标题 | 俞敏洪:相信奋斗的力量(双语) |
范文 | 俞敏洪:相信奋斗的力量(双语) 同学们好: 我始终相信任何一个人想要改变自己的人生,想要改变自己的命运,最佳的法宝或者说最好的力量,就是去进行奋斗,我相信在座的各位同学坐在这儿也是来吸取这种力量。 我们每一个人出生都不一样,曾经年轻的时候,抱怨自己生长在一个贫困家庭。曾经年轻的时候抱怨过自己的父母,什么也不能给我。混遍北大整整七年,没有一个女人爱上我的时候,我发现我的很多同学都已经谈了好几次恋爱。有的同学已经娶上了美丽的女人,成立了美好的家庭。当我发现至少每个同学都拥有一个健康身体的时候,我在大学三年级的时候得了肺结核。发现好像所有的生活黑暗和不如意都集中在你一个人身上,幸亏在这样的过程中间我始终没有放弃自己身上唯一的力量,这个力量就是我觉得只要努力,只要奋斗,只要给我足够的时间,我应该能够改变自己的命运,我应该能够让自己的生活变得更好。而这种感觉来自于什么地方呢,就是来自于我从小在农村的那种生活,来自于我自己高考的启示,因为对于我来说,农村孩子长大唯一可能的归宿就是在农村。 Good students: I always believe that any one person wants to change your life, want to change their own destiny, the best weapon or the best strength, is to struggle, I believe you all sitting here is to absorb the force. Every one of us is born are not the same, when I was young, complain that they grew up in a poor family. Once when I was young, complain that their parents, what also can't give me. Mixing times of Peking University for seven years, not a woman fall in love with me, I find many of my classmates have talked several times in love. Some students have to marry a beautiful woman, set up a happy family. When I found at least each of the students have a healthy body, I got tuberculosis in the third grade of university. All life seems dark and unhappy are focused on you alone, but in the middle of this process I never give up on themselves the only power, the power is I think as long as you work hard, as long as the struggle, just give me enough time, I should be able to change their own destiny, I should be able to to make our lives better. And this feeling comes from what place, is from the I grew up in the rural life, from my own entrance of the enlightenment, because for me, the only possible end result of rural children grew up in the countryside. 我十四岁初中毕业,紧接着命运就对我做出了宣判,当时中国有一个政策,叫做贫下中农子女,一家只能有一个上高中,我姐上了高中,因此就轮不到我。所以其实我在十四岁的时候就认认真真地当过一回农民,在那个时候我就料定了自己这辈子大概只能在农村待着了。但是,老天给了我一个非常好的机会,这个机会就是“四人帮”粉碎以后,教育政策立刻就改变了。我们的初中老师想起了我,说俞敏洪是一直喜欢读书的人,我们是不是可以把他破例地重新放到高中里面来。我妈听说我这个事情以后就非常地兴奋,就找公社大队的领导和学校的校长去不断地说,说我儿子就是可以来的,所以我这辈子我最感激的就是我妈。这就是我的第一次机会,这个不是我奋斗来的,是党和国家给我的。 I am fourteen years old graduated from junior high school, then the fate I made the sentence, then Chinese has a policy, called the children of the poor and lower-middle peasants, a company can only have one high school, my sister went to high school, and therefore won't get me. So I was fourteen when I seriously when a farmer, at that time I knew your this life is probably only stay in the countryside. But, God gave me a very good opportunity, this opportunity is the "Gang of four" after grinding, education policy immediately changed. Our junior high school teacher reminds me, said Yu Minhong is always people who like reading, we Is it right? Can put him back on the high school consistently. My mom told me that after very excited, can commune brigade and the leadership of the headmaster of the school to continue to say, said my son is coming, so I this life I appreciate most is my mother. This is my first opportunity, this is not my struggle, is the party and the country to me. 高中毕业的时候,其实整个班全是农民,因为我们就是农村中学,几乎没有一个人会有信心说能考上大学,但是这个时候我碰上了一个好老师。这个老师现在还在南京,已经八十岁了,他在我们复习高考的时候,高二的时候就对我们说了一句话,他说我知道你们在座的小子没有一个能考上大学的,你们以后一定都是农民,但是我依然要求你们每一个人都去考大学,因为当你们以后回到农村,在田头劳动的时候,当你拄着锄头仰望蓝天,叹息自己命运悲哀的时候,你会想起来,你曾经为了改变自己的命运而奋斗过一次。 Graduation from high school, the whole class is full of farmers, because we are the rural middle school, almost no one can say with some confidence can be admitted to university, but this time I met a good teacher. The teacher is still in Nanjing, already eighty years old, when he was in our review of the college entrance examination, high school is said to us in a word, he said I know you here. No one can enter the University, you will all farmers, but I still want to ask each one of you to be admitted to the University, because when you return to the rural areas, in the field of labor, when you walk with a hoe to look up to the blue sky, when sigh their fate sad, you will think of it, you have to change your own destiny struggle once. 这句话,我到今天还能记得,大家想想这个印象多深,所以我就认定了自己一定要考大学,第二是我认定了一定要让这个老师失望一次。但这只是一次美好的愿望,我高考第一年出来以后,英语分数只考了33分,尽管当年这个录取的英语分数线也不高,最低大专录取分数线就是我们江苏有一个地区师范学院,只有40分,但是我只考了33分,差了7分,那么我就想,如果我再努力一年,我也许就超过40分了,也许我就进这个大专去了,所以我就边干农活边复习。当时农村连电灯都还没有,在煤油灯底下复习,我就是在高考复习的第二年眼睛近视了,所以第二年去高考的时候考出来,考了55分,我拿到这个分数就特别高兴,为什么呢,我想录取分数线是40分,我是55分,那么我无论如何能够进那个师范学院了。结果分数线下来以后,师范学院的分数线提到了60分,结果又差了5分。高考两次失败以后反而让我增加了信心,我就觉得我非要考第三年不可,所以我就跟我母亲说,第三年我无论如何不干农活,就是说一定要每天,所有的时间都交给我,但是我母亲就说我再给你一年时间,但是我们家确实很穷,所以第三年如果你再考不上的话,你就只能是老老实实回来当农民。所以我第三年就拼命了,每天早上六点起来,晚上十二点睡觉,到第三年参加高考的时候,成绩一出来我就发现我的成绩超过了北京大学的录取分数线,所以后来就有幸跟撒贝宁这样的名人成了校友。 This sentence, I remember to this day still, you think about how deep this impression, so I knew that he must be admitted to the University, I have identified second is must let the teacher down a. But this is just a good wish, after my first year of college entrance examination, English scores only got 33 points, although the admission English score is not high, the lowest college admission scores that we have in Jiangsu normal college in one area, only 40 points, but I only got 33 points, difference 7 points, so I thought, if I try hard for a year, maybe I should just over 40 points, maybe I would enter the college to go to, so I'll edge farm edge review. When the countryside even lights are not, in the kerosene lamp under review, I was in the college entrance examination review second years near sighted, so when the second year to the college entrance examination test, test 55 points, I got this fraction is particularly happy, why, I think the admission scores 40 points, I was the 55 in any case, then I can get into the college. Results the fractional line down, normal school fractional line mentioned 60 points, and the difference of 5 points. After the college entrance examination two times but failed to increase my confidence, I think I am not to test third years can not, so I said to my mother, third years I in any case not to do farm work, that is to say every day, all the time to me, but my mother said I'll give you a years, but our family is very poor, so third years if you do not test, you are only just come back when the farmer. So I third years hard, every morning at six points, twelve points to sleep at night, to third years in the college entrance examination, the result came out I found my grades than Peking University admission scores, so later had the honor with Sa Beining celebrities such as alumni. 其实北京大学这四个字在我脑袋中连闪都没闪过,所以这个例子给同学们又一个启示。什么启示呢?人是要有梦想的,但是你梦想再大,你不去努力是不管用的,就像你爬山的时候,就算你不看那个山头,你只要知道自己在向上爬,只要你爬的路是对的,你到达山头只是一个时间问题。所以,回想我自己的生命,我觉得往往是我生活中带来的一些失败,最后促使我反弹起来,又够着了一个新的目标。 In fact, this four word Peking University in my head didn't flash flash, so this example to give students a revelation. What enlightenment? A man must have a dream, you dream big, you don't go is useless, like when you climb a mountain, even if you do not see the mountain, as long as you know yourself in to climb, as long as you climb the right path, you get is just a question of time hill. So, back in my own life, I feel is often fail to bring about in my life, finally prompted me to bounce back, and reach a new goal. 我后来在八十年代末的时候想要出国去读书,但是我联系几十个大学,十几个大学给我发录取通知书,没有一个大学给我发奖学金,都说你只能自己出钱了,而当时我在北大的工资,连奖金带基本工资加起来大概一个月二百块钱,换成美元,三十美元左右。美国的最低学费一个大学大概三万美金,还不算你的生活费,我算了一下,一百年不吃不喝都不够。所以我就想到了我应该要赚更多的钱,怎么赚更多的钱呢?人有了需求就会有想法,有了想法就会有创新。当时刚好中国的外语培训业已经开始轰轰烈烈地起来了,所以我就想我为什么不自己办一个培训班呢?所以就有了新东方。新东方完全不是我理想的产物,有人说俞老师你做新东方,是不是想到了你要为中国教育要做贡献,我想到的就是我要钱。但是今天的我,倒真的实实在在想要为中国的培训事业,和中国的教育做点事情了。为什么?因为你有了这样的实力,你有了这样力量,你有了这样的基础,那自然你就会做,所以我们不用去想太多.很多你没有想到的事情可能会做到,那么为什么会做到呢?就是因为你在不断地改变自己。我们永远不可能说我们站在这个舞台的中央,你就坐着,天上就掉下馅饼来,永远不可能!这个世界上有偶然的运气,有必然的运气,如果你把偶然的运气当做必然的运气,你的生命就会越来越差。但是一个人可以追求必然的运气,什么叫必然的运气,必然运气就是通过自己的努力,踏踏实实地使自己达到了某一个状态,达到了某一个境界,用你这个状态,用你这个境界,用你这个身价去换取你所需要的东西,二十五年前的我在北大拿一百多块钱的工资,这就是我的身价。十五年前的我在新东方我能挣的钱也就是勉强能够养活自己,但是今天的我已经算是中国的在美国比较好的上市公司的老总之一,这个东西是我自己通过努力得来的,所以就不太容易被人剥夺,这个东西是我自己努力得来的,所以我得到了心安理得。这个东西是我努力得来的,所以我更加相信努力的力量,为我自己的后半辈子,我还会去持续不断地继续努力,这就是一个正向的,积极心态的循环。 I want to go abroad to study in the late eighty's, but I contacted dozens of University, more than a dozen University sent me the admission notice, not a university to send me a scholarship, all say that you only pay for their own, and I was in the north of the salary, bonus of base salary even with add up to about a two hundred yuan per month, in dollars, $thirty. The lowest tuition USA a university about $thirty thousand, not counting your living expenses, I forget what, eat or drink for one hundred years is not enough. So I think I should earn more money, how to make more money? A demand would have thought, have the idea will have the innovation. At that time just China foreign language training industry has started with vigour and vitality to it, so I thought, why don't I own a training class? So there will be a new oriental. Product of New Oriental is not my ideal, some people say that teachers do New Oriental, Is it right? Thought of you to Chinese education should make contributions, I think is me for money. But today I, really really want to Chinese training business, and Chinese education to do something. Why? Because you have this power, you have strength, you do, that you will do, so we don't have to think too much. You didn't think that things may be, so why do it? Just because you are constantly change their. We never said we stand at this stage of the central, sit, heaven will fall pie, never! This is dumb luck world, there is luck, if you make dumb luck as inevitable luck, your life will be getting worse. But one can pursue inevitably luck, what must inevitably luck, luck is through their own efforts, will make oneself achieved a certain state, reached a certain level, the state with you, with you this realm, with you this value for what you need, twenty-five years ago I took more than 100 dollars in the north of the wages, this is my worth. I was fifteen years ago in the New Oriental I can earn money also is barely enough to feed themselves, but today I was in one of the Chinese American Mister good listing Corporation, this thing is I through their own efforts to, so it is not easy to be deprived of, this thing is my own efforts to feel at ease and justified, so I got. This is something I worked for, so I believe that more efforts for the rest of my life, my own, I will go to continue to continue to work, this is a positive, positive cycle. |
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