

词汇 relation
🔑relationre·la·tion /rɪˈleɪʃn /


  1. [uncountable] relation (between sth and sth) | relation (to sth) the connection between two or more things(事物之间的)关系,联系,关联There seems to be no relation between the cost of the houses and their size.房子的价格似乎与其大小没有关系。The movie bears no relation to the book (= it is very different).这部电影和这本书没什么关系。
  1. [countable] a member of your family亲人;亲属;亲戚a close / distant relation近亲;远亲 SYN relative
  1. relations [plural] the way that people, groups, countries, etc. feel about or behave toward each other(人、团体、国家等之间的)关系,交往The police officer stressed that good relations with the community were essential.警官强调说与社区保持良好的关系至关重要。to break off diplomatic relations断绝外交关系
in / with relation to sb / sth
  1. concerning someone or something有关;关于Many questions were asked, particularly in relation to the cost of the new buildings.提出的问题有很多,尤其是有关新建大楼的成本问题。
  1. compared with和…相比Prices are low in relation to those in other parts of the country.与这个国家的其他地方相比,物价算低的。




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