标题 | 关于英语的学习名言 |
范文 | 关于英语的学习名言 学习是件苦恼的事,每天两点一线,从学校到家里,日子过得平淡无奇,因此我们要加紧学习,抓住中心,宁精勿杂,宁专勿多。今天第一范文网小编为你分享的是关于英语的学习名言的内容,希望你会喜欢! 关于英语的学习名言精选平坦的道路是坎坷走过的成因,优秀的成绩是努力学习的见证。 Flat road is bumpy through origin, outstanding achievement is witnessing a study hard。 不读书则愚,不思考则浅,不多练则生,不巧用则钝。 Don't you're reading, thinking, shallow, practice is not born, unfortunately with the blunt。 把握时间观念,同认识一个人一样,相见易,相识难。 To grasp the concept of time, like to know a person, it's easy to meet each other, know each other。 加紧学习,抓住中心,宁精勿杂,宁专勿多。 Study harder, seize the center, ning jing not miscellaneous, better designed than more。 人的天才只是火花,要想使它成熊熊火焰,哪就只有学习!学习! Genius is only a spark, if you want to make it into the flames, which is only learning! To learn! 形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。有几分勤学苦练是成正比例的。 Form the determinants of genius should be diligent。 How much is proportional study hard。 古今来许多世家,无非积德。天地间第一人品,还是读书。 Ancient and modern to many family, no more than merit。 The first character between heaven and earth, or reading a book。 掌握无论哪一种知识对智力都是有用的,它会把无用的东西抛开而把好的东西留住。 No matter which kind of knowledge to intelligence are useful, it can put useless things and keep a good thing。 藏书再多,倘不阅读,就是一堆废纸;读书再多,倘不应用,就是一朵不结果实的花蕾。 Read books more, if not, is a pile of waste paper; To read more, if not used, it is a fruitless bud。 把学问过于用作装饰是虚假;完全依学问上的规则而断事是书生的怪癖。 The learning too used as adornment is false; Fully in accordance with the rules of learning and a judge is a scholar of quirks。 关于英语的学习名言集锦研究证明:学习是学习者态度的函数,而不是复习遍数的函数。 Studies have shown that: learning is a function of the learners' attitude and not review the function of the number times。 沙漠里的脚印很快就消逝了。一支支奋进歌却在跋涉者的心中长久激荡。 The footprints of the desert soon gone。 The individual endeavour song but in the heart of wayfarers agitate for a long time。 学习,不分贵贱,勤奋不分聪愚,成败,不分天才,时间,证明成就。 Learning, all alike, hard regardless of our fools, success or failure, regardless of their talent, time, prove that achievement。 生而知之者上也;学而知之者次也;困而学之又其次也;困而不学,民斯为下矣。 Man is born wise or learned on; Learn and know the time; And second is trapped and learn; Trapped without learning, people, for the next。 永不言输。第一层:不断地努力;第二层:知错就改;第三层:坚持下去,迎头赶上,争当第一。 Never to lose。 The first layer: constantly efforts; The second: mistakes and just change; The third layer: hold on, catch up, be first。 死记硬背得不到真知识,投机取巧学不到真本领;纸上谈兵学不到真本事,闭门造车结不出好硕果。 Rote learning can not get true knowledge, opportunistic learn real ability; Theory, learn skills, behind closed doors "is not a good fruit。 人生的道路不会一帆风顺,事业的征途也充满崎岖艰险,只有奋斗,只有拼搏,才会达到成功的彼岸。 The road of life will not be smooth, the journey of my career is full of rugged disasters, only struggle, only hard, will reach the other shore of success。 关于英语的学习名言推荐不要老叹息过去,它是不再回来的;要明智地改善现在。要以不忧不惧的坚决意志投入扑朔迷离的未来。 Don't sigh in the past, it is no longer come back; To improve now wisely。 With no sorrow not afraid of firmly into the uncertain future of the will。 不要心存侥幸,避免贪婪的心作怪,这会令你思考发生短路。如果你不是步步踏实,就容易掉入不切实际的赌注。 Don't take any chances, to avoid the greedy heart strings, this will make you think short-circuit。 If you are not a step by step the steadfast, is easy to fall into the unrealistic bet。 怀疑是知识之钥。 Doubt is the key of knowledge. 说明学习要善于思考。 Learn to be good at thinking. 读书百遍,其义自见。 Read hundreds of times, see its righteousness. 生活便是寻求新的知识。 Life is to seek new knowledge. 知识确实是灵魂的食粮。 Knowledge is the food of the soul. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 To do a good job, must first sharpen his device. 学而时习之,不亦说乎? And when studies custom it, not also said? 不怕读得少,只怕记不牢。 Not afraid to read less, if you can't remember. 记忆是知识的唯一管库人。 Memory is the only one who tube library of knowledge. 哪儿有勤奋,哪儿就有成功。 Where there is diligence, there is success. 学如才识,不日进,则日退。 Not daily, as well, the day to go back. |
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