标题 | 有关电话礼仪的英文文章 |
范文 | 有关电话礼仪的英文文章(通用3篇) 有关电话礼仪的英文文章 篇1Telephone manners While today's phones are capable of countless special functions, remember that basic etiquette still applies. Being aware of who is with you and where you are when receiving a call is important, as well as having an awareness of your volume and tone of voice. If you don't want anyone to hear your conversation, chances are they don't want to hear it either! Cell phones are great—they keep us in touch with friends and family and can be life savers in an emergency. But they can also be annoying if not used thoughtfully. Remember, it doesn’t have to be on all the time and you don’t always have to answer it immediately. Learn to use your phone’s features like silent ring, vibrate and voicemail to handle the times when your phone would be bothering others if it rang and you answered it. 1.Be in control of your phone, don't let it control you! 2.Speak softly. 3.Be courteous to those you are with; turn off your phone if it will be interrupting a conversation or activity. 4.Watch your language, especially when others can overhear you. 5.Avoid talking about personal problems in a public place. 6.If it must be on and it could bother others, use the silent ring mode and move away to talk. 7.Don’t make calls in a library, theater, church, or from your table in a restaurant. 8.Don’t text during class or a meeting at your job. 9.Private info can be forwarded, so don’t text it. 10.NEVER drive and use your phone at the same time. 有关电话礼仪的英文文章 篇2The telephone is an amazingly useful machine, and very easy to use, but believe it or not, people don't always use them effectively. Because we're busy and focused on ourselves, we often use our phones in a manner that's helpful for us, but not necessarily for everyone else. Hopefully you know a few of the basics, such as keeping your phone volume low, or on vibrate, resisting the urge to use them during meetings or training sessions, and of course, refraining from personal texting while at work. For personal texting, it's best to give yourself one or two times per day. You'll step away from your work, say, outside, or in a cafeteria, and then engage your personal texts. Those are obviously important, but what I really want you to think about is how you interact and respect the person with whom you're speaking. And that begins before you even pick up the phone. When you hear the ring, grab a pad of paper and pen, so you can be ready to take needed notes without causing a delay while you look around your desk. Before saying "hello," I want you to smile, and choose to be positive. How you feel will be sensed by the person on the other end of the phone, so smile and make a positive impression. Right after you say "hello," be sure you've turned away from your computer towards the area of your office least likely to be distracting. No multitasking of any kind allowed—in fact, just looking at your pad of paper and pen is a really good idea, because it encourages cognitive focus. Next, if the call isn't for you, but is for someone else in the department or company, don't say wrong number; don't say they did anything wrong at all. Instead, help them. Connect them to the person, or at least share relevant contact information. Finally, during the call, remember to never interrupt the person. Interrupting tends to be viewed by everyone as a sign of disrespect. If you're very busy and facing a huge deadline, you can shape the call when it's your turn to speak, for example, by telling them you need to get back to them, but then, do suggest a specific time. Of course, if you're honestly not able to talk, you probably shouldn't have answered the call, unless it's your boss, or a person you're expecting an important call from. The telephone is your friend, but if you don't use it correctly, it won't necessarily make you look friendly. Remember the tips above, and you'll connect successfully by building only positive impressions. 有关电话礼仪的英文文章 篇3电话的语言礼仪 语言表达尽量简洁明白,吐字要清晰,不要对着话筒发出咳嗽声或吐痰声。措辞和语法都要切合身份,不可太随便,也不可太生硬。称呼对方时要加头衔,无论男女,都不可直呼其名,即使对方要求如此称呼,也不可用得过分。切不可用轻浮的言语。 电话的声音礼仪 接打电话,双方的声音是一个重要的社交因素。双方因不能见面,就凭声音进行判断,个人的声音不仅代表自己的独特形象,也代表了组织的形象,所以打电话时,必须重视声音的效果。一般要尽可能说标准的普通话,这不仅易于沟通,而且普通话是最富有表现力的语言。其次,要让声音听起来充满表现力,声音要亲切自然。使对方感受到自己是位精神饱满、全神贯注、认真敬业的人,而不是萎靡不振、灰心丧气的人。再次,说话时面带微笑,微笑的声音富有感染力,且可以通过电话传递给对方,使对方有一种温馨愉悦之感。 出现线路中断情况 当通话时线路突然中断时,此时,拨打电话的一方应负责重拨,接通后应先表示歉意。即使通话即将结束时出现线路中断,也要重拨,继续把话讲完。要是在一定时间内打电话的一方仍未重拨,接电话一方也可拨过去。 准时等候约定的回电 如果约定某人某时回电话,届时一定要开手机或在办公室等候。有事离开办公室时,务必告诉同事自己返回的准确时间,以防万一有人打来电话他们无从对答。 妥善处理电话留言 对电话留言必须在一小时内给予答复。因为不能及时回电话,就意味着不尊重对方。一般也要在24小时之内对电话留言给予答复。如果回电话时恰遇对方不在,一定要留言,表明已经回过电话了,即使找不到对方所需要的资料,也要让对方知道自己是诚恳负责的,这是最基本的礼仪。如果自己确实无法亲自回电,也要托付他人代办。 通话时受到各种干扰 如果自己走进别人办公室时,正好别人正在通话,应轻声道歉并迅速退出,否则是很不礼貌的。如果通话时间不太长,所谈也并非什么保密的事,接话人也许会示意自己坐下稍候,此时应尽可能坐在一旁等待,但决不可出声干扰。如果确有急事非马上打断正在打电话的人,只能将要谈的问题写在便条上放在他的眼前,然后退出。 电话礼仪中需要注意的一些事项! 1、四控制原则 <1>起始控制:控制通话时间和信息; <2>过程控制:说话的内容尽量要简短、声音要清晰,并且要注意另一方的回应; <3>背景控制:通话质量即环境要好; <4>结束控制:发话方或者尊者先挂。 2、四不原则 <1>不要借用别人的手机; <2>注意安全:不要在加油站、飞机、医院重症监护室、旷野雷区等危险地方打电话; <3>不要制造噪音,这样会造成别人的反感; <4>手机不要放在发热的地方,比如枕头下,有一定的辐射,对人体有一定的危害。 3、注意的事项 <1>拨错号码要道歉; <2>回电时记得留号码; <3>妥善组织自己的话语; <4>重要事宜应通知清楚到位,比如时间、地点、主要任务等。 |
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