu and Zen Buddhism.

  Nowladies and gentlemen, our destination has arrived, please carry youritems withyou, and get down the bus one by one carefully. Then let?s visit ittogether.

2023河南省英语导游词 篇2

  Henan fu sen danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is located in theworld-famous irrigation system, the main water source of south-to-north watertransfer project in ━ henan xichuan, henan fu sen pharmaceutical group co., LTD.Is to promote the rapid development of henan tourism, according to "givepriority to with medicine, multi-industry simultaneously" strategic planning,with the aid of the south-north water diversion historical opportunity,investment of nearly 260 million yuan, according to the standard 5 a gradescenic spot, and for six years, strongly built in "water culture and Buddhismculture, medicine, culture, chu culture, business culture" as the main content,set "ornamental, informative, interesting, entertaining, raise by nature", asone of the central plains and holiday resorts and prayers for the holy land.

  Danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is composed of six into Dansmall island in the river's lake, covers an area of 10.8 square kilometers. Onthe island of flowers, pine and cypress, pine needles to shop; Thousands ofhectares of clear water in the lake, wide, tianshui color; Surrounded by hills,qunfeng stands, thrilling spectacle. Scenic area is set in danjiangkouhydroelectric xiushui to xichuan as the base of sincere history and culture, theenvironment and the planning and design institute of henan university planningand design, on the basis of complement, perfect for many times, connotation isrich, interesting rhyme stack. Built the history museum, business wizards fan lichu culture museum, memorial hall, the central plains of south-to-north watertransfer project in three sides ChengShiGuan audio and video, goddess of mercytemple, fly jiang bridge, turtle life of waterfalls, strange stone men, zodiacgallery, bono, Lin Lin square god beast, the dragon born nine children,thousands of meters along the promenade, botanical garden, Chinese traditionalmedicine water entertainment city (including swimming, drifting, sunshine beach,water chess, watch fish fishing) fine attractions, such as supporting theconstruction of the multiple large parking lot, cultural square, touristreception center, equipped with luxury cruise ships, sightseeing car, such ashigh-grade services. Improve the occasion, natural tiancheng, attracted a largenumber of tourists from home and abroad, tourism has become the central plains,leaping a shinning pearl, known as a precious name card of tourism of henanprovince.

  Water culture Danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir has more than 800 squarekilometers, the lake boasts the first library in Asia, its first performance inwater quality and crisp, sweet, and so has become the main water source ofsouth-to-north water transfer, formed the fly jiang bridge, at the center of thewater level along the river corridor, artificial waterfalls, he asserts, allkinds of yacht, seaplanes, danjiangkou hydroelectric fish feast of many colorfulwater world. Buddha culture Zhongyuan ancient temple incense, yan temple next tothe danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir in the central plains, one of four bigacquainting the temple remaining, danjiangkou hydroelectric estates will assumetemple of healing, and built the temple museum of art and Asia's second-largestshengshi guanyin of the central plains, is the preparation of the goddess ofmercy will be divided into three parts: guanyin theme, guanyin, the goddess ofmercy temple square. Guanyin theme part modelling unique, using modern sound andlight comprehensive technology, the invention. Medallion, guan Yin isaccompanied by music fountain, the rising new interpretation of the mysteriousbuddhist culture. To further enrich the danjiangkou hydroelectric gardendistrict strong cultural atmosphere. Medicine culture Dan river stretch aroundthe castle peak is eight hundred in the funiu, mild climate, rich Chinese herbalmedicine resources, natural pharmacy.

  Danjiangkou hydroelectric estates on the basis of the original naturalherbal opened nearly ten thousand mu of Chinese herbal medicine base, planting avariety of Chinese herbal medicine plants, as well as ornamental and medicinal,give full play to the natural resources, but also protect the soil andvegetation. On the base of Chinese herbal medicine is also set up who temple, lishizhen as architectural sculpture, and to show all previous dynasties Chinesemedicine celebrity deeds, built the national culture of rare traditional Chinesemedicine. Chu culture Xichuan danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir is the capitalof chu period in danyang, the birthplace of chu culture. For the reproduction ofthe chu culture style, full display source of south-to-north water transferproject history culture and classics, danjiangkou hydroelectric garden set upChuFeng, danyang floor and related cultural attractions, historical celebrities,cultural origin. Visitors at the time of return to nature, and fully experiencethe unique flavor of cultural tourism and fun. ShangSheng fan li shang cultureand generation. After the prime minister chu, profession, official business,also achievement generation, rich. Its original business is still shining withthe light of truth, is the ancestor of the market economy. He proposed a"business 18" and related still has realistic guiding significance to thebusiness philosophy, praised by many businessmen scholars and research. Fan Ligeof danjiangkou hydroelectric garden planning and relevant construction aims toprovide visitors with cultural tourism at the same time, spread ShangSheng fanli business style, to carry forward, achievement more tycoons.

2023河南省英语导游词 篇3

  Dear friends, welcome to zhengzhou city, henan province. My name is liu qi.I'm the tour guide of zhengzhou world travel agency. This is our driver, Mr.Zou. During the tour of zhengzhou, we will provide services to you and me. Wishyou a wonderful and unforgettable time in zhengzhou.

  Zhengzhou, henan province, henan province's political, economic andcultural center, is located in the hinterland, kyushu, she surging Yellow Riverin the north, the west according to wei songshan, east and west wide daymarginal huanghuai plains, known as the "male central peak, airspace it,"said.

  Zhengzhou has a beautiful environment, green trees and a reputation as agreen city. In particular, in recent years, zhengzhou has intensified theconstruction of the city, and the city's taste has been continuously improved.Zhengzhou xinjian riverside park, bauhinia square and other large green spaceand square. Zhengzhou is rich in tourism resources, and there is a scenic spotin songshan mountain. There are shaolin temple in shaolin temple. ZhengzhouYellow River tour area, is a good place to appreciate mother river charm;Xinzheng xuanyuan emperor hometown, descendants of the yellow roots a greatplace for ancestor worship, and the river village sites, zheng han cultural,gongyi Song Ling, dozen tiger pavilion, grottoes temple, du fu, writing home andother places of interest. Zhengzhou tourism facilities are perfect, all kinds ofstar hotels, restaurants, various entertainment facilities and so on, the nightlife is also rich and colorful.

  During your visit, you will get a comprehensive service, feel theenthusiasm and simplicity of the people in central plains, and learn more aboutthe profound and profound culture of the central plains.

  Welcome to zhengzhou for sightseeing.

2023河南省英语导游词 篇4

  Dear friends, welcome to Yuntai Mountain:

  Henan Yuntai Mountain, is a UNESCO Award for the world's first worldgeological park.There is a song called "home" have a look, there is a desirethat often go around, and I was so that everyone desires into reality and leavea good impression on the tour guide, you can call me Xiao Zhang, under grand tointroduce us the head the most handsome driver king master, king master hasexcellent driving technology, he escorts for us, we can lay down the heart easyto play. This saying is not one family does not enter a door, now that we are onthe same car is also one family? So in our journey to everyone on our serviceshave any comments or suggestions, please just ask, if be perfectly logical andreasonable we will try to meet all the requirements, the last wish you apleasant journey.

  Friends when you embark on a trip to Yuntai Mountain, whether there is akind of unable to hold oneself back feeling it, then please allow me tointroduce you to Yuntai Mountain also listen for fast.

  At the junction of county territory. Due to the steep mountains, thesolitary mountain show., shaped like a giant pot mouth, covered in the peaksabove the mountains all the year round, wind around the clouds. Here are thesize of mountain 36, rise amid pinnacle, Xiongqi dangerous show, Yuntai Mountainis the ancient Yubei Mingshan, now has completed the Yuntai Mountain scenic areain Henan province is the only one to have the key national scenic area, national5A level scenic area, national geological parks, national Forest Park, thenational water scenic area, national Macaque Nature Reserve District 6 statetitle in the scenic area and it is the world geological park. Now open area are:warm plate Valley, the old lake ditch, xiaozhaigou, cornel peak

  Yuntai Mountain risk water, cool and pleasant climate. This source of rich,lush vegetation, the primeval forest covered the hills, various types of morethan 400 trees and exotic flowers and rare herbs. Chinese herbal medicine isrich, in addition to ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and famous at home and abroadfour Huaiyao and dogwood, Angelica 200 kinds of. Sun Simiao had been in the TangDynasty old alchemy, so far in this mountain area is also circulating heascended the story ".

  To tell you that we may have a doubt, Jiaozuo is a coal city, the streetshould be the dust, how could the hooks and tourism? If you don't believe inthrough the window to check my claim, in recent years, Jiaozuo in the courage tobreak traditional development pattern, in a coal is proposed on the basis of theconstruction of garden city, the grand goal, after several years ofconstruction, Jiaozuo days in the blue mountains, green, the water in theclear.

  Way to say to talk talk, we came to the area of parking lots, in the carbefore it I want you to draw up three chapters of law, of course, is not in ourdaily life the said laws and regulations, but everyone in the scenic tour somematters needing attention: first, it is the time requirements: wish everyone inthe area when they visit Strictly abide by the time requirements, let us striveto do a person also cannot little, less of a person too, second is the safetyrequirements, for your safety, please do not walk walking not viewing, viewing,third it is my please do scenic culture spokesman, cultural tourism begin fromme, do civilization the tourists.

  Good friends, would you please close the window, take your belongings, getoff with me to visit, please remember our parking place and my license platenumber in A51588

  Yuntai Mountain attractions

  Overlooking the vast sea of clouds, the distant peaks rolling, with vastand mysterious eyes distant landscape reminds us of the Tang Dynasty poet WangWei's poem: Baiyun back, green mist into the watch, no, peak, and report thespecial.

  Here we come now to the "China first odd gap" red stone gorge, the redstone gorge aka "warm plate valley". Because the valley is named after thesummer and winter temperature. The red stone gorge tour you'd better stand highand remote viewing, when you close it is a wonderland of illusion, a former GuHuaiqing prefect Xu Yizhen once wrote a poem praising the "year of the ghost axlayer cliff, bird flying line open."

2023河南省英语导游词 篇5

  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ancient capital luoyang. Now I'd liketo introduce you to luoyang.

  Luoyang city is located in the west of henan province, the south bank ofthe Yellow River, the northern edge of the elo basin, which is named after thecity of luoshui in the ancient city. It east the conjugate tiger fastened, westaccording to xiaohan, MangShan store in the north and south of deficiency andsoutheast to song, los, Iraq, Chan, jian four rivers wan, meanwhile, sinceancient times has rivers, accused of wear, and centers of guilin, and reputationin the world.

  Such a narrow geographical situation and superior geographical locationmake it the ideal place for the emperors of all dynasties. According to thearchaeological excavations of calendar year and a large number of detailedhistorical documents authentication successively have xia, shang and westernzhou dynasty, zhou dynasty, the eastern han, wei, western jin dynasty, northernwei, sui, tang, back rest, the later tang dynasty, such as rising 13 dynastiesin this state, time for more than 1500 years. In addition, there are eightdynasties as a partner. Therefore, luoyang is the first of the seven ancientcapitals, the earliest, the most dynasties and the longest time. Since luoyanghas long been a national political, economic, cultural, technological andtransportation center, all the major events in history have occurred here, andthere are many important activities here. So da said historian sima guang, youask, ancient and modern waste things, please you only see the luoyang city,which means that luoyang is a microcosm of the history of China, if you want tolearn Chinese in 5000, then you must look at luoyang.

  Even after today's historical scour, luoyang still has rich cultural relicsand historical sites. We can't count the Numbers here, and we'll talk about themin the course of the tour.

  Luoyang is not only a world-famous historical and cultural city, and it isvery important modern industrial city and important scientific research base,the strength and the foreign trade in henan province, leading industry andtechnology. There are a number of well-known large enterprises and researchinstitutes in China, such as the first drag airport and the bearing factory.Luoyang is also rich in coal, molybdenum, gold, bauxite and other mineralresources and forest resources; There are highways, railways, air trafficnetworks, aviation ports and customs; There is also a large comprehensive marketin the whole country -- guanlin commercial city; There are famous Chinese andforeign famous wine du kang wine, tang sancai and luoyang water table; There isa national peony in the world. Every April, the peony flowers will attractnumerous Chinese and foreign friends to see the pomp, feast eyes. It can be saidthat the flowers are like the sea, people are like the tide, flowers bloom andfall 20 days, a city of people are crazy!

  Today, luoyang is by the national implementation of the western developmentstrong east wind, seize this rare opportunity to implement the strategy of eastled to the west, to speed up the pace of development - to cancel the suburbs,adjust the regionalization, widening urban framework; To cooperate with thecreation of national excellent tourism cities and civilized cities, and topromote the construction of the gay community and the improvement of theinternal and external environment; The development strategy of grand tourism isput forward, and the surrounding environment of longmen grottoes, white horsetemple and guanlin temple is managed. To make the declaration of the worldcultural heritage of the longmen grottoes, the decisive decision of the worldcultural heritage, the decisive decision, through unremitting efforts, toachieve the success; Build lupu park to create a beautiful environment,recreating the autumn scenery.

  Friends, the luoyang municipal party committee and the municipalgovernment, will over time, with its good social benefits and economic benefits,increasingly apparent. This is a good start. I believe that in the near future,luoyang will make a new gesture to impress the world, the future of luoyang willbe more brilliant!

  My introduction is over, I wish my friends a pleasant trip to luoyang inthe next few days!

2023河南省英语导游词 篇6

  The world cultural heritage Yinxu scenic spot in Anyang, Henan Province, islocated in the northwest suburb of Anyang, a famous historical and cultural cityin China, across the northern and southern sides of the Huan River. In ancienttimes, it was called "BEIMENG" or "Yinxu". In oracle bone inscriptions of"Yinyi", it was also called "dayishang" and "Shangyi". It was the capital of thelate Shang Dynasty in China. It was also the first ancient capital site inChinese history to be verified by Oracle bone inscriptions and archaeologicalexcavations. It has a history of 3300 years.

  It was the political, economic, military and cultural center of the lateShang Dynasty in China during the 255 years from Pan Geng's moving to Yin in1300 BC to the fall of emperor Xin in 1046 BC. After the fall of Shang Dynasty,it was reduced to ruins. Yin Ruins are huge in scale and wide in scope. Startingfrom Guojiawan in the East, Beixinzhuang in the west, Liujiazhuang in the south,Houying in the north and sanjiazhuang in the northeast, it is about 6 km longand 5 km wide, with a total area of about 24 square kilometers.

  The general layout of Yin Ruins is centered on Xiaotun palace and ancestraltemple area. It is an open ancient capital along the two sides of Huan River. Atpresent, there are many relics, such as palace and ancestral temple area, royalmausoleum area, Hougang site, many settlement sites (clan towns), familycemeteries, Oracle Bone pits, bronze casting sites, jade making, bone makingworkshops and so on. The unique cultural connotation of Yin Ruins is composed ofmagnificent palace and temple building sites, hierarchical mausoleums, scatteredresidential sites, family cemeteries, handicraft workshops and rich culturalrelics represented by Oracle Bone Inscriptions and bronzes, which shows thegrand scale and kingly style of the capital.

2023河南省英语导游词 篇7

  Yuefei temple in Zhuxian Town is commonly known as Yuewang temple. Locatedin Zhuxian Town, 22 kilometers southwest of Kaifeng City, Henan Province, thetemple was built in the autumn and September of the 16th year of Chenghua(1470). The temple covers an area of 27 mu. It faces south in the north, with arectangular veranda and three courtyards. After many times of renovation andreconstruction in Ming and Qing Dynasties, the whole hall is magnificent, withnumerous steles and pavilions. It is rich and colorful, and has attracted YuQian, Emperor Qianlong, Yang Chengwu, Zhu Muzhi, Hu Yaobang and other historicalcelebrities to stay here. Together with Tangyin, Wuchang and Hangzhou Yuefeitemples, it is known as the four largest Yuefei temples in China and enjoys agood reputation at home and abroad.

  Yuefei temple in Zhuxian Town is 22 kilometers south of Kaifeng City. It issaid that Zhuxian Town was the hometown of Zhu Hai, a righteous scholar of Weistate in the Warring States period, and became one of the four famous towns inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. The heyday of Zhuxian Town was at the end of MingDynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty. At that time, the town covered anarea of 25 square kilometers, had a population of more than 200000, and had morethan 40000 civil and commercial households. There are many streets anddepartment stores in the town. Jialu river divides the whole town into East Townand West town. Dongzhen was an important street in Ming and Qing Dynasties.After the reign of Emperor Qianlong, because of the Yellow River overflowing,the town suffered many floods. The terrain of the east town was low, and mostmerchants moved from the east town to the West town. In the early years of theSouthern Song Dynasty, the anti Jin hero Yue Fei led his troops to defeat JinWushu. Yuefei temple was built in the 14th year of Chenghua in Ming Dynasty. Itis one of the four largest Yuefei temples in Ming Dynasty. After liberation, itwas repaired again. Now, the mountain gate, the screen wall in front of the gateand the statue of "five traitors kneeling on their knees" have been restored.The most famous steles in the temple are "daoziya, Mr. Zhang's NorthernExpedition", "Manjianghong" and other steles, with vigorous and unrestrainedcharacters, which are the best among the steles.

  According to the inscription of Chenghua in Ming Dynasty quoted in Xiangfucounty annals, Jiyue temple was first built in Hubei, then in Hangzhou, third inTangyin, and now in Zhuxian Town in the south of Liangcheng. In Hubei Province,where the king of Hubei was founded; in the time of Wang Yuanbai, it was builtin the tomb of the king of Hangzhou; in Tangyin, it was the kingdom of WangTian; in Zhuxian Town, it was Wang Zhigong; in Tangyin, it was Wang Zhigong."Yuefei temple in Zhuxian Town once attracted Yu Qian, Emperor Qianlong, YangChengwu, Zhu Muzhi, Hu Yaobang and other historical celebrities to come here tostudy ink. The temple was renovated and rebuilt many times in the Ming and QingDynasties.





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