标题 | 三分钟梦想现实演讲稿 |
范文 | 三分钟梦想现实演讲稿(精选5篇) 三分钟梦想现实演讲稿 篇1有人说,能爬上金字塔顶的动物只有两种,鹰和蜗牛。雄鹰博击长空,对此我们毫无疑问,而对于蜗牛,这也是完全有可能的,即使在别人看来它是多么微不足道。因为它知道金字塔顶有它的梦想,要知道塔底到塔顶的"道远"距离需要的是持之以恒的一步步艰难拔涉。 生活中,不乏一步成功的雄鹰,而更多的是蜗牛,我们在现实与梦想的路途中长征,我们不断攀登,希望有一天能登上生命中的最高峰,体会"会当凌绝顶,一览众山小"的成功,感而,在现实与梦想的途中,隔着无数的艰难,或是荆棘,或是坡坷,或遇深渊,或遇高山,这些都是在考验我们生命的强度与韧性。 当入仕为官,施展抱负的梦想破灭后,李白接受了这事实,仍呤出"天生我才必有用",的佳句勉励自己。于是他纵情傲物,以洒为朋,邀月为友,诵尽明月之诗,歌遍窈窕之章。于是他登上了中国诗歌的最高峰,有人评其诗曰:酒入毫肠,七分酿成月光,三分啸成剑气,秀口一吐,便是半个盛唐。 此所谓"塞翁失马,焉知非福?"现实给予我们的或许不尽不意,我们不能改变,但我们还有追逐梦想的权利,我们可以改变自己,踏着现实的阶梯,到达梦想的高度,在过程中让自己完善。然而,有些人却忍受不了这引起考验,总以为这路程太远,于是放弃,于是失败。 "而朝大海,春暖花天。"你梦想的家园太完美,美得让你无法接受这天壤之别的黑暗现实社会,甚至一个小小的差错都无法让你释怀,你愁眉不展,在吟唱,春暖花开之时却心如刀割,最终你逃走了,带走了你的毕生才华,带走了你对世界的美好憧憬,让一颗闪烁的星星永远失去了光泽。 前辈们的成功或是失败,无不向我们召示着,人生没有捷径。梦想诚然美丽,但在梦想与现实之间却隔磁卡一道长长的银河,想领略彼岸的美景吗,那就用现实架一座桥吧,一步步稳稳地踏过去,而不要只想着一而忽视了过程,或许美景就在途中,收获也在途中。 "路漫漫真修远兮,事将上下而示索。"我闪应该持之以恒,安于途中,乘着现实的翅膀飞越梦想的巅峰,所以当你得到的只是一匹劣马时不要放弃,骑着劣马去寻找,总有一天去找到那匹日行千里的快马。 相信,只要接受事实,步步为营,蜗牛也能征服金字塔顶的梦想! 三分钟梦想现实演讲稿 篇2古往今来,人类生生世世在编织着梦想与希冀。遥望苍穹,星空闪烁着诉说着先人祈福的呢喃和虔诚的祷告;那梦想是如此真实,又如此遥远,因为那是心中不灭的追求,是浮于现实的繁华与幻想。 穴鸠的现实是"决起而飞,枪榆方而止";溪流的现实是在石缝间浅吟低唱着"靡靡之音";老马的现实是"眼前飘过一阵鞭影,我只低头瞧着脚下"。它们早已身陷于现实的泥潭而不能自拔,麻木的心灵早已放弃了拥有梦想遥望天边的权利。于是梦想的翅膀飘然远去,现实的枷锁架在脖项。 收回遐想的思绪,我才发现梦想就是天边的星辰,永不熄灭地照亮匆匆的人生;现实就是脚下的土地,踏实而厚重地记录行路的足迹。人,既不能活于华而不实的梦想里,也不要沉湎于现实的喧嚣中。在人生的道路中,应是左边种植梦想,右边种植真实,随时采撷,收获希望。 寻着古人的来路,我听到了杜工部"安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山"的呼唤,这是忧国忧民的呐喊,是杜甫心中最大的梦想。收回目光,我听到了鲁迅先生仰望星空的感叹:"寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕","心事浩茫连广宇,于无声处听惊雷。"这是先生"用笔救国"的梦想,他纵然对现实失望,但没有绝望,彷徨中的呐喊唤起了国人的奋起和努力。 追溯着世界的旅途,我看到了麦哲伦环游世界的梦想,他用广阔的胸怀迎接波澜壮阔的波涛,用梦想书写着生命的厚重与责任。纵使行程中的他遭到土着人的屠戮,现实的残酷却没有将他的梦想抹杀削弱。后人沿着他梦想的轨迹,走向世界。收回目光,我看到了马丁.路德金的梦想,丑陋而顽固的现实一次又一次打击着这位"追梦者",但他的梦想凝集了所有黑人的正义和力量,现实,终于因他的执着而跪拜在这一伟大民族战士的脚下。我又看到了徐本禹朴实无华的笑容,他没有像自己的同学一样追求花前月下香车宝马,更没有因现实的残缺而逃遁,而是倾自己的梦想于偏远支教之中。他们,都是现实中坚强的追梦者! 寻着古往今来的道路,我探头仰望天边的星空。梦想与现实交轨在人的生命中,让我们用胸怀天地的壮志凌云拥抱梦想,用虚怀若谷的情怀书写现实中人生华美的篇章吧! 三分钟梦想现实演讲稿 篇3梦想是力量的泉源、智慧的摇篮、冲锋的战旗、斩棘的利剑。在社会发展浪潮中,梦想被赋予了更深的涵义,梦想是效益,梦想是气魄、胆识和智慧的显现。 先进的科技、多元化的信息、优质的服务......电力系统在不断发展改革中潮头勇起,剖展延伸,每一分钟、每一秒都在不断的更新。我们迎来的将是电力发展的新起点,翻开的将是工作中的崭新一页。我们也许在想也应该去想,未来的电力企业是一幅怎样的新画卷?似水年华里该怎样在这里谱写无悔的青春之歌呢? 首先我们要做一个有梦想的人,俗话说:"人无志而不立",我认为梦想是一种动力,企业的未来将有我们每个人大大小小的梦想来支撑,在我们不仅要有梦想,而且要不断的超越放飞。电力发展站在经济的发展的最前沿,作为其中一员,我们既要感到荣耀而又要有无穷的压力,因为城市建设中给了我们充分展现的机会,同时又孕育着无穷的挑战,虽然我们的公司正逐步地发展壮大,但与其他竞争企业相比,我们还有很大差距,在优胜劣汰中需要我们的睿智去应对,需要我们放飞的梦想去憧憬。只有高瞻远瞩,我们的企业才立于不败之地,拥有远大梦想,我们的企业才能走的更远。 社会的发展如湍急流水,任何平庸与狭隘的梦想都无法溅起成功的波澜。如响誉十九世纪的美国雷诺公司,只局限兴盛时期的丰衣足食,因没有深远的梦想和目标而停滞不前,最终无法逃脱被吞噬的厄运。 再如一个故事:在一望无际的草原上,有只狮子不停地奔跑,但是前方却没有猎物。有人问它为什么要奔跑,狮子说:"我只有跑得比猎物快,才能获得食物。"同样,一只小鹿也在独自奔跑。有人问它为什么奔跑,小鹿说:"我只有跑得比其他鹿快才能不被吃掉。"故事告诉我们:不论你是强者还是弱者,只有先行一步,不断地努力,超越他人,才能在这个社会上生存。在社会发展改革浪潮中,日新月异、瞬息万变,要想我们的公司赶超时代步伐,做竞争中的强着,需要我们有超前的思维,开阔的眼界,需要我们去放飞梦想翅膀,去游弋寻找走向成功的新起点。 梦想是迈向成功的跳板,但梦想决不是我们的终极目标。俗话说:"没有做不到、只有想不到。"曾几何时,又有谁会想的到,我们公司从原来的一个电工组发展到现在所辖12个电工组服务于全区4万多户居民和几百家企业的的电力大军,从寄生于别人的电网到拥有自主建设管理的电网体系,五年中电量从2千万到2个多亿的十倍的跨越...... 有人说:"东营的电力市场是一个富矿,等待我们去开采。"的确,在这片具有无穷发展潜力的电力市场里,我们仅仅只占有7%的份额,还有93%等待我们去挖掘。现在公司已经进入""规划阶段,我们电网正在无限地延伸,我们科技正在快速地发展,我们的员工也不断地博学多识,未来发展广阔环境,给了我们每一个有抱负的人广阔空间,这里是我们成功的工场,这里是我们酝酿崭新人生的作坊。 三分钟梦想现实演讲稿 篇4Dream, is a gorgeous, beautiful, long open unbeaten flowers. Its graceful dance dancing with the wind, the moonlight left a small shadow. Dream, like a seed, spread in the soil of the mind, although it is small, can blossom. If do not have a dream, like life in the desolate desert, courty, no vitality. Who can understand my Chinese dream again? The Chinese nation since the 5000 years of history and culture, is an ancient civilization, formal state. The Chinese people with their own diligence and wisdom, created the unique Chinese civilization, made an indelible contribution to the progress of mankind. We, as a new era of youth, more obligated to carry forward the fine traditional virtue of Chinese people, and let it shine. The ancients cloud: "don't learn ritual, beyond." With the economic globalization and foreign style, we want to stand among the nations of the world, we must improve the quality and cultivate our civilization, civilization consciousness. A heavy rain day, I am very lucky with the umbrellas, walk on a smooth road. Suddenly, a stranger came into my eyes, she was soaking wet, the rain mercilessly pounded her red face. At this time, behind me as if there is a magical powers pushing me, I for the little girl hold up the umbrella of love. She said to me, with the voice of the young "elder sister, thank you." I said with a smile: "you're welcome, this is I should do, home to remember a warm water bath change clothes oh, don't catch a cold!" Although the rain has wet my clothes, but my heart is very happy because he thought that the bright red scarf seemed more before the bosom? Is this a good civilization reflect? One day, the school road, the little boy singing a song. Suddenly, a white-haired old man was quivering on crutches to walk, it has experienced the vicissitudes of the face was full of wrinkles, is a difficult step by step walk on the road. I saw the little boy steps forward and two steps, helped the old man, talk to him, make him happy. At this point, the little boy was emaciated body was particularly tall. Civilization, not according to their own interest, spitting, trample on flowers and plants, disorderly scrawled on cultural relics; Also is not a seat on the bus grab rather smug, into, stepping on others disdain say sorry, and don't say sorry to others. Don't to small and not for good, it is a sin to steal a pin. If you lose today, you not failure, because tomorrow will come again; If you lose money, you not failure, because the value of life lies not in the purse. If you lose your friendship, you not failure, because the family will be poured into my heart. If you lost civilization and virtue, that you are absolutely failed, because you have lost the true meaning of life. As a civilized middle school students, I hope civilization sunshine to perfuse the every corner of my life. Starts from the minor matter, starts from oneself. With our practical action to compose the movement of civilization, represent the acoustic spectrum of civilization, write a new chapter for civilization, but civilization virtue flower that is full of our world! 三分钟梦想现实演讲稿 篇5Spring quietly came to the earth, they after a winter break, began the seemingly endless dream trip, a profusion of garden flowers, fine rain wind is light, they had no time to see the beautiful scenery, because at the start of this year the arrival of spring. When birds trees, streams, bend over, they don't have leisure time, because they have a dream a dream plum the whole country, and the rain, the swallow, young leaves, CaoYa, all Mr Strength growth, the more rain, the greater the but these commitments, finally they brought to sweet dream summer. In summer, do not stop the footsteps, no matter how much sun poison, they by the searing heat to move forward, melon and fruit closed down, and they don't have the time to taste. Greenery is impressed, he strongly growth, blocking the sun, they no longer kubla khah dripping wet, but they never put down, bear the burden of they want to call from a distant plum, tell the teacher own studies how successful, at this time is their proudest moment! Autumn wind the leaves, it in the fall in the wind, the fog of the morning, did not make them feel confused, they like to find people, break the confusion, the farmers harvest joy, perhaps the fields, but they have to seriously every obstacle disease may want to detain him, but they still kept to the noble cause. In the winter, the sunshine is how precious, they are like the sunlight, take away the heavy snow, no matter how fast it gets dark, bright much later, they always adhere to the effort, for the dream of progress. Passed the one season, and repeating it over and over again, the dream-seeker who is tired, dream to make them quickly forward, forward! |
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