

词汇 snow
🔑snowsnow1 /snoʊ /


  1. small, soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weatherThree inches of snow fell during the night.夜间下了三英寸厚的雪。Most of the snow had melted by early March.大部分的雪到三月初就已经融化了。Greg shoveled the snow off the front steps.格雷格铲掉房前台阶上的积雪。➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配The Weather天气good weather好天气the sun shines / warms somethingthe clouds drift / part / cleara gentle / light / stiff / cool / warm / sea breeze blows (in)/comes inthe snow crunches beneath / under someone's feet / bootsbad weather坏天气be covered in / shrouded in mist / a blanket of fogsnow falls / comes down / covers somethingthe rain falls / comes down / pours down / lets up / stopsthe wind blows / whistles / sweeps across something / dies downforecast / expect / predict rain / snow / a hurricane / a stormstorms暴风雨thick / dark / storm clouds form / gather / roll in / cover the sky / block out the sunstrong winds blow / howl / whip through something / gust (up to 80 mph)a storm / blizzard approaches / moves inland / hits / strikes / buries something in snow / passesthunder rumbles / booms / echoes (nearby / in the distance)lightning flashes / hits / strikesa tornado hits / strikes / destroys something / tears something off
  1. white spots on a television screen caused by a poor signal, etc.(电视屏幕上因信号弱而产生的)雪花

🔑snowsnow2 /snoʊ /


(used with the subject it 与主语 it 连用) (used of snow ) to fall from the sky下雪It snowed all night.雪下了一整夜。be snowed into be unable to leave home or travel because the snow is too deep被雪困住be snowed underto have more work, etc. than you can deal with(工作等太多而)应接不暇;忙得不可开交




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