

词汇 apartment
🔑apartmenta·part·ment /əˈpɑrtmənt /


a set of rooms that is used as a home (usually in a large building)(常指大楼内的)公寓,公寓套房a three-bedroom apartment三居室公寓套房 HELP In addresses, the word apartment is often written apt. 写地址时,apartment 常写作 apt.。  look at condominium➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充If you rent an apartment, you are the tenant, and the owner of the apartment is called the landlord or landlady.租房子用动词 rent,房客叫 tenant,男性房东叫 landlord,女性房东叫 landlady。You usually sign a legal document called a lease, which lasts for a fixed length of time. The money you pay each month is called rent, and a deposit is money that you pay when you move in but get back when you move out.签订的租房合同叫 lease,有固定期限。每月缴纳的房租叫 rent,搬入时缴纳的押金叫 deposit,退租时可退还。People who share an apartment with you are called roommates.合住一套公寓的人叫 roommate。




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