标题 | 临沂英语导游词2022 |
范文 | 临沂英语导游词2022(精选19篇) 临沂英语导游词2022 篇1Cangshan County is located in the southeast of Shandong Province, borderingJiangsu Province, with a total area of 1800 square kilometers, 28 towns, 1180administrative villages and a total population of 1.18 million. Cangshan Countyis located at the intersection of coastal opening and western development inShandong Province. It is adjacent to Beijing Shanghai Expressway in the west,Yanshi railway in the East, Shijiu port and Lianyungang. There are many nationalhighways extending in all directions. Cangshan County is rich in food, garlic,vegetables, dried and fresh fruits, all kinds of livestock and poultry productsand freshwater aquaculture products. It is a national and provincial commoditygrain base, garlic base and commodity fish base. Cangshan County is rich inunderground resources, including quartz sand, gypsum, marble and othernon-metallic minerals and iron, copper, tungsten and other ore bodies. There are many cultural landscapes in Cangshan County. Wenfeng mountain,Baodugu, the ancient city of Zengguo, Xunzi tomb and other historical andcultural sites are well-known at home and abroad. Garlic tower, Huibao lake,Tashan Park and Lanling liquor are modern tourism landscapes, which also attractmany Chinese and foreign tourists. Under the guidance of the national reform andopening up policy, Cangshan County's economy and socialist cause have developedrapidly. Eight production bases of grain, garlic, vegetables, fruits, edible fungi,livestock and poultry, freshwater fish and cotton have been formed in the wholecounty, and agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery have beendeveloped in an all-round way; pillar industries of mining, light industry andagricultural and sideline products processing have been formed, and the outputvalue has increased sharply by 25% every year; The commercial prosperity,especially the communication between the seven vegetable wholesale markets inthe county and the provinces and cities of the whole country and more than adozen overseas countries and regions, has formed the trend of Cangshanvegetables going global; the healthy development of various social undertakingssuch as science, technology, culture, medical and health care, and the formationof a civilized, open, rich and economically strong county. Cangshan County hasoutstanding people, rich products, prosperous economy, convenienttransportation, advanced communication, superior investment environment andpreferential foreign policy, which is the ideal place for investment. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇2Feixian County is rich in resources and is full of treasures. It has greatpotential for economic development and many powerful conditions for economicdevelopment. First, the county is rich in grain, peanuts, flue-cured tobacco,fruits, poultry and livestock, honeysuckle and hawthorn. Second, it is rich inmineral resources, mainly including limestone, granite, dolomite, clay, clay andso on. Among them, dolomite has a reserve of 1 billion tons, which is widely usedand easy to exploit; limestone has a reserve of 6 billion tons, which issuitable for building a large cement plant with an annual output of 1 milliontons; granite has a large reserve, bright color, beautiful pattern and excellentquality, which is a good building decoration material. Third, the transportationand communication are well developed. Yanshi railway runs through the East andWest, and highways extend in all directions. The expressway from Beijing toShanghai under construction runs through the territory, 160 kilometers away fromShijiu port and 110 kilometers away from Lanshan Port. The 50000 doorprogram-controlled telephone is very convenient for communication with domesticand foreign countries. Fourth, it has an industrial base that has begun to takeshape. The county has built a complete range of production system of textile,food, chemical, building materials and other industries, some products not onlyin and outside the province, but also in the international market has a certainreputation. In addition, handicraft production has a long history and uniquestyle, such as grass Willow weaving, carpet, Jinxing inkstone, Tianjing stone,Yuanlin stone, drawing and other products are sold at home and abroad. Fifthly, there are eight large and medium-sized reservoirs with a totalcapacity of 513 million cubic meters in the county. There are eight large andmedium-sized reservoirs with a total capacity of 513 million cubic meters in thecounty. There are eight large and medium-sized reservoirs with a total capacityof 513 million cubic meters in the county. Sixth, the labor force is rich inresources, and the cultural level and technical quality of the workers are high.Since the reform and opening up, Feixian's foreign economic and technologicalcooperation has made great progress. There are nearly 120 varieties of grain and oil, food, local products,livestock products, light industrial machinery, silk, handicrafts, drawing andso on. The products are sold to more than 30 countries and regions such asJapan, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, North America, Hong Kongand Macao. In 1997, the export volume reached more than 14 million US dollars.The utilization of foreign capital and the introduction of advanced technologyand equipment has made a good start. The utilization of foreign capital in thecounty has reached more than 21 million US dollars. Through joint venture,international leasing, foreign government loans and other means, we haveintroduced some advanced technologies and equipment, carried out technologycompulsory manufacturing for key enterprises in textile, plastic, lightindustry, building materials and other industries, and built some new projects.All parties have achieved good economic benefits, laying a good foundation forthe development of export-oriented economy. Feixian is an ideal place forforeign economic and technological cooperation and investment. We warmly welcomeour compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, Chinese Taiwan and other countries in the worldto come to Feixian for cooperation and trade negotiations. We willconscientiously implement the policy of opening to the outside world and providevarious convenient and preferential conditions to further promote the continuousdevelopment of Feixian's export-oriented economy. Feixian County is located inthe south of Yimeng mountain. Due to its special geographical conditions, it hasrich art stone resources. It has the world's amazing garden stone resources,Tianjing stone resources, swallow stone and Jinxing inkstone, which have beenloved by scholars since ancient times. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇3Linyi city is located in the southeast of Shandong Province, with Rizhao inthe East, the Yellow Sea in the west, Zaozhuang, Jining and Tai'an in the west,and Zibo and Weifang in the north. It spans 117 degrees 24 seconds to 119degrees 11 seconds east longitude and 34 degrees 22 seconds to 36 degrees 22seconds north latitude. It has a maximum distance of 228 kilometers from northto South and a maximum width of 161 kilometers from east to west, with a totalarea of 17184 square kilometers. It is the largest city in ShandongProvince. The traffic of Linyi city is very convenient. It has formed athree-dimensional network of sea, air, highway and railway. Linyi airport, whichhas resumed flights, is a national second-class airport and the largest civilaviation airport in southern Shandong. It can take off and land Boeing 737,McDonnell 82 and other aircraft. It has initially opened 15 routes to all partsof the country. There are mainly 4 transit national roads and 14 provincialtrunk roads in the territory, forming a highway network extending in alldirections. The overall level and density of highways per square kilometerexceed the national average. Yanzhou shisuo railway, Pingshang Lanshan railwayand the coastal railway corridor from Harbin to the Yangtze River Delta will bebuilt soon, which will run through the East, West, North and south. Thecompleted Beijing Shanghai Expressway and Rizhao Dongming Expressway form across in Linyi City, with 340 km of traffic mileage. Linyi is located in the southeast of the low mountains and hills in themiddle and south of Shandong Province and the south of the hills in the east ofShandong Province. The terrain is high in the northwest and low in thesoutheast. From north to south, there are Lushan, Yishan, Mengshan and Nishan,which extend from northwest to Southeast, controlling the flow direction of theupper reaches of Yishu River and its main tributaries. With Yishu River Basin asthe center, it is surrounded by mountains in the north, West and East. It formsa fan-shaped alluvial plain to the south. The terrain is complex and thedifference is obvious. There are many mountains, thousands of peaks, hills,plains, rivers and clear water. Mountains, hills and plains each account for onethird of the total area. The mountainous areas are concentrated in Yishui, Yinan, Mengyin, Pingyi,Feixian, Junan and other counties. The terrain is relatively high, generallyabove 400 meters above sea level. Mountain vegetation is relatively dense, isthe main base for the development of forestry, fruit industry, animal husbandry,yellow tobacco, peanut, wheat, sweet potato and other crops are also planted.Hills are mainly distributed in the periphery of mountainous areas, such asYishui, Yinan, Junan, Lanshan, Cangshan, Linshu, Tancheng, Pingyi, etc., withthe most widely distributed in the east of Shuhe River, with an altitude of200-400 meters. The soil in hilly area is sandy, suitable for cultivation, thinsoil layer and poor ability of water and fertilizer conservation. It is suitablefor developing protective forest and economic forest. It is the main producingarea of peanut, sweet potato, corn, yellow tobacco and other crops. There areYishu River alluvial plain, valley plain and waterlogged plain in the plain. Thealluvial plain of Yishu river is mainly distributed in the south of Yishui, theeast of Yinan, Hedong, Lanshan, Luozhuang, Cangshan and Tancheng. Lintan Cangplain has deep soil layer and fertile soil. It is the main producing area ofgrain and vegetable, and is known as "granary". The Intermountain valley plainis mainly distributed in the middle of Feixian and Pingyi, the flat valley infront of Mengshan mountain, and the Intermountain valleys in Mengyin, Yinan,Yishui and other counties. It has deep soil layer, moderate texture, and avariety of wheat, corn and other crops. The waterlogging depression plain ismainly distributed in Cangshan and the south of Tancheng. The soil is sticky,the drainage is not smooth, and it is easy to waterlog. There are many kinds ofwheat, rice, vegetables and other crops. From Archean to Cenozoic, except for the upper Ordovician, Zhigu, Devonian,lower Carboniferous, Triassic, middle and lower Jurassic, Paleocene and Neogenestrata, other fault zones extend northeastward through Tancheng and run throughthe whole city. There are Lushan, Yishan, Mengshan and Nishan mountains from north tosouth. There are more than 800 large mountain tops, generally 200-500 metersabove sea level. There are more than 500 peaks with an altitude of more than 500meters, and more than 10 peaks with an altitude of more than 1000 meters. Theyshow the cloud surface and have magnificent scenery. Mengshan, 1156 meters abovesea level, is the second highest mountain in Shandong Province. It is known as"the second peak of Daizong" and a famous religious and cultural mountain inancient times. Yishan, 1032 meters above sea level, was called Dongzhen inancient times, ranking first among the five towns with beautiful mountains andquiet scenery. The two mountains have enjoyed a long-standing reputation both athome and abroad. Mazong mountain, Yushan Mountain, Tianbao mountain, Wenfengmountain, Jiazi mountain, Yinque mountain, Maling mountain, Mengyin mountain,Cangshan Mountain and Aishan mountain are all famous for their respectivecharacteristics of grandeur, miracles, historical events, characters, legendsand products. There are many table shaped mountains eroded by flowing water inYimeng, which are called "Gu" locally. In fact, there are more than 100 Gu inYimeng, which are not only a great spectacle in China, but also extremely rarein the world. The famous ones are Meng Lianggu, Baodu Gu, Nanbei daigu, LongxuGu, Liaoyang Gu, Moyun Gu, Sujia Gu, shichonggu, Jiwang Gu, Zhuzhu Gu, etc.During the war of liberation, General Chen Yi leaped from Mengshan to Yishui andwrote the magnificent poem "a beautiful scenery, seventy-two can be loved". The climate is warm temperate monsoon continental climate with fourdistinct seasons, abundant rainfall and mild climate. The annual averagetemperature is 14.1 ℃, the extreme maximum temperature is 36.5 ℃, the minimumtemperature is - 11.1 ℃, the annual precipitation is 849 mm, and the annualfrost free period is more than 200 days. There are more than 300 rivers morethan 10 kilometers in Linyi City, including 287.5 kilometers in Yi River and 253kilometers in Shu River. The city has 90 large and small reservoirs with acapacity of 3.4 billion cubic meters and rich water resources. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇4Linyi (named after Linyi River), located in the southeast of ShandongProvince, is an important logistics center in China. It is an importantbirthplace of Dongyi culture and phoenix culture. It is a famous historical andcultural city, a famous Chinese calligraphy City, and a famous old revolutionarybase area and a scenic spot in modern times. Linyi is adjacent to Rizhao City inthe East, Jiangsu Province in the south, Zaozhuang and Jining in the west, andTai'an, Zibo and Weifang in the north. It is one of the important birthplaces ofChinese civilization with pleasant climate, four distinct seasons, sufficientlight and abundant rainfall. Linyi has now become a mega city in East China, thecapital of China's trade and logistics, and a city specially approved by thecustoms to implement the "customs clearance method for tourist shopping goods".Linyi is the permanent venue of China (Linyi) International Trade and logisticsExpo, China market trade expo and China Linyi scholar culture festival. OnFebruary 4, 20__, Linyi ranked sixth among the top ten romantic cities in20__. Linyi University (2) culture and art flourished. The municipal library hasa collection of more than 500000 paper books, more than 1000 kinds of Chineseand foreign newspapers and periodicals, and more than 76000 reader cards, whichhas been rated as the national first-class library; the Municipal Museum has acollection of more than 10000 cultural relics, which has been rated as thenational second-class Library; the municipal Mass Art Museum has been rated asthe national first-class library. There are three national first-class librariesand six first-class cultural centers. The cultural facilities of villages andtowns have been gradually improved. Comprehensive cultural stations have beenbuilt in all 157 townships in the city. According to the five one standards of"one rural stage, one village folk custom exhibition room, one multi-functionhall, one community library, and one cultural corridor", 300 communitycomprehensive cultural service centers have been constructed, upgraded, andrebuilt. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇5Linyi city is located in the southeast of Shandong Province, adjacent tothe Yellow Sea and North Jiangsu in the south. It has jurisdiction over 9counties, 3 districts, 180 townships, streets and 7151 administrative villages(residences), with 10.36 million people and a total area of 17200 squarekilometers. Plains, mountainous areas and hills each account for one third ofthe total area. It is the city with the largest population and area in ShandongProvince. Linyi is a national model city of double support, China's excellenttourism city, national model city of environmental protection, China'sgeothermal City, China's famous calligraphy City, China's famous market city,and a national advanced city of civilization. Linyi is an ancient city with a long history. Linyi has a history of morethan 2500 years. Qiyang city was built in the spring and Autumn period, LangyaCounty in the Qin Dynasty, Linyi County in the Han Dynasty and Yizhou Prefecturein the Qing Dynasty. Linyi district was set up in 1950. In 1994, with theapproval of the State Council, Linyi city was established. Linyi has a splendidhistory and culture. The famous bamboo slips of Sun Tzu's art of war and SunBin's art of war were unearthed in Linyi city. Thirteen of Confucius' 72disciples grew up in Linyi. In history, seven of the 24 filial piety were inLinyi. Zhuge Liang, Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing and abacus inventor Liu Hong wereall born or lived here. Linyi is a famous old revolutionary base in China. During the Anti JapaneseWar and the war of liberation, our party and our army successively establishedthe revolutionary bases in Binhai, central Shandong and southern Shandong. InAugust 1940, Shandong Provincial wartime work Promotion Committee, the firstprovincial people's power under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,was established here, and it was renamed Shandong Provincial People's Governmentin 1945. Shandong party, government and army organs, the 115th division of theEighth Route Army, the first column of the Eighth Route Army, the New FourthArmy, organs of the East China Bureau, and the East China field army werestationed here for a long time. Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi, Luo Ronghuan, Xu Qianqian,Su Yu and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation all workedhere. Among the 10 marshals and 1604 generals appointed from 1955 to 1965, threemarshals and more than 400 generals fought here. At that time, there were 4.2million people in the base area, more than 200000 of them joined the army, morethan 1 million of them supported the army, and more than 100000 revolutionarymartyrs gave their precious lives here. During the revolutionary war, a largenumber of model figures emerged, such as hongsao and Yimeng six sisters. Linyi is a city rich in resources. The output of agricultural and sidelineproducts is large and the quality is excellent. There are eight characteristicbases of peanut, tobacco, silkworm, willow, ginkgo, honeysuckle, chestnut andtea, and two advantageous industries of vegetables and fruits. The export volumeof dehydrated vegetables ranked first in China for many years. There are manykinds of mineral resources. 82 kinds of mineral resources have been discoveredand proved, among which diamond reserves rank second in China, quartz sandstone,ceramic soil, dolomite and granite reserves rank first in the province. Freshwater resources are abundant. The total amount of water resources is 5.536billion cubic meters, accounting for one sixth of the total amount of waterresources in the province. More than 90000 water conservancy projects have beenbuilt, including 37 large and medium-sized reservoirs, with a total capacity of3.41 billion cubic meters. Tourism resources are characteristic. At present,there are 8 grade 4A tourist areas and 11 Grade 3A tourist areas in the city.The main peak of Mengshan mountain is 1156 meters above sea level, the secondhighest peak in Shandong Province, known as "Yadai". It is a national 4A scenicspot, known as "natural oxygen bar" and "health preserving longevity mountain";the 3800 meter long natural Reclining Buddha in Junan is known as "worldwonder"; the 6100 meter long Yishui Underground Grand Canyon is known as "thefirst hole of China's underground river rafting"; The rubber dam at Xiaobudongof Yihe River is 1247 meters long, all of which are listed in the Guinness Bookof world records. A number of historical sites and tourist attractions, such asYinqueshan Han tomb Bamboo Museum, Wang Xizhi's former residence, MengliangguCampaign Memorial Hall, Shandong Tianyu (Pingyi) Nature Museum, are well-knownthroughout the province and even the whole country. Linyi is a commercial capital with developed logistics industry. Atpresent, there are 1004 markets in the city, with an estimated turnover of 93.37billion yuan in 20__. It has become a systematic and intensive modern logisticsdistribution center. Among them, Linyi Wholesale City has 68 professionalwholesale markets. There are nearly 70000 Zhejiang people doing business in thewholesale city alone. The daily passenger flow of the wholesale city is morethan 300000, and the daily vehicle flow is 50000. The turnover in 20__ reached53.8 billion yuan, forming a pattern of "Yiwu in the South and Linyi in thenorth". The industrial characteristics are outstanding. Relying on theadvantages of Commerce and logistics, we have implemented the strategy of"Prospering industry with commerce", extended the industrial chain of processingindustry, and initially formed eight pillar industries with comparativeadvantages, including machinery, building materials, food, wood industry,medicine, chemical industry, textile and metallurgy. Linyi is a hub city with obvious location advantages. Beijing Shanghai andRidong expressways and Yanshi and Jiaoxin railways form a double cross in ourcity, with 20000 km of highway traffic mileage, ranking the forefront of theprovince; it is about 100 km away from Lanshan, Rizhao and Lianyungang ports,and 200 km away from Qingdao port; Linyi airport is a national second-classairport, which has opened a number of domestic routes, and a three-dimensionaltraffic pattern has been formed. Linyi is a growth city with strong advantages. Due to historical andnatural conditions, seven counties in Linyi were listed as poor counties in1985. After 20__ years of hard work, it took the lead in getting rid of povertyin 18 contiguous poverty alleviation areas in China by 1995. In recent years,Linyi has seized the opportunity to speed up its development, and the advantagesof late development have become increasingly apparent, especially the regionaladvantages of connecting the South with the north, the environmental advantagesof beautiful mountains and rivers, the institutional advantages of activeprivate economy, and the political advantages forged by Yimeng spirit, whichhave promoted the economic and social development of Linyi into a fast lane. In 20__, the gross output value was 1958.82 billion yuan, an increase of13.2%; the annual added value of industries above designated size was 88.42billion yuan, an increase of 16.5%. Investment in fixed assets above designatedscale reached 89.75 billion yuan, an increase of 26.1%. The total retail salesof social consumer goods reached 81.69 billion yuan, an increase of 23.6%, a newhigh in recent years. The total import and export volume of the whole year wasUS $3.99 billion, an increase of 27%; among them, the export volume was US $2.63billion, an increase of 17.1%; the import volume was US $1.36 billion, anincrease of 51.6%. The local fiscal revenue of the city was 8.02 billion yuan,an increase of 16.7%, of which the tax revenue was 5.88 billion yuan, accountingfor 73.3% of the local fiscal revenue. State and local tax revenue totaled 13.54billion yuan, up 13.7%, of which 8.47 billion yuan was from state tax revenue,up 12.8%; 5.07 billion yuan was from local tax revenue, up 15.1%. The per capitadisposable income of urban residents was 14998 yuan, an increase of 17%; the percapita net income of farmers was 5383 yuan, an increase of 14%. At the end of20__, Linyi ranked fifth in the competitiveness of Chinese cities published bythe Chinese Academy of Sciences, and ranked 27th in the "30 most concernedcities in the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up" selected by thepeople's network. In the next period, the general work idea of Linyi city is: around thegeneral goal of building a prosperous, strong and beautiful "big Linyi, newLinyi", adhere to the "four development goals" of building an economic citymatching the population city, "a strong business city with logistics world", acultural city with ancient and modern culture, and a livable city with superiorwaterfront ecological environment, and actively promote the transformation froman agricultural city to an industrial city "Five transformations and promotions"are made to strengthen the city in industry, from the traditional trade city tothe modern logistics city, from the inward oriented economy city to the outwardoriented economy city, from the ecological resources city to the ecologicalgarden city, and from the population city to the human resources city. Effortsare made to realize "Three Leading Developments" in the Lunan Economic Belt,Huaihai Economic Zone, and the old revolutionary base areas of China. By 20__,we will strive to achieve a regional GDP of 250 billion yuan, a per capita GDPof more than 3000 US dollars, and a local fiscal revenue of 12 billion yuan. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇6Hello, my name is Qiu Huangxuan, below, I tell you the zhouzhuang. Zhouzhuang is an ancient water town, is China's five a-class tourist area. One went in, and came to a small lake, the lake is the pearl of zhouzhuang, across the lake in the middle there is a small stone bridge, go to zhouzhuang pearl's entrance. , looking to watch on the roof, zhouzhuang scene most in fundus, and a growing old house in the distance, each channel around my house, every household vehicles are boats. Zhouzhuang convenient waterway, the boat can to every doorstep, osprey and fisherman's boat, discussing the characteristics of lake water, full of ancient buildings, no modern buildings. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇7Hello, everyone! My name is Rowling, you can call me Xiao Luo. I'm glad tobe your tour guide. Today I'm going to visit Yuelu Mountain with you. We willhave a good day together. This is Yuelu Mountain, with an altitude of 300. 8 meters, is one of the 72peaks of Nanyue. It is like a natural barrier across the west of ChangshaCity. We are now at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. Please look with me. This oldhouse with moss on the tiles here is the famous Yuelu Academy. Yuelu Academy isa bright pearl in the long river of Chinese history and culture. Together withBailudong academy, Songyang academy and Yingtian academy, it is known as China'sfour major academies. It has a long history and was built in 976. Zhu Xi, afamous Neo Confucianist and educator in the Southern Song Dynasty, once gavelectures here. Let's keep going up and see, this is the "love Pavilion". Four red pillars,like a pine tree, stand straight in front of us, supporting the two green roofs.From a distance, it looks like a big tree. It is perfectly combined with thebeautiful scenery. On the top of the pavilion, there are three glittering goldencharacters of "aiwanting". The original name of aiwanting was "hongyeting". Later, it was renamed as"aiwanting" because of the poem in "a journey to the mountains" written by thefamous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty: "stop and sit in the maple forest atnight, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". It is also known as oneof the four famous pavilions in China. There are many scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain. Let's have a rest first, andthen we'll go to more beautiful and wonderful scenic spots together. Please payattention to "during the rest, do not run too far away, just rest nearby; inorder to avoid the team, pay attention to safety, we will gather here in 20minutes! 临沂英语导游词2022 篇8Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Dongming county is located in Zhukou village,5 kilometers northeast of the county. It is adjacent to the Yellow River flowingeastward in the north and the Ridong expressway running through Qilu in thesouth. It is another beautiful cultural landscape of Dongming County, thehometown of Zhuangzi. 1、 The whole process of construction Chairman Mao Memorial Hall of Dongming County was raised by she Shicheng, avillager of Zhukou village, Chengguan town. It was built in 20__ and officiallycompleted in August 20__. Why she Shicheng devoted all of her resources to theconstruction of the Chairman Mao Memorial? This is because she Shicheng, who wasborn in Shegang village, wusheng Township in September 1944, lived in the oldsociety by begging and farming land for a large family in Zhukou village. Aftersuffering a lot, she moved to Zhukou Village. It was Chairman Mao who led thepeople to turn over and become the masters. From then on, he had land and liveda good life. After two social experiences, she Shicheng deeply felt that withoutChairman Mao, there would be no today. Therefore, since his youth, he has alwaysthought of the party and Chairman Mao. She Shicheng studied carpentry in her early years and engaged inarchitecture. She is a famous expert in architecture. Especially after the ThirdPlenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, he and many villagersgradually embarked on the road of becoming rich. With the development of societyand the great changes in people's lives, he realized more deeply that withoutthe foundation laid by Chairman Mao's overthrowing the three mountains, therewould be no happiness today. Don't forget the well digger. Gratitude is not onlythe unique traditional quality of the Chinese people, but also the outstandingpersonality of she Shicheng, a loyal peasant. Therefore, how to rememberChairman Mao and how to pass on the admiration for Chairman Mao from generationto generation has become a problem he often thinks about in his heart. Afterdecades of deliberation, he decided to express his admiration for great men in atraditional way. In order to celebrate Chairman Mao's achievements and rememberthe kindness of great people, on February 16, 20__, he raised money everywhere,stripped off his house, made room for his own design, and built a Mao Pavilionon his homestead for the villagers to admire. Then, he and villagers Zhu Faqistarted the activities of preparing for the construction of Chairman Mao'smemorial hall, and set up a preparation group with him as the main body and 10villagers as participants. She Shicheng did her best to contribute her family'scapital. First, she contributed her contracted responsibility land of sevencents per mu. Then she negotiated with the villagers overnight to exchangeanother piece of responsibility land of seven cents per mu for eight cents permu depression. She also borrowed money to compensate the other party for eightthousand yuan in cash. She planned to build a memorial base of three acres andfive cents per mu. He designed it himself, laid the foundation on August 1,20__, and completed it in one year. The main building area of the memorial hallis 220 square meters, with a height of 83.41 meters (symbolizing Chairman Mao'sdeath at the age of 83 and 41 years in power). The main hall is 49 meters high(symbolizing the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1949). The fronteaves of the memorial hall is 71 cm (symbolizing the founding of the ChineseCommunist Party on July 1, 1999), and the second floor, third floor andcorridors on both sides. The total project cost is more than 710000 yuan. Amongthem, she Shicheng raised more than 460000 yuan, and the surrounding peopleraised about 250000 yuan. Because of the construction of the memorial hall, theoriginal houses are all 0, and she Shicheng and her two are still living in thetemporary shed in the southwest corner of the memorial hall. Because of theresponsibility of the whole family, all the fields have been replaced by thebuilding base. There is no income, and life depends on one daughter and twosons. After the completion of the memorial, it has become the only privatememorial tourist attraction in China. On December 17, 20__, Mao Xinyu, theeldest grandson of Mao Zedong, Liu Bin and his wife, Mao Ningke, the eldestgrandson of Mao Zemin, and Mao Xiaoqing, the granddaughter of Mao Zelian,cordially received Comrade she Shicheng at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and had acordial conversation with 18 Chinese news media reporters. 2、 Current situation and pattern As soon as you walk into Chairman Mao's memorial hall, the first thing youcan see is the memorial Pavilion renamed from the original "Mao Gong Pavilion".There is a gold bronze statue of Chairman Mao more than one meter high inside,which is vivid and magnificent. In front of the pavilion, the five-star red flagflutters in the wind, surrounded by pines and cypresses, Holly evergreen. Entering the exhibition hall, the most eye-catching one is the goldenfull-length bronze statue of Mao Zedong (2.83 meters high) created by the famousChinese Art Master Mr. Liu Kaiqu and cast by Hunan Shaoshan xuritang bronzestatue Casting Co., Ltd., standing in the center of the hall on the first floor,with the magnificent Great wall behind it. When I came to the center of the hallon the second floor, I saw a golden bronze statue of Chairman Mao Zedong infront of the large-scale painting "welcoming pine". The whole exhibition hall isdivided into nine exhibition areas: going out of the country, creating a newworld, agrarian revolution, anti Japanese War, war of liberation, dream of apowerful country, looking to the world, feelings of poets and old age. On theleft and right corridors of the memorial hall are the abstract of the speechdelivered at the Symposium Commemorating Chairman Mao Zedong's 110th birthday,the preface of the memorial hall and the banner of Chairman Mao's poems writtenby famous calligraphers. The layout is reasonable and magnificent. 3、 Normal activity After the completion of the memorial, people from all over the world cometo visit it every day. In particular, every year, on December 26, Chairman MaoZedong's birthday, the memorial hall has held grand commemorative activities,which have been held four times in a row. The activities are presided over bythe Management Committee of Chairman Mao Zedong's memorial hall, and large dramatroupes are invited to perform for 3-4 days. On the day of the activity, thelocal Yangko team, Huagu team, Taiji team and martial arts team performed, whichwas very lively. At each event, the surrounding people, just like the Spring Festival, cameearly to pay homage to Chairman Mao and cherish his great cause. The villagersin this village are in a continuous stream. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇9Hello everyone! Welcome to Dinghu Mountain. I'm Huang Yu, your guide. Youcan call me Xiao Yu. Dinghushan is located in the suburb of Zhaoqing, with magnificentwaterfalls in front and lush forests behind. So the water is more beautiful thanthe West Lake, and the mountains are more strange than Zhangjiajie. There arered flowers in the green trees, and the beautiful scenery is in the strangemountain. How about it? Friends, is it beautiful here? Look, in front of us isthe famous scenic spot of Dinghu Mountain - Wanlu lake. Please follow me for atour. Don't walk out of the line. Wanlu lake was originally a sky lake where theseven fairies played. One day, the fairies invited their father, the JadeEmperor, to come here as a guest. He thought Tianhu was too beautiful, so henamed it Dinghushan. Let's think about it. Is Wanlv lake beautiful? OK! Let's goto the next scenic spot. This is a Buddhist Holy Land - Qingyun temple. Thereare 108 Arhats in it. Please don't Scribble. There are other attractions:Dading, Butterfly Valley and so on. You can visit them by yourself. Do you have a good time today? Welcome to visit Dinghushan next time. I'llbe your guide again! 临沂英语导游词2022 篇10Hello, everyone! My name is Chen. You can call me director Chen. Welcome toLangshan Scenic Spot for sightseeing. You see, it's summer. Langshan is full of green trees. It's like we'veentered a green fairy tale world. Now, please get ready, we are going to start climbing! Before that, I'd like to introduce the peak of Langshan. First, I'd like totalk about the "chili peak", which is 180 meters high. The "head" is big and the"foot" is small, just like a giant chili; It's said that before 20__, no onecould climb chili peak, not only because there was no way to climb chili peak,but also because it was impossible for ordinary people to climb up from the footof the mountain. In 20__, the French "Spiderman" actor climbed the chili peakfor the first time. Let's see, is chili peak really dangerous? There is camelpeak, 187 meters high, 8 meters long, 273 meters long, with two protrudingparts, just like the camel's back, lifelike! OK, I won't say more. Start climbing. Now we come to the "yixiantian". Myfriends, the "yixiantian" is more than 240 meters long. The widest place is 0 or8 meters, and the narrowest place is only 0 or 33 meters. One can only pass bysideways. There are cliffs on both sides. Please pass carefully Come on, everyone. We're almost at Shanxiang. Here's one of the six wondersof Langshan: ten thousand whales make trouble in the sea. This scenic spot can'tbe seen casually. It usually only appears in the early morning. It's not easy tosee this landscape. Friends who want to see it must come early. You see, thereare countless huge stone peaks and floating clouds, like thousands of whalesplaying in the sea. Now, let's take a look at the Fuyi river with a bamboo raft. Look there.It's the general stone. It's very powerful and full of general spirit. Peopleliving in Langshan think that the general stone is the incarnation of a hero.Besides, there are woodpecker stones beside the general stone. There's anotherstory about the general stone: once, a group of fierce enemies came from theSouth and slaughtered and plundered here. The "Zhennan general" guarding here isgreedy for life and afraid of death. At this time, a hero rose up and led thevillagers to fight by the Fuyi river with a hoe. They fought bravely and killedthe enemy to death. So the villagers here let him be the new "Zhennan general".This story has been widely spread. Do you think Langshan is fun? If it's fun, you should come here often! 临沂英语导游词2022 篇11Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, was designated by the StateCouncil as the center of science and technology, commerce, finance,transportation and communication in Southwest China in 1993. It has the largestnumber of foreign consulates and the largest number of international routes. In20__, it was approved by the State Council and upgraded to an important nationalhigh-tech industrial base, business logistics center and comprehensivetransportation hub, and an important central city in the western region. Chengdu is located in the west of Sichuan Basin and the hinterland ofChengdu Plain. It is adjacent to Deyang and Ziyang in the East, Ya'an and ABA inthe West and Meishan in the south. Chengdu has 10 districts and 5 counties,including Jinjiang District, and 4 county-level cities. By the end of 20__, thebuilt-up area of Chengdu City was 604.1 square kilometers, with a permanentresident population of 14.428 million. Chengdu is "one of the first batch of national famous historical andcultural cities" and "the best tourist city in China", with a history of morethan 3000 years. It has many places of interest and cultural landscapes, such asDujiangyan, Wuhou Temple, Dufu thatched cottage, Jinsha site, Ming Shumausoleum, Wangjiang tower, Qingyang palace, etc. The 22nd plenary session of the United Nations World Tourism Organizationwill be held in 20__, and the 22nd world route development conference will beheld in Chengdu in 20__. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇12My hometown is in the beautiful Ningbo, which is a coastal city with a longhistory and developed economy. There are sweet and sour red bayberry, juicy Fenghua peach, delicious newyear cake, fragrant dumplings and seafood. Historical sites include the Ming Dynasty's private library "TianyiPavilion", which has a splendid stage and thousands of ancient books. Someancient books you can't even find a second one in the whole world. There arealso drum towers that are still well preserved, on which there is a huge clock,which tirelessly tells people the time every day and rings the bell for peopleto make progress; there are Tianfeng pagodas built in the Tang Dynasty, whichhave four floors underground, in which there are valuable treasures; There isalso the Baoguo temple built in the Qing Dynasty, in which there is a woodenBuddhist hall with complex and exquisite structure. Even spiders can't weavewebs in it, and mice dare not go in. There are also Tiantong temple, Asokatemple and other places of interest. Come to the busy street, the long road, a car come and go, stream. The tallbuildings are almost to the top of the sky. Come to the shopping mall TianyiSquare, there are all kinds of goods in it. If anyone goes in, he will come outwith a big bag of clothes. Tianyi Square is surrounded by music fountains ofdifferent shapes, and the square is surrounded by colorful beauties, likegraceful beauties. There is a big screen in the middle of the square, which isplaying animation. In the evening, the square lights up, each fountain isflashing colorful lights, playing moving music. Ningbo also has a piano bridgelike a lyre. Cars come and go on the bridge like playing wonderful music.Qinqiao is also connected with beautiful Haishu and tidy Jiangdong. There are so many places of interest in Ningbo, and there are more materialgoods. I love my beautiful and prosperous hometown Ningbo. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇13Liaocheng city in shandong province is located in the west, the west by get wei river separates the water and the hebei handan, xingtai area, south and southeast across the dike river, Yellow River and the henan province and the province jining, Tai’an City, jinan neighbors, north and northeast border with dezhou. Because of the history of liaocheng city say about perturbation of national cultural heritage. Liaocheng dongchangfu, linqing city, guan, shen county and si 5, the company, 6 Ren, gaotang county, and an economic and technological development zone. Such as han, hui, Mongol 39 people. To the han nationality has the largest population, accounting for 99% of the total population in the city. Followed by the hui, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur, miao, etc. The city's major tourist resources of liaocheng ShanShan hall, linqing stupas, mosques, the company's tomb, si 5 jingyang hill to get protection and development, such as jingyang hill first phase of the project completion and open to tourists. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇14Sun Bin tourist city is located in Songlou Township, 20 kilometersnortheast of juancheng County, covering an area of 978 mu. The original scenic spots of Sun Bin tourist city are Yicheng temple, SunBin tomb, yangzuo tomb, Jingke tomb, etc. Yicheng Temple: in his later years, Sun Bin lived in seclusion insunhuayuan (0.5km to the south of the temple). The king of Qi often sent peopleto visit him, and built a post city in the north of the village to accommodatehim. After Sun Bin died, he was buried in front of the post city and changed itinto "Yi City". Buddhism was introduced into juancheng in the Wei and JinDynasties. In 560, a temple was built in the old city of Yicheng, which means"Yicheng Temple". Beside the temple are the tombs of yangjiaoai, Zuo Botao andJingke, which are also called "Yicheng Temple". In 1558, the temple wasrebuilt, According to the epitaph of rebuilding Yicheng temple, the temple covers anarea of 400 mu and has five halls, including the Great Buddha Hall, the SutraPavilion, the ancestral master hall, the Jialan hall and the four heavenly kingshall, with more than 10000 Buddha statues and more than 1000 monks. It wasrebuilt again in 1920x. The temple was demolished during the land reform in1946, and now there is only its site. Tomb of Sun Bin: Sun Bin returned to his hometown sun Huayuan and wasburied in the north of the village after his death. In the Ming Dynasty, thetomb was buried in the Yellow River. In 1990, on the East Bank of XiangyangRiver in the north of the village, a tombstone of Yicheng Temple rebuilt in the37th year of Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty (1558) was unearthed, on whichwas engraved "Bin's tomb site is deep". After multiple textual research byexperts, it is determined that Sun Bin's tomb site is here. The sun familyrebuilt a tomb with a diameter of 8 meters and a height of 5 meters. It wassurrounded by stones. There was a tree tablet in front of the tomb, a sealscript of "Sun Bin tomb", and a stone censer in front of the tomb. The cemeterycovers an area of 600 square meters, surrounded by a 1-meter-high brick wall and12 cypresses. Yangzuo tomb: the diameter of the seal is 3 meters, the height is 2 meters,and the structure of the chamber is unknown. In front of the tomb is thetombstone of Zuo botaobiao, an ancient Yishi in fan County, erected in 1820 X.the stone is 170 cm high, 46 cm wide and 20 cm thick, with a square head and ahorn. There are no words in the Yin of the tablet, but there are inscriptions inthe Yang of the tablet, which record the time and process of erecting the tabletand the story of Yang zuoquanjiao. It is said that during the Warring Statesperiod, yangjiaoai and Zuo Botao from the state of Yan went to the state of Chuto apply for jobs. When they arrived at Juanyi, they suddenly met with rain andsnow, and their expenses were almost exhausted. Only one person could survive.Zuo Botao gave yangjiaoai food and silver and asked him to go to the state ofChu. He stayed here to wait. Yang went to the state of Chu to become a Shangfu.Later, he went to Juanyi to look for Zuo Botao, who died of cold and hunger in atree cave. Yang then drew his sword to commit suicide and buried Yang and Zuotogether in a tomb. The story of yangzuoquanjiao has been widely spread amongthe people for thousands of years. In October 1995, the foundation of Sun Bin tourist city was officiallystarted. Now, the construction of the wall, undulating terrain, road hardening,part of greening and other basic supporting projects has been completed.Yuanrong bridge and Yuanrong lake have been built one after another. The mainworks of Tianwang hall, Yuantong hall, Fangsheng pool and Sun Bin memorial hallhave been completed. The pharmacist hall is under construction. Yuanrong bridge: located at the entrance of the tourist city, lying on theXiangyang River, it is a reinforced concrete structure with a Southwestnortheast trend, with a total length of 158 meters and a width of 12 meters. Yuanrong Lake: located in the hinterland of the tourist city, it iscomposed of East and west water surfaces, connected by jade belt bridge,covering an area of 50 mu. Tianwang Hall: five single eaves Xieshan style antique buildings, 21 meterslong, 9 meters deep, 9 meters high, is one of the main works of Yuanrongtemple. Yuantong Hall: it is one of the main works of Yuanrong temple, which is anantique building with five single eaves. Release pool: located in front of Yuanrong temple, it is a semi-circularpool, covering an area of 300 square meters. Sun Bin Memorial Hall: located in the west of the tourist city, the hall isa double eaves roof building, 30 meters in length and width, 20 meters inheight, with half arch eaves and green glazed tile roof. It is the main projectof Sun Bin Memorial area. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇15Dear friends hello, I am your tour guide today, I called Chang Yujie, below I will lead you to the world cultural heritage - in zhouzhuang to visit in suzhou. This is the door zhouzhuang, you all have a look, if found the hotel around the roof has a flower bowls, you see there is a huge inside the pig's feet. Theme is the most delicious food here, especially in the 'three thousand' hoofs of the most famous. He has a horizontal interesting story! Now I will tell you, before, zhouzhuang lived a man named shen three thousand richest, is very kind, favorite food is eating pig's feet. One day, zhu yuanzhang visit shen three thousand, shen three thousand hospitality he eating pig's feet, but cunning confused by zhu yuanzhang a problem, the question is, what's the name of the meat? Shen three thousand think, say pig's feet, shen will be over three thousand, made a deceit gentleman, because is the emperor zhu yuanzhang, so shen three thousand a brainwave, say 'Wan Santi'. This is the origin of 'Wan Santi. For a while, you can taste. Zhouzhuang is build and name, now let us come for a walk! You look at the build reflection in the water, the bridge is linked together, like a key, then draw a picture of Chen in the United States memory of hometown, build picture is beautiful, the people were charmed by the dreamy scenery, from then on, zhouzhuang known, build is also famous. Ok, now please walking around, please pay attention to protect its clean, want to tour by boat to the dock, please. So you dissolve go sightseeing tour of the beauty of water - zhouzhuang!!!! 临沂英语导游词2022 篇16hello everyone! Welcome to the Dongjiang Lake scenic spot in Chenzhou, Hunan Province!(singing) "the clear Dongjiang River flows southward day and night, overmountains and over fields..." This song must be very familiar to everyone. It is composed by Wang Yougui,a famous Chenzhou composer, and sung by Zhang Ye, a famous Hunan singer. Thissong has beautiful melody, fresh content and sweet singing. It's been a longtime since I heard it! Dongjiang Lake is located in Zixing City in the east of Chenzhou City,Hunan Province, about 40 kilometers away from Chenzhou City. It is a scenic spotwith mountains, water, islands, caves, rafting and water entertainment. In 1991,Dongjiang Lake was identified as the key scenic spot and tourist resort in HunanProvince. In 1996, it was rated as the best tourist resort in Hunan Province. In1998, it was listed as the national key scenic spot of "Qingshan Xiushui Tour"by the National Tourism Administration. Confucius, a great thinker in ancientChina, once said: "benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water."Dongjiang Lake is a place with mountains and water, which complement each other.In addition, a large number of water amusement projects developed andconstructed in recent years can fully meet the needs of different tourists. Ibelieve that today's friends will be able to "come and go with pleasure"! The whole Dongjiang Lake scenic spot covers an area of 200 squarekilometers and consists of eight scenic spots, including Xiaodongjiang,Longjing, Douri Island, Yongcui gorge, Huangcao, dongjingzhai, Bailong andPingshi water sports area. Dongjiang River belongs to the upper reaches of Leishui river. DongjiangRiver is formed by the construction of Dongjiang Hydropower Station. Due to thecascade development of Leishui, a small hydropower station has been built here.From here up to the Dongjiang dam, it is the 12 km long Xiaodongjiang river. Ifyou come to see Xiaodongjiang in the early morning or dusk between May andNovember, you can see that the river is full of clouds, like a white jade beltlingering gently between the green mountains and green waters. It makes you feellike you are in a fairyland. This is the most famous landscape of Xiaodongjiang- "misty Xiaodongjiang". When the sun rises in the east or the moon rises in themiddle of the sky, the light of ten thousand Zhang pours down, the smallDongjiang River is sparkling, and it looks like a fair lady who has been liftedher veil. She looks forward to life and has all kinds of manners. Such abeautiful scenery has attracted countless photographers, some of which have wonawards in national competitions. Speaking of this, some friends may ask: why does the Xiaodongjiang riverform such a beautiful scenery? In fact, the cause of the "misty little DongjiangRiver" is similar to the famous "Jilin rime" in China, which is caused by thetemperature difference of the river water. The water of Xiaodongjiang riverflows out from the bottom of the lake more than 100 meters deep in the upstreamDongjiang dam. The water temperature is maintained at 8-10 ℃ all the year round,while the water temperature in the downstream is about 20 ℃. As a result, thewater of the Xiaodongjiang lake is hot in the morning and hot in the evening,forming a layer of water mist on the surface of the lake. In addition, thevegetation on both sides of the lake is luxuriant and the air is humid, soclouds often form on the water surface. Please pay attention to the rocks. There is a waterfall falling from thesky. This is Hougu mountain waterfall. Hougushan waterfall is 39 meters high andkeeps running all year round. In summer and autumn, the water is turbulent, thewaterfall falls on the rocks, turns into thousands of jade beads and falls intothe lake. In addition, the wall of the nearby mine is covered with waterfallcurtains, which is like silver rolling, which is very pleasing to the eye. Inwinter and spring, when the water flow decreases, the waterfall falls slowlyfrom the top of the mountain, which is particularly enchanting. No wondersomeone wrote a poem praising: "the ancient monkey mountain cliff scenery isquiet, and the blue water hangs on the shore forever. Suspected dragon poolspray snow, like the sky hang fly flow Well, now we have reached the viewing platform of Dongjiang dam. Pleasesee, standing in front of you is Dongjiang dam, the first double curvature andthin shell arch dam designed and built in China. The Dongjiang dam is 157 metershigh, 35 meters thick at the bottom, 7 meters thick at the top and 438 meterslong at the center of the dam crest. With novel structure, beautiful appearanceand magnificent momentum, the dam ranks the second among similar dams in theworld and the first in Asia. Dongjiang dam is a key project during the SeventhFive Year Plan period, with a total investment of 1.08 billion yuan. It took 11years to break the ground in 1978, close the sluice in 1986, generateelectricity by the first unit in 1987 and put all four units into operation in1990. Dongjiang Hydropower Station has a total installed capacity of 500thousand kilowatts and an annual power generation capacity of 1 billion 320million kilowatts. It is the most ideal peak load compensation power plant inCentral China Power Grid and the best hydropower station in the country. Itsfirst generating unit is only 250 days old, and its economic benefit isequivalent to the total investment of the power station. Now, please go to Dongjiang wharf. Dongjiang wharf is the main watertransportation outlet of Dongjiang Lake. It is also the first-class touristWharf in Hunan Province. Dongjiang is the main source of drinking water inChenzhou City and Zixing city. The water quality of Dongjiang is excellent, andthe lake is clear and clean. It's Dongjiang lake that is shown to you. Seeing the wide water surface,the green mountains and the blue sky, do you have a feeling of yearning andwandering? The beautiful Dongjiang Lake has intoxicated countless tourists here.After visiting, Professor Li Yining, a famous economist, happily wrote a poem ofseven rhythms: "the reflection in the lake looks at the mountains, and thedrizzle makes the water cold. Small island boat welcome guests, old branches andnew leaves primrose. In front of the dam, I still remember the beautiful LijiangRiver. When the peak turns, I know that the world is wide. Fairyland is not adream. It falls on earth with the wind. " Song Zuying, a famous Hunan singer, once used her sweet voice to sing thesong of Dongjiang all over China. After seeing the scenery of Dongjiang Lake, XuPeidong, a famous composer, created "come on, friend!" which is well-known byChenzhou people: "the wind here is gentle, the clouds here are long; themountains here are steep, the water here is shy; the wine here is continuous,the people here are romantic. Come on! Come on! To Chenzhou... " Dongjiang Lake is a large man-made lake in central and southern China, witha coastline of 738 kilometers, a total area of 160 square kilometers, a maximumwidth of 4 kilometers, a maximum depth of 130 meters, and a water storagecapacity of 8.12 billion cubic meters. It is commonly known as "Dongting" insouthern Hunan. With the construction of Dongjiang Hydropower Station, the lakeinundated 72000 mu of cultivated land and 137000 mu of mountain forest in 11towns and 7 villages, with a total of 57000 immigrants. Zixing people have madegreat contributions to national construction! Wei Dongming, a writer who worked in Zixing, once wrote a poem describingChenzhou's forest sea: "the winding water overlaps mountains; there are endlesstrees, neither cold nor hot; trees are money making trees, and mountains aretreasure pots." In fact, this poem is also a true portrayal of Dongjiang Lake.Dongjiang Lake is surrounded by lush vegetation and green mountains and waters.It is a good place for health care, recuperation and self-cultivation. No wondertens of thousands of tourists come to Dongjiang Lake every year! Dongjiang Lake has many functions, such as power generation, flood control,shipping, water supply, breeding, tourism and so on. From the perspective oftourism, the scenery here can be summarized as "Xiong, Qixiu, you and Kuang".Although the lake is man-made, the scenery is heaven. Around the lake, there aremountains, forests, dams, waterfalls, islands, temples, caves, stones and so on,forming a beautiful scene of crisscross mountains and rivers. To roam theeastern rivers and lakes is really "a boat in the lake, a man in the painting.".In addition, Dongjiang Lake is also a place of cultural scenery. As early as inancient times, Emperor Yan visited Dongjiang during his southern tour, andfamous generals such as Ma Yuan, the Fubo General of the Han Dynasty, also leftimmortal legends here. During the agrarian revolution, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, ChenYi and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation also foughtguerrillas here. You can see that on the vast lake, there are also some green islands dottedall over the place. There are more than 30 islands in Dongjiang Lake, thelargest of which is Douri island. Located in the center of the lake, with an area of 5.7 square kilometers,Douri island is the largest island in Hunan and the largest inland island inJiangnan. "Doulu" is a Taoist term, which means "contentment, wonderfulcontentment". It's the so-called "contented people are always happy". Afterseeing the wonderful scenery on the island, I believe everyone will be happyforever! It is said that a long time ago, there was a dragon in Dongjiang River. Itoften made waves, which made the people miserable. Taishanglaojun, who lives inDouli palace in the sky, found out that it was a dragon's crutch he lost whenmonkey king made havoc in the palace. So he summoned the stone lion in front ofthe alchemy furnace, threw it into the earth, and pressed it on the evil dragon.From then on, it became the island of Douli. Now we come to the entrance hall of Douri island. Why is there a big holeon the island? It turns out that like Wanhua rock, another famous landscape inChenzhou City, it is also formed by the long-term erosion of limestone byrunning water. The total length of the cave is 6 kilometers, with a total areaof 34000 square meters. There are caves in the cave, which are connected witheach other. The hall at the entrance of the cave is about 35 meters high and canaccommodate hundreds of people at the same time. There is a very striking placehere, which is this beautiful stalagmite. It is said that this is the Ruyigolden cudgel left by the monkey king at that time, that is, the dinghaishenneedle. Walk forward through the hall and come to the second scenic spot -- Yingbinhall. Here, a peacock is spreading its beautiful tail feathers to welcome you.Please look back. An old lady carrying her grandson is on her way in a hurry. Itturns out that they are in a hurry to see the carp jumping across the gate! Now you are in the garden of flowers, but the flowers here are not ordinaryflowers, but coral flowers in the underwater world. Through the flowers, you canalso see that Taishang Laojun and Zhang Guolao in the eight immortals aredrinking and enjoying the flowers. This is the narrowest place in the doubilingyan. It's only 30-40 Li wide.You can only wriggle past it. So people give it an interesting name: "Mr.sideways, Ms. wriggles.". This is taishanglaojun's bedroom. Please see if these two sides are likecurtains made of pearls. This kind of hanging stone curtain is called "stonecurtain" in geology. According to the evaluation of American cave experts, theyhave seen many stone curtains in the world, but this is the most beautiful andspectacular one. It's not a mortal to be able to use such a curtain. Look, thedrunken emperor is sleeping in it! Now I come to a place with a sad name -- Lihen hall. Look, there's a womanover there with a baby in her arms and looking up. What is she looking at? Herhusband went fishing in Dongjiang Lake and drowned. The poor wife is stillwaiting, and finally turned into a watchman's stone. Alas! There are lovers inthe world! After the sad parting, I'd like to see something that makes people happy.There is a circus performing here. There are cute giant pandas, smart seals,scary cobras, and lively and lovely pugs It is said that there are 72 kinds ofanimals performing in this circus. Now you are going to the largest hall in the cave. This hall is more than40 meters high and 70 meters wide, which is very rare in the world. There is atall stone pillar against the light in front. It is said that there is a 29meter high stone pillar in Huanglong cave in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, whichis known as the highest in the world. Our 36 meter high stone pillar is thehighest in the world! The next place to enter is Huixian hall. As the name suggests, this is theplace to meet the immortal. First of all, you can see the immortal. The immortalis 112000 years old. According to scientific calculation, every 100 years ofwater on the top, the stalagmite on the bottom grows by 1 cm. According to thisprinciple, the age of the old man can be calculated. Please look on the left. There used to be a village called xiuliu village.It got its name from xiuliu, the name of Dongjiang River before the impoundment.The village is not big, but it is well-known. In 1930s, Bai Wei, one of the fourmost famous modern female writers in China, was born here. On the right is anisland called Pearl Island, where Chenzhou Branch of Chinese painting andcalligraphy correspondence university is located. The reason why the site isselected here may also be to absorb more Dongjiang's aura, so as to createbetter calligraphy and painting works! Now the water area we are marching in is called Yongcui gorge. With a totallength of 20 kilometers, Yongcui gorge is the most representative naturallandscape of Dongjiang Lake. The whole gorge is full of water, and the waterruns through the mountains. Along the way, there are many floating waterfallsand strange peaks and rocks. Especially, the lake is like a mirror, and themountains are reflected in the water. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of theQing Dynasty, a Zixing county magistrate wrote an impromptu poem "Chukou roadzhongkouzhan", which vividly depicts the scenery here: "the fresh green newYings cut and shout, and the high peak long stream flows into the cloud arc. Idon't know how many Posthouse routes I have, but I mistakenly believe that I amdrawing all over. " In front of you is the famous Jinniu island on DongjiangLake. The whole island has a horn, like a Taurus. Since ancient times, Zixingpeople have been industrious and intelligent, just like this Taurus, and finallyushered in today's rich day! 临沂英语导游词2022 篇17As "full, the talents", is located in the southern bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river in jiangxi province, the province's largest and longest rivers, the gan, from south to north across the province, and jiangxi jiangxi for short. "Yugong" into "the domain of yangzhou" in jiangxi province, in the spring and autumn and warring states period, jiangxi province, belong to wu, chu. Most of the qin dynasty unified China, jiangxi jiujiang county. Han yu zhang county, the three countries, the jiangxi grand subordinate yangzhou, south qi belongs to jiangzhou, tang dynasty Jiang Naxi way, in the name of "jiangxi". The two song dynasties, jiangxi large subordinates jiangnan west road, yuan set aampk book in the province, including their jurisdiction today the most areas of jiangxi and guangdong provinces. Chief secretary of jiangxi province, set up in the Ming jurisdictions rather today in jiangxi province, qing in jiangxi province, today. Now the province covers an area of 16.69 square kilometers. Jiangxi both splendid ancient civilization, and have a glorious revolutionary tradition, is the cradle of the Chinese revolution, MAO zedong and liu shaoqi in pingxiang AnYuan organization launched the first workers' movement in China, zhou enlai, zhu DE and other older generation proletariat revolutionaries in nanchang led much of the nation "bayi" uprising, jinggangshan is comrade MAO zedong founded the first rural revolutionary base areas, ruijin is the second revolutionary civil war central worker-peasant democratic government is located, which enjoys a reputation of "red", shock the world long march of twenty-five thousand li and the first step. Jiang Xidong yushan, wuyi, zhejiang and fujian border, south have big heptyl ridge, nine lianshan and guangdong, adjacent to the west nine ridge mountain, wugong mountain, mount Wan Yang with hunan, such as contingency, formed a east, south, west three sides surrounded by hills, open not closed basin, north of rain, from jiangxi, caresses, letter, repairing, chang five water system link in China's largest fresh water lake, after the men into the Yangtze river, north of the Yangtze river as the border with hunan, anhui provinces adjacent. Jiangxi a humid subtropical monsoon climate, annual average temperature 16-20 ℃, generally low for meteorological north, January 3-9 ℃, July 27-31 ℃. Rich resources of jiangxi province, is rich in rice, as one of the main commodity grain base in our country, the poyang lake, the gan river such as water is rich in fish, known as jiangnan land of fish and rice ". Scenic spot in jiangxi province is various, rich cultural resources, lushan mountain, jinggangshan, and six, fairy lake, three hundred mount longhu mountain national scenic area becomes famous. Nanchang, also, ganzhou city three state-level historical and cultural city, there are 26 state-level cultural relics protection units, the national nature reserve, 15, 2406 provincial tourism scenic spots. Jiangxi province is located in the southeast of the People's Republic of China, is located in north latitude 24 ° 29 '~ 30 ° 05', longitude 113 ° 34 '~ 118 ° 29', between north and south about 620 km long, about 490 km wide from east to west. In jiangxi province and east zhejiang, fujian, and guangdong to the south, west and hunan, hubei, and the north in anhui province. On the north of the Yangtze river, chongqing han, tong ning hu, south reliance mei guan, overlooking the lingnan, guangzhou and Hong Kong and Macao. In jiangxi province, belong to the east China area in our country, is located in the central China region, close to the east, south, and east to the west the forefront of the transition zone. Jiangxi province has 11 municipalities, counties in 76, nearly 90 counties. Jiangxi province (including the revolutionary base areas and guerrilla zones) in old area of 113211 square kilometers, accounting for 67.8% of the whole province area. Among them: old area accounts for 100% of full red county 27; Account for 90 to 96% of the county six; Accounts for 50 ~ 89% of the county 20; 25 accounted for half of the following counties. The whole province distribution of old township, village of the county, the city a total of 78, distribution of old village of the township a total of 1064, among them: old revolutionary area accounted for more than half of the township, 834. The whole province distribution of old township, village of the county, the city a total of 78, distribution of old village of the township a total of 1064, among them: old revolutionary area accounted for more than half of the township, 834. In jiangxi province, belong to China east China region, in the southern bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, the province's land area of 166900 km2, accounting for 1.74% of the nation's total land area, the area of the top of the six provinces and one city in east China. Among them: mountain and hilly area of 78%, downland plain accounted for 12%, water 10%. ShengJing east, west, south surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the middle hilly, north China's largest fresh water lake - plain and lake area, the provincial terrain from east, south, west three sides is leaning to the poyang lake area, constitute an open not closed basin to the north. Kan throughout north and south, with caresses, letter, rao, the waters, from the east, south, and west sides poyang lake, formed in poyang lake as the center of the centripetal water system, water flow by the hukou flows into the Yangtze river. The entire province various types of landforms, land area in the hilly mountainous, plain arable land; Red soil area than major; In parts of the soil erosion is serious; Declining per capita arable land. The province's land area accounted for 1.70% of the national land area. 60101 l7km2 mountain 60101 km2, hilly, 20xx2 km2, downland and plain water 16667 km2. Have more appropriate development and utilization of land resources, suitable for the development of a variety of crops and vice, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industry, most of the land can be evergreen. The province red soil area of 158 million mu, 70.69% of the total area of the province soil. Of soil and water loss area of 51 million mu, accounting for about 20% of the total area of the land in the province. Without the development and utilization of barren hills, slope, land area of more than 5300, ten thousand mu, of which 33.5 million mu low mountain hills, can develop forest or pasture; At an altitude of 100 meters, 15 ° slope under the gentle slope land of 12.23 million mu, can be developed into farmland or tea fruit mulberry field; Agriculture and forestry fields, scattered land 7.51 million mu. Weeks including terrain in jiangxi province, east, south, west three sides by mountains and faces the heavy mountain overlapping bombs, guilin JunWei; The central hills, basins and white; The northern plains magnanimous, rivers intertwined. In the province's major rivers are originated in edge mountains, bus in Yang muscle and then injected into the Yangtze river. Mountain area is 36% of the total area of the province, hilly accounted for 42%, plain downland accounted for 12%, water 10%. ShengJing around except temporal to penzer northern Yangtze river south bank of the ground, the rest are mountain, constitute of jiangxi province and neighboring watershed and natural boundaries. 临沂英语导游词2022 篇18Chengde summer resort, also known as Rehe palace, is the place where theQing emperors took summer vacation to deal with government affairs. It has beenbuilt by Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors for 300 years. Last summervacation, I had the honor to visit this famous royal garden with my parents. After entering the main entrance of Li, I saw a pair of lions, one male andone female. When the Japanese soldiers attacked China, they fell in love withthe lions, but they couldn't pull them away. They were ready to blow them up thenext day. The old guard smeared chicken blood on the lion's eyes that night. Thenext day, the Japanese soldiers thought it was the lion's blood and tears, sothey ran away. I saw the four big characters of "summer resort" mentioned by EmperorQianlong. Among them, the word "avoid" is one more horizontal. The guide told usthat there are many opinions about "avoid". Some people said that EmperorQianlong got the four characters after he was drunk. It is also said thatEmperor Qianlong's purpose was to avoid a disease called smallpox. In order toprevent the common people from gossiping, he added a horizontal line in the word"avoid". When I came to Empress Dowager Cixi's room, the smell inside was very bad.The guide is pointing to the items of Empress Dowager Cixi to introduce herthree hobbies one by one: "singing opera, gambling and playing with dogs."Playing with dogs! I suddenly came to the spirit. I have the same hobby asEmpress Dowager Cixi - playing with dogs. How interesting! There is a museum next to Empress Dowager Cixi's room. Most of the items inthe museum are empress dowager's articles and clothes of the emperor and queen.I also saw the guardians of all kinds of zodiac in it. These are pricelesstreasures! There are more than these treasures in the summer resort. We need to findmore and discover its unique beauty. At eight o'clock in the evening, there is aperformance about Emperor Kangxi's life. 1300 people took part in theperformance. Five of them played Emperor Kangxi in his childhood, youth, middleage and old age. In the middle of the performance, a big Buddha appeared, because it wasdark before the big Buddha appeared. I don't know where the big Buddha camefrom. The sharp eyed audience said, "it's from underground." People suddenlyunderstand that the original site is rotating. In the end, the grand performanceof 1300 people came to a successful conclusion. The scenic spots and historic sites of Chengde Mountain Resort have beendeeply imprinted in my heart. This visit to Chengde Mountain Resort has addedendless fun to my summer vacation life and made my summer vacation moremeaningful! 临沂英语导游词2022 篇19Ladies and gentlemen I'm a tour guide from Anhui travel agency. My name is Wang Ping, threehorizontal and one vertical. You can call me Xiao Wang or Wang Dao. The driversitting next to us is master Wang, who has many years of driving experience I'm an old driver, so you can rest assured when you take his car! Intoday's journey, if you have any problems, you can put forward them to us, andwe will try our best to solve them for you. Next, I'm going to show you a classic red tourism scenic spot --- thememorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army. Before visiting, let metell you about the memorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army. The memorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army headquarters islocated in Luoli village, Yunling Township, 24 kilometers away from Jing County,Anhui Province. After the July 7th incident in 1937, the Red Army guerrillas in14 areas of eight southern provinces were reorganized into the New Fourth Armyof the National Revolutionary Army (NRA). On December 25 of the same year, theheadquarters of the New Fourth Army was established in Wuhan, and enteredYunling on August 2, 1938, until the "Southern Anhui Incident" in January 1941.During the past three years when the military headquarters was in Yunling, itwas a critical period for the New Fourth Army to develop behind the enemy linesin China. Under the leadership of Ye Ting and Xiang Ying, the officers and menof the New Fourth Army were active in the north and south of the river, bravelyresisting the enemy and creating many anti Japanese base areas. As the NewFourth Army headquarters in this period, it made great contributions to theChinese revolution and left a glorious page in the history of Chineserevolution. The former site of the military headquarters of the New Fourth Armywas left when the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army was stationed inYunling. The former sites of the memorial hall are: headquarters of the militaryheadquarters, Great Hall of the military headquarters, repair facility,political department, training team, field service group, Southeast Bureau ofthe CPC Central Committee, martyr's tomb, yetingqiao and other 10 sites. Inaddition, Yunling stele garden, yeting Bronze Statue Square, auxiliaryexhibition, special exhibition and other facilities are added. There are morethan 4000 precious pictures, cultural relics and materials in the museum.Combined with restoration display and auxiliary display, the great achievementsof the proletarian revolutionaries of the old generation in the New Fourth Armyand the tragic page of the "South Anhui Incident" that shocked China and foreigncountries are reproduced in different forms. Members of the group, please follow me to step into this sacred redterritory. Let's learn about this period of history. I hope today's visit willleave you a beautiful and deep memory. Now we are going to visit the memorialhall for the reconstruction of the headquarters of the New Fourth Army. As weall know, in the great Anti Japanese War of the Chinese people, there was anarmy called the Iron Army, which was the New Fourth Army. Under the leadershipof the Communist Party of China, the New Fourth Army, from 1937 to 1945, underextremely difficult conditions, established an anti Japanese Democratic baseacross five provinces including eight strategic areas, formed a strategicsituation echoing the north and south of the Eighth Route Army in North China,and made great contributions to the victory of the Chinese people's AntiJapanese War and the world anti fascist war. In order to remember the greatachievements of the New Fourth Army in adhering to the Anti Japanese war inCentral China, carry forward the glorious tradition of our party and our army,and extensively carry out patriotism education, a memorial hall for thereconstruction of the New Fourth Army headquarters was established in October1986 in Yancheng, the site of the reconstruction of the New Fourth Armyheadquarters. The memorial hall covers an area of about 70 mu. Now, you havecome to the memorial hall of the New Fourth Army. This is the memorial square.Two groups of high relief group images stand on the East and west sides of thesquare Now we come to Zhongmo garden, which was originally a landlord's house. Itwas built in the late Qing Dynasty. It was composed of three rooms, 47 rooms anda garden, presenting a ship shape as a whole. Military commander Ye Ting, deputychief of staff Zhou zikun and other new fourth army generals and internationalfriends Smedley and musician Ren GUANG all lived and worked here. In the springof 1939, when Comrade Zhou Enlai inspected the headquarters of the New FourthArmy, he stayed in the office of commander Ye Ting. Ye Ting is not only a famous militarist, but also a scholar. In addition,he is also a photography artist with profound attainments. During his militaryexpeditions, comrade Ye Ting took many works. There is also the darkroom he setup to develop photos. The "photo exhibition of general Ye Ting" and "photoexhibition of general Ye Ting's life" are rare historical materials in thehistory of the New Fourth Army. Most of his photographs were taken in southernAnhui during his tenure as commander of the New Fourth Army. The works ondisplay are donated by Ye Ting's second son on behalf of his family. Then we go to dafudi, which was built in the late Qing Dynasty. There are64 rooms upstairs and downstairs, and more than 10 courtyards, gatehouses andfoot rooms. Deputy commander Xiang Ying lives and works on the ground floor ofthe building. The staff office is located in this hall, where staff workingmeetings have been held. In May 1998, on the occasion of the 100th anniversaryof Comrade Xiang Ying's birth, "the exhibition of pictures of Comrade XiangYing's life" was officially displayed to let the audience know about ComradeXiang Ying's revolutionary life. Next we come to the Great Hall of the military headquarters. Come with me.The former site of the Great Hall of the military headquarters of the New FourthArmy is also the site of the exhibition hall of the former site of the militaryheadquarters of the New Fourth Army. It was originally the "Chen Clan ancestralhall" in Yunling and was built in the seventh year of the reign of EmperorKangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1468 AD). It is one of the two largest ancestralhalls in Jing County. On August 2, 1938, the headquarters of the new fourth armymoved to Yunling, which is the Great Hall of the headquarters of the New FourthArmy. It is the main place for the military headquarters to hold large-scaleconferences, carry out cultural and recreational activities, hold military andcivilian gatherings and hold booty exhibitions. In the spring of 1939, ZhouEnlai made an important report here to the commanders and fighters of the NewFourth Army. The new exhibition of New Fourth Army in southern Anhui is thelatest development of Chen's ancestral hall. The exhibition is 20 years old___It won the national top ten fine display awards in. Our journey is coming to an end. Xiao Wang also wants to say goodbye toyou. There's nothing to give you at the time of parting. Just give you fourwords. First of all, the first word is fate, the fate of fate, as the sayinggoes, "one hundred years of rest on the same boat" and everyone's co-existenceis "one hundred years of rest on the same car"! The next word is to forgive theoriginal, in the past few days, Xiao Wang has not done well enough, I hope youwill forgive me a lot and say sorry here. The last word is the source, thesource of money. I wish you a continuous source of money like the Xin'an River.I also wish you good health, good work, good mood, good today, good tomorrow,even better, give a little applause. |
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