

词汇 view
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  1. [uncountable] the ability to be seen from a particular place(能被看见的)视线,视野The garden was hidden from view behind a high wall.高墙挡住了视线,看不到后面的花园。to come into / disappear from view映入眼帘;从视野消失
  1. [countable] what you can see from a particular place. A view usually means something pleasant to look at, for example a beautiful area of land.(从某处看到的)景色,风景There are breathtaking views from the top of the mountain.从山顶眺望,景色摄人心魄。a room with an ocean view海景房
  1. [singular] the ability to see something from a particular place(观察的)视线,视野,视域A large truck was blocking her view of the road.一辆大卡车挡住了她的视线,使她看不见前面的路。
  1. [countable] a view (about / on sth) an opinion or idea about something观点;看法He expressed the view that standards were falling.他表达的观点是水平正在下降。In my view, she has done nothing wrong.在我看来,她没做错什么。strong views on the subject在这一问题上的强硬态度➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库opiniongiving your personal opinion表达个人意见In my opinion, everyone should have some understanding of basic science.依我看,每个人都应该懂一点基础科学。Many people have what in my view is / I believe to be a poor understanding of basic science.依我看,许多人都不太懂基础科学。It seems to me that many people have a poor understanding of basic science.在我看来,许多人都不太懂基础科学。Jones argues that science is separate from culture. My own view is that science is an essential part of our culture.琼斯认为科学与文化互不相干。我的观点是,科学是我们的文化不可或缺的一部分。
in full view (of sb / sth)in a place where you can easily be seen在容易被看到的地方;在眼皮底下In full view of the guards, he tried to escape over the prison wall.他在卫兵的眼皮底下企图翻墙越狱。in full view of the front windows透过前面的窗户一眼看到in view of sthbecause of something; as a result of something由于;鉴于In view of her apology, we decided to take no further action.由于她道歉了,我们决定不采取进一步行动。on viewbeing shown in a public place so that people can look at it在展出;在展览The new discoveries will be on view in Chicago in the spring.新发现的物品将于春天在芝加哥展出。point of viewa way of looking at a situation; an opinion视角;视点;观点You should try to understand other people's points of view.你应该尽力理解他人的观点。From my point of view it would be better to wait a little longer.依我看,最好再稍等一会儿。with a view to / toward sth/ doing sth (formal) with the aim or intention of doing something为了;目的在于

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[transitive] (formal)
  1. view sth (as sth) to consider or think about something把…看作;把…视为She viewed vacations as a waste of time.她认为度假是浪费时间。He views these changes with suspicion.他对这些变革持怀疑态度。
  1. to watch or look at something看;观看Viewed from this angle, the building looks much taller than it really is.从这个角度看,大楼显得比实际高得多。




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