

词汇 chat
🔑chatchat1 /tʃæt /


a friendly informal conversation闲聊;聊天I had a nice chat with Sandy this afternoon.今天下午我和桑迪聊了个痛快。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析discussionconversation ◇ dialogue ◇ talk ◇ debate ◇ consultation ◇ chat ◇ gossipThese are all words for an occasion when people talk about something.以上词均表示谈论、讨论。discussiona detailed conversation about something that is considered to be important(对重要事情的)讨论,谈论,商讨Discussions are still taking place between the two countries.两国之间仍然在进行会谈。The plans are still under discussion (= being talked about).这些计划还在讨论。conversationa talk, usually a private or informal one, involving two people or a small group; the activity of talking in this way(通常指私下或非正式的)交谈,谈话a phone conversation电话交谈The main topic of conversation was the recent election.谈话的主题是新近的选举。dialoguea formal discussion between two groups, especially when they are trying to solve a problem or end a dispute; conversations in a book, play, or movie(两个团体为解决问题或结束争端而进行的)正式对话,讨论,交换意见;(书、戏剧或电影中的)对白,对话The leaders engaged in a constructive dialogue about climate change.领导人就气候变化问题进行了富有建设性的对话。The novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue.这部小说描述多,对话少。talka conversation or discussion, often one about a problem or something important for the people involved(常指有重要内容的)交谈,会谈,讨论,商讨I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects.我和上司就我的事业前景进行了一次长谈。The two countries are holding talks to try to end the violence.两国正在举行会谈,以终止暴力事件。debatea formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in Congress. At the end of the discussion there may be a vote.(公共集会或国会里举行、最后常投票表决的)正式辩论a debate over prison reform关于监狱改革的辩论consultationa formal discussion between groups of people before a decision is made about something(决策前的)咨询,商讨,磋商The proposal was based on extensive consultations with leading scientists.这项提案是在广泛咨询杰出科学家的基础上提出的。chata friendly, informal conversation with someone, especially about personal things(友好的)闲谈,聊天(尤关于个人的事)I just dropped by for a chat – are you free?我只是顺路进来聊聊,你有空吗?gossiptalk about other people and their private lives, which is often unkind or not true(有关他人及其私生活的)闲谈,闲聊,说长道短(常为不友善的不实之语)Office gossip can be cruel.办公室里的闲言碎语有时很伤人。PATTERNS 句型(a) discussion / conversation / dialogue / talk / debate / consultation / chat / gossip about stha discussion / conversation / dialogue / debate / consultation on sthin (close) discussion / conversation / dialogue / debate / consultation with sbto have a discussion / conversation / dialogue / talk / debate / consultation / chat with sbto hold a discussion / conversation / debate / consultation

🔑chatchat2 /tʃæt /


[intransitive] (chat·ting, chat·ted)
to talk to someone in a friendly, informal way闲聊;聊天The senator chatted briefly with some visitors in her office.参议员在她办公室与一些来访者聊了几句。




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