

trafficked trafficker trafficker trafficking traffic light
traffic lights trafficlights traffics traffic signal trafficsignal
tragedies tragedy tragic tragically tragically
trail trail away / off trail (behind) (sb) trail behind (sb / sth) trailed
trailer trailer trailer park trailers trailing
trails train train (as sth / to do sth) trained trainee
trainees trainer trainers training training
trains train sb / sth (as sth / to do sth) trait traitor traitors
traits trajectories trajectory tram tramp
trample trampled tramples trampling trampoline
trampolines tramps trams trance trances
tranquil tranquilizer tranquilizers trans- transaction
transactions transatlantic transcend transcended transcending
transcends transcontinental transcribe transcribed transcribes
transcribe sth (for sth) transcribe sth (into sth) transcribing transcript transcripts
transfer transferable transferable transferable transference
transferred transferring transfers transfer (sb / sth) (from…) (to…) transform
transformation transformation transformation transformed transforming
transforms transfusion transfusions transgress transgressed
transgresses transgressing transgression transgression transgressions
transistor transistors transit transition transitional
transitional transitional transitions transitive transitory
transits translate translated translates translating
translation translations translator translators translucence
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