

词汇 wide
🔑widewide1 /waɪd /


  1. measuring a large amount from one side or edge to the other宽的;宽阔的The bridge was not wide enough for two cars to go over.这座桥不够宽,两辆车无法同时开过去。a wide river宽阔的河 OPP narrow➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Broad or wide? * broad 还是 wide?Wide is more often used than broad when you are talking about the distance between one side of something and the other.表示一边到另一边的距离时,wide 比 broad 更常用The gate is four yards wide.大门有四码宽。The table is too wide to go through the door.这张桌子太宽,过不去这扇门。Broad is often used about geographical features * broad 常用来形容地理特征a broad expanse of desert一大片沙漠, and in particular phrases such as也用于某些特定短语,如broad shoulders宽阔的肩膀 noun width
  1. measuring a particular amount from one side or edge to the other宽度为;…宽的The box was only 5 inches wide.这盒子只有 5 英寸宽。How wide is the river?这条河有多宽?
  1. covering a large area or range, or a large number of people范围广的;广泛的;大量的You're the nicest person in the whole wide world!你是全世界最好的人!This store carries a wide range of sizes.这家商店的货品尺码很全。wide support for the proposal对这一提议的广泛支持
  1. fully open睁大的;完全敞开的The children's eyes were wide with excitement.孩子们激动得睁大了眼睛。

widewide2 /waɪd /


as far or as much as possible; completely尽可能;充分;完全Open your mouth wide.把嘴张大。wide awake毫无睡意a wide-open door大敞着的门




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