

词汇 reason (to do sth)
[countable, uncountable] reason (for sth) | reason (to do sth) something that shows that it is right or logical to do something(做某事的)正当理由,道理There is a reason for doing things this way – it's cheaper.这么做是有道理的,这样更便宜。I chose this color for a reason (= the reason was important).我选这个颜色是有道理的。He had no reason to be mean to me – I never did anything to him.他没有理由对我如此刻薄,我从未对他做过什么。You have every reason (= you are completely right) to be upset, considering what happened to you.碰到这样的事,你完全有理由生气。I have reason to believe that you lied to me.我有理由认为你对我撒了谎。




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