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标题 英语导游词


英语导游词 篇1

  distinguished guests, dear friends, good morning! welcome to chongqingtourism. i am your tour guide chongqing __x, everybody call me money. providedriving services for everybody is master x. very honored to have the opportunityto visit mountain scenery, accompany you when we get along with this time, iwill try my best to serve you better, also hope you can enjoy my tour guideservice, here i wish you enjoy having a good time in chongqing, leave a goodmemory!

  before the official start of the "mountain city" we penny polite toeverybody, money, nothing to deliver well, send you sixty million, ten millionto pay attention to safety in the browsing process, twenty million to keep yourbelongings, thirty million remember we set the time and place, forty millionremember our plates, because scenic spot in the parking lot of the same type cartypes are about the same, so as not to pass on the good memory, we are chongqinga____ plates, fifty million to keep the good facilities inside the car andclean, now we are in the car is our mobile home, like take good care of your ownhome so please take care of our car, more than sixty million to mark fiftymillion.

  first simply introduce the history of chongqing, chongqing is one of theearliest assessment of 56 different historical and cultural city, because it ismore than 3000 years old, first ask you, do you know why chongqing is referredto as "chongqing? what is the name of chongqing english name?

  chongqing, in ancient times had been called jiangzhou county, bazhou,chuzhou, yuzhou, ready and state. jialing river called yushui, 581 sui wendi toyushui march around the city, change the chuzhou to yuzhou, chongqing thusreferred to as the "chongqing". the southern song dynasty in 1189 cases of zhaolinton was to listen to the king, for in the ready state after peanuts, ishimself a double festival to purge states for chongqing government, chongqingand hence the name. chongqing has three capital, three times its capital isrespectively: ancient pakistan's capital, who at the end of the yuan, buildingthe capital during the anti-japanese war, together with the company'scapital.

  chongqing is the largest city in western china, is one of china's fourmunicipalities directly under the central government. located in theqinghai-tibet plateau and the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze riverplain transition zone. chongqing is surrounded by the jialing river and theyangtze river, covers an area of 8.23 square kilometers, or even beijing.tianjin. shanghai 2.39 times the area of all. governs 4 county-level cities, 13districts, 23 counties, the total population of 33.2 million, of which the mainpopulation reached 80 million. as china's most young most populous, the largestmunicipality directly under the central government. and the construction of thethree gorges project, although had a greater influence on the ecologicalenvironment of chongqing, but also to new opportunities in chongqing, reformingwas again the new chongqing.

  chongqing climate belongs to subtropical monsoon climate, hot summer andwarm winter, annual average temperature of 18 degrees celsius, and winterminimum annual average temperature is 6-8 degrees celsius, the highest annualaverage temperature in summer is 27-29 degrees celsius. chongqing's rainfall isabundant, the late spring early summer rain much more special, so in chongqingknown as "bashan patter," said.

  said there is something wrong with the money and ask everyone here, everycity has a nickname that chongqing how many individual said, we can talktogether. when it comes to the terrain of chongqing, many comrades will give a"mountain city", true to its name, it is located in the eastern sichuan basin,hilly terrain, mountains, city is built on the mountain, the mountain is a city,the city is a mountain, rolling circle road, various visions, distinct stylebuilding on the peninsula, to show a perfect three-dimensional beauty, chongqingand surrounding the downtown area of the yangtze river, jialing river like twosilver belt, crossties, you can board the "mountain city crown" nanshan treeoverlooking the whole the yuzhong peninsula, is jiangshan picturesque,beautiful. general cai e in chongqing has acknowledged the "two silver wire,since day, along with the river and after open the ancient rivers, said thetown, the air i ridge tower". have the opportunity to you can go to try.

  three-dimensional city, of course, also have the three-dimensional traffic.bridges, tunnels, elevator, cable car, cableway. chongqing bridge in china areknown, there are 4500 plus a pedestrian bridge, only seven bridge the city, thecity is more difficult to count. , of course, there are two of the most famous,chongqing yangtze river bridge, built in just after the cultural revolution in1978, chongqing citizens to actively take part in, all in a great battle form.the bridge is the inion ye shuai, another is the symbol of the chief engineeringand corruption, the qijiang count rainbow bridge, its case shocked the country.rainbow bridge, of course, new artistic, like art, everybody can grasp thechongqing along five more than a little, just said the bridge, there are holes,tunnel, cable car, the steps and bike, you see this side of the mouth of thecave, the mountain is now just shop, small workshops, the origin of it is big,the anti-japanese war authentic air-raid shelter, of course, there are threeline construction, as a strategic rear area, for the requirements of the fat,chongqing many factory, shopping center was built in the hole, within the wholechongqing city wide dotted, interwoven into the net, once think on this basis tobuild the subway in chongqing, then think engineering is too big, rebuilding thelight rail. because it warm in winter and cool in summer, become a lot of hotpot battleground of the boss. do you want to, don't open central heating in thewinter, summer don't open air conditioning, how to save money. chongqing stepsis to make more foreigner very headache, steep hills, too tired, can think ofwhy chongqing girls so good figure? that is because the steps, more girls couldbe free fitness everywhere. and chongqing people heart patients rarely, benefita lot. as the saying goes: "good in chongqing city, the mountains are high roaduneven, floor is built on the rock, car running in the mountains, and the doormore tunnel, bridge zhuang mountain city"

  before going out, i'm sure you will watch tv to understand the temperatureof chongqing these days. when it comes to the climate characteristics ofchongqing. it has two name famous throughout the country. is the "foggy city"and "fire". chongqing is the eponymous world famous travelling to london, duringthe spring and autumn season, the most is foggy, white mist from the riverrising, such as fine gauze, very good-looking, but heavy fog boundless, day byday, the riverbank regardless, even in the opaque, see bearer, opposite here maybe many friends wondering which come of such a big fog in chongqing? is is thegeographical environment of chongqing, chongqing is a typical hilly terrain andthe simultaneous, in the summer due to high temperature above the liangjiang hasformed a strong water vapor, at that time who had it send out not to go out, canonly hover in chongqing city. for traffic safety hazard is great, but the foghas the beauty of it, time machine long resistance crazy bombing of chongqingcity, chongqing to bring huge losses and damage, but the will of the people likein the city of chongqing jiangbei predecessor, fine

  god fortress, fried falling down and rebuilt, built of brick wooden tobreak down, never give in. in the difficult years of the war of resistanceagainst japan, people use the special way, the whole city buildings are paintedbeige, and fog color all become a piece of sky. so now, the surviving a fewresistance building or this kind of camouflage. fog day, of course, machine isnot used, it will be time for everybody happy street shopping and entertainment.under the leadership of the cpc nafangju to guo moruo, yanghansheng, tien han,lao she, he and other progressive writers launched a large number ofanti-japanese war, the people's morale plays, such as "qu yuan" "peacock"bravery "cai wenji" bacteria "fascist" and so on, a hit, so the tradition ofchongqing has retained the fog season festival. chongqing also has "three watchwatch" - look at night during the day, see the foggy weather sunny day, thegirls don't look at the boy. because we are chongqing industrial zone, basiccan't see the scene of a clear fog hazy instead that chongqing city covered witha layer of gauze, the beauty of a little unreal, the night scenery of themountain is famous all over the world, compared with hong kong, new york'scolorful, chongqing night scene, stereo sense is strong, distinct, mountains,river night scene one integrated mass, hand in photograph reflect, lights likethe milky way brilliant stars even more the feeling of dreaming, let a personfull of praise, as for chongqing girls compared with boys, is a proverb,probably because the girls with exquisite chongqing jiao, provocative diao,white and beautiful personality is distinct, likeable.

  chongqing another name "fire", it is said that chongqing is one of thethree big stove in the yangtze river, the other two is the wuhan and nanjing.but 30 ℃ above the weather, chongqing longest, the highest temperature, absolutetemperature 42.3 ℃, the average daily temperature. and chongqing hot and humidair, is like a bamboo steamer, let a person the disadvantages. in the middle ofthe night yierdian isn't cool. like a giant natural sauna room, ms here if youhave not satisfied with their bodies, can be a natural weight loss in thehottest time, welcome you to chongqing. ha ha ~

  chongqing has "mountains have hot springs, hot springs in canyon gorge". injanuary 20__, domestic chongqing's first title of "china hot spring capital".within the urban area of 8.24 square kilometers, hot springs, some of more than100 places. water temperature between 20 ℃ and 40 ℃, the highest watertemperature above 60 ℃ hot water. are atmospheric precipitation recharge,geothermal heating result has nothing to do with magmatic activity. chongqingputs forward "five and ten springs. a circle of the spring". in the east have"special skill" asia east hot springs, the south has the most excellent domesticsouth hot springs, the west there are hot springs hot springs and brady, thenorth has a series of "wuling wonderland" hot spring scene. one of the earliestdevelopment is north spring it has 1600 years of history.

  here we recall the penny said several nickname? a mountain city, stove,travelling, bridges, city of hot springs.

  li bai did "night qingxi to the three gorges, have you noticed the yuzhou"as you swim in chongqing, it will be of thoughts of chongqing night scene,chafing dish, mountain city beauty, these three points above and our chongqingthree cards.

  beauty in beijing too officer is too small, too too little money toshanghai, to chongqing too get married too early. hold back a day not dozen,heart to panic. two days not dozen, eyesight to drop. three days not dozen, havecataracts. four days don't play, sleep to forget. five days not dozen, walkingdirection. six days not dozen, blood pressure to rise. don't play for sevendays, intelligence also fall. eight days not dozen hope, life is despair. ninedays don't play, is not good to play! ten days not dozen, qinglongshan serene.chongqing woman tigress the man rake ears.

  food chongqing humid climate also has created the unique diet. tao is thefood in sichuan, in chongqing. one of the most typical diet, number of mountaincity hot pot, popular in the country, and half of all restaurants is chongqinghotpot restaurant. hot pot origin... wet sweat most see effect, displacement andshook his cattail leaf fan, streaming with sweat, bare arms, yelling that streetone scene. chongqing is called the pot hot bonsai. rich dishes, taste her andrefreshing. eat, eat a health. is chongqing people has become the new preferredseats. swim in chongqing and one of the most famous scenic spot, also had bettertaste the best diet, it is worthwhile

  beauty there is a verse, "bashu where beauty, mountain city tiangongguanding sea." " there is a word said, "is there is heaven, there are suzhou andhangzhou, as chongqing's glittering." we have the world three big night city,hong kong, singapore, another is our chongqing, chongqing's why such a beautifulnight view, the first is because chongqing is a mountain city, the houses arebuilt around the mountain, high and low strewn at random have send, the lightsat night, is particularly strong administrative levels, and it is expensive tobuild by the ministry of construction of lighting engineering, is thefoundation, the best potential to the best of the construction of the night viewof chongqing better internationalization, modernization, become more appealingto the chinese business card. chongqing since such a beautiful night scene,then, we can go to see the whole night scene of chongqing net charge fundus,there are two best vantage points, one is a tree of nanshan observation deck,chongqing city's highest observation deck, overlooking the whole chongqingstatic view of the nighttime sky, another is in chaotianmen wharf in liangjiangtour boat, can be more close to appreciate the night scenery of the two riversand four shore dynamic.

英语导游词 篇2

  Tourists, you are now in Xiuwu County, 30 kilometers away from JiaozuoCity, Henan Province, where Yuntai Mountain is located. Yuntai Mountain is namedbecause of its precipitous situation and frequent clouds and fog among thepeaks. Yuntai Mountain is also the only scenic spot in Henan Province with sevennational titles, including National Forest Park, National Geopark and the firstbatch of 5A national scenic spots. The main scenic spots are: Hongshi gorge,Zifang lake, quanpu gorge, Yuntai Tianpu, Zhuyu peak, etc.

  After the visit, Xiao Xiang reminded everyone to take a good road. In themeantime, we have come to hongshixia. Hongshi gorge is about 1 km long and 68meters deep. The widest part is more than 30 meters, and the narrowest part isonly a few meters. When you come to Hongshi gorge, you'd better stand on thebridge and have a look down. The red gorge, against the backdrop of green waterand green mountains, is just like a line of red among thousands of green, whichis spectacular. At this time, some people may want to ask: Why are the rockshere red? This is because the rocks in hongshixia are rich in iron ore. as timegoes on, the iron ore material slowly oxidizes, and the cliff is dyed red. Thus,the wonderful landscape of Danxia blue water is formed.

  When you enter the valley, do you think it is cooler than outside? Pleasesee, there are cliffs on both sides, surrounded by mountains, which makes theair in the valley difficult to circulate, forming a unique climatecharacteristic in the valley: warm in winter and cool in summer. The annualtemperature is about 10 ℃, so hongshixia is also known as "wenpanyu".

  Friends, please remember: "walking does not watch the scenery, watchingdoes not walk.". Continue to move westward with Xiaoxiang. Now the endless Lakewe see is what the local people call Zifang lake. Zifang lake is named afterZhang Liang, a famous doctor of the Western Han Dynasty, who lived in seclusionhere. It is the only lake water landscape in Yuntai Mountain scenic area. Thewater quality of Zifang lake is excellent, the deepest is about 65 meters. Peachblossom jellyfish is a rare wild animal found in the lake. It is one of the mostprimitive and lowest invertebrates on the earth. It gets its name because itlooks like peach blossom. Because it is on the verge of extinction, the peachblossom jellyfish is also known as the "giant panda in the water.".

  After Zifang lake and Manshui bridge, you can see the Mountain Gate oflaotangou. There is also a beautiful legend about laotangou: it is said thatthere was a dragon king in the sky. In order to save the people from drought, hesecretly rained in spite of the Jade Emperor's will. He lived in a deep poolhere and called it "Longtan". Later, some people changed "Dragon" into "old" toshow their respect for the dragon, so it became "old" I'm in the old ditch.

  Tourists, the magnificent waterfall in front of you is Yuntai mountainwaterfall. It falls 314 meters and is about 5-7 meters wide. It is the largestwaterfall found in Asia. Therefore, it is called "Tianpu". It is also the mostscenic spot in Yuntai mountain. Standing next to it, I believe you will alsofully appreciate the magnificent momentum of "flying down 3000 feet, suspectedto be the Milky way falling nine days".

  What you see ahead is Zhuyu peak. Zhuyu peak, 1304 meters above sea level,is the main peak of Yuntai mountain. It is named after the ancient Chinesemedicinal plant Zhuyu. There are two sightseeing routes for Zhuyu peak: one isto climb 1667 steps to reach Shengding Zhuyu peak, on which there is Yaowangcave, which is said to be the place where Sun Simiao practiced pills andcollected herbs; the other is Chongyang Pavilion in the upper reaches ofFenghuang mountain. There are two thousand year old maple trees, one female andone male. It takes two hours to visit Zhuyu peak and one hour to visit Fenghuangmountain. We can make our own arrangements according to our own physicalstrength. We are still gathering here at 12:30 noon. Please remember that it is12:30 noon. Well, that's all for the tour of Yuntai mountain. I wish you all thebest in the next tour. Thank you for your support!

英语导游词 篇3

  Ladies and gentlemen:

  Everybody is good! My name is wang Dan, please call me Wang Dao, I am a travel agency "tomorrow will be better", I am your tour guide, we believe that our cooperation will be very happy.

  Today we came to the Palace Museum, the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City. In the Ming dynasty emperor yongle after seizing devotee, decided to move to Beijing, in 1406 started to build the palace, to the Ming yongle eighteen years (1420 AD) built. Palace city construction layout along the central axis spread out on both sides. Red Huang Wa, paintings carved beams, glittering. The house number crunchers, strewn at random discretion, grand magnificent. Toward Tun skarn Xun, like fairyland. In the era of the feudal monarchy, ordinary Forbidden City palace is located in the city center, 753 meters wide from east to west, north and south long 961 meters, covers an area of 723600 square meters, the ring around 10 meters high walls and a moat 52 meters wide, commonly known as TongZiHe. Walls all around of a gate, south of the meridian gate, the north said creature door, about to DongHuaMen, the xihua gate, the meridian gate and creature is exclusively for visitors. Ancient buildings in the city with a total area of about 160000 square meters. Forbidden City, the first part (the southern half) to taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace three main halls as the center, with mandarin, Wu Ying second temple, referred to as "the outer court", Ming and qing dynasties is the emperor to handle affairs, the place of the meeting and other important ceremonies. Three main halls built in high 8. 13 meters on the three layers of white marble stone stylobate. The hall of supreme harmony area of 2370 square meters, the high of 33. 33 meters, double-hipped roof hip roof yellow glazed tile roof, is the tallest building in ancient Chinese architecture existence, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power, the emperor DengJi, flower, wedding, queen title-conferring are held here. Baohe Palace roof is faced jehiel mountain type, inside lineage in song and yuan column "reduced" French, open space, in the qing dynasty is held banquets maharaja, position, etc.

  Chinese astronomers will all the stars in the sky into three constant, 20 BaSu, thirty-one days district, one of the three constant is constant, and Chinese. Constant day city. So the ancients think of the Forbidden City is the seat of deeds, so called the purple palace. The emperor was the son of deeds, and to show its at the central, regal aura around the world.

  Well, that's it for the one-day tour of the Forbidden City, we shall meet again, goodbye visitors!

英语导游词 篇4

  Now we come to the body palace of Jiuhua Mountain. When we talk about thebody palace of Jiuhua Mountain, we have to mention one person. This man, Jinqiaojue, is a foreigner. He comes from ancient Silla, which is today thesoutheast of the Korean Peninsula. According to historical records, Jin qiaojuewas a prince of Silla. At the age of 24, he cut his hair to become a monk andsailed from Silla to China. He traveled all over the famous mountains and riversin China, and finally settled down in Jiuhua Mountain to practice. And inaccordance with the vow of Bodhisattva dizang: "hell is not empty, vow not tobecome a Buddha.". During his practice in Jiuhua Mountain, Jin qiaojue subduedthe beasts and collected herbs. While he was treating the people on themountain, he preached sutras and widely practiced Buddhism, which was deeplyloved by the people. Jin qiaojue gradually became famous and received manydisciples. Even local officials went up to the mountain to listen to Buddhismand recite his deeds to the imperial court. As a result, more and more peoplefollow Jin qiaojue. Because of the high mountains, dense forests and littleland, the monks could not support themselves with food, so they had to eatguanyintu. Because of long-term malnutrition, people at that time called Jinqiaojue "haggard monk" and his disciples "haggard people". However, the moredifficult it was, the more firm Jin qiaojue's faith was and the more respectedhe was. Even the monks of Silla came to follow him one after another. Afterninety-nine years old as like as two peas, Jin Qiaojue died, and the body hadnot rotted for three years. His face was just like before his death. Thesesupernatural phenomena are similar to those of the Tibetan king Bodhisattvarecorded in the Buddhist scriptures. It happened that jinqiaojue was namedjindizang, so Buddhism confirmed him as the reincarnation of the Bodhisattvaking of dizang. People built pagodas and tombs to worship him. Since then,Jiuhua Mountain has become a well-known Taoist Center for the king ofTibetans.

  Now I'd like to explain to you the meaning of the "body" offered by the"body Palace". Flesh body, originally meant to be the flesh and blood ofparents. The so-called "body" of Buddhism refers to the body of the eminent monkafter his death. Although his body has gone through a long period of time, ithas not been decayed and festered, and has maintained its original shape andlifelike. Only monks and nuns who have reached a very high level of practice canform a physical body. The body is different from the "Mummy" in Egypt. Inancient Egypt, the funeral ceremony was very simple, just digging a shallow pitin the desert to bury. Due to the dry desert climate, the body quicklydehydrated when it came into contact with the hot sand, the bacteria werekilled, and the mummy was formed by natural action. Later, after death, theinternal organs, brain and other tissues were taken out, and then the corpse wastreated and preserved with drugs. Mummies have also been unearthed in Xinjiang,China. Jiuhua Mountain is located on the South Bank of the Yangtze River. It ishumid all the year round, and the climate is humid. There is no naturalcondition to produce mummies, and the body has not been treated with anymedicine. So far, this peculiar physical phenomenon has not been scientificallyexplained.

  There are many precious cultural relics in the body hall and its culturalrelics exhibition room. Some of them are gifts for the royal family. It is veryrare and can be called a treasure house of Buddhist cultural relics. Every year,on the birthday of the king of Tibetans on July 30 of the lunar calendar, it isa traditional temple fair in Jiuhua Mountain. Monks, nuns and pilgrims from allover the country come here to hold Buddhist activities and gather around thebody pagoda to watch the night for the king of Tibetans. Nearby urban and ruralresidents also go to the mountain for folk cultural entertainment activities.Thousands of tourists and pilgrims, chanting Buddha's name day and night,surrounded by cigarettes and drumming, present a grand ceremony.

英语导游词 篇5

  Anyone who has read Ouyang Xiu's famous poem "the story of the drunkenman's Pavilion" in the Song Dynasty is fascinated by its beautiful scenery:"Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains. Its southwest peaks and valleys arebeautiful. Langya is also a beautiful place. Langya Mountain is about 5kilometers southwest of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province. It is a famous scenicspot. Langya Mountain was called motuoling in ancient times, but there aredifferent opinions about why it was named Langya later. One is that Sima Rui,the Langya of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once lived here and changed his name toLangya. Another way of saying is that Sima glazes, the king of Langya, theZhendong General of the Western Jin Dynasty, led several troops to "go out ofTuzhong" (referring to chushui Valley) to destroy Wu, and SUN Hao, the Lord ofWu, offered the seal of "yiglazes to surrender", so the mountain is calledLangya. "The collection of ancient and modern books? The collection of LangyaMountain" contains another saying: "people are similar to Langya Mountain in theEast China Sea of Shandong Province, so it is also called Langya Mountain."

  Langya Mountain is steep and beautiful. Its peak is "towering but special";its valley is "leisurely and deep". The trees are thick and the flowers andplants are everywhere. Hundreds of years of pine and plum trees are vigorous andstraight. The unique Langya elm and drunkard elm pavilions are covered. TheLangya river is flowing. The spring and crape myrtle spring are scattered in themountains. Guiyun cave and Xuehong cave are mysterious. Nine caves and elevensprings are fascinating everywhere. Langya Mountain has a quiet scenery, knownas "no other mountain after Penglai".

  Shenxiu lake is located at the turning point from Huibei gate to LangyaMountain Temple. It is a pool of water in ancient times and a place for visitorsto hang their hooks near the stream. In 1958, the people's Government of ChuxianCounty expanded Shuitan into a small reservoir. In 1983, Langya MountainManagement Office adapted measures to local conditions and turned it into a newscenic spot. Because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides and hasbeautiful scenery, it is named Shenxiu lake according to the sentence of "WeiranShenxiu" in Ouyang Xiu's zuiwang Pavilion. The water surface of Shenxiu lake isabout 540 square meters. Langya river is the source of the lake, and yujiawareservoir is the source of the lake. On the surface of the lake, there is abridge in the middle of the lake, which is called Jiuqu bridge because it hasnine curves. The bridge pier is made of bluestone, and the bridge deck is madeof cement prefabricated parts, which has obvious modern architecturalcharacteristics. On the bridge, there is a pavilion in the center of the lake,with golden glass tiles on the top, glass bird fence on the six corners, and thecharacteristics of ancient architecture. On the side of the lake, there arethree waterside pavilions with six beams, serving for tourism. Under thewaterside pavilion is the artificial bluestone foundation, and the lake waterruns through it. In spring and summer, tourists enjoy themselves with water,cool and refreshing, which is a wonderful place.

  Huifeng Pavilion is the highest building in Langya Mountain. It startedconstruction in 1988 and was built on the remains of Huifeng Pavilion, a MingDynasty building in Nantianmen. The Huifeng Pavilion of the new building isbuilt on the mountain, beautiful and grand. From all sides, the shapes aredifferent. From the East, it has three floors, from the south, it has fourfloors: from the west, it has five floors. The height is 24 meters. Each floorof Huifeng Pavilion is octagonal with six sides. It adopts the style of cornicesand angles of classical architecture. The top of the pavilion is covered withyellow glazed tiles, carved beams and painted columns, which is simple andgenerous. The 24 bell corners of the pavilion are all equipped with bronzebells. When the mountain wind blows, the sound of gold rises everywhere. It ispleasing to the eyes and sounds like entering a fairyland. Sunny weather,boarded the peak Pavilion, far sighted, high sky wide, heart wide expression.Here the sun is warm, the mountains are vast, the mountains are towering,crawling at the foot, giving people the feeling of "looking at the smallmountains". It's probably because the mountains line up. As soon as you get aglimpse of it, it looks like a reviewing platform, where thousands of mountainscompete for beauty and thousands of peaks are gloomy. So this pavilion is namedHuifeng Pavilion. Because Huifeng Pavilion stands at the highest peak of LangyaMountain, people love to come here to look at the magnificent mountains andrivers of the motherland. Standing on the plain outside the mountain to thesouth of Huifeng Pavilion, there are few corridors on the ground, the smoke isvast, the villages are scattered, the ponds are shining like a mirror, and inthe clear and cloudless weather, you can still vaguely see the Yangtze Riverbelt dozens of kilometers away, and the vast east

英语导游词 篇6

  Dear tourists

  Hello, everyone. Welcome to Beijing Summer Palace with me. My name is WuSiyu. You can call me director Wu; children can call me sister Wu; if you wantto be more direct, you can call me "Wu Siyu".

  The summer palace is located in Haidian District, northwest suburb ofBeijing, 15 kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing. It is a large-scalenatural landscape garden built on the basis of Kunming Lake and Wanshoumountain, based on the West Lake landscape of Hangzhou, absorbing some designtechniques of Jiangnan gardens, Gongyu garden, covering an area of about 290hectares and artistic conception. It is also the most complete preserved royalgarden. The summer palace is the largest and best preserved Royal Garden inChina. It is one of the four famous gardens in China (the other three areChengde's summer resort, Suzhou's Humble Administrator's garden and Suzhou'sLingering Garden). Known as the Royal Garden Museum. In addition, I would liketo remind you that you must not litter, especially on the lake.

  The main building in the summer palace is the Buddhist Pavilion onlongevity hill. The FOXIANG Pavilion is built on a square platform with a heightof 21 meters; the pavilion is 40 meters high, with eight faces, three floors andfour eaves; there are eight giant iron pear Optimus in the pavilion, with a verycomplex structure, which is a classic architectural boutique. Cloisters andcorner pavilions are common forms of gardens.

  The length of the promenade of the summer palace is about 728 meters, whichis the longest in the world. There are more than 14000 pictures on the corridor,all of which are traditional stories or flowers, birds, fish and insects. On theEast Bank of Kunming Lake, the eight corner double eaves are like pavilions,which is also the largest in China. In addition, the beamless hall on the top ofWanshou mountain is built with bricks and stones, without a single support, sothe technical level is very high.

  Kunming Lake used to be a natural lake formed by many springs in thenorthwest suburb of Beijing. It used to be named qililo lake and Dapo lake. Thepredecessor of Kunming Lake is wengshanpo, which is named wengshanpo becauseWanshou mountain was named wengshan. Wengshan park is located in the westernsuburb of Beijing, also known as the West Lake. Kunming Lake is as quiet as amirror and green as a jasper. Boats and boats glide slowly across the lake.There's almost no trace left. Looking to the East, you can see some old towersand white pagodas.

  Thank you very much for visiting the summer palace with me. Now we can finda hotel to stay here for one night. If you want to visit other places, you cancontinue to visit. Goodbye!

英语导游词 篇7

  The main park of balihe scenic spot is located in Nanhu Park of balihe inYingshang County, including "world scenery", "Splendid China" and "Bibo touristarea", covering an area of 3600 mu. Enter the gate of "Splendid China" and cometo the Suzhou style garden, where the green willows are dancing and the flowersare blooming; the artificial rockery is superb; and the corridor built by thelotus pond is full of ups and downs. I really doubt that I have arrived inSuzhou, which is known as heaven.

  "Flying down 3000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky way is falling intothe nine sky", which is used to describe the "nine sky waterfall" on the southside of the splendid Chinese garden. Jiutian waterfall is 90 meters long and 20meters high, plus 9 meters. The 9-meter-high statue of Avalokitesvara and itsbase are about 32 meters high. 9 meters, three-dimensional frame 1750 meters.From afar, the waterfall is magnificent and impressive. The 9.9-meter-high audioand video of the spectators, standing on the rockery, can be called a unique. Itis believed that Li Bai's poetry will flourish when he comes here. "If you don'tget to the Great Wall, you are not a hero". You can also climb the great wallhere. "Zhanggong mountain" stands near the lake, and the majestic "Great Wall"hovers up, which is full of the charm of the scenery outside the great wall;climbing the beacon tower, you can enjoy the outstanding beauty of Nanhu Park."Splendid China" also has nine dragon walls, white monk temple and otherattractions, which combines the characteristics of Oriental architectural artand blend the essence of Chinese traditional culture.

  Walk out of "Splendid China Gate" and come to "Bibo tourist area". On the3000 mu lake, there are 12 islands, connected by soft and hard bridges. Throughthe exciting and frightening Buyun bridge, you can reach the lake embankment.More than 30 small wooden houses and some animal houses are dotted on the islandaround the lake. The peacocks on the dyke are strolling leisurely with theirgorgeous tails; groups of black swans in the lake are floating on the water, asif enjoying their own beautiful shadows; wild ducks and mandarin ducks areplaying in the water; the bird island in the middle of the lake is a paradisefor birds, with luxuriant trees, birds, geese singing and crane dancing.According to the guide, a large number of migratory birds from the south areattracted here every year. Due to the good environment, climate and waterquality, they will not fly away. On the other island, there is a birdsongforest, which is covered with glue woven net, raising nearly 100 species ofbirds, including Green Peacock, white tailed sea eagle, etc., which are thefirst-class national protected animals; Mandarin Duck, red bellied Caragana,etc., which are the second-class protected animals.

  From south to north, Seal Island, YEMA island and HEMA island are on thewest side of the lake embankment, and guishe island is on the north side of theoffice area. There are two islands in the east of the lake, boar island in theSouth and deer island in the north. In Seal Island, seals roll and play in thewater, and some tourists praise their vigorous swimming posture from time totime. In Hippo Island, a big Hippo eats more than 300 Jin of grass a day, whichis amazing.

  Balihe scenic spot is just like the holy land of Taoyuan and Penglaifairyland. It is a pure land for people living in noisy cities for a longtime.

  The vast lake, the beautiful park, the birdsong forest, the Lianxin bridgeand the resort are all poetic and picturesque. Chinese and Western architecturecomplement each other with exquisite creativity and neat layout. Balihe scenicspot not only has landscape architecture, but also abounds in more than 30 kindsof aquatic products such as Wuchang fish, mandarin fish, turtle, silver carp,eel, etc. It is not only the habitat of 136 species of birds and waterfowls, butalso an important production base of rare fishery products in Northern Anhui,Fuyang water resources reserve and provincial Wetland Nature Reserve. Balihetown was awarded "global top five hundred" by the United Nations in 1994.

  Balihe scenic spot is the gift of nature, balihe scenic spot is the wisdomcrystallization of balihe people. The main park, which covers an area of 3600mu, was originally a swamp. Under the leadership of Zhang Jiawang, the Secretaryof the town Party committee, the industrious and intelligent balihe people,after years of hard work, have turned the barren beach into an oasis and thedepression into a park.

英语导游词 篇8

  Nanguan mosque in Yinchuan is a building with Arabic style and ethniccharacteristics. It was rebuilt in 1981 and is located in the southeast cornerof Yinchuan city. It is the central place for Hui people to carry out religiousactivities in Yinchuan city. Every year, hundreds of Muslims gather here forpilgrimage and worship.

  The mosque in Nanguan has a long history. At the end of Ming Dynasty, theoriginal temple was located in Gongbei Pavilion outside Nanguan, Yinchuan, witha small scale. In 1916, the site of the temple was moved into Nanguan and alarge temple with classical style was built. In the 1960s, temples weredestroyed in the turmoil. In 1981, Muslims raised money to rebuild the site.

  The main hall of the reconstructed mosque in Nanguan is 26 meters high,with an area of about 10000 square meters. The main hall has two layers of roundvault, the upper layer is the main hall and balcony, and the square worship hallcan accommodate more than 1300 people. The lower floor has a spacious bath room,Chapel hall, female chapel hall, Arabic school, Imam's bedroom, office,reception room, etc., all connected by cloisters.

  In the center of the roof stands a large and four small green domedecoration. The large one is in the center, with a diameter of 9 meters. Thecrescent moon is hanging at the top, and the small one is 3 meters in diameter.It is distributed in the four corners of the roof. Looking from afar, the greendome is shining and magnificent. There are stairs leading to the upper floor infront of the main building, and flower beds are planted on both sides. In themiddle of the front of the hall is a 15 meter diameter fountain, surrounded byflowers and trees, with 30 meter high "minarets" on both sides. Many preciouspines and cypresses, trees and flowers are also planted in the temple. The wholebuilding has a strict layout, compact structure and grand scale.

  With its unique, elegant and solemn characteristics, and strong Islamicarchitectural art style, Nanguan mosque has become one of the key religiousactivity sites and Tourism Landscapes in the autonomous region. In recent years,leaders, envoys and friends from more than 90 countries and regions havevisited. Many overseas Muslims also come here to worship.

英语导游词 篇9

  Distinguished guests, you have come to the ancient city of Qingzhou. Firstof all, on behalf of the leaders and staff of our travel agency, please allow meto extend a warm welcome to you. Here, I would like to introduce the generalsituation of Qingzhou.

  Let's explain the place name "Qingzhou" first. As we all know, during theperiod of Dayu's flood control, the whole country was divided into nine regionsfor people to live in. The nine regions were called "Kyushu", which became thepronoun of China. In the past, CCTV had a program called "the circle of Kyushu".Qingzhou was one of the Kyushu.

  Why is it called Qingzhou? Qingzhou is the Oriental state. According to theancient concept of five elements, it is located in the East, the East is wood,wood color is green, so it is named Qingzhou. Sima Qian said in historicalrecords that "the East is moving, and the Yang animal is spring at that time."Wang Yin of Jin Dynasty said: "the color of Oriental Shaoyang is green, and itsQi is clear. It is the first time of the year and the beginning of the event, soit is also named green." Therefore, in the ancient concept, the East is theplace where the sun rises, the air is clear, the color is green, everything islush, full of vitality, is the spring of the year, the beginning of things. Itcan be seen that Qingzhou is a beautiful home with unlimited developmentvitality and hope.

  Because of this, there are so many poems praising Qingzhou. Su Zhe, one ofthe eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, once wrote a poem:"facing the mountains, the ancient princes of the sea are defeated, and theybelieve in the first state in the East." Qingzhou is situated on Mount Tai inthe West and overlooking the sea in the East. It has been prosperous sinceancient times. Therefore, with her beauty, Qingzhou enjoys the title of "thefirst state in the East".

  Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the current situation of Qingzhou.Today's Qingzhou City is located in the middle of Shandong Province, adjacent toZibo City in the west, Dongying City in the north, Shouguang City and ChangleCounty in the East, and Linqu County in the south. Covering an area of 1569square kilometers, the city governs three streets and nine towns, with apopulation of 900000, including more than 20000 Hui, Manchu and other ethnicminorities. Its economic scale is relatively large. In 20__, the city's GDPreached 22 billion yuan, the total fiscal and tax revenue exceeded 2.6 billionyuan, the local fiscal revenue was 1 billion yuan, the per capita disposableincome of urban residents was more than 10000 yuan, the per capita net income offarmers was 6000 yuan, and the savings of urban and rural residents was 13billion yuan,.

  Qingzhou City is located at the junction of the mountainous area in themiddle of Shandong Province and the plain in the north of Shandong Province. Itpresents a variety of geomorphic features and shows a spectacular and beautifulfigure. The southwest is a mountainous area with overlapping peaks, accountingfor nearly half of the city's area. There are more than 30 main peaks, most ofwhich are above 400 meters above sea level. Among them, Yunmen mountain, Tuoshanmountain, Linglong mountain, Yangtian mountain and tangsai'er village are famousscenic spots. This mountainous area is mostly limestone, karst karst landformcharacteristics. It can be imagined that this was once a vast sea. Because ofthe violent geological movement, the rock strata deep under the sea were brokenand uplifted, and then the hills were formed. In ancient times, the climate herewas warm and humid, the vegetation was rich and green everywhere. It was anideal habitat for the ancestors of Qingzhou during the cave period.

  The northeast is a plain area with fertile land, deep soil layer, good soilquality, long history of cultivation, high degree of maturity, good physicalproperties, suitable for planting a variety of crops, which is the earliestagricultural development area in history. The ancients said, "Qingqi fertilesoil, the name of Dongqin, earth 20__, more than 100000 households, four solidfortresses, negative sea Rao, can be described as a country of military use."The northern plain of Qingzhou is located in the center of "the fertile soil ofQingqi". From the pre Qin period to the Wei Jin period, it is the richest areain China.

  There are many rivers flowing through and originating from Qingzhou City,including Mi River, Zi River, Nanyang River, Beiyang River, etc. Zihe River andMihe River are the main stream. If Qingzhou City is regarded as a sedan chair,then the two main streams are like sedan poles, which are divided into left andright. The two rivers are the mother river of Qingzhou, which nurtures thesplendid history and culture of Qingzhou.

  Qingzhou City is located at the junction of mountains and plains. Themountains in the western and southern suburbs are green and the city ispicturesque. The eastern and northern suburbs are green and beautiful. The urbanplanning area is 100 square kilometers, the built-up area is 30 squarekilometers, and the population is 300000. It is a national health city, gardencity, historical and cultural city, as well as a national well-known excellenttourist city. Today, Qingzhou City has become an emerging city with prosperouseconomy, advanced culture, beautiful environment, complete functions and thebest living environment.

  Qingzhou City is an old and young city. It is ancient because it has ahistory of more than 2200 years. There have been five cities here, namelyGuangcheng County, Guanggu City, Dongyang City, Nanyang city and Qibing city. Ithas been the political center, military town and transportation hub of easternShandong for more than a thousand years. Nanyang city is well preserved now.This ancient city is located in the center of Qingzhou. From a high place, theoutline drawn by the winding wall looks like a strong ox lying there, so peoplecall it "Wo Niu city". For a long time, I don't know who has made a rule: beancurd sellers are not allowed to knock Bangzi in the city for fear of disturbingthe "cattle". Until today, when local people sell bean curd into the city, theywill automatically put away Bangzi and sell along the street instead.

  Qingzhou is a city of history and culture. Fangongting road and Shiliancient street are still green stone pavement with antique flavor. Manybuildings with cornices and painted walls, resplendent and resplendent,pavilions and pavilions, pink walls and flower walls, are enchanting in theshade of green trees. There are many gardens in the urban area, such as FangongGanquan, Ouyuan rockery, Songlin academy, Wannian ancient bridge, hengwang stonesquare, Zhenjiao ancient temple, Catholic Church and so on. You can enjoy therich and colorful historical and cultural customs everywhere.

  It is said that it is young because the name Qingzhou has disappeared sincethe Republic of China. Only Yidu county exists here. Until 1986, with theapproval of the State Council, Yidu county was abolished and Qingzhou City wasestablished. Up to now, it has only 20 years of history. However, over the past20 years, under the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the city hasdeveloped rapidly, made rapid progress, and is full of vigor and vitalityeverywhere.

  Qingzhou is a city of spring and green. The city is full of spring, green,green shade and flowers. Nanyang river is like a green ribbon, passing throughthe city, with willows flying by the riverside, green land like a river, greenbamboo surrounding, and flowing water. Wutong, Sophora japonica, cedar, greenhawthorn trees, and persimmon trees with bonsai on each side of the city streetsform a green corridor. Whenever a flower expo is held, Qingzhou is full offlowers and trees. Qingzhou is also a city of Commerce and trade, a modern city.There are many modern buildings in the new urban area, all kinds of markets arescattered, there are lots of cars, factories are dense, traffic is developed,business and customers are gathered, the flow of people is prosperous, and thelogistics is smooth.

  Now, let me briefly introduce the history of Qingzhou. Qingzhou has a longhistory. From the establishment of the Department of the governor of Qingzhou inthe Western Han Dynasty to the capital of Shandong Province in the early MingDynasty, after 1500 years, Qingzhou City has been the residence of thefirst-class national administrative region and the first-class military regionof Qingzhou, Beihai County, Pinglu Ziqing Town, Jingdong Road, Yidu Province andShandong Province, which is equivalent to today's provincial capital.

  In the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up theDepartment of the governor of Qingzhou. It has jurisdiction over 10 prefecturesand 93 counties, which is equivalent to North Shandong and East Shandong. Duringthe Han Dynasty, Qingzhou was the richest area in China, with developedagriculture and prosperous commerce. It was the granary of the country and thesource of the silk road. Its status is equivalent to that of the Yangtze RiverDelta. Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, visited Qingzhou several timesand devoted himself to farming in juyangdian, north of Qingzhou.

  During the period of Wei, Jin, southern and Northern Dynasties, China fellinto a bloody scuffle. In 311 ad, general Cao Yi occupied Qingzhou and builtGuanggu city. Guanggu city is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it hasbecome a must for military strategists. In the next 200 years, there were morethan 20 Fierce wars and 15 changes of ownership. Along with the national war, italso brought unprecedented national integration. In 399 A.D., murongde, a nobleof Xianbei, was founded in guanggucheng, Qingzhou, and called emperor, which wascalled "Nanyan" in history. The decline of Nanyan Kingdom lasted only 12 years,but Qingzhou became the only place in the history of Qilu.

  In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Qingzhou, also known as Beihai County, wasset up as the capital of Qingzhou, and its position as an important militarytown was more prominent. In 755 A.D., Emperor Xuanzong of the romantic TangDynasty lost his country for pleasure, which led to the "rebellion of an andShi", and Qingzhou became the front line of anti rebellion. Li Zhengji, aKorean, brought Pinglu soldiers from Liaodong to Qingzhou to resist the rebels.Since then, Li Zhengji and his son have been in separate rule of Qingzhou for 50years. He occupies the territory of 15 states, across today's Shandong, Henan,Jiangsu, "supporting 100000 troops, dominating the East, neighboring vassalfear.". It took nine oxen and two tigers for the imperial court to pacify him.After that, Xue Song, the grandson of the famous general Xue Rengui, wasappointed to guard Qingzhou.

  Zhao Kuangyin, the great ancestor of the Song Dynasty, beat 300 militaryprefectures with a baton and built the Song Dynasty with a yellow robe. To theeast of Bianliang, the capital city, there is Jingdong road and pacifier. Thegovernor is located in Qingzhou, which has jurisdiction over 20 prefecturalarmies and 81 counties, covering all of today's Shandong and parts of Henan,Anhui and Jiangsu. Most of the prefects of Qingzhou also held important posts aspacifiers on Jingdong road. Most of the officials appointed by the imperialcourt were well-known figures. For example, Cao Bin, the famous founder of thecountry, Fu Bi, an important official of the imperial court, Kou Zhun, anupright and famous prime minister, Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Zeng ofLianzhong Sanyuan, Zhang Shuye of Zhaoan Songjiang and so on all lived inQingzhou. Li Qingzhao, a famous litterateur, has lived in Qingzhou for 20years.

  In the early Ming Dynasty, the ancient city of Qingzhou was still thecapital of Shandong Province. In 1376, the imperial court transferred theShandong Provincial envoy from Qingzhou to Jinan. Since then, the status ofQingzhou as the political center of Shandong Province has come to an end.Qingzhou Prefecture was set up in Ming Dynasty, which governed 3 states and 16counties, covering a vast area from Dongying Bohai Sea to Rizhao Yellow Sea.Although Qingzhou Prefecture is a secondary administrative district, it islocated in the hub of eastern Shandong, known as the thoroughfare of the twocapitals and Haidai metropolis. It is still an important place for historicalfigures to meet.

  Five thousand years of Qingzhou is like a mottled and splendid historicalpicture, which condenses the profound cultural heritage of Chinesecivilization.

  Next, let me introduce the cultural heritage of Qingzhou.

  Ancient Qingzhou is the main birthplace of Dongyi culture. In the 1970s,seven pieces of pottery were excavated in Taoyuan Village, Dongxia Town,Qingzhou City. According to textual research, this is a relic of the Beixinculture in the early Neolithic period. The Dongyi ancestors had settled in thefertile gypsum soil of Qingzhou 7000 years ago. Dongyi tribe worships the sunand takes Phoenix as totem. A large number of painted pottery relics unearthedin Qingzhou convey the earliest information of Dongyi culture. Moreover,Qingzhou still retains the traces of Dongyi ancestors' activities. There areYaowang mountain where Yao patrols and hunts, Qishan mountain where Xu you andBoyi live in seclusion, and Fushan mountain named after Fubo mausoleum. Su BuTun Shang tomb is the largest Shang tomb in China except Anyang. A large numberof cultural relics have been unearthed in the tomb. The most striking ones aretwo large-scale copper Yue, which are engraved with the inscription of "Ya Chou"with the pattern of "Taotie" carved through the body.

  Since ancient times, Qingzhou has developed education, gathered elites andproduced talents in large numbers. It has become the hometown of the topscholars, the place that scholars yearn for, and the hometown of celebrities.From the imperial examination in Sui Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty, theJinshi in Qingzhou City ranked first in Shandong Province. There were 155candidates with names, including 6 number one scholars. The volume of ZhaoBingzhong's number one scholar in Qingzhou museum is the only copy in thecountry before Ming Dynasty, which can be called a national treasure. The bookis 21% off, 3.46 meters long and 2460 words in full. With "solid administration"and "solid", it brilliantly expounds the strategies of improving theadministration of officials and rejuvenating the country, representing theprofound foundation of Confucian culture in Qingzhou.

  Qingzhou is one of the earliest places for the spread of Buddhist culturein China. From the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Buddhist temples developed in a largenumber in Qingzhou, reaching more than 200 places. Longxing Temple, a thousandyear old ancient temple, is known as "the first temple in the East". More than400 statues of Buddhas unearthed from the site have been rated as one of the 100major archaeological discoveries in the 20th century. Tuoshan, the largestBuddhist statue group in eastern China, is a national key cultural relicprotection unit. There are 5 grottoes and 638 statues. The big one is more than7 meters high, and the small one is only a square inch. The shape is exquisiteand peculiar, and the carving is smooth and delicate. The exquisite statues ofYunmen mountain were appraised as "the best among kaihuang" in Tang Dynasty byLiang Sicheng, the son of Liang Qichao and a famous architect. The MountainGiant Buddha, composed of nine 2600 meters in a row, is regarded as the thirdmiracle in the history of Chinese Buddhism. The Giant Buddha has a long nose anddeep eye socket. With the observation from different angles, his lips open andclose, as if he was chanting Buddhist scriptures.

  After the Yuan Dynasty, Buddhism was silent and Taoism rose in Qingzhou.The king Heng of Qingzhou was a strong advocate of Taoism. In Yunmen mountainand Tuoshan mountain, he restored Bixia palace and Haotian palace, engravedJushou, opened chentuan cave and made relief sculptures of madanyang. Taoistculture was respected for a time. Ju Shou, which is engraved on the cliff, is7.5 meters high and 3.7 meters wide. The inch character below Shou is 2.3 metershigh, so there is a local saying that "no one has inch high". Xiuzhen palace inthe holy water valley in the southeast of Qingzhou City has a beautiful legendof Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty. The Taoist templefaces south to the water. In front of the gate is a thousand year old pagodatree. In the Jade Emperor hall is a memorial tablet of "long live the emperor,long live the emperor".

  After the Yuan Dynasty, Qingzhou became a Hui settlement, and Islamicculture took root in the ancient city. Zhenjiao temple, located in Dongguan, aHui community, was built in 1302 ad. it is the only three Zhenjiao temples inthe Yuan Dynasty in China. The scale of the project has been continuouslyexpanded after repair. It combines the essence of architecture in China andabroad. It has both the characteristics of Chinese palace architecture and thearchitectural style of Arabia style.

  In the middle of the 19th century, the west wind spread to the East.Qingzhou, located in the important part of Shandong Province, became the centerof cultural collision and infiltration between the East and the West. QingzhouCatholic Church and Christian Church are the witness of this blend.

  The long history of Qingzhou has left a magnificent cultural heritage, justlike the pearls of time. The past glory and the present fragrance are enough tomake people appreciate the outstanding beauty of ancient Qingzhou. Qingzhou'stourism also closely around the historical and cultural heritage, to create itsown unique brand. At present, the overall pattern of Qingzhou tourism resourcescan be summarized as: one brand, four areas. A brand is the tourism destinationimage brand of "Buddha Shoushan, ancient state blessed land". There are fourmajor areas, namely: the "Buddha Shoushan" cultural tourism area with Yunmenmountain, Tuoshan mountain and Longxing Temple under construction as the mainbody; the "Guzhou Fudi" tourism area with museums, fangongting Park and ancientstreets of Ming and Qing Dynasties as the main body; the "mountain forest"leisure tourism area with Yangtian Mountain National Forest Park as the mainbody; and the "mountain forest" tourism area with Yangtian Mountain NationalForest Park as the main body; Huanglou flower base and Mihe river system are themain parts of "Nongjiale" tourism area. In these tourist areas and theirsurrounding areas, Qingzhou has developed more than 50 sightseeing and leisurelandscapes, mainly including: Yunmen fairyland in the suburbs, cliff longevity,Tuoling Qianxun, grotto statues, mountain Buddha, exquisite beauty, Buddha lightin ancient temples, autumn moon in the sky, Tiancao forest gully, lingzeqi cave,Huanglou flowers, etc., and fan Gong Ganquan, Qingzhao Huihui, Songlin academy,puppet garden rockery, Zhenjiao in the urban area There are also some preciouscultural relics in the museum, such as the statue of Longxing Temple, the numberone scholar volume of Zhao Bingzhong, and the jade Bi of Yi's descendants.

  We will arrange to visit the above scenic spots one after another in thefuture. I wish you all a happy life in Qingzhou.

英语导游词 篇10

  Qingdao is located in the Yellow Sea, and China has always set the sealevel of the Yellow Sea as the national elevation datum. The level zero of thepeople's Republic of China from this can most intuitively experience thewonderful feeling that the height starts from the foot! Usually, after touristscome to Qingdao, the level zero is a must visit point, because the height startsfrom here, it represents higher and higher, higher and higher!

  Located on the east side of Fushan Bay in Qingdao, adjacent to QingdaoOlympic Sailing Center and May 4th Square, China zero scenic spot is a nationalAAAA scenic spot. It is a theme park with China's altitude zero as the core. Itis a unique scenic spot in China. Former President Hu Jintao visited it inperson.

  China zero scenic spot is a new type of scenic spot in Qingdao, whichintegrates surveying and mapping culture, navigation culture and marine culture.It has China's only level zero of the people's Republic of China, China's firstinternational yacht and sailing industry development base, the world's highestsculpture of "Mazu goddess on the sea", the world's first mechanicallyretractable Rainbow Bridge on the sea, the sailing capital sightseeing tower andthe Maritime Science and Technology Museum.

  China's leveling zero is located in the "people's Republic of Chinaleveling zero" in Yinhai world, Donghai Middle Road, Qingdao, which is the onlyleveling zero in China. The leveling zero is the starting surface of theelevation of the ground point. The average sea level measured by the tide gaugeat different locations is different. In order to unify the national elevationsystem, an average sea level is selected as the elevation datum.

  Qingdao Yinhai International Yacht Club scenic spot was rated as nationalAAAA scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 20__. It is the firstnew tourism resource with yacht club as the main body and knowledge of OlympicGames, ocean, sailing and surveying and mapping. It has unique ornamental,knowledge, interest and experience.

英语导游词 篇11

  Trestle is the symbol of Qingdao.

  Located in Qingdao Bay, it is in a straight line with Zhongshan Road, themost prosperous road in the city, stretching from the coast to the sea. It isknown as "Changhong Yuanyin".

  Zhanqiao was first built in 1892. It is the earliest Wharf in Qingdao.After reconstruction in 1931 and renovation in 1985, it is now 8 meters wide and440 meters long. A semicircular breakwater is built at the south end of thebridge. Inside the breakwater is a two-story octagonal pavilion with nationalstyle. It has golden tiles and vermilion walls, and a flying eaves on the top ofa helmet. It is named "Huilan Pavilion".

  The trestle cuts the waves like a long dragon lying across the blue sea.It's like walking into the arms of the sea gradually by the bridge; standingbeside the pavilion, the huge waves are surging in layers, beating the dykes andlifting up thousands of broken jade; entering the pavilion, you can climb up thespiral stairs to the upstairs, surrounded by spacious windows. Looking around,it's another pleasant scenery. Therefore, "Feige Huilan" is known as one of the"ten sceneries of Qingdao".

  When the tide rises in autumn, the West Bank has the best scenery. Thewaves beat on the bank, causing tens of meters of huge waves, which isspectacular. After the tide ebbs, the sea water retreats 100 meters, and thereef beach is full of tourists chasing the sea to dig clams. In recent years,Qingdao has carried out the activity of "retaining seagulls". Every autumn andwinter when the wind is calm, thousands of seagulls fly back in the Bay, forminga harmonious picture with the blue sky, the Huilan Pavilion in the distance andthe people enjoying the sea nearby.

  On the North Bank of the bridge, there is a trestle park with green pinesand green grass, sparse flowers and trees, and a corridor stone chair, which isintegrated with the beach and rocks. At night, the lights are in full bloom. Onthe bridge and on the bank, magnolias are in full bloom, the water is sparkling,and the distant "Qinyu floating lights" are shining.

英语导游词 篇12

  Dear ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, everyone:

  Very honored to be your tour guide, my name is xu, you can call me Mr. Xu guide, if you have any questions, you can ask me.

  We went to the attractions is the Great Wall.

  You see, today we go to one of the world famous heritage of the Great Wall like a dragon? He winding between mountains, we now stand at the foot of the mountain, look, you may be more than only a few thousand miles, in fact, he has more than thirteen thousand. We are now on to take a look! Everyone to see, how magnificent Great Wall spirit show in front of our eyes, look! Our feet stepping is square brick, now let's hold the stone on the wall, a walk, you feel? Right, before how hard working people, they put their own wisdom and sweat to the Great Wall, we must cherish now the Great Wall, the Great Wall is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress and the nozzle mouth, for observation and shooting, and on the top of the wall, there is a square more than three hundred miles every ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops.

  As we all know the story about the badaling and the legend of the Great Wall? Badaling the title of the story is called "must play leud" : the zhou dynasty had a king named zhou you king, he has a beauty called praised si, her temper is very strange, always don't smile, you think of some way to the king. So he lit up a distress signal (fire), as a result, drew leud come white, but praised si ha ha laugh, you king is also very happy. But, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, and he was killed by the enemy.

  The legend of the Great Wall is also very good to listen, named "meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" : the story of meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall, is China's famous ancient folklore, it in the form of drama, songs, poems, rap, etc, widely circulated, household can stomach. Mouth hard heavy when qin shihuang, young men and women Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu just married three days, the groom was forced to start to build the Great Wall, soon died of cold and tired, bones buried under the long wall. Meng jiangnu with woolies, through hardships, wanli predicament came to the Great Wall, got the news of her husband. More than three days and three nights, she cry at the gate, the city of cleft, revealing Fan Xiliang corpses, meng jiangnu sea died in despair. From then on, shanhaiguan is considered by later generations as "meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall", and cover the meng jiangnu temple, there are often stationed here with one of the leaders of tears.

  Now, stories and legends to listen to, we can free to play, remember after 1 hour, we set here, pay attention to, don't litter.

英语导游词 篇13

  Dear tourists

  Hello and welcome to Guilin. I'm your guide.

  Lijiang River originates from Maoer Mountain in Xing'an County. It is 83kilometers from Guilin to Yangshuo. Like a winding jade belt, Lijiang rivertwines among the green peaks. It has become the largest and most beautiful karstscenic spot in the world. Take a boat tour of the Lijiang River, and you can seethe reflection of the strange peaks, the blue water and the green mountains, theshepherd boy's leisurely singing, the fisherman's leisurely hanging, the rusticfamily, and the fresh breath - everything is so poetic and picturesque.

  The Lijiang River flows through here and turns steeply. The current isdivided into two parts. The beach in front of the mountain is divided into threesmall islets. The river water slaps on the three islets. On the islets, thegrass is as green as grass, and the reeds and bamboos are crisscrossed.Occasionally, shepherds are leisurely. There are nine stones in the river, whichare said to be made by nine cows, so it is called "nine cows paddle in thewater".

  After passing through huangniu gorge, Wangfu mountain can be seen on theWest Bank of Lijiang River. On the top of the mountain, there is an immortalstone, like a man in ancient clothes looking north; on the mountainside, a stoneis like a woman with a baby on her back staring at a distant place. There aremany legends about Wangfu mountain.

  About 2km away from Xiushan, there is a camel shaped stone mountain on theleft bank of the river. The precipitous stone walls and the lotus like peaks arereflected in the green waves and clear water. It is "here, the rivers andmountains are unique, and the river crossing is half cut."

  Located on the East Bank of Lijiang River, 29 kilometers south of GuilinCity, it was a waterway post station in ancient times. There are many peaks anda flat dock. If you walk around the dock along the barrier like cliff on theWest Bank, you will see strange scenery.

  Under Yuanyang beach on the West Bank of Lijiang River, about 46 kilometersaway from Guilin. On both sides of Yangdi, there are forests of green bamboosand green screens, which are ten li in a row, swaying among the green mountains,beautiful waters, waterfalls and shoals, giving people a sense of quietness andtranquility.

  Looking at Yangdi from Renzi mountain behind Yangdi village, you can see agorgeous natural scenery: the land is crisscrossed with fields and crops; thebamboo trees are verdant in the mountain village, and the cooking smoke iscurling; the fishing rafts are swaying on the water, and the cormorants arefighting with the water; the cattle and sheep in the mountain stream arecheering, and the flute is melodious. If you encounter rainy weather, you cansee the famous "Yangdi misty rain" landscape of Lijiang River - just likeChinese landscape painting, the scenery is blurred between the peaks and greenwater.

  In the green forest on the left bank of the Lijiang River, you can see thegreen brick Daiwa cottage standing on the river, which is called Langshivillage. In different poses and with different expressions, the scenic spots ofthe Lijiang River are located. The peaks are crossed on the two sides of theriver. The water is short. The right bank is big Mount Huangshan, Wen pen peak,Beacon Hill, lion rock, etc. the left bank has Guanyin Mountain, white rabbitmountain, golden Jill ridge, etc. At this point, you can see that the boat istraveling with the mountains, but you can't see the mountains turning back andforth. You can see the water passing through the river gorge, and you can seethat the gorge is lined with sails; or you can see that the clouds cover thefog, the misty waves, the mountains and rivers are indistinct, and the mirage isnatural.

  Jiuma Huashan is near Huashan village on the East Bank of Lijiang River,about 60 kilometers away from Guilin. It is connected by five peaks. On thestone wall near the river, it is green, yellow and white, with various colorsand shades. It is like a picture of a divine horse. It is called Huashan forshort because it has the name of jiuma Huashan. The nine horses are lifelike,with different expressions. They stand or lie, run or jump, drink rivers, orhiss at the sky. This is exactly "the nine paths of horses, and the strangethings are in the world.". On this scene, the Qing Dynasty poet Xu Wei oncewrote a poem praising: since the ancient mountains are picturesque, now they arepicturesque. There are nine pictures of horses, and the strange things are inthe world.

  Huangbutan is named after a big Beige stone slab at the bottom of thebeach, which looks like a "yellow cloth". The beauty of Lijiang mountain lies inthe reflection. The reflection of Lijiang River is the most beautiful andintoxicating. The water here is as flat as a mirror, clear and clear. The greenbamboo protects the dyke, and the beautiful shadow is whirling. The mountains,green bamboo, blue sky and white clouds are reflected in the clear water. Thewater and the sky are one and the same color. The best way to sum up this sceneis a famous sentence by Yuan Mei, a poet of the Qing Dynasty: you can see thetop of the Castle Peak clearly, and the boat is going up on the top of theCastle Peak.

  The ancient town of Xingping, with mountains and rivers, is a scenic spotof Lijiang River. It is surrounded by picturesque mountains and rich landscapes.In the East, there are scenes of monks and nuns meeting, lions looking at thesky, and Arhats drying their bellies. In the north, there are mountains such asShouxing riding donkeys and camels crossing the river. In the west, there areBijia mountain and Meimei peak. In the south, the terrain is open, with Luosimountain, Liyu mountain and distant peaks in contrast.

  Here, the Li river twists and turns, deep and clear, splashing the sceneryon both sides of the river. Shulin, Xinhuang, Hongfan and farmhouse seem to beinlaid in landscape paintings. The scenery is so wonderful that it's hard torecord the painting. The scenery of Xingping even moves to the Chinese currency"RMB" -- the scenery on the back of the 1999 version of RMB 20 coupon is basedon the scenery of the Lijiang River in Xingping section, which can be seen onthe left bank near Xingping by boat.

英语导游词 篇14

  Located in the southeast of Dayan Pagoda, Tang Furong garden was built onthe original Tang Dynasty Royal Furong garden site. Today, it has the largestimitation Tang architecture group in China. Come here to enjoy the magnificentimitation Tang architecture, the beautiful scenery set off by the lights, andthe song and dance dream back to the Tang Dynasty with the style of theprosperous Tang Dynasty.

  Taking Furong Lake as the geographical center, Tang Furong garden issurrounded by many scenic spots such as ziyunlou, Luyu tea house and FengmingJiutian theater. The park is further divided into 12 cultural theme areas, whichrepresent the splendid civilization of the Tang Dynasty from the aspects ofemperors, poetry, folk, food, singing and dancing.

  The night scene in the garden is also very bright. When the night falls andthe lights begin to shine, you can see the splendid Tang culture corridor,Fanglin garden, Ziyun building and other places. Against the moonlight andlights, Tang Furong garden is more elegant.

  There will also be wonderful performances in the park, including Qitiandrum dance, "Jiaofang music and dance" palace performance, "Yanying nishang"costume performance, etc. The world's largest water screen movie, staged everynight in the north square of ziyunlou, will bring you a new three-dimensionalshock. And the large-scale dance drama "dream back to the Tang Dynasty" stagedin Fengming Jiutian theater is a music and dance performance integrating thestyle of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the essence of song and dance. For moreperformances, please refer to the official website.

  To visit Furong garden, it is recommended to enter the garden from the westgate (also known as yuyuanmen). After entering the garden, follow the lakesidepath and circle the Furong Lake clockwise to visit various scenic spots. In theevening, I went back to the Fengming Jiutian theater near the south gate toenjoy the dream of the Tang Dynasty. In the evening, I watched the water curtainmovie in the ziyunlou square to the north of the theater.

英语导游词 篇15

  La région autonome zhuang du guangxi, la mer du nord, dans la province du guangxi, au large du nord-est de l’atoll situé le plus au sud, la mer du nord du golfe beibu, est un paysage Urbain et le climat, avec, intense. Mais un paysage littoral subtropical, la belle ville de la ville touristique.

  La mer du nord au sud de la Chine est un beau rivage, le jardin de la ville se situe, quartiers résidentiels arborés de rectitude, mers, de l’île, les cîtes particulières et le beau soleil du nom de l’eau, des plages nette, XiGe HuaYang parois latérales, prévoyant la construction dans des zones urbaines, des zones résidentielles gracieux, un style vertes, la nature des dons généreux à accrocher un beau dessin. Population urbaine naturel, culturel, KeGu culturels des communes, des œufs culturelles contrastent fortement avec la culture locale.

  La mer du nord, la lumière du soleil se subtropicales, précipitations, la végétation luxuriant. YeLu tout au long de l’année, quatre saisons GuaGuo consacré beaucoup compliqué. Le milieu naturel sont bien protégés dans de nombreux pays du continent et les îles côtières naturels, bonne température des plages, Vincent paronnaud nette à flot souple, comme la capacité nette de tapis. La qualité de l’eau au niveau national. L’air est la plus fraîche national dans différentes villes du pays, dans le niveau excellent. La Chine villes vivables est un «trois» (c’est -à-dire en mer du nord, zhuhai, weihai, xiamen). Un YangBa prévale est gratuit.

  La mer du nord du pays qui YinTan villégiature du tourisme et propositions XingDaoHu deux continents, le tourisme dans une optique de vacances, et le parc forestier national flots ridge national de protection des mangroves, porte les réserves naturelles, les zones naturelles protégées, BaiLong sirène pays ZhenZhuCheng, zones protégées, GePu HanDai la sépulture, trincomalee, li belvédère versants des consulats européens ciea, un grand nombre de sites, Haïti, lac, comme l’agriculture, la sylviculture, les montagnes, les monuments, culturel». L’état du YinTan shelco cinq plus sur la liste. Guangxi «paysage du nord, la mer guilin est fière YinTan».

英语导游词 篇16

  On Sunday of August 19, my parents, my two elder sisters and I went toHangzhou paradise with their parents. Soon, our two families arrived at thedestination.

  After lunch, I went to the swimming pool with my two sisters and we wentswimming together. I'm in a hurry. Time flies. It's water park again. It's a seaof people here! First I'll slide on the water, then I'll go on the rotary slide.After a few projects, it's evening. There were several lights in the sky.Suddenly, the voice of the host came from the stage. I saw that the small holein front of me spurted water into the sky. Looking at the gushing water, thehost called everyone to cheer: "ah!" we splashed water and played until weforgot to eat dinner. We went back to the hotel, had a snack, had a bath andwent to sleep.

  The next day, get up in the morning, brush your teeth and wash your face,and then go to the restaurant. The breakfast here is a buffet. I took somenoodles, steamed buns and watermelons. After breakfast, we'll go to rotten applepark. There is a big transparent tube, which blows bubbles upward. There areblue jellyfish swimming with pink. It's so beautiful! We can go up to the secondfloor while we watch. There are more places to play. Let's play the XD rollercoaster first. It can hold 108 people. We need to wear glasses. Besides, thechair will also shake and we need to fasten the seat belt. It's really good tohave a feeling of being personally on the scene. It's so cool and fun! We'llride the roller coaster, we'll go to the 3 floor to enjoy the two hundredmillion years of the sea floor, and let us feel the "future world" of the seabottom for 200 million years. I saw the sunken Shanghai and the Oriental Pearl.I'm going back soon. Goodbye! A pleasant Hangzhou paradise.

英语导游词 篇17

  Good morning, everyone. First of all, welcome to Fuzhou, Rongcheng. I'm __tour guide of __ travel agency. Today we will visit Yongquan temple in Gushan.Now we have come to the parking lot of Gushan. Please follow me to get off andtake care of your valuables. Please also remember that our car number is min d __. Our tour time here is about 2 hours. Please get on the bus at 11:00.

  Members, today we are going to visit Gushan, a famous mountain with a longhistory and culture in Fuzhou. It is said that there is a huge stone at the topof the peak, which looks like a drum. Whenever there is wind and rain, it soundslike a drum. So Gushan got its name. In the book "the story of moving a city"more than 1600 years ago, there was a saying that "the Left Banner and the rightdrum are unique in Fujian".

  The altitude of Gushan is 1004 meters. The Yongquan temple we visited islocated at an altitude of 650 meters on the hillside. Yongquan temple, with ahistory of 1200 years, is one of the five largest jungles in Fuzhou. Yongquantemple is mainly composed of Tianwang hall, Daxiong hall and Dharma hall. Thereare "three railways" and "three treasures" in the temple. What are these "threerailways" and "three treasures"? During the tour, I will introduce them one byone. Well, members of the group, we came to the Mountain Gate of Gushan alongthis path. Please look at the couplet on the stone column: "why clean the land,don't close the empty door". This is a famous couplet, meaning pun. Please see,the mountain gate is built at the entrance of the hillside, and the mountainwind blows straight in, which can blow the fallen leaves and dust clean withoutmanual cleaning; In summer and autumn, typhoons are frequent, and the mountaingate is often blown down, so there is no more gate, leaving the empty gate. Fromits moral point of view, pure land refers to the pure land of Buddhism, which isspotless, so there is no need to clean it; empty land refers to Buddhism, whichis free of belief, so there is no need to close it. This couplet is also aTibetan head couplet, with the words "Jing" and "Kong" respectively. It iswritten in memory of the late abbot of Yongquan temple, master Jingkong.

  OK, members, now let's go to luohanquan. Members, now we see that thisspring pool is "Luohan spring". It is said that during the construction of thetemple, a Abbot monk dreamed that there was a spring here. The next day, themonks dug here, and sure enough, there was a clear spring. So in order to thankLuohan for giving the spring, the monks called this spring Luohan spring, andYongquan Temple got its name.

  OK, members, please turn around. Now in front of us, we can see the plaqueof Yongquan temple, which was written by Emperor Kangxi himself. The handwritingis simple and powerful.

  Members of the group, please do not enter the temple for the time being,because I want to introduce the towers on both sides of us. Now, please guesswhat materials are used for this pair of small and exquisite towers in front ofus, and what role do the towers play in the temple?

  Ah! You said it was made of wood, you said it was made of stone, and yousaid it was made of iron. No one seems to have guessed right. This pair oftowers are made of clay. They have a history of more than 900 years. The one onthe left is called the "solemnly robbing Thousand Buddhas pagoda", whichrepresents the Buddha of the past and the light burning Buddha. The one on theright is called "Xianjie thousand Buddha pagoda", which represents the presentBuddha Sakyamuni Buddha. The color of the two towers is brown. They are fired inlayers with clay, stacked and glazed. The tower is about 7 meters high and hasnine octagonal stories. There are 1038 Buddha statues on the wall of the tower.The earthenware firing tower we see today is very rare.

  You can see that there are 72 tower bells, which are also made of clay.Whenever the wind blows, it will make a pleasant sound, which seems to send us ablessing of peace. Lotus petals, lion dances and dwarfs are carved on the baseof the tower, and inscriptions are engraved to record the time when the towerwas built and the names of the craftsmen. The two pagodas were originallylocated in Longrui courtyard in the southern suburb of Fuzhou. They were movedto Yongquan temple in 1972. Now it is listed as a provincial cultural relicprotection unit. These two pavilions are the evidence for the study of SongDynasty architecture. What role does the tower play in the temple?

  In fact, the temple and the tower have a deep origin. Tower, Sanskrit zuduslope, originally meant tomb, dome. In ancient India, people called templespagoda temples. The temple is dominated by pagodas, in which people store therelics and scriptures of some eminent monks. The pagoda was regarded as anauspicious relic in the temple, and later evolved into a unique religiousbuilding. After Buddhism was introduced into China, the Chinese nation is goodat melting foreign culture and creating a culture rich in national material. Asa symbol of Buddhism, in the process of the Sinicization of Buddhism, the formof the pagoda has been diversified, including high, short, fat, thin, round,square, iron and wood. The purpose of the pagoda has been expanded from onlystoring relics and symbolizing Buddhism to merit, sustenance and commemoration,and even as a sign of maritime navigation, as well as special buildings relatedto geomantic omen. The pottery pagoda we see today is also a pagoda worthy ofyour appreciation. This pair of Song Dynasty pottery pagodas is one of the"three treasures" of Yongquan temple that we visit today. Here we give you 15minutes to take photos. In 15 minutes, we will visit the "three railways" andthe other two treasures of the "three treasures" of the temple. Thank you

英语导游词 篇18

  Hello everyone, my name is Ying Langlang. You can call me Ying guide. I'mvery glad to take you to Chengde summer resort. Let's have a look at its historyfirst. Chengde summer resort is an ancient imperial palace in China and one ofthe world cultural heritages. Together with the summer palace, HumbleAdministrator's garden and Liuyuan garden, it is known as China's four famousgardens. Now, please follow me to appreciate its charm.

  Please go around the corridor and have a look! Now in front of you is Sizhibookstore, which sounds like Sanwei bookstore in Shaoxing. Emperor Qianlongliked the four knowledge library very much. Before and after he went to court,he changed clothes here, and sometimes called in princes, ministers and minorityleaders here. And long live photo room and accessory room are also full of raretreasures, you see, must be able to feast your eyes.

  At this moment, we are going to cross the SONGFENG bridge to Ruyi island.Please take care of your children and pay attention to safety. You can see thatis Ruyi island. There are many buildings on the island, but the area is notlarge. The palace, water Pavilion, clear spring, pavilion and corridor arecleverly organized together and become a landscape painting. Do you feel thebreeze blowing from the lake

  There are many scenery in Chengde summer resort. Now please visit freely.Have a good trip!

英语导游词 篇19

  Dear passengers, everyone! I am your tour guide lily pula, you can call me ho. This is very honored to visit the Great Wall with you.

  From a distance, the Great Wall is like a huge dragon. Close look, I can't see the other end of the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, beacon tower stands on the Great Wall, like a "daruma" will never fall.

  The Great Wall is an important ancient defense works, from yan started to build the Great Wall, the Great Wall has a history of more than 20xx years now!

  There is a touching legend about the Great Wall. When building the Great Wall, in addition to need not to build the wall over the age of 60, other youth to build the Great Wall. Suzhou scholar Fan Xiliang, in order to avoid being caught by the rulers, had to be in hiding. Once, he fled to meng garden, accidentally encountered meng jiangnu. Meng jiangnu is a smart beautiful girl, she and her parents hid the Fan Xiliang together. Two old people like Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu betrothed to his wife. But, the person and tragedies will descend, it is the unforeseen that newly married less than three days, Fan Xiliang go by officers and soldiers to catch. Later, meng jiangnu Trinidad TiaoTiaoDe came to the Great Wall to find her husband. Who knows, migrant workers told her that Fan Xiliang is dead. She was crying at the foot of the Great Wall, I don't know how long cry, listen to "bang", the Great Wall fall down a few kilometers.

  The passengers, please do not throw garbage everywhere, and in the scribble on the ChengZhuan moment. We are to meet at 7 in the gate.

英语导游词 篇20

  Hello, everyone. I'm your guide. In the next few days, you can just call meseason guide. First of all, welcome to this beautiful and magnificent temple ofheaven! Today we mainly visit the Qigu altar, Qinian hall, Yuanqiu altar,zhaigong and other places of interest. When visiting, please throw the garbageinto the dustbin, or carry plastic bags, strive to be civilized tourists!

  In fact, the temple of heaven is the place for the Ming and Qing emperorsto "worship heaven" and "pray for the valley", which is located in the east ofZhengyang gate. The altar is round in the north and square in the south, whichmeans "round heaven and round place". Neitan, where we are now, is divided intoNorth and south parts. Tourists, look at the building in the north. It's called"Qigu altar". It is said that in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, because theproductivity was very low at that time and the harvest was controlled by God, aspecial "grain praying altar" was built in the north to pray for a good harvest.Every year, the emperor prayed to God in spring to give the world a goodharvest.

  Please follow me. We are now at the "Hall of praying for new year" in thecenter of the inner altar. It is located on a three story round stone platformtomb. It is a round hall with triple eaves, 38 meters high and 30 meters indiameter. The three halls have dark blue glazed tiles, which are reduced layerby layer and radiate in shape. The top is crowned with a huge gilded top. Thishall has great artistic value in architecture and modeling. The white platformsymbolizes white clouds, the dark blue ceiling symbolizes the sky, and thepillars, colored paintings and gilded ceiling symbolize the rosy clouds. All ofthese make a beautiful shape of blue sky and jade world.

  Tourists, look at this magnificent building in the south, the "round MoundAltar", which is specially used to worship heaven on the winter solstice. Thecentral building is a huge round stone platform called "round mound". The totallength between the two altars is 360 meters, which is higher than the groundcorridor. The Danbi bridge is connected to form a 1200 meter long north-southaxis of the temple of heaven, with a large area of ancient Berlin on bothsides.

  Through the corridor, we see the building is the "Zhai Palace" on the southside of the west gate. It is said to be the residence of the emperor duringfasting before praying. "Zhaigong" also got its name.

  After listening to my introduction, you must want to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the temple of heaven carefully, take photos and leave a message. Thefollowing time is for you, you have enough time to swim. One hour later, we arestill gathering here. I hope you will observe the time and keep the gardenclean. See you later!

英语导游词 篇21

  Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.

  The Wanfeng forest in Xingyi is composed of nearly 20000 green peaks. Itspreads in a fan shape from the edge of Qipeng plateau, the North Bank ofWanfeng Lake and the East Bank of Huangni River, with an altitude of more than20__ meters, to Anlong, Zhenfeng and other places. It is high in the northwestand low in the southeast, and inclines to Wanfeng Lake and Huangni river. Theupper line is bounded by the alpine earth mountain at an altitude of about 1600meters, and the lower line is bounded by the subtropical red earth mountain atan altitude of about 800 meters, forming a circular mountain belt. It is morethan 200 kilometers long and 30-50 kilometers wide. Xingyi City alone has anarea of more than 20__ square kilometers, accounting for more than two-thirds ofthe land area of Xingyi City. According to the shape of peak forest, it can bedivided into five types: array peak forest, Baojian peak forest, Qunlong peakforest, Luohan peak forest and diemao peak forest. It is one of the three karstlandforms in Southwest China.

  Located in the south of Xingyi City, the peak forest has a north-southtrend, which is magical and beautiful. It stretches for 15 kilometers. Themountains are dense and peculiar, grand and magnificent, and the overall shapeis perfect, forming a rare peak forest Gallery in the world. From a geologicalpoint of view, the northern part is the Fenglin basin, and the central andsouthern part is the Fenglin depression and peak cluster mountain. Most of thepeak forests and peak clusters are cone-shaped, and some are bell shaped, flattopped and saddle shaped. It can be called a "Chinese cone-shaped karstMuseum".

  The north and South sections of Xiawutun have their own characteristics.The north section of Xiawutun is like a screen, protecting the villages andpastoral areas in Er village, Yulong village, Shuangsheng village and Lelivillage. It is full of poetic and picturesque, just like a simple and beautifulBouyei brocade. In the area of nahui village in the central and southern part ofChina, there are many strange peaks rising from the beautiful countryside. Theyare magnificent, straight and graceful, with various postures. The peaks areconnected and broken, with a strong sense of emptiness. In summer, when visitorslook down from GuanFeng Road, the peaks are distributed among the green ricefields, like the huge Jadeites on the jade plates.

  Xiawutun, a strange peak forest belt, contains almost all the peaks andranges in the cone-shaped karst area, with rivers, caves, undercurrent andfunnels. There are more than 30 funnels in the West Peak Forest Scenic Area,forming a group of funnels. It is also the most typical, complete andconcentrated place of cone-shaped karst development in China. As a typicalrepresentative of Guizhou cone-shaped karst, it has been listed as a preselected list of world natural heritage of karst in China by UNESCO.

英语导游词 篇22

  During the winter vacation, I went back to my hometown Zhangjiajie andvisited the world-famous scenic spot Tianmen Mountain.

  Tianmen Mountain cableway entrance is located in Zhangjiajie City, only 40minutes drive from my home. After buying the tickets, we took the cableway upthe mountain. The whole ride in the cableway lasted about 20 minutes. The morewe went to the top of the mountain, the more exciting it was.

  Finally, we arrived at the top of the mountain. We started along the Shanxiline of Tianmen. The steep mountain road along the way, coupled with the coldwinter and the fog, made us feel as if we were in a fairyland. The more you goto the east line, the lower the temperature is. There are strings of icicles onthe cliff surface, and even the water droplets on the leaves form ice. At aglance, it looks like countless crystal clear ornaments. My family and I alljoked that it was like Japan in winter, even more beautiful.

  Walking on the glass plank road built on the cliff, looking at the bottomof the foot, you can see that the whole plank road is built on the stone walllike a knife cut, which is covered with thick ice and snow, and then down, it isshrouded in white fog, you can't see anything clearly, which adds a mystery tothe beautiful scenery.

  We walked from the west line to the east line like flying through theclouds. Along the way, some people are lamenting the magic of nature, whileothers are glad that the fog has covered the foot of the cliff, otherwise thetourists who are afraid of heights will not be so comfortable along the way.

  We stop and go, about three hours later, we came to the most famous Tianmencave. But this time, because of the ice and snow weather at the top of themountain, the entrance has been closed. We can't go down the stairs to thebottom of Tianmen cave, we can only look down at Tianmen cave from the top ofthe mountain. Although I just looked down and far away, I was already amazed athow such a big natural cave was formed! My aunt who had been to Tianmen cavetold me that the cave is very big, and people would feel very small when theystand under it! The cave is so big that even a plane stunt once flew throughit!

  If you want to experience the magic and mysterious Tianmen Mountain, pleasecome to my hometown Zhangjiajie, I can be your guide!

英语导游词 篇23

  Labrang red religion temple is located next to Wangfu village, Jiujiatownship. The red religion belongs to the "Ningma" sect of Tibetan Buddhism. Itbelieves in Lotus peanuts. Monks wear white cassocks with red edges and braidson their heads. They settle down, marry and have children. In June 1880, thefourth jiamuyanggazangtu danwangxiu was in the local xianglang of ledi chagao.The signs in one night's dream coincided with master lianhuasheng's prophecy. Hefelt that the time had come to establish the Hongjiao temple. Therefore, inApril 1887, he carried out Buddhist activities, called together monks scatteredin various villages, formulated Temple rules, assigned administrators, and gaveeach administrator a cassock and other monks Each person is given 50 coppercoins as gifts to master lianhuasheng in the temple.

  In 1946, the fifth Jiamuyang danbeijianshen built the Sutra hall and somemonasteries, and appointed the living Buddha degekang as the platform of thetemple. In October of the lunar calendar, master Jiamuyang came to thecelebration ceremony to chant sutras and pray. The Sutra hall was namedsangqinmengjilang, and Huici Temple monk wore new cassock (now attire) and othertemple rules.

  There are three classes in Labrang Hongjiao temple. The primary classmainly studies the Scriptures that are often recited, followed by the skills ofZhengcao calligraphy, intonation and rhyme of chanting scriptures, and theshaping of Gama. The intermediate class studies grammar, grammar, poetics,medicine and other subjects. The advanced class studies the esoteric sutras suchas "the teachings of master Pu Xian".

  Besides normal religious activities, Tibetan opera performance is also amajor activity in Labrang red religion temple. Tibetan Opera is performed duringmajor festivals such as the first month of the year. The performance team of thetemple was founded in 1955, and its first play was "zhimeigengdeng", including"adaramao", "Chisong Dezan" and "Sangmu".





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