

词汇 pain
🔑painpain1 /peɪn /


  1. [countable, uncountable] the unpleasant feeling that you have when a part of your body has been hurt or when you are sick(身体上的)疼痛to be in pain感到疼痛I have a terrible pain in my back.我的背疼得厉害。to scream with pain疼得尖叫chest pains胸痛After I took the pills the pain wore off.我服了药片后,疼痛逐渐消退了。The pills relieved the pain.这些药片缓解了疼痛。  look at ache1
  1. [uncountable] unhappiness that you feel because something bad has happened or because someone has been unkind悲痛;痛苦;难过It took me years to get over the pain of my mother's death.我用了很多年才从母亲亡故的悲痛中解脱出来。
a pain (in the neck) (informal) a person, thing, or situation that causes you to be angry or annoyed让人恼火的人(或事物、情况)Having to scrape the ice off the windshield every morning is a real pain in the neck.每天早晨都得把挡风玻璃上的冰刮掉,真烦人。be at / go to (great) pains to do sthto make a special effort to do something竭尽全力做某事;花大力气去做He went to great pains to hide his true feelings.他竭力掩饰自己的真实情感。take great pains (with / to do sth)to take great care with something or to make a special effort to do something费尽心思;下苦功She always takes great pains with her writing.在写作方面她总是下很大的功夫。

painpain2 /peɪn /


to cause someone to feel unhappy or upset使痛苦;使难过




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