标题 | 甘肃敦煌英语导游词 |
范文 | 甘肃敦煌英语导游词(精选3篇) 甘肃敦煌英语导游词 篇1Everybody is good, and where we are now, is the famous mogao grottoes. Mogao grottoes in dunhuang, it used to be like the singing, crescent lake, dunhuang is the famous tourist attractions, or by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in our country on the world heritage list in 29 landscape, one of the cultural heritage. The mogao grottoes, commonly known as the thousand-buddha grottoes is located in the singing. Caves chisel in the 4th century AD, until the end of the 14th century, before and after the continuation of about one thousand years. The mogao grottoes is a magnificent building, is the palace of paintings and sculptures, is the largest and most content in Chinese now grottoes grottoes. Of where the visitors, now is the door to the mogao grottoes, in front of us there are two towers, finishing mountain layers are hidden behind the hole, from a distance like a tower, a house room, room. The hole in possession of many treasures, books, documents, etc. Most eye-catching is the murals, particular is flying mural image. Dear visitors, do you have any found mural is mostly incomplete, that's because once suffered a few times, more than one hundred years ago was stole many foreigners, now give people leave many regrets. I also want to here called on everyone to protect our world cultural heritage, inherit and carry forward our national culture. Dear visitors, because time relationship, today's visit to call it a day. Hope you regret it, through this tour, know more about the mogao grottoes culture. Want a deeper understanding of the mogao grottoes, welcome you come again next time. 甘肃敦煌英语导游词 篇2Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the long history of dunhuang mogao grottoes, I am your tour guide, everyone call me pan! Dunhuang mogao grottoes is one of China's four big grottoes! Four big grottoes and: longmen grottoes, yungang grottoes and maijishan grottoes. But can these grottoes and dunhuang mogao grottoes than, because of the largest grottoes in dunhuang mogao grottoes is one of the world! Its history is very long, it was built during the period of former qin, the north, the sui dynasty, tang dynasty, five dynasties, xixia and yuan dynasties were built. Had finished these, you come with me to the mogao grottoes in dunhuang to see! You see, this is a grotto of dunhuang mogao grottoes southwest: west thousand-buddha grottoes, you guess how long is the hole? Don't know, the hole is 2.5 km long in there!! These clay sculptures in the cave there are 34, but the whole painted sculpture of the mogao grottoes, 2415! All sorts of grottoes sizes, the biggest wat 16 of 268 square meters, the smallest 37 wat is less than a foot high. The mogao grottoes murals painted on the walls of caves, wat and niches. Content is very extensive and profound, mainly there are Buddha, buddhist stories, historic, JingBian, genie, support and decorative pattern and so on seven kind of subject matter, and there are a lot of life painting. Well, said so much, we will go to visit the next landscape! You see, this thing is a nine layers of eaves, also called as "Peking University", is at cliff wat, middle, and top contour, towering spectacular. There is maitreya statue, 36 meters high, composed of stone tire clay sculpture, is in addition to the leshan giant Buddha and rong county Buddha third Buddha oh! Okay, end of dunhuang mogao grottoes visit, welcome to have the opportunity to play here again. 甘肃敦煌英语导游词 篇3各位朋友: 你们好 西千佛洞开凿在敦煌市西南35公里处的党河河岸崖壁上,因地处莫高窟之西而得名。石窟的结构、彩塑、壁画艺术风格等与莫高窟体系相近。因而也成为敦煌艺术的一个组成部分。 从敦煌市西南行至阳关途中,道左不远处即为党河,河床北岸为寸草不生的戈壁滩,南岸是透迄蛇曲的沙山,西千佛洞就位于沙山尽头的河床北岸陡崖上。这里的陡崖深壑上有浓荫蔽天,崖下滩地红柳丛生,古木参天,涓涓小溪流过,环境清幽。西千佛洞开窟年代无从稽考。巴黎藏敦煌遗书(沙州都督府阁经)有记佛龛之文日:“右在县东(寿昌县)六十里,香旧图云,汉(阙)佛龛百姓更营造。”推测文中所记佛龛当指此。据此可知,西千佛窟始创年代应早于莫高窟,至少应与莫高窟属同时代建造。 西千佛洞现存石窟16个(窟、龛22个),其中1-3窟为唐窟,4-8窟为魏窟,16窟为晚唐窟,这9个洞窟保存较好,其它多有坍塌,壁画也剥蚀不清,时代难以确认。一般认为洞窟属北魏至宋代所凿。保存较好的9个石窟中,中央大多有中心座,座四周凿龛,内塑佛像,四壁多绘贤劫千佛、佛跌坐说法图、佛涅槃像。中心座和四壁的佛像下,绘金刚、力士像。北魏一石窟内南壁西段绘(睐子经)故事,东段绘(劳度叉斗圣变)故事,为莫高窟北魏洞窟所没有的佛本生故事,可填补其空白,有独特价值。其余窟龛的四壁和藻井则很少绘佛本生故事。 西千佛洞与莫高窟经历了类似的盛衰历程,受各种自然和人为的破坏,艺术宝库损失惨重。近年来,人民政府全面加固、修缮了洞窟,使面临崩塌的崖体和洞窟恢复了整体性和稳定性,崖体回廊保证了游人的安全。今天,西千佛洞得到了有效的保护,有10个洞窟开放,成为游人在敦煌至阳关旅游线上重要的参观内容。 |
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