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词汇 head
🔑headhead1 /hɛd /


part of body身体部位
  1. [countable] the part of the body above the neck which has your eyes, nose, mouth, and brain in it头;头部She turned her head to look at him.她转过头去看他。serious head injuries头部严重受伤
  1. [countable] a person's mind, brain, or mental ability头脑;脑筋;智力Use your head! (= think!) 动动脑子!A terrible thought entered my head…一个可怕的念头出现在我的脑海里…He has a good head for numbers.他很有数字头脑。
top / front顶部;前面
  1. [singular] the top, front, or most important part or end顶部;前端;最重要的部分;首位to sit at the head of the table坐在桌子的上座Put your name at the head of the paper.把姓名写在页眉处。Julia graduated at the head of her class.朱莉娅以班级第一名的成绩毕业。
of object物体
  1. [countable, usually singular] something that is like a head in shape or position头;顶端the head of a hammer锤头
of group / organization团体;组织
  1. [countable, uncountable] the chief or most important person (in a family, company, country, etc.)负责人;领导人the head of the family一家之主The president is welcoming heads of state from all over the world.总统正在迎接来自世界各地的国家元首。the head waiter餐馆服务员领班
side of coin硬币的面
  1. heads [uncountable] the side of a coin with the head of a person on it硬币正面(有人头像)Heads or tails? Heads I go first, tails you do.正面还是反面?正面我先去,反面你先去。
  1. a head [singular] the height or length of one head一头高;一头长a head taller高出一头
one person一人
  1. a head [singular](for) one person一人;每人Admission is $12 a head.入场费为每人 12 美元。
bite sb's head offto answer someone in a very angry way, often for no good reason(常指无端地)怒气冲冲地回答I was just asking, you don't have to bite my head off!我只是问问,你犯不着对我这么恶声恶气的!come to a headbring sth to a headif a situation comes to a head, or if you bring it to a head, it suddenly becomes very bad and you have to deal with it immediately(使)事情到了紧要关头;必须当机立断from head to toe / footover your whole body从头到脚;全身上下He was covered in mud from head to toe.他浑身上下都是泥。go to sb's head
  1. to make someone drunk(酒)上头,醉人Wine always goes straight to my head.葡萄酒我总是一喝就醉。
  1. to make someone too proud使飘飘然;使过于骄傲If you keep telling him how smart he is, it will go to his head!你要是老跟他说他有多聪明,他就会忘乎所以!
head over heels (in love)completely in love深深爱着某人;如痴如醉地恋爱Jane's head over heels in love with her new boyfriend.简深深地迷恋上了她的新男友。hit the nail on the headto say something that is exactly right一语中的;说到点子上laugh, scream, etc. your head offto laugh, scream, etc. loudly大笑(或大叫等)off the top of your head (informal) just guessing, or using your memory without preparing or thinking about it first单凭猜测(或记忆);信口;不假思索shake your headto move your head from side to side, as a way of expressing that you mean “No”摇头(表示否定)

🔑headhead2 /hɛd /


  1. [transitive] to be in charge of or to lead something掌管;领导;执掌Do you think that he has the experience necessary to head a department?你认为他具备主管一个部门所需要的经验吗?
  1. [transitive] to be at the front of a line, top of a list, etc.排在前头;居于名单之首to head a procession在游行队伍的前列Two names headed the list of possible suspects.两个名字列在可能的嫌疑犯名单之首。
  1. [transitive] (often passive常用被动语态) to give a title or some instructions at the top of a piece of writing在(文章)的上端加标题;在…的上端标注The report was headed “Private.报告上端写着“私密”。
  1. [intransitive] to move in the direction mentioned向(…方向)移动The ship headed toward the harbor.轮船朝着港口驶去。Let's head out.咱们出去吧。
head forto move toward a place向…行进It's getting late I think it's time to head for home.天晚了,我想该回家了。 (figurative) You're heading for trouble if you go on behaving like that.你如果继续那样表现就会招惹麻烦。




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