标题 | 有关秋季的谚语英文 |
范文 | 有关秋季的谚语英文 季节谚语是人们认识自然和总结生产经验而得来的,关于秋季的谚语英文大家知道有哪些吗?今天就由小编为大家带来关于秋季的谚语英文,供大家参考,希望大家会喜欢,快和小编一起来看看吧! 有关秋季的谚语英文 1、秋前秋后一场雨,白露前后一场风。 A rain before and after autumn, a wind before and after dew. 2、立秋晴,一秋晴;立秋雨,一秋雨。 The first autumn sunshine, the first autumn sunshine; the first autumn rain, the first autumn rain. 3、立秋处暑有阵头,三秋天气多雨水。 In autumn, there is a period of summer, and in autumn, it rains a lot. 4、早割豆,午拾花,摊开布单砍芝麻。 Cut beans early, collect flowers at noon, spread out sheets and chop sesame. 5、早谷晚麦,十年九害。 Early grain and late wheat are harmful in ten years. 6、秋分种高山,寒露种平川,迎霜种的夹河滩。 Autumn equinox planting alpine, cold dew planting plain, frost-facing species of Jiahe beach. 7、一场秋雨一场寒,十场秋雨要穿棉。 One autumn rain, one cold, ten autumn rain to wear cotton. 8、家家吃萝卜,疾病哪会有! If you eat radish at home, there will be no disease! 9、棉花要摘多,一棵挨一棵。 Cotton needs to be picked more, one by one. 10、麦子不出芽,猛使砘子压。 The wheat does not germinate, which makes the inkstone press hard. 11、立秋后三场雨,夏布衣裳高搁起。 After autumn three rains, Xia Bu's clothes stood high. 12、芒种芝麻夏至豆,秋分种麦正时候。 The autumn equinox is the right time to plant wheat. 13、勤拾花,不留羊尾巴。 Pick up flowers diligently without leaving sheep's tail. 14、九月阴一冬温,九月晴一冬冰。 September is cloudy and winter warm, September is clear and winter ice. 15、立夏栽茄子,立秋吃茄子。 Plant eggplant in summer and eat eggplant in autumn. 16、早立秋冷飕飕,晚立秋热死牛。 Early autumn is chilly, late autumn is hot and cattle die. 17、淤种秋分,沙种寒。 Silt seed autumn equinox, sand seed cold. 18、白露镰刀响,秋分砍高粱。 The White Dew sickle sounds and the autumn equinox chops sorghum. 19、白露看花,秋分看谷。 White dew looks at flowers and autumn equinox at valleys. 20、立秋三天,遍地红。 Three days of autumn, everywhere red. 21、立秋一场雨,夏衣高捆起。 In autumn, when it rains, summer clothes are tied up. 22、过了白露节,夜冷白天热。 After Bailu Festival, the night is cold and the day is hot. 23、宁拉十步远,不拉一步喘。 Ningla is ten steps away, not one step asthma. 24、春分秋分,昼夜平分。 Spring equinox and autumn equinox, day and night equinox. 25、要想棉花卖上价,拾花莫要揪疙瘩。 If you want to sell cotton at a higher price, don't pick up flowers. 26、晚稻蒂子松,经不起一阵风。 Late rice pedicel pine, can not withstand a gust of wind. 27、麦种八月土,不种九月墒。 Wheat is sown in August, but no moisture is sown in September. 28、马是拉欢不拉窝,骡是能拉又能坐。 Horses are able to pull and sit while mules are able to pull. 29、萝卜青菜保平安、上床萝卜下床姜。 Radish and vegetable keep safe, go to bed, radish get out of bed, ginger. 30、七月立秋慢溜溜,六月立秋快加油。 July starts autumn slowly, June starts autumn quickly refuels. 31、精收细摘,朵絮归仓。 Fine harvest, flocculent warehouse. 32、大兜上缝小兜,好坏棉花分开收。 Small pockets are sewn on big pockets and cotton is harvested separately for good and bad. 33、白露节气勿露身,早晚要叮咛。 Bailu season should not be exposed, sooner or later to warn. 34、春分日有雨,秋分日大水。 It rains on the spring equinox and floods on the autumn equinox. 35、早上立了秋,晚上凉嗖嗖。 In the morning, autumn rises, and in the evening, it's cool. 36、勿过急,勿过迟,秋分种麦正适宜。 Don't rush, don't be too late, the autumn equinox is suitable for wheat planting. 37、入伏下雨伏里旱,立秋下雨吃好饭。 It rains in the summer and dries in the summer. It rains in the autumn and eats a good meal. 38、大暑旱,处暑寒,过了秋分见寒霜。 Heavy summer and drought, in the summer and cold, after autumn equinox see frost. 39、霜降摘柿子,立冬打软枣。 When frost falls, persimmon is picked and soft dates are beaten at the beginning of winter. 40、白露秋分菜,秋分寒露麦。 White dew autumn vegetables, autumn equinox cold dew wheat. 41、立秋种芝麻,老死不开花。 Sesame seeds are grown in autumn, but they do not blossom in old age. 42、立秋下雨人欢乐,处暑下雨万人愁。 Rain in autumn brings joy, rain in summer brings sorrow. 43、棉花要摘好,不能满地跑。 Cotton must be picked well, not run all over the ground. 44、立秋三天,寸草结籽。 In autumn, every inch of grass bears seeds. 45、重阳无雨看十三,十三无雨一冬干。 Chongyang no rain see thirteen, thirteen no rain a winter dry. 46、八月十五云遮月,正月十五雪打灯。 Clouds cover the moon on August 15 and snow lights on January 15. 47、种麦泥窝窝,来年吃白馍。 Grow wheat in mud nests and eat steamed buns next year. 48、秋分,暝日平分。 The autumn equinox is equal to the sunset equinox. 49、八月雷声发,大旱一百八。 In August, thunder sounded, and there was a terrible drought. 50、八月冷,九月温,十月还有小阳春。 It's cold in August, warm in September and Xiaoyangchun in October. |
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