

词汇 fuss
fussfuss1 /fʌs /


  1. [singular, uncountable] unnecessary nervous excitement or activity无谓的激动(或紧张、活动);大惊小怪The kids brushed their teeth and went to bed without any fuss at all.孩子们刷过牙后,不声不响地上床睡觉了。What's all the fuss about?有什么可大惊小怪的?
  1. [singular] a time when people are angry生气;发怒There will be an awful fuss if my parents find out that I borrowed the car.如果父母知道我借了车会非常生气的。
make, raise, etc. a fuss (about / over sth)to complain strongly大发牢骚;大吵大闹make a fuss over sb / sthto pay a lot of attention to someone or something过分关注;关爱备至

fussfuss2 /fʌs /


  1. to be worried or excited about small things(为小事)烦恼,着急Quit fussing. We're not going to be late.别瞎着急,我们不会迟到的。
  1. fuss over sb / sth to pay too much attention to someone or something过分关心;过分关注to fuss over details过度在意细节




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