

词汇 bad
🔑badbad1 /bæd /


(worse /wərs /, worst /wərst /)
  1. not good or pleasant不好的;令人不快的The weather forecast for tomorrow is bad.天气预报说明天的天气很糟糕。I'm in a bad mood today.我今天心情不好。I felt really bad about leaving her standing in the rain.任她站在雨中而不去管,我感到十分难受。
  1. severe or serious剧烈的;严重的The traffic was really bad on the way to work.上班路上交通非常拥挤。She went home with a bad headache.她头痛得厉害,回家去了。a bad mistake严重的错误
poor quality劣质
  1. of poor quality; of a low standard质量差的;不合格的Many accidents are caused by bad driving.很多事故是因拙劣的驾驶造成的。The company's problems are the result of bad management.这家公司的问题是管理不善造成的。
not good at something不擅长
  1. bad (at sth / at doing sth) not able to do something well or easily; that you cannot rely on难以胜任的;不擅长的;不可靠的a bad teacher / driver / cook不称职的教师;技术拙劣的司机;手艺不精的厨师I've always been bad at sports.我体育向来不好。He's really bad at keeping us informed (= we can't rely on him to give us information).他在给我们及时提供信息这一方面做得很差。
  1. (used about food) not fresh or suitable to eat(食物)不新鲜的,不宜食用的Smell this meat I think it's gone bad.闻闻这块肉,我觉得它变质了。
not healthy不健康
  1. (health医疗保健) (used about parts of the body) not healthy; painful(身体部位)有病的,疼痛的He has a bad heart.他有心脏病。
  1. (used about a person or behavior) not good; morally wrong(人或行为)恶劣的,不道德的Wayne isn't a bad kid he just needs a lot of supervision.韦恩不是坏孩子,他只是需要多加管教。In cowboy movies, the bad guys always wear black hats.在牛仔片中,坏人总是戴黑帽子。
  1. (not before a noun不用于名词前) bad for sb / sth likely to damage or hurt someone or something有害;造成伤害Smoking's bad for you.吸烟对你有害。
not appropriate不合适
  1. bad (for sth / to do sth) difficult or not suitable困难的;不适当的This is a bad time to call everybody's in a meeting.现在打电话可不是时候,大家都在开会。
worth nothing一钱不值
  1. a bad check is one that will not be paid; a bad debt is one that will not be paid back(支票)不能承兑的;(债务)无法偿还的
not badnot too bad (informal) fairly good相当好的;不错的“How was your vacation? “Not bad.“你假期过得怎么样?”“还不错。”He earned $100 not too bad for four hours' work!他赚了 100 美元,以工作四个小时来说还不错!too bad (informal) too bad (informal)
  1. used to express sympathy or to say that you are sorry about something(表示同情或遗憾)“My dog died yesterday. “Gee, that's too bad.“我的狗昨天死了。”“哎哟,真不幸。”
  1. used to express a lack of sympathy(用作反语,实际上并无同情之意)“I don't like liver. “Well, too bad that's all there is for supper.“我不喜欢吃肝。”“哎呀,真不巧,晚饭就吃肝。”

badbad2 /bæd /


badly很;非常Are you hurt bad?你伤得厉害吗?I need a drink bad!我太需要喝一杯了! HELP Many people consider this an incorrect use of the word bad.很多人认为 bad 一词的这种用法不正确。




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