

词汇 paper
🔑paperpa·per /ˈpeɪpər /


  1. [uncountable] a material that consists of thin sheets that you wrap things in, write or draw on, etc.纸;纸张a blank piece / sheet of paper一张白纸Waste paper can be recycled.废纸可以回收利用。a brown paper bag牛皮纸袋a paper napkin餐巾纸paper money (= money that is made of paper, not coins) 纸币tissue / wrapping paper包裹易碎品的软薄纸;包装纸
  1. [countable] = newspaper Where's today's paper?今天的报纸在哪儿?a daily paper日报I read it in the local paper.我在本地报纸上看到这事的。
  1. papers [plural] pieces of paper that have information written on them. Papers are usually important.(重要)文件;证件If you don't have all your papers with you, you won't be allowed to cross the border.如果你没带全证件,将不被准许过境。The file you want is somewhere in the pile of papers on her desk.你要的文件在她办公桌上那摞文件里。
  1. [countable] a piece of writing on a particular subject论文;文章We have to write a ten-page paper for history.我们要写一篇十页长的历史论文。
on paper
  1. in writing以书面形式I won't make any commitment until I see something on paper.在没有看到白纸黑字之前我不会做出任何承诺。
  1. from what appearances show; in theory表面看来;理论上The project sounds fine on paper, but would it work in practice?这个项目理论上听起来不错,但实际上行得通吗?




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