

词汇 at
🔑atat /ət ; strong form强读式 æt /


  1. used to show where someone or something is, or where something happens在(某处)at the bottom / top of the page在页脚/页眉He was standing at the door.他站在门口。Turn left at the next intersection.在下个十字路口左转。We were at home all weekend.整个周末我们都在家。Are the kids still at school?孩子们还在学校吗?at the theater在戏院“Where's Peter? “He's at Sue's. (= at Sue's house) “彼得在哪儿?”“在休的家里。”
  1. used to show when something happens在(某一时间)I start work at 9 o'clock.我 9 点开始工作。at night在夜晚at Easter在复活节She got married at 18 (= when she was 18).她 18 岁结婚。
  1. in the direction of someone or something朝;向What are you looking at?你在看什么?He pointed a gun at the police officer.他把枪口对着警察。Don't shout at me!别冲我嚷嚷!
  1. because of something因为;由于I was surprised at her behavior.我对她的行为感到惊讶。We laughed at his jokes.听了他的笑话,我们哈哈大笑。
  1. used to show what someone is doing or what is happening处于…状态They were hard at work.他们在努力工作。The two countries were at war.两国处于交战状态。
  1. used to show the price, rate, speed, etc. of something(表示价格、比率、速度等)以Bake at 350° for 25 minutes.用 350 度烘烤 25 分钟。We were traveling at about 50 miles per hour.我们当时正以约 50 英里的时速行进。
  1. used with adjectives that show how well someone or something does something(与形容词连用,表示程度)在…方面She's not very good at French.她的法语不太好。
  1. (computing计算机) the symbol (@) used in e-mail addresses @(用于电子邮件地址的符号)
at any rate
  1. used when you are giving more exact information about something(用于引出更确切的信息)至少,不管怎样He said that they would be here by ten. At any rate, I think that's what he said.他说他们十点前就会到这儿,至少我认为他是这么说的。
  1. despite anything else that might happen无论如何;不管怎么说Well, that's one good piece of news at any rate.哎,不管怎么说,这是个好消息。




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