标题 | 新教师即兴演讲5分钟 |
范文 | 新教师即兴演讲5分钟(精选5篇) 新教师即兴演讲5分钟 篇1尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的各位同学: 你们好!何其有幸,成为家喻户晓、傲立__的__的一份子。何其激动,作为一名新教师站在这里与大家分享我的心里话。 何家坳,为什么叫何家坳呢?从校园文化宣传栏里,我了解到这里原来是一座山坳。我又想,为什么叫何家坳呢?是不是这里原属于一个姓何的大户人家?于是,我上网查找何家坳名的由来,没有答案。我想,何家,何家,也许不知道是谁家;何家,何家,也许是姓赵的家,姓钱的家,姓孙的家,姓李的家,姓欧阳的家,是我们每一个人的家。我没有去调查,全国的学校名称里含有“家”的有多少,但是我很喜欢这一个“家”。家是温馨的港湾,家是幸福的摇篮。一看到校门口这个富有魅力的“家”,我仿佛走进了一个温暖的大家庭。 这里就是展现我们生命活力,释放我们生命激情,聆听我们生命成长,追逐我们生命梦想的幸福家园,和谐家园。 在我们的家里,有浓厚的校园文化润泽我们的心灵。诗意流淌的国学馆,古香古韵的文化长廊,雅、精、活的办学特色。 在我们的家里,有引领教师成长的学校领导。直爽干练美丽的欧__校长,亲切和蔼的周书记,儒雅温情的付校长等等。她们让为这个家高瞻远瞩,殚精竭虑,描绘蓝图。 在我们的家里,有含芳吐蕊的辛勤老师。他们心系教育,情系孩子。有的满怀一片痴情,躬耕教坛几十载;有的正值中年,一腔激情欲栽大木柱长天;有的初登杏坛,满怀赤诚走在金色的教育大道上。 在我们的家里,有快乐成长的孩子。你们秉承着“小清华”的荣光,志存高远,脚踏实地;你们以“团结进取、追求卓越”的精神自律;你们绽放最纯真的笑脸;你们身上释放着无穷的能量;你们是何家坳上最美的风光! 作为新走进何家坳的老师,我们会认真向老教师们学习,和孩子们一起沐浴浓浓的书香,用炽热的教育理想激荡心灵,和孩子们一起焕发生命的活力,朝着最明亮的远方,努力奔跑,激情跨越! 新教师即兴演讲5分钟 篇2we have also come to this hallowed spot to remind america of the fierce urgency of now. this is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. now is the time to make justice a reality for all of god's children. it would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. this sweltering summer of the negro's legitimate discontent will not pauntil there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. and those who hope that the negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to busineas usual. and there will be neither rest nor tranquility in america until the negro is granted his citizenship rights. the whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. but there is something that i must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: in the proceof gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterneand hatred. we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. we must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. 新教师即兴演讲5分钟 篇3尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天,我能站在这里参加学生会干部的竞选,很高兴也很激动!首先我介绍一下自己吧,我是__系__班的__,我要竞选的职位是学生会副主席。在此之前身为班干部的我,本着认认真真、兢兢业业的负责精神,一直以来都是尽己所能地把班会工作做到最好,并得到了老师和同学们的认同。 这里高手如云,我要取胜是一件不容易的事情。但是,我抱着“思想有多远,人就可以走多远!”“心有多大,舞台就有多宽!”的信念来参加竞选,况且,我也有足够的实力与大家公平竞争,我坚信,我会脱颖而出的。 君子藏器于身,待时而动。成功者,并不是那些嘴上说得天花乱坠的人,也不是那些把一切都设想得极其美妙的人,而是那些脚踏实地去干的人。以前,我只会按老师要求办事,现在,我能独立策划、组织各种活动,经历了一个由不会到会,从不好到好的过程。在虎外就读的两年多以来,我积极地参加各项活动,不断从中吸收经验来提高自己的综合能力。作为虎外的第一届公办班的学生和一名光荣的共青团员,我每天都努力拼搏,在精英荟萃的环境中勇于竞争、敢于竞争、善于竞争,不断奋斗、不断创新更是我一往无前的信念。 当然了,“人非圣贤,孰能无过”。我在工作中也出现过一些错误,但我敢于面对。以人为镜可以知得失。通过老师、同学的批评、帮助及自己的努力来改正,决不允许自己在同样的地方跌倒两次。正是由于在胜利面前不骄傲,在失败面前不低头,我才会在奋斗中迅速的成长和提高。 假如我竞选成功,我的第一个打算就是让每一个同学充分享有自己的民主权,大家可以向学生会提出自己的意见,我会谦虚接受所有良言和建议,使学生会的工作做到最好。一个好汉三个帮,我更需要同学们的信任与支持。在同学、老师们的协助下,我相信我可以把学生会的工作做好、做出色! 梦,需要自己去追,路,需要自己去走,选择了远方就必须风雨兼程。我相信自己的实力,也相信自己的能力,更加相信自己能把学生会副主席一职做好,我认为,我能行! 最后,请在座的各位支持我,相信我,我一定会把学生会带领好的! 新教师即兴演讲5分钟 篇4As the country increasingly prosperous, xian world horticultural exposition has been opened. 20xx xian world horticultural exposition has opened on April 28, this is the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai world expo after another international event in our country. The park with the "nature changan. Creative natural __ city and nature harmonious coexistence" as the theme, reflects the Chinese traditional culture of the spirit of "harmony between man and nature". The park has four major landmarks, they respectively are changan tower. Wide door. Natural pavilion and creative pavilion. First, let's take a look at changan tower, it is located in xi 'an, the commanding heights of the circle will be 99 meters high, a total of 13 floors, is for the use of the view. Surrounded by a thick green shade of willow trees, red maple, wanli rainbow flower and the hao. If playing tired can also cool under the shade of willow trees, see the red maple leaf, look at the beautiful flowers. Night when someone will fireworks changan tower, the beautiful fireworks in the sky with colorful lights in the changan tower against each other, just like the sea crystal palace, it was so beautiful. Walk again came to wide door, also is the main entrance of changan tower. Peak hour can pass 20xx0 people, is a good place to spread the view. And there are green plants, and shows the green spots. Creative pavilion is more interesting, many rare plants, cactus. Sign for blood, the jugular, fly, and so on, is all some exotic plants. 随着国家日益兴旺起来,西安世界园艺博览会已经开园了。 20xx西安世界园艺博览会已于4月28日开幕了,这是继北京奥运会、上海世博会后在我国的又一国际盛会。世园会以“天人长安。创意自然__城市与自然和谐共生”为主题,体现出“天人合一”的中国传统文化精神。 世园会有四大标志性建筑,它们分别是长安塔。广运门。自然馆和创意馆。 首先我们来看看长安塔,它位于西安世圆会的制高点,高99米,共13层,是观景用的。四周有浓绿的柳荫,火红的枫树,以及那浩似万里彩虹般的花朵。如果玩累了还可以在柳荫下乘凉,看那火红的枫叶,观赏那美丽的花。夜晚时长安塔上就会有人放烟火,天空中美丽的烟花与长安塔里五颜六色的灯光互相映衬,就象看海底水晶宫似的,简直太美了。 再走走就来到广运门,也是长安塔的主入口。高峰期每小时可通行2万人,是散布观景的好地方。而且那里都是绿色化植物,显示出了绿色景点。 创意馆更有意思,许多罕见的植物,仙人掌。桫椤见血封喉,扑蝇草等等,都是些珍奇植物。 新教师即兴演讲5分钟 篇5i am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. five score years ago, a great american, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the emancipation proclamation. this momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. it came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. but one hundred years later, the negro still is not free. one hundred years later, the life of the negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. one hundred years later, the negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. one hundred years later, the negro is still languished in the corners of american society and finds himself an exile in his own land. and so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. in a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. when the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the constitution and the declaration of independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every american was to fall heir. this note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable rights" of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." it is obvious today that america has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. instead of honoring this sacred obligation, america has given the negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." but we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. we refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. and so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. |
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