标题 | 兵马俑中英导游词 |
范文 | 兵马俑中英导游词(通用3篇) 兵马俑中英导游词 篇1各位朋友: 大家好,我姓何,我是这次旅游的导游,我很高兴为大家服务,希望我们合作愉快!这次我们去西安临潼去参观秦兵马俑,它举世无双,是享誉世界的珍贵历史文物。在这里我要提醒朋友们:请不要乱扔垃圾,随地吐痰,让我们的世界遗产变得更美!好了,话说完了,秦兵马俑也到了,请朋友们一个接一个排队下车,然后跟我走。 朋友们请看,兵马俑是不是很整齐有序?猜猜兵马俑坑有多少平方米?答对了,兵马俑横看、竖看都十分整齐有序。它有2万平方米,相当于五十个篮球篮球场这么大呢!真厉害!坑里有兵马俑进八千个,各个个性鲜明。瞧!那尊武士俑面带微笑,像刚刚打完胜仗回来的样子;看,那尊骑兵俑瞪大眼睛,仿佛在怒视敌人…… 秦兵马俑还有一个传说:“传说秦始皇快要离世的前一个月,就发动一小半人去用陶泥、陶土建秦兵马俑。一个月后,兵马俑造好了,可是造好的那一天晚上,秦始皇突然生了一场大病,请了许多有名的太医也没办法。直到第二天早晨,秦始皇去世了。跟据他生前的遗愿,建过兵马俑的人民负责把水银洒在秦始皇的尸体上,并且埋葬秦始皇,然后把自己杀掉。”朋友们,听了这个传说,我想问你们一个问题:“水银是什么?”没错,水银就是一种毒性很强的液体,它像水一样无色无味,有些还是看不见的。它会散发到空气中,人闻了之后不但会传染人,还会中毒死亡。所以秦始皇不想未来的人类挖开他的坟墓,就把水银放在自己的尸体里,这样未来的人类就不敢挖开秦始皇的坟墓了。哦,对了。秦始皇之所以要建兵马俑,其中是有原因的:秦始皇希望自己死后也想生前那样有自己的强大军队,于是就建起了这座巨大的兵马俑。 朋友们,这次的旅游使命完成了,我们即将乘车返回起点,下车时要把所有东西带好,建好周围的垃圾,做一个文明游客,谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen: Hello everyone, my name is what, I'm the tour guide, I'm very glad to service for you, hope we can cooperate happily! This time we go to xi 'an lintong visit qin Terra Cotta Warriors, it is the only one like you, is famous in the world of precious historical relics. Here I want to remind friends: please don't littering, spitting, let our world heritage is becoming more beautiful! Good, the words are ended, the qin Terra Cotta Warriors also arrived, please friends one by one line up to get off, then come with me. Very orderly friends see the Terra Cotta Warriors? Guess how many square meters is the Terra Cotta Warriors pit? Right, the Terra Cotta Warriors horizontal and vertical look very orderly. It has 20xx0 square meters, the equivalent of fifty basketball basketball so much! Really fierce! Pit is the Terra Cotta Warriors into eight thousand, the personality is distinct. Look! The statue of the warriors with a smile, like just fight back; Look, the statue of cavalry stare big eyes, as if to glare at the enemy... Qin Terra Cotta Warriors and a legend: "one month before the legend of emperor qin shi huang is going to die, he launched a half people to use clay, clay built qin Terra Cotta Warriors. After a month, the Terra Cotta Warriors made good, but made good on that day night, the emperor suddenly had a bad illness, invited many famous cure too much didn't also way. Until the next morning, qin shi huang died. According to his wishes, build the people responsible for the mercury spilled out of the terracotta warriors in emperor qin shi huang's body, and buried qin shi huang, then kill myself." Friends, listening to the story, I want to ask you a question: "mercury is what?" Yes, mercury is a highly toxic liquid, it's like water colorless, tasteless, some still invisible. It will send out into the air, smell not only can infect people, after poisoning death. So the emperor didn't want to the future of human dug his tomb, I put the mercury in his own body, so that the future of human digging qinshihuang's tomb. Oh, yes. There is a reason to build the Terra Cotta Warriors, qin: after the death of emperor qin shi huang wanted to also want to life that have their own strong military, and then built the great Terra Cotta Warriors. Friends, the travel mission completed, we will go back to start, to make all things take off, built around the garbage, do a civilized visitor, thank you! 兵马俑中英导游词 篇2朋友们好!我是高思淼,你们叫我小高吧!今天我们来游览秦兵马俑博物馆。记住游览时请要保持卫生,不要用闪光摄像头照相。 秦兵马俑至今已挖掘五个俑坑,秦兵马俑的发现人是杨新平,他是在一次打井时发现的。因刚拿出来受到阳光的强烈照射,所以变了颜色。 我们先游览五号坑。看!那面积多大!差不多有13个篮球场那么大。兵马俑排列也很合理。外圈的两排士兵作为守护、近杀;在里一圈的骑兵俑也有守护作用;最里头的弩兵俑在中间向敌人发箭……这样发挥了兵马俑最大优势。 接着是四号坑,四号坑兵马稀少,好像是军阵后方的守卫兵。 三号坑兵马排列相似五号坑,可有五个将军俑让人惊叹:第一个将军俑右腿跪于地面,两手动作握着宝剑。第三、四哥也是分别左右腿跪于地面,但手是拔出剑的。第五个从左面看是陕西地图的样子,好像表达了它生(生长)在陕西,战(战争)在陕西。看我这记性,都忘了告你们兵马俑在什么地方了:兵马俑位于中国陕西西安临潼,或者你们是外星人,我就要说的是:太阳系地球中国陕西西安。行了,开个玩笑。 咱们二号坑就简单看看…… 一号坑在五个坑里最大,面积为一万四千二百六十平方米。大家发现所有的兵马俑都身材魁梧。 这次旅行快乐吗?有意见提出,因为我是新导游。 Good friends! I am Gao Simiao, you call me gao! Today we are going to visit museum of qin Terra Cotta Warriors. Remember my visit to keep health, do not use flash camera taking pictures. Now, five pit mining qin Terra Cotta Warriors, qin Terra Cotta Warriors found that is xin-ping Yang, he is in a well drilling. Because of being strong sunlight exposure, just took so changed color. We first visit 5 pit. Look! That area is how much! Nearly 13 the size of a basketball court. The Terra Cotta Warriors arrangement is very reasonable. Outer two rows of soldiers as a guardian, nearly killed; In a circle in the cavalry figures also have a guard; The crossbow warrior figures in the middle to the enemy is in the most arrow... That play the biggest advantage the Terra Cotta Warriors. Pit pit, followed by a 4 4 horses scarce, as if the army rear guard. Arrange similar 5 pit pit no. 3 military forces, there are five general figurines can be amazing: the first general figurines of right leg knelt on the ground, his hands holding a sword. The third and fourth brother is kneeling on the ground of or so leg respectively, but the hands are pull out the sword. The fifth from the left to see is the appearance of shaanxi map, seemed to express it (growth) in shaanxi, war (war) in shaanxi province. See me this memory, forgot to tell you the Terra Cotta Warriors in what place: terracotta warriors in xi 'an lintong county in shaanxi province, China, or you are aliens, I'm going to say is: earth's solar system xian in shaanxi province, China. Okay, just kidding. Let's look at no. 2 pit is simple... Five pit in the no. 1 pit is the largest, covers an area of fourteen thousand two hundred and sixty square meters. We found all the Terra Cotta Warriors strapping. Happy during the trip? Have put forward opinions, because I am a new guide. 兵马俑中英导游词 篇3各位朋友:大家好!很高兴和大家认识,今天就由我带大家去观赏我国著名的世界文化遗产——秦始皇兵马俑。我叫蒋知佑,各位可以叫我蒋导。在到秦兵马俑坑之前,我先为大家介绍一下秦兵马俑的基本情况:秦兵马俑是20xx多年前秦始皇陵园的一处大型兵马俑陪葬坑。它是在1974年3月西杨村农民们在打井的时候发现的。1987年由联合国科教文组织列入“世界人类文化遗产名录”,是举世无双,享誉世界的珍贵文物,被誉为“世界八大奇迹”。好了,兵马俑坑到了,请大家下车吧。下车之后请紧跟着我。各位请注意,一定要做一个文明的旅客,自觉保护文物。好了。现在我们已经进入了一号俑坑。 一号俑坑东西长230米,南北宽62米,总面积-平方米,是所有兵马俑坑中规模最大的俑坑;坑里的兵马俑也最多,有六十多个。除一号坑之外,还有二号坑、三号坑,这足以可见兵马俑规模宏大。兵马俑不仅宏大,而且类型众多,个性鲜明。接着,我们就去细细观赏精美的艺术品——兵马俑。大家看,那一位叫将军俑,它头戴鹖冠,身披铠甲,手握宝剑,昂首挺胸,充满了将军气概;大家再瞧那个上身着短甲,下身着紧口裤的兵俑,那叫骑兵俑。还有这边,各位看那身穿战袍,披挂铠甲哦,脚登前端向上翘起的战靴的兵俑,那就叫武士俑。最引人注目的就是马俑,大家瞧马俑,一匹匹形体健壮,肌肉丰满,看那跃跃欲试的样子,好像一声令下,就会撒开四蹄,腾空而起,踏上征程。 说到秦兵马俑的美,千人千面的陶俑之美,使人回味无穷。他们中间有气宇不凡,魁梧稳健的将军;有威武刚毅、身经百战的军吏;更有神情各异、生动传神的士兵。这些兵马俑,让我们不得不惊叹古代的雕刻家技艺是多么精湛啊!秦兵马俑,在古今中外的雕塑史上是绝无仅有的。它惟妙惟肖地模拟军阵的排列,生动地再现了秦军雄兵百万、战车千乘的宏伟秦兵马俑导游词气势,形象地展示了中华民族的强大力量和英雄气概。难怪美国前副总统蒙代尔也说:“这是真正的奇迹,全世界人民都应该到这里看一看。” 从他这高度凝炼的话语中,我们不难看出秦俑的历史价值及艺术价值。各位朋友们,今天我们一起观赏了世界著名文化遗产——秦兵马俑,感受到了祖先留下的灿烂文化。谢谢各位的配合!愿大家旅途平安愉快,再见! 兵马俑5分钟导游词相关文章: 2.兵马俑的导游词精选5篇 |
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