

词汇 put
🔑putput /pʊt /


[transitive] (present participle put·ting, past tense, past participle put)
in place / position处所;位置
  1. to move someone or something so that it is in a particular place or position放;放置She put the book on the table.她把书放在桌上。I put the knife back in the drawer.我把刀放回抽屉。Did you put sugar in my coffee?你在我的咖啡里加糖了吗?When do you put your kids to bed?你什么时候让孩子们上床睡觉?
  1. to fasten something to or in something else使与…连接;使固定;安装Can you put (= sew) a button on this shirt?你给这件衬衫缝一粒纽扣好吗?We're going to put new carpeting in this room.我们要在这间屋子里铺上新地毯。
affect someone or something影响
  1. to make someone feel or experience something使感觉到;使经历This kind of weather always puts me in a bad mood.这种天气总是使我心情不好。Your decision puts me in a difficult position.你的决定让我很为难。
  1. to say or express something说;表述I don't know exactly how to put this, but…我不知道具体该怎么说,不过…
  1. to write something写;书写12:30 on Friday? I'll put it on my calendar.星期五 12:30 是吗?我把它记在我的行事历上。What did you put for question 2?第 2 题你怎么写的?
be put off (by sb / sth)to feel uncomfortable or uncertain because of someone or something(因…)感到不舒服,感到犹豫Don't be put off by the restaurant's ugly exterior they serve excellent food.不要因这家餐馆外表糟糕就却步,他们的饭菜可好了。I wouldn't put it past sb (to do sth)used to say that you think someone is capable of doing something wrong, illegal, etc.我看某人干得出(坏事、违法的事等)I wouldn't put it past him to do a thing like that.我看他干得出那种事。put together (used after a noun or nouns referring to a group of people or things用于表示人或物的群体的名词后) combined合起来;合计;总计You got more presents than the rest of the family put together.你得到的礼物比全家其他人加起来的还要多。 HELP For other idioms containing put, look at the entries for the nouns and adjectives. For example, put an end to something is at end.其他含 put 的习语,参见相关名词和形容词词条,如 put an end to something 在词条 end 下。 put sth acrossto say something clearly, so that people can understand it清楚地表达;使被理解He didn't put his ideas across very well at the meeting.他在会上没有表达清楚自己的观点。put sth asideto save something, especially money, to use later积攒,储存(尤指钱)put sb away (informal) to send someone to prison把某人送进监狱put sth away
  1. to put something where you usually keep it, for example in a cabinet把…放回原处;把…收好Put your toys away our guests are coming soon.把你的玩具收拾好,我们的客人快来了。
  1. to save money to use later存,攒(钱)Her grandparents had put some money away for her education.她的祖父母为她上学存了些钱。
  1. (informal) to eat or drink a lot of something猛吃;猛喝He put away two whole meals from Jim and Nick's BBQ last night.昨晚他吃掉了两份从吉姆和尼克烧烤店买来的套餐。
put sth backto return something to its correct place把…放回原处to put books back on the shelf把书放回书架 SYN replaceput sb down (informal) to say things to make someone seem stupid or silly使出丑;贬低;奚落He's always putting his wife down.他总是数落自己的老婆。put sth down
  1. to place something, for example on the floor, a table, etc.放下;搁下The police officer persuaded him to put the gun down.警察劝他把枪放下。
  1. to write something写下;记下I can tell you exactly what she said I put it all down in my notebook.我可以准确地告诉你她说了什么,我都记在我的笔记本上了。
  1. (used about a government, an army, or the police) to stop something by force(政府、军队或警察)镇压,平定to put down a rebellion平息叛乱
  1. to kill an animal that is sick or injured because you want to stop it from suffering对(生病或受伤的动物)实施安乐死;人道毁灭
put sth forwardto suggest something提议;提出a proposal put forward by one of the school board members校董事会的一名董事提出的建议put sth into place equipment into position so that it can be used安装(设备)We're having a new shower put in.我们正在让人安装新的淋浴器。 SYN installput sth input sth into sth / into doing sthto spend time, etc. on something花费,投入(时间等)I put in 10 hours at work yesterday.昨天我工作了 10 个小时。She puts all her time and energy into her business.她将所有时间和精力都用在她的生意上。put in for sthto make an official request for something申请She put in for a transfer to the company's California office.她申请调往公司在加利福尼亚州的办事处。put sth offput off doing sthto delay doing something推迟;延迟“I have to go to the store. “Can't you put it off?“我得去趟商店。”“你就不能推迟一会儿去吗?”She put off writing her paper until the last minute.她拖到最后时刻才动笔写论文。put sth on
  1. to place clothes on your body穿上;戴上Put on your coat!把外衣穿上!I'll have to put my glasses on.我得戴上眼镜。
  1. to make a piece of electrical equipment, etc. start working, usually by pressing a switch使运转;开动;启动It's not hot enough to put the air conditioning on yet.现在还不是很热,不用开空调。
  1. to begin cooking food in a pan着手做(菜);开始烹饪I'll put the carrots on while you set the table.你摆桌子,我来做胡萝卜。
  1. to make something (for example a CD, a tape, etc.) begin to play播放(光盘、磁带等)Let's put some music on.我们放点音乐吧。
  1. to become fatter or heavier (especially by the amount mentioned)增加(体重);长胖I put on weight very easily.我很容易发胖。She's put on several pounds since the last time I saw her.自我上次见到她以来,她体重增加了好几磅。
put sb outto give someone trouble or extra work给某人添麻烦;给某人额外工作I really don't want to put you out I'll take a taxi home.我真的不想给你添麻烦,我打出租车回家。put sth out
  1. to make something stop burning熄灭;扑灭to put out a fire灭火 SYN extinguish
  1. to give or tell the public something, often by using the television, radio, or newspapers(通过媒体)广播,公布The police put out a warning about the escaped prisoner.警方发布了该越狱犯在逃的警示。
  1. to move your hand, foot, etc. away from the rest of your body伸出(手、脚等)If you want a piece of candy, put your hand out and I'll give you one.如果你想要一块糖,伸出手,我给你一块。
put sb through sthto make someone experience something bad使经受;使遭受put sb / sth throughto make a telephone connection that allows someone to speak to someone给…接通电话;把…接到Hold on while I put you through to Mr. Weber's voice mail.不要挂机,我把你接到韦伯先生的语音信箱。put sth to sb (formal) to suggest something to someone; to ask someone something(向某人)提起,问起She put a proposal to the chairman of the board.她向董事会主席提了个建议。put sth togetherto build or repair something by joining its parts together装配;组装;拼合The furniture comes with instructions on how to put it together.这件家具配有组装说明书。put up sthto offer or give resistance in a fight, etc.进行,予以(抵抗等)The old lady put up a struggle against her attacker.那位老太太对袭击她的人进行了反抗。put sb upto give someone food and a place to stay给某人提供食宿;留某人过夜Her car wouldn't start, so I offered to put her up for the night.她的车发动不了,因此我留她在家过夜。put sth up
  1. to build something建造;搭建to put up a fence架篱笆
  1. to fasten something to a wall, etc. so that everyone can see it张贴to put up a notice张贴布告
put up with sb / sthto suffer someone or something bad and not complain about it忍受;容忍I don't know how they put up with this noise.我不知道他们怎么受得了这种噪音。




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