

词汇 transfer
🔑transfertrans·fer AW 1 /ˈtrænsfər ; trænsˈfər /


(trans·fer·ring, trans·ferred)
  1. [intransitive, transitive] transfer (sb / sth) (from…) (to…) to move, or to make someone or something move, from one place to another(使)转移,搬迁,调动,转学He has been transferred to our Tokyo branch.他被调到我们的东京分部去了。I want to transfer $1,000 from my savings to my checking account.我想把 1,000 美元从我的储蓄账户转到往来账户上。Transfer the data onto a floppy disk.把数据转存到软盘上。I transferred to this school after my freshman year.我一年级之后转到了这所学校。
  1. [transitive] (formal) to officially arrange for something to belong to, or be controlled by, someone else转让;转给;让与
trans·fer·a·ble AW /ˌtrænsˈfərəbl /


This ticket is not transferable.此票不得转让。

🔑transfertrans·fer AW 2 /ˈtrænsfər /


  1. [countable, uncountable] moving or being moved from one place, job, school, or condition to another转移;搬迁;调动;转学Paul is not happy here and has asked for a transfer.保罗不喜欢这儿,已经要求调走。the transfer of power from a military to a civilian government从军人政府到民选政府的权力移交a transfer student转校生
  1. [countable] a ticket that allows you to travel on two or more buses, etc. during one trip转车票;换乘票




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