标题 | 面试口语:500强网申必学英语 |
范文 | 面试口语:500强网申必学英语 professionalism是大公司,尤其是外企非常强调和重视的价值观。professionalism包含的内容很多,除了专业素养外,对着装、电脑使用等一些细节也都有要求。 在网申中,关于价值观的英文开放性问题,主要有以下几种问法: what is your definition to success? sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitments we make to others. describe a situation where this happened to you. why was it difficult? how did you decide what to do? what was the impact of this decision? please state how you have benefited from your work experience. 价值观是一个因人而异的话题,没有标准答案。但是,有一些大公司普遍喜欢的品质和价值观,还是应该尽量在网申中有所体现,为笔试争取更多加分。 下面小编为你总结一些在用英文描述价值观时必不可少的表达(欢迎补充): integrity诚实正直 persistence坚持不懈 dedication奉献精神 teamwork团队精神 patience 耐心 sense of humor幽默感 gratitude 感恩 openness开放的心态 attitude 工作态度 individuality 尊重个性 punctuality 守时 loyalty 忠诚 |
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