

词汇 pound
🔑poundpound1 /paʊnd /


  1. (abbreviation lb.) a measure of weight; 0.454 of a kilogram. There are 16 ounces in a pound.磅(重量单位,等于 0.454 千克,16 盎司为 1 磅)The carrots cost 49¢ a pound.胡萝卜每磅 49 美分。The baby weighed six pounds at birth.婴儿出生时体重六磅。I lost 15 pounds on my diet.我通过节食减了 15 磅。Get a pound of coffee if you're going to the grocery store.如果你去杂货店,买一磅咖啡。a five-pound bag of flour一袋五磅的面粉
  1. (symbol £) the unit of money in Britain英镑(英国货币单位)
  1. a place where dogs that have been found in the street without their owners are kept until their owners claim them流浪狗收留所

poundpound2 /paʊnd /


  1. [transitive] to beat something with a heavy tool to make it soft or like powder捣;击碎
  1. [intransitive] pound (away) (at / against / on sth) to hit or beat something many times连续猛击;反复击打Giant waves pounded against the rocks.巨浪拍击着岩石。to pound on a door用力敲门 (figurative) My heart was pounding with excitement.我的心激动得怦怦直跳。
  1. [transitive] (informal) to attack someone without stopping, or to defeat someone猛击;击败The Panthers pounded the Sharks in their game Friday, beating them 8-1.黑豹队在星期五的比赛中以 8:1 击败鲨鱼队。




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