

词汇 speak
🔑speakspeak /spik /


(past tense spoke /spoʊk / , past participle spo·ken /ˈspoʊkən /)
  1. [intransitive] speak (to sb) (about sb / sth) to talk or say things说话;讲话I'd like to speak to the manager, please.我想和经理说话。Could you speak more slowly?你能说得再慢点吗?I was so angry I could hardly speak.我气得快说不出话来了。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析talkdiscuss ◇ speak ◇ communicate ◇ debate ◇ consultThese words all mean to share news, information, ideas, or feelings with another person or other people, especially by talking with them.以上词均表示交流、交谈、讨论、商量talkto speak in order to give information, express feelings, or share ideas说话,讲话,谈话We talked on the phone for over an hour.我们在电话上说了一个多小时。Can I talk to you for a minute?我可以和你谈一下吗?When they get together, all they talk about is basketball.他们聚在一起时,谈的都是篮球。Have you talked to your parents about the problems you're having?你和你的父母谈过你的问题吗?We need to talk (= about something serious or important).我们得谈一谈(严肃或重要的事)。ⓘ You often talk to or with someone in order to be friendly or to ask their advice. * talk 表示和某人交谈是为了表示友好或征询建议。discuss(somewhat formal) to talk and share ideas about a subject or problem with other people, especially in order to decide something谈论、讨论、商量(尤为决定某事)Have you discussed the problem with anyone?你有没有和别人讨论过这个问题?I am not prepared to discuss this on the phone.我没打算在电话里讨论这个问题。ⓘ You cannot say “discuss about something.”不能说 discuss about something。speakto talk to someone about something, especially in order to try to achieve a particular goal or to tell them to do something谈话,交谈(尤为达到某种目的或让某人做某事)I've spoken to his parents about his behavior.我已经就他的行为和他父母谈过。“Can I speak with Susan?” “Speaking.” (= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) “请问苏珊在吗?”“我就是。”The boss would like to speak to you.老板想找你谈话。communicate(somewhat formal) to exchange information or ideas with someone, often used to draw attention to the means of communication used沟通,交流信息,交流意见(常注重所用的媒介)We only communicate by e-mail.我们只通过电子邮件交流。Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.海豚用声音相互交流。She's very good at communicating her ideas to the team.她很善于把自己的看法传达给团队。debateto discuss something, especially formally, before making a decision or finding a solution(在做决定或找到解决方法之前)辩论,正式讨论Politicians will be debating the bill later this week.政界将在本周晚些时候讨论这个议案。consult(somewhat formal) to discuss something with someone in order to get their permission for something, or to help you make a decision与(某人)商议,与(某人)商量(以得到许可或帮助决策)You shouldn't have changed your plans without consulting me.你不该不和我商量就改变计划。PATTERNS 句型to talk / discuss sth / speak / communicate / debate / consult with sbto talk / speak to sbto talk to sb / speak to sb / consult sb about sth
  1. [transitive] to know and be able to use a language会说,会讲(某种语言)Does anyone here speak German?这里有人讲德语吗?a French-speaking guide讲法语的导游
  1. [intransitive] speak (on / about sth) to make a speech to a group of people演说;演讲;发言Professor Hurst has been invited to speak on British foreign policy.赫斯特教授已应邀就英国外交政策发表演讲。
  1. [intransitive] speak (to sb) (informal) (usually in negative sentences通常用于否定句) to be friendly with someone(与某人)友好相处They had an argument and now they're not speaking to each other.他们吵了一架,现在彼此不说话。
be on speaking terms (with sb)to be friendly with someone (after an argument)(争吵后)言归于好,和好如初Thankfully, they are back on speaking terms again.谢天谢地,他们又重归于好了。so to speakused when you are describing something in an unusual way or in a way which is not strictly true可以说;可谓She lost her head, so to speak, when the fire alarm rang.火警器响起的时候,她可以说是昏头转向。speak for itselfto be very clear so that no other explanation is needed不言而喻;不言自明The statistics speak for themselves.这些统计数据本身就说明了一切。speak your mindto say exactly what you think, even though you might offend someone说心里话;直言不讳 speak for sbto express the thoughts or opinions of someone else代表某人说话;替某人说出心里话I cannot speak for my colleagues.我无法代表同事说话。speak out (against sth)to say clearly and publicly that you think something is bad or wrong公开表态(反对某事)speak upto speak louder大声点说




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