标题 | 合肥导游词 |
范文 | 合肥导游词(精选16篇) 合肥导游词 篇1In Hefei, Anhui Province, which is known as the "hometown of the ThreeKingdoms and the hometown of Baogong", a Three Kingdoms new town Heritage Parkwith Han Dynasty architectural style has been initially built and completed inthe 20th century___ It began to open to the outside world during the NationalDay in. The new town site of the Three Kingdoms is a key cultural relicprotection unit in Anhui Province. It is a well preserved cultural heritage ofthe Three Kingdoms with great historical value and military research value inAnhui Province and even in the whole country. Since 1995, Hefei city has builtthe Three Kingdoms new City Heritage Park on the basis of the original threekingdoms new city heritage. After construction, the Three Kingdoms new CityHeritage Park will be displayed in front of people, with a total investment of52.76 million yuan and an area of 530 mu, which is adjacent to Feishui old roadin the south, Jiming mountain and jiangjunling in the west, and sanzigang ParkRoad in Luyang District, Hefei City, 8 km away from Hehuai highway in theEast. According to the master plan, the main scenic spots include the culturalrelics exhibition hall of the new city, the east gate, the rammed earth trainingcommand platform, the weapon casting kiln site, the Yinma pool, the time tunnel,the zhoushiwu, the sculpture square, the stone carving square, etc. The new citysite reserve has restored the original appearance of the ancient city wall andgate, and has carried out protective construction on the archaeological sitessuch as kilns and barracks. If you want to see the original scenery of the newcity of the Three Kingdoms, you can't miss this scenic spot. The archaeological excavation of the new town site of the Three Kingdomswas carried out in 20 years___ The excavation of a large number of iron weapons,the stone used to defend the city, the command post for training soldiers in thecity, the workshops for casting weapons and the residences of Wei soldiers willgive us a clear impression of this military castle in the Three Kingdoms era.This year, the Three Kingdoms Ruins Park wireless network coverage project putinto operation, officially realizing full wireless network coverage. The parkhas set up 21 signal transmitting base stations in its entrance and exit,parking lot, gate and que, jintanghutai, cultural relics exhibition hall, Juxianhall, manchong thatched cottage, zhoushiwu, training command console, tunbingcamp site, weapon casting kiln site and other scenic spots as well as touristrest spots. After entering the scenic area, visitors can turn on the WiFifunction on mobile terminals such as mobile phones, laptops or tablet computersto connect to the wireless network without password. 20___ From September 26 toOctober 31, the Three Kingdoms Cultural Festival will be held in the ThreeKingdoms Heritage Park. Performance programs include opening ceremony performance, Three KingdomsTheme sitcom, Three Kingdoms character reality show, etc.; interactive programsinclude horse riding garden, children's Carnival and other game activities;exhibition projects mainly consist of National Day flower show, Three Kingdomsfilm and television show, Three Kingdoms Cultural Relics painting andcalligraphy exhibition, intangible cultural heritage project exhibition, etc;The competition programs are three kingdoms CS competition, mobile phone microphotography competition and "Three Kingdoms kill" game competition. According tothe chronicles of the Three Kingdoms, general man Chong of Wei Guozheng Eastvisited emperor Cao Rui twice, and proposed to build a new city in the west ofHefei to garrison troops against Sun Wu. After the completion of the new city, Sun Wu's army arrived at the foot ofHefei city from Chaohu, and had to travel another 30 miles to reach the newcity. In this way, the advantage of Wu's water army could not be brought intofull play, and it was more difficult to replenish military supplies, which madeCao Wei gain a lot of opportunities. The Cao Wei Dynasty can be directlyconnected to Shouchun along the Wabu river system, which is convenient for watertransportation and conducive to improving combat effectiveness. Hefei new citywas built in 233, the first year of Qinglong. In 233, 234 and 253, Sun Wubesieged many times and all of them were defeated. After more than 1770 years ofwind and rain erosion and great changes, we can still clearly see the style ofthis military Castle during the Three Kingdoms period. Before the constructionof the Three Kingdoms new town Heritage Park, it can be said that the Qin bricksand Han tiles can be picked up, which is one of the most complete three kingdomssites preserved in Anhui Province and even in the whole country. Byprotecting The original appearance of the ancient city wall and the east gate of HefeiThree Kingdoms new city site is restored in a park. The protective constructionand display of the weapons casting kiln site, the training command platform, thehorse drinking pool, the Che Ma Road and other sites excavated by Archaeology inthe new city reflect the original style of Hefei Three Kingdoms new city. WatchHuaiyang (large sculpture) - it reproduces the heroic image of general man Chongand general Zhang Ying defending Hefei new city against Sun Wu in the period ofCao Rui, Emperor Ming of Wei Dynasty. Huaiyang refers to the fact that Hefeibelonged to Huainan county and Yangzhou in the Three Kingdoms period, reflectingthe important military role of Hefei New City in defending Huainan County,Yangzhou and even the state of Wei. Park Gate Square -- park gate square coversan area of 20 square meters___ Square meters, the main gate is 14.6 meters high,and the pavilions and corridors form a group of magnificent imitative Hanarchitectural complex. The upper part of the gate adopts brick carving technology to depict theHan beast and rosefinch. On both sides of the gate are red sandstone reliefwalls, which show the images of the monarchs and main officers and soldiers ofWei and Wu, and reproduce the architectural art and historical culture of theHan Dynasty. Stone square -- through the magnificent poems of Cao Cao, Cao Piand Cao Rui, the author fully shows his literary talent and personal charm. Newcity garrison (large sculpture) - it shows the heroic image of general WeiZhengdong's man Chong defending Hefei new city. The "land of dragon and tiger"seals on both sides of the sculpture reflect the military strategic position ofHefei New City in the state of Wei. The time tunnel of the former stronghold of Cao Wei -- the time tunnel hasthe plaque of "the former stronghold of Cao Wei" in the north and "garrisonremains" in the south, which means that one is to return to the Three Kingdomsperiod through this time tunnel in the 21st century, and the other is that wehave entered Hefei New City, the land of the military castle of the ThreeKingdoms period. Through the permeability of glass, we can truly see theprofiles of different soil layers of the Three Kingdoms rammed walls. Thecultural relics exhibition hall, covering an area of 1400 square meters, is aHan style building. It displays nearly 100 cultural relics in four categories,including Qin bricks and Han tiles, tools, weapons and living utensils unearthedfrom the site of Hefei new city. With lighting, film and television effects, itshows the war scenes and military life to tourists, so that they can have acomplete understanding of the rise and fall history of this military castle inHefei new city. 合肥导游词 篇2游客朋友们,大家好!欢迎您们光临合肥参加游览。我很荣幸能够担任您们的导游,陪同各位领略合肥人文风光的神韵,共同度过一段美好的时光。 合肥市,历史悠久,古称庐州,又名庐阳,位于安徽省中部,地处江淮之间、巢湖北岸,辖东市、西市、中市、郊区4区和长丰、肥东、肥西3县。总面积7266(市区458)平方公里,人口425.9(市区127.94)万。市内道路宽阔,绿树成荫,景色优美,既多现代建筑,又有名胜古迹,是一座古老而又年青的城市。 作为安徽省省会,合肥是全省政治、经济、科教、文化、信息、金融、商贸中心和交通枢纽,也是全国甲等开放城市、全国重要的科研教育基地,拥有中国科技大学等30余所高等院校。高科技工业园、科大同步辐射实验室等蜚声中外。 "合肥"名称之由来,说法不一。北魏郦道元所著《水经注》载:"夏水暴涨,施合于淝,故曰合淝。"通常把施水叫南淝河,肥水叫东淝河,这是一种说法。唐代有人提出另一种说法,淝水出鸡鸣山,北流二十里分而为二,其一东南流(南淝河),经过这里入巢湖;其一西北支(东淝河),二百里出寿春入淮河。《尔雅》上指出"归异出同曰肥"。二水皆曰淝,合于一源,分而为二,故曰合肥。 合肥市素以"三国旧地、包拯故里"闻名于世,具有"淮右襟喉、江南唇齿"的战略地位,常为兵家必争之地。三国时魏将张辽大败孙权十万大军的逍遥津战役,即发生在这里。两千多年前,这里就已开始形成商业都会。秦、汉在此设郡县,明、清为庐州府治,民国时为安徽省省会,如今已是千樯鳞次、商贾辐凑的商业都会。 合肥素有"绿色城市"、"花园城市"的美名,其环城公园便修建在合肥古城墙的基础之上,沿着起伏的岗丘地形,加之原有的绿林带及护城河,精筑而成。环城公园总长约达9公里,分为六个景区,其中较为著名的有茂林修竹,夏河朝露的银河景区;湖峦相映、水碧枫赤的西山景区;林木葱茏、芳草常青的环北景区。这样的环城公园无城墙之隔阂,面水而立,一派迷人旖旎的江南风光。 近年来,合肥经济突飞猛进,城建日新月异,五里飞虹东西飞架,庐州灯火流光溢彩。高新技术开发区、经济技术开发区、龙岗工业区等镶嵌周边。淝水穿城而过,环城公园似翡翠项链;逍遥古津、包河秀色、瑶海公园等如珍珠散落其间;蜀山春晓、包公墓园、教弩梵钟、吴王遗踪,徜徉其间,吊古论今,让人留恋忘返。 合肥的名胜古迹甚多。从前有镇淮角韵,梵刹钟声,藏舟草色,教弩松荫,蜀山雪霁,淮浦春融,巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞八处,统称"庐阳八景"。其中巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞等景,现已不属合肥市;镇淮角韵等景,因天长日久,物换星移,已荡然无存,成为历史陈迹。现在的名胜古迹以教弩台,明教寺,逍遥津,包公祠等最为著名。 合肥物华天宝,地杰人灵,名人辈出,星转斗移,改革开放给合肥带来了一个崭新的时代。如今,合肥市正以科学城、工业城、园林城、卫生城的崭新姿态,笑迎天下客,广结世界朋友。 各位朋友,今天的合肥游览即将结束了,欢迎您及您的朋友再来平武游览。祝愿大家生活愉快。 合肥导游词 篇3Today, I'm going to show you the famous scenic spot in Hefei - Bao Park.Now, please follow me to have a look! Before visiting Bao Park, I'd like to give you a brief introduction to BaoGong. Bao Gong, named Zheng and named Xiren, was born in Luzhou Prefecture ofthe Northern Song Dynasty and was a famous official of Zhenzong Renzong in thetwo dynasties. Bao Zheng was born in Xiaobao village, Hefei in 999 ad, and wasadmitted to the imperial examination at the age of 28. However, Bao Zheng oncegave up his chance to become an official. He thought: if a man can't be filialto his parents, how can he be loyal to the imperial court when he becomes anofficial? So Bao Zheng followed the old adage of "parents are here, sons don'ttravel far away". He was filial for ten years at home. He didn't take up thepost of magistrate of Tianchang until he was 38 years old, and later became anofficial until he was the Deputy Minister of Song Dynasty. Since Bao Zheng was aman of filial piety, an honest and upright official, song Renzong gave him theposthumous title of "filial piety" after his death, and later generationshonored him as Bao Qingtian. Now we have come to Baogong temple, the first stop of Baogong CulturalPark. The Baogong ancestral hall that you can see is another famous person inHefei, Li Hongzhang, who invested in the reconstruction in 1882. Therefore,there is a saying that "Baojia ancestral hall, Li Jiaxiu" in the mouth of oldHefei. Walking into the Baogong temple, we first see that there are eightcharacters written on the front door of the main hall, which are also a trueportrayal of Baogong's life. Entering the main hall, the air is full of smoke,and the sitting statue of Bao Gong sits in it. With the four characters of"color is right and cold", the sitting statue of Bao Gong is more dignified. Inthe main hall, there is also a Shifu statue which is said to be one-to-one withthe real man Bao Gong. From this statue, we can easily see that Bao Gong is ascholar of literature and Confucianism who is about 1.6 meters tall and ugly. Hehas a pair of yin and Yang faces that are afraid of ghosts. However, Bao Gong'supright and selfless image has already been deeply reflected in the hearts ofthe people, so Bao Gong is on the stage of drama They are tall, black faced andbearded. Please look here again: "if there are any officials in the latergenerations who have committed illegal activities, they should not be releasedto their families. After death, they shall not be buried in the tombs. If you donot follow my will, you are not my descendants. It stands on the east wall ofthe hall house to serve as an imperial edict for later generations. " This isBaogong's family precepts. Baogong used such a strict method as expulsion torestrain his descendants. After the death of Bao Gong, his eldest son, secondson, and eldest grandson were all well-known upright officials at that time, andthey were known as "Bao Gong" in the world. There is also a wax museum in theBaogong ancestral hall, which shows the stories of Baogong's case solving spreadamong the people, such as the case of guilmeian and the case of dalongpao. Butwhat is the history of Baogong like? Please follow me to the historical andcultural corridor of Baogong. In the historical and cultural corridor, we showsuch historical events as "Duanzhou throwing inkstone", "Luzhou examining uncle"and "sending envoys to Qidan". There is also a poem written by Bao Gong, Shujunzhaibi: "pure heart is the root cause, straight path is the body plan. Show dryend into a building, fine steel do not hook These two words are exactly themotto of Bao Gong's life After visiting Baogong temple, please follow me to baoxiaosu cemetery.After entering the cemetery, we went through the gate of Que and the gate ofGod, and then we walked on the Shinto. On both sides of the Shinto, there werewatchposts, stone sheep, stone tiger and stone man. At the end of the Shinto,there was the hall of enjoyment placed by Lord Bao. In the rear of the hall,there is a tombstone of Fangshang style in the Song Dynasty. In front of thetombstone, there is a tablet engraved with "the tomb of Bao Xiaosu, the Deputyenvoy of song Shumi", where the remains of Bao Gong are placed. Baogong is notonly respected in China as "the teacher of politics"; in many countries in Eastand Southeast Asia, Baogong is also respected as a God; in South Korea, twoChinese celebrities are highly respected: one is Confucius, the other isBaogong. Finally, please follow me to Qingfengge. This song dynasty style pavilionwas built by Hefei people in 1999 to commemorate the 1000th anniversary ofBaogong's birth. When you climb on the top of Qingfengge, you can have apanoramic view of "Baohe Xiuse", one of the ten sceneries of Hefei 合肥导游词 篇4大家好,我是安徽旅行社导游王平,很高兴能够在这个阳关灿烂的日子里与大家相会与此,在我身边的这位是我们安全大使李师傅,他将负责我们的行车安全。希望大家能够在此玩得开心,游的尽兴。 接下来我给大家简单的介绍一下包公包拯: 包拯,字希仁,公元999年出生于合肥市肥东包村,1062年去世于河南开封,享年63岁。第二年八月,葬于合肥市大兴集。包拯被追封为礼部尚书,谥号“孝肃”,人称包公。 包公园占地面积30公顷,总体格局为开放式,现为国家级4A景区,同时也是合肥的爱国教育基地。包公园主要由包公祠、包公墓、清风阁及浮庄等几个景点组成。 下面就请大家跟随我的脚步一起去游览第一个景点——包公祠。包公祠是祭祀包拯的专祠,全称为“包孝肃公祠”。孝肃二字是宋仁宗在包拯死后赐给他的谥号。包拯一生严于律己,为官清廉,所以宋仁宗用孝肃二字评价包拯的一生,赐给他这个谥号。各位游客,大家可以看到包祠给人一种庄严、肃穆、古朴的感觉,而今天我们所看见的这个祠堂是建于光绪年间,由李鸿章筹资所建,所以在合肥流传着这样一句话:包家祠堂李家修。 包公祠正殿为五开间,正中端坐着一座巨大的包公金色塑像,像高约八尺,塑像两边分别是王朝、马汉、张龙赵虎四大护卫。大家在抬头看,上方正中悬挂的五方匾额上刻着“色正芒寒”四个大字。这是由李鸿章的哥哥李翰章所题。包公塑像的右侧墙壁上,镶嵌着一块质地黑亮的石头,上面刻着“宋包孝肃公遗像”。石刻上的画像据说是包拯的真容。因为包拯身材矮小,上朝时常常被人遮住,宋仁宗让他站在前面,但是包拯不愿意出风头,因此,宋仁宗赐给包拯一顶特制的乌纱帽。帽翅要比别的官员长三寸,这样宋仁宗就能知道包拯有没有来上朝了,并下令:凡碰包拯帽翅者杀无赦。这个小故事从侧面可以体现出包拯在当时的地位有多高了。 各位游客,请注意这边。这就是传说中的三口铡刀了。分别是龙头铡、虎头铡和狗头铡。据说当年包拯执法严明,就制作了这三口铡刀。龙头铡专铡皇亲贵族,这就是所谓的“王子犯法与民同罪”;虎头铡专铡贪官污吏;狗头铡专铡劣绅恶霸。三口铡刀边上还竖有李鸿章亲笔撰写的《重修包孝肃公祠记》的碑文。 合肥导游词 篇5Ladies and gentlemen I'm a tour guide from Anhui travel agency. My name is Wang Ping, threehorizontal and one vertical. You can call me Xiao Wang or Wang Dao. The driversitting next to us is master Wang, who has many years of driving experience I'm an old driver, so you can rest assured when you take his car! Intoday's journey, if you have any problems, you can put forward them to us, andwe will try our best to solve them for you. Next, I'm going to show you a classic red tourism scenic spot --- thememorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army. Before visiting, let metell you about the memorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army. The memorial hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army headquarters islocated in Luoli village, Yunling Township, 24 kilometers away from Jing County,Anhui Province. After the July 7th incident in 1937, the Red Army guerrillas in14 areas of eight southern provinces were reorganized into the New Fourth Armyof the National Revolutionary Army (NRA). On December 25 of the same year, theheadquarters of the New Fourth Army was established in Wuhan, and enteredYunling on August 2, 1938, until the "Southern Anhui Incident" in January 1941.During the past three years when the military headquarters was in Yunling, itwas a critical period for the New Fourth Army to develop behind the enemy linesin China. Under the leadership of Ye Ting and Xiang Ying, the officers and menof the New Fourth Army were active in the north and south of the river, bravelyresisting the enemy and creating many anti Japanese base areas. As the NewFourth Army headquarters in this period, it made great contributions to theChinese revolution and left a glorious page in the history of Chineserevolution. The former site of the military headquarters of the New Fourth Armywas left when the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army was stationed inYunling. The former sites of the memorial hall are: headquarters of the militaryheadquarters, Great Hall of the military headquarters, repair facility,political department, training team, field service group, Southeast Bureau ofthe CPC Central Committee, martyr's tomb, yetingqiao and other 10 sites. Inaddition, Yunling stele garden, yeting Bronze Statue Square, auxiliaryexhibition, special exhibition and other facilities are added. There are morethan 4000 precious pictures, cultural relics and materials in the museum.Combined with restoration display and auxiliary display, the great achievementsof the proletarian revolutionaries of the old generation in the New Fourth Armyand the tragic page of the "South Anhui Incident" that shocked China and foreigncountries are reproduced in different forms. Members of the group, please follow me to step into this sacred redterritory. Let's learn about this period of history. I hope today's visit willleave you a beautiful and deep memory. Now we are going to visit the memorialhall for the reconstruction of the headquarters of the New Fourth Army. As weall know, in the great Anti Japanese War of the Chinese people, there was anarmy called the Iron Army, which was the New Fourth Army. Under the leadershipof the Communist Party of China, the New Fourth Army, from 1937 to 1945, underextremely difficult conditions, established an anti Japanese Democratic baseacross five provinces including eight strategic areas, formed a strategicsituation echoing the north and south of the Eighth Route Army in North China,and made great contributions to the victory of the Chinese people's AntiJapanese War and the world anti fascist war. In order to remember the greatachievements of the New Fourth Army in adhering to the Anti Japanese war inCentral China, carry forward the glorious tradition of our party and our army,and extensively carry out patriotism education, a memorial hall for thereconstruction of the New Fourth Army headquarters was established in October1986 in Yancheng, the site of the reconstruction of the New Fourth Armyheadquarters. The memorial hall covers an area of about 70 mu. Now, you havecome to the memorial hall of the New Fourth Army. This is the memorial square.Two groups of high relief group images stand on the East and west sides of thesquare Now we come to Zhongmo garden, which was originally a landlord's house. Itwas built in the late Qing Dynasty. It was composed of three rooms, 47 rooms anda garden, presenting a ship shape as a whole. Military commander Ye Ting, deputychief of staff Zhou zikun and other new fourth army generals and internationalfriends Smedley and musician Ren GUANG all lived and worked here. In the springof 1939, when Comrade Zhou Enlai inspected the headquarters of the New FourthArmy, he stayed in the office of commander Ye Ting. Ye Ting is not only a famous militarist, but also a scholar. In addition,he is also a photography artist with profound attainments. During his militaryexpeditions, comrade Ye Ting took many works. There is also the darkroom he setup to develop photos. The "photo exhibition of general Ye Ting" and "photoexhibition of general Ye Ting's life" are rare historical materials in thehistory of the New Fourth Army. Most of his photographs were taken in southernAnhui during his tenure as commander of the New Fourth Army. The works ondisplay are donated by Ye Ting's second son on behalf of his family. Then we go to dafudi, which was built in the late Qing Dynasty. There are64 rooms upstairs and downstairs, and more than 10 courtyards, gatehouses andfoot rooms. Deputy commander Xiang Ying lives and works on the ground floor ofthe building. The staff office is located in this hall, where staff workingmeetings have been held. In May 1998, on the occasion of the 100th anniversaryof Comrade Xiang Ying's birth, "the exhibition of pictures of Comrade XiangYing's life" was officially displayed to let the audience know about ComradeXiang Ying's revolutionary life. Next we come to the Great Hall of the military headquarters. Come with me.The former site of the Great Hall of the military headquarters of the New FourthArmy is also the site of the exhibition hall of the former site of the militaryheadquarters of the New Fourth Army. It was originally the "Chen Clan ancestralhall" in Yunling and was built in the seventh year of the reign of EmperorKangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1468 AD). It is one of the two largest ancestralhalls in Jing County. On August 2, 1938, the headquarters of the new fourth armymoved to Yunling, which is the Great Hall of the headquarters of the New FourthArmy. It is the main place for the military headquarters to hold large-scaleconferences, carry out cultural and recreational activities, hold military andcivilian gatherings and hold booty exhibitions. In the spring of 1939, ZhouEnlai made an important report here to the commanders and fighters of the NewFourth Army. The new exhibition of New Fourth Army in southern Anhui is thelatest development of Chen's ancestral hall. The exhibition is 20 years old___It won the national top ten fine display awards in. Our journey is coming to an end. Xiao Wang also wants to say goodbye toyou. There's nothing to give you at the time of parting. Just give you fourwords. First of all, the first word is fate, the fate of fate, as the sayinggoes, "one hundred years of rest on the same boat" and everyone's co-existenceis "one hundred years of rest on the same car"! The next word is to forgive theoriginal, in the past few days, Xiao Wang has not done well enough, I hope youwill forgive me a lot and say sorry here. The last word is the source, thesource of money. I wish you a continuous source of money like the Xin'an River.I also wish you good health, good work, good mood, good today, good tomorrow,even better, give a little applause. 合肥导游词 篇6Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Swan Lake Park in Dongying. My name is_________ I sincerely hopethat my work will bring you comfort and pleasure. Thank you! Swan Lake Park is located in Guangnan reservoir, the largest artificialplain reservoir in Asia, with a total water area of 63 square kilometers and astorage capacity of 114 million cubic meters. Founded in 1983, it was originallya water reserve reservoir built by Shengli Oilfield to overcome the "watershortage" caused by the long-term disconnection of the Yellow River. In the pastdecade, with the unified balance and effective allocation of water resources ofthe Yellow River by the state, its water resources reserve function hasgradually disappeared, and has gradually become a leisure Holy Garden andentertainment paradise in the Yellow River Delta. Especially in recent years,with the requirements of the development of national tourism industrialization,Shengli Oilfield has gradually increased its investment in reservoir tourism. Ithas built a large characteristic water park integrating leisure, entertainment,vacation and catering, which is known as the "Pearl of oil city". Since the park was put into operation, the oil workers have attached greatimportance to its "big water surface" geographical advantages, fully exploitedits "wetland" climate characteristics, and worked hard to do a good job inenvironmental protection, which has made the park the best choice for all kindsof rare birds and animals to inhabit and breed. Especially in the late autumnand before summer every year, there are many swans and black gulls here,presenting a moving picture of birds all day long, which attracts many birdlovers from inside and outside the province to watch and take photos. Therefore,people like to call it "Swan Lake Park". 20___ Swan Lake Park was promoted tothe national AAA level tourist attraction. Now please visit the main gate of the park - the west gate. "Swan LakePark" was mentioned by former Defense Minister General Zhang Aiping. It is saidthat after learning that there was such a beautiful Pearl Park in the coastalliberated area in those years, Minister Zhang was very happy. I really praisethe intelligence and diligence of the oil workers. In front is the first scenic spot of the park - Sun Moon Mountain. Before Igo to Riyueshan, I will tell you a true story: 20___ Before 1999, there were notmany swans in the park, but why there were more? This is because in the winterof 1999, the girls in Swan Lake Park carefully rescued an injured swan. Thegirls took turns on duty and set up a "special ward" similar to the wild for theswan. Later, when the Swan got better, the girls were not willing to let it go,so they tied two silk scarves on the swan's legs and let it fly. After that, theSwan flew away and never came back. 20___ In the winter of, there were thousandsof swans in the lake, and they were very friendly to people. Even if they were20 meters away, they didn't fly. People were surprised. One day, a swan flew tothe original "special ward", and the girls found that it was a special "girl"with red scarves on her legs OK, the sun moon mountain is here. Please come to Shanbei first. Look atthe statue of Li Bing and his son. In front of them is a panoramic miniature ofDujiangyan in Chengdu. It is said that when the Swan Lake was built, the oilworkers decided to take Dujiangyan as an example and finally develop it into abeautiful paradise for the benefit of the Yellow River Delta. Let's look at the sculpture of "Swan girl and beautiful lion". It is saidthat this is to commemorate Lord Liu Tang and a group of beautiful swan girlsduring the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. Originally, because ofthe flood of the Yellow River year after year, the poor people in the delta areawere unable to make a living. Liu Tang, who had been laid off at home,accompanied his milkman to come here to educate them. After the death of MasterLiu, a group of unidentified beautiful girls took over the work of Master Liu.Until they were educated to the common people at night, and Dongying had its own"Scholar", the girls quietly left No one knows where it is going. Later, peoplerealized that it was master Liu and his disciples and this group of beautifulgirls who gave us civilization and Yingwu. Let's cherish our memory forever withour sincere sculpture. After the Swan Lake Park was put into operation, the oilworkers invited the "Swan girl and beautiful lion" sculpture, which representsYingwu and civilization, into the park. It is said that if every couple in loveattach their ears to the sculpture and hear the beautiful song of the swan, theywill have a sweet love forever. If you don't believe it, try it! Let's have a look at the sun and moon in Shandong. This is our Stone Forestin Guangnan. It has both the spirit of horse and the simple connotation. It cannot only experience Cao Cao's heroic view of the sea from the sea exploringstone, but also produce the constant homesickness from sitting in the moonwatching pavilion or on the sun watching stone. Would you like to have aseat? Sun Moon Mountain South. Shanxi is our Xiaoming lake, similar to the basicstructure of Jinan Daming Lake. But, please note that I am. We have not only theunique Shanglin, but also one of the most famous Turkish cotton stones in China.Please take a picture. 合肥导游词 篇7Hefei City, with a long history, was called Luzhou in ancient times, alsoknown as Luyang. It is located in the middle of Anhui Province, between theYangtze River and Huaihe River, and on the North Bank of Chaohu Lake. It governsfour districts of East City, West City, middle city and suburb, and threecounties of Changfeng, Feidong and Feixi. It has a total area of 7266 squarekilometers (458 square kilometers in the urban area) and a population of 4.259million (1.2794 million in the urban area). The city is an old and young citywith wide roads, green trees and beautiful scenery. It has many modern buildingsand places of interest. As the capital of Anhui Province, Hefei is the center of politics, economy,science and education, culture, information, finance, commerce andtransportation in Anhui Province. It is also a first-class open city in Chinaand an important scientific research and education base in China. It has morethan 30 institutions of higher learning including University of science andtechnology of China. High tech Industrial Park and Synchrotron RadiationLaboratory of University of science and technology are famous at home andabroad. There are different opinions on the origin of the name "Hefei". LiDaoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty wrote "notes to the classic of water", whichstates: "the water in summer rises sharply, and Shi He is in Fei, so it iscalled He Fei." Generally speaking, Shi Shui is called Nanfei River and Fei Shuiis called Dongfei river. In the Tang Dynasty, someone put forward anothertheory: Feishui flows out of Jiming mountain and flows 20 Li to the north, whichis divided into two parts: one flows southeast (Nanfeihe River) and entersChaohu Lake; the other flows Northwest (Dongfeihe River) and flows 200 Li fromShouchun to Huaihe River. In Erya, it is pointed out that "returning to thedifferent is the same as being fat". The two rivers are all called Fei. Theycome from one source and are divided into two, so they are called Hefei. Hefeiis known as "the old land of the Three Kingdoms and the hometown of Bao Zheng"in the world. It has a strategic position of "the right throat of Huaihe Riverand the lips and teeth of Jiangnan". It is often a place for militarystrategists. In the Three Kingdoms period, the battle of Xiaoyaojin, in whichZhang Liao defeated Sun Quan's 100000 troops, took place. More than 20__ yearsago, a commercial metropolis began to form here. In the Qin and Han Dynasties,prefectures and counties were set up here. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, itwas governed by Luzhou Prefecture. In the Republic of China, it was the capitalof Anhui Province. Now it is a commercial city with thousands of scales andmerchants. Hefei is known as "green city" and "garden city". Its park around the cityis built on the basis of the ancient city wall of Hefei, along the undulatinghills, plus the original green belt and moat. The total length of the park isabout 9 km, which is divided into six scenic spots, among which the more famousare the Milky Way scenic spot with luxuriant forests and bamboo trees and thesummer river facing the dew; the Xishan Scenic Spot with lakes and mountains andclear water; and the Huanbei scenic spot with verdant trees and evergreen grass.Such a park around the city has no barrier of the city wall and stands facingthe water, which is a charming and beautiful Jiangnan scenery. In recent years, Hefei's economy has made rapid progress, urbanconstruction is changing with each passing day, the five mile rainbow flies fromeast to west, and the lights of Luzhou are shining. High tech Development Zone,economic and Technological Development Zone, Longgang Industrial Zone and othersurrounding areas. Feishui passes through the city, and the park around the citylooks like a jade necklace; Xiaoyao Gujin, Baohe Xiuse, Yaohai Park and so onare scattered among them like pearls; Chunxiao in Shushan, Baogong cemetery,jiaonu Fanzhong, and the remains of King Wu are wandering among them, which makepeople nostalgic and forget to return. There are many places of interest in Hefei. Once upon a time, there wereZhenhuai Jiao rhyme, Fancha bell, Cangzhou grass color, jiaonu pine shade,Shushan snow Ji, huaipu Chunrong, Chaohu night moon, four top Chaoxia eightplaces, collectively referred to as "eight scenes of Luyang". Among them, thenight moon of Chaohu Lake and the four peaks of morning glow are no longer partof Hefei city; the scenery of Zhenhuai Jiaoyun has disappeared and become ahistorical relic because of the long time and the change of things. Now the mostfamous places of interest are jiaoluotai, Mingjiao temple, Xiaoyaojin andBaogong temple. The reform and opening up has brought a new era to Hefei. Now, Hefei istaking a brand-new attitude of Science City, industrial city, garden city andhealth city to welcome the world's guests and make friends all over theworld. 合肥导游词 篇8作为安徽省省会,合肥是全省政治、经济、科教、文化、信息、金融、商贸中心和交通枢纽,也是全国甲等开放城市、全国重要的科研教育基地,拥有中国科技大学等30余所高等院校。高科技工业园、科大同步辐射实验室等蜚声中外。 “合肥”名称之由来,说法不一。北魏郦道元所著《水经注》载:“夏水暴涨,施合于淝,故曰合淝。”通常把施水叫南淝河,肥水叫东淝河,这是一种说法。唐代有人提出另一种说法,淝水出鸡鸣山,北流二十里分而为二,其一东南流(南淝河),经过这里入巢湖;其一西北支(东淝河),二百里出寿春入淮河。《尔雅》上指出“归异出同曰肥”。二水皆曰淝,合于一源,分而为二,故曰合肥。 合肥市素以“三国旧地、包拯故里”闻名于世,具有“淮右襟喉、江南唇齿”的战略地位,常为兵家必争之地。三国时魏将张辽大败孙权十万大军的逍遥津战役,即发生在这里。两千多年前,这里就已开始形成商业都会。秦、汉在此设郡县,明、清为庐州府治,民国时为安徽省省会,如今已是千樯鳞次、商贾辐凑的商业都会。 合肥素有“绿色城市”、“花园城市”的美名,其环城公园便修建在合肥古城墙的基础之上,沿着起伏的岗丘地形,加之原有的绿林带及护城河,精筑而成。环城公园总长约达9公里,分为六个景区,其中较为著名的有茂林修竹,夏河朝露的银河景区;湖峦相映、水碧枫赤的西山景区;林木葱茏、芳草常青的环北景区。这样的环城公园无城墙之隔阂,面水而立,一派迷人旖旎的江南风光。 近年来,合肥经济突飞猛进,城建日新月异,五里飞虹东西飞架,庐州灯火流光溢彩。高新技术开发区、经济技术开发区、龙岗工业区等镶嵌周边。淝水穿城而过,环城公园似翡翠项链;逍遥古津、包河秀色、瑶海公园等如珍珠散落其间;蜀山春晓、包公墓园、教弩梵钟、吴王遗踪,徜徉其间,吊古论今,让人留恋忘返。 合肥的名胜古迹甚多。从前有镇淮角韵,梵刹钟声,藏舟草色,教弩松荫,蜀山雪霁,淮浦春融,巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞八处,统称“庐阳八景”。其中巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞等景,现已不属合肥市;镇淮角韵等景,因天长日久,物换星移,已荡然无存,成为历史陈迹。现在的名胜古迹以教弩台,明教寺,逍遥津,包公祠等最为著名。 合肥物华天宝,地杰人灵,名人辈出,星转斗移,改革开放给合肥带来了一个崭新的时代。如今,合肥市正以科学城、工业城、园林城、卫生城的崭新姿态,笑迎天下客,广结世界朋友。 合肥导游词 篇9到了合肥,可以不去三孝口,四牌楼,也可以不逛长江路、淮河路,但是不可以不去包拯墓。 关于包拯的故事可以说是家喻户晓,他是正义的化身和弱势者的的保护神。因此,人们尊称他为“包公”。 一曲“包龙图打坐在开封府”,让许多人误以为包公是河南开封人。其实,包公在开封为官才一年多一点的时间,他的出生地和归葬地都在合肥。包拯一生六十余年,大部分时间都是在合肥这片土地上度过,他在这里出生、成长、读书、守孝,留下了许多遗迹,千载高风,引人凭吊、咏叹。 包公出生于肥东县的解集乡小包村。至今,该村仍留有包氏宗祠、衣胞冢、包公井、放牛岗、凤凰山、十三墩、荷花池等许多和包公有关的遗迹。 包公墓园原在合肥市东郊15公里处的大兴集。该墓始建于公元1063年,即宋仁宗嘉佑八年,公元1199年即南宋庆元五年重修。重修后的墓道祭享有堂,墓道有门,植以松桧,缭以围墙,规模甚大,成为泸州一大名胜。 现在,包公墓已迁移到合肥市城南包河南畔,全称为“包孝肃公墓园”,占地面积3公顷,园内建筑面积3000余平方米,是一座比较完整的古代名臣墓园。墓园南临芜湖路,北近包河边。墓园外有神墙围护,内有神道贯通。园区规模宏大,建筑古朴典雅,满园苍松翠柏,地势起落有致,与相距不远的包公祠和相邻的清风阁遥相辉映。 该墓园于1985年10月破土,1987年9月竣工,完全是按宋代《营造法式》建造而成。历时近两年。 进入墓园大门,一方高大的壁照首先映入眼中,上刻有“包孝肃公墓园”六个苍劲有力的楷书大字,该字乃是著名书法家方绍武所写。这方照壁乃是安徽目前最大的照壁。 一条神道穿过神门,直通享室,神道二旁乃是石人石马等石刻群。神门后是享堂,享堂中央高支神龛,放置着包拯神位,神位前的供桌上设有香台,供瞻仰、祭祀者进香叩拜。这里是后人祭拜包拯的地方。 享堂之后是包拯的坟墓,石龟背驮墓碑,碑上刻着“宋枢密副使包孝肃公之墓”。看来包拯官阶最高为枢密副使,相当于国务院副。 包公墓绿树围护,青草覆盖,显得肃穆、威严。 我是在《七侠五义》、《小五义》等武侠小说中知道包公的,乌盆鸣冤,齐天庙遇李娘娘等故事伴着我走过了童年的时光。如今,站在包公墓前,一桩桩有关于包公的故事、传说纷纷涌上心头,敬畏之情油然而起。 在包公墓园内除了包公墓以外,还有附葬区和包拯墓室。附葬区有包拯的夫人董氏及嫡系子包繶和其孙墓葬,共五座。包拯墓室位于墓冢正下方,包拯遗骨就安放在金丝楠木棺具内。墓前置包拯墓铭,铭文石刻三千二佰余字,乃是其同僚吴奎所撰写。墓道进口朝北,自北向南再往东弯就是墓室。 墓道二侧石壁上刻有宋代石刻拓片“二十四孝图”和“接迎图”,一位年轻的讲解员口齿清楚,态度和蔼,举止大方,对其讲解的内容十分熟悉,有问必答,并在其中插入一些传说和历史掌故,娓娓道来,游者听来十分满意。 包拯为何被谥为孝肃?据讲解员解释,孝为孝敬父母。包拯在29岁中进士,但因母年迈而供养母亲,至母亡又守孝三年才出门做官,此时已39岁。而肃的意思是忠直无畏,孝肃则为忠孝二全的意思。 安放包拯遗骨的棺木乃是用金丝楠木制成,据说甚为珍贵。当时工作人员听说福建有该木,就派员前往福建寻找。福建某山林承包者闻说迁移包拯墓需该木,就不顾年老体弱,带领子孙山上伐木,并免费赠送给墓园,结果仅用了九百多元钱就制成了棺木。恰巧,该承包者也是姓包,一时传为佳话。 出包拯墓向西就到包公祠。包祠始建于1066年,但也屡建屡毁,太平天国时期,包公祠曾一度毁于战火。晚清其间,合肥另一位名人李鸿章捐资2800两白银重建包公祠,如今的祠堂建筑就是由李鸿章当年修建的。因此在合肥流传了这么一句佳话:“包家祠堂李家修”。 包公祠位于包河公园的香花墩上,坐北朝南,虽不是很大,但四面环水,风景秀丽,徜徉其间,另有一种风味。包公祠四周由运河围绕,为包公祠的护“祠”河,称为包河。 包公祠主殿内放置包拯铜像一座,略清瘦,长须,并不象人们想象中那样油黑锃亮,额有月牙。据说,生活中的包公是“面目清秀,白脸长须”。 写着“色正芒寒”的楹匾悬置在包拯铜像的正上方。左侧放置着御赐的龙头、虎头、狗头等三口铡刀,当然这些铡刀只是重修包公祠时的仿造品而已。 包公祠左边是徊廊和水榭,右边有一口“廉泉井”,据说若贪官污吏或为人心术不正者,若饮用廉泉井之水,将上吐下泄。后人为了保护廉泉井,在廉泉井处盖了一座八角亭,名曰廉泉亭。我往井里看了看,没发现什么特别的东西,但也不敢取而饮之。万一不干不净,上吐下泻事小,被人以为心术不正事大。 据说,在于宁波的包氏一脉,出了一个世界闻名的船王包玉刚。他们留存下来的家谱和埋在包公墓的家谱一字不差。原因是包氏这支血脉的祖先,当年被任命到浙江去做官,后来南宋灭亡。这些人沦为百姓,以商为主,不仅躲过了这场恶运,就连家谱也完整地保留了下来。浙江出土的家谱和包公墓里的家谱,可以说是1020xx年来发生的家谱流传奇迹。 人们歌颂包拯的铁面无私,乃是对正义和公平的一种企盼。也是弱势者的美好愿望,希望有不畏权贵者为民做主,抑制豪强,还百姓以公道。 合肥导游词 篇10Dashushan Forest Park Scenic Spot est situé à 9 km de la banlieue ouest deHefei, à 284 mètres au - dessus du niveau de la montagne n'est pas haute,il y a des immortels pour l'esprit.Le paysage ici est magnifique et les quatresaisons sont dynastie Qing Lu Zhou fuxue Zheng Zhu Xian chantant lamontagne Shu a dit: "la montagne de printemps est aussi belle que le rire, lamontagne d'été est verte comme le goutte - à - goutte, la montagne d'automne estaussi claire que le maquillage, la lumière de la montagne d'hiver est terne quele désir de dormir, mais aussi couché, de sorte que le Dieu de la neige ouvert,soudainement il y a de la couleur."Les montagnes du Sichuan sont fascinantes parles pins et les cyprès luxuriants, les fleurs et les herbes exotiques.Enparticulier, un lac artificiel de plus de 20 000 mu de surface d'eau a étéconstruit successivement dans les contreforts des montagnes environnantes,couvrant une superficie de 400 mu de cimetière des martyrs, couvrant unesuperficie de 70 hectares de jardin botanique et de station balnéaire.Plus de 80hectares de pépinières et de fleurs et le parc faunique "premièregalerie d'art d'Anhui" de 370 mètres de long, la galerie Shushan, le zodiaquechinois, le Centre de tir et de divertissement pitebo paintball, le jardin defleurs de cerisier, le jardin de roses, les érables, etc.Sous ces jardins et cesmares d'eau, la montagne Shushan est de plus en plus charmante et enchanteresse.Le paysage du printemps est particulièrement charmant.Grimpez au Sommet de lamontagne, surplombant au loin, brumeux, brumeux, voiles de pêche indistinctes;promenez - vous dans le jardin forestier au pied de la montagne, les roses etles saules verts, les papillons et les abeilles bruyants, les fleurs et lesombres de bambou, ce qui rend le c?ur zone de développementindustriel de haute technologie Hefei est située à l'est de la montagne Shushan.Un certain nombre de b?timents modernes ont ajouté le rythme de l'époque à lazone région pittoresque de Shushan est déjà un endroit où lesgens peuvent se détendre, visiter et regarder. 合肥导游词 篇11法布尔,一位耗费一生精力来观察昆虫的人,《昆虫记》正是出自他的笔下。这是一套专门为虫子而写的书,但却在世界引起一次又一次的读书热潮。 《昆虫记》是一本以昆虫为主角的书,书中是法布尔对昆虫习性观察后得到的结论与许多观察昆虫的专业知识。书中还细细描写了法布尔所做与昆虫有关的实验。字里行间洋溢着法布尔对昆虫那种弱小生命的尊重与热爱。一套书介绍了各种各样的昆虫——萤火虫、圣甲虫、孔雀蝶等等,有的众所周知,有的却难得少见。有人说,这套书是动物心理学的诞生。没错,法布尔就是这样一位动物心理学的教授,他让人们更加了解动物,是他,带领着人们光临着昆虫的王国…… 这套书让我感触最深的不是任何昆虫,而是书的作者——法国著名昆虫学家法布尔。他的精神令我感动,为了更好地观察昆虫,他为昆虫打造了一个游乐园——荒石园。法布尔人生的最后35年都在荒石园里度过。观察昆虫是他的爱好或者职业,作为爱好,法布尔是一个懂得品味人生的人;如果作为职业,那么毋庸置疑,法布尔是一个具有高尚敬业精神的人。无论是二者中的哪一个,都值得令人钦佩与效仿。 其实我并不喜欢昆虫,以前只是认为昆虫就是一个一个在地上爬着的恶心虫子,如果我在荒石园,是一天也待不下去的。但读了《昆虫记》之后,我才发现昆虫与人类是同等的,都是地球上的生命。昆虫中,有的十分机敏,有的却又十分狡诈。昆虫的世界是庞大的,每种昆虫的习性也各有特点,就像人类一样,每个人的性格也不同。从这点上来说,昆虫的天地与人类的世界是有相似点的。 昆虫与人类是相似的,《昆虫记》不仅让人们改变对昆虫的看法,也能让人们改变对昆虫的态度,从此,将会有更多人因为《昆虫记》而爱上昆虫! 合肥导游词 篇12合肥滨湖湿地森林公园位于安徽省合肥市包河区大张圩,靠近巢湖北岸南淝河入湖口,是中国首个退耕还林并经生态修复建成的国家级森林公园,开创了人工林成功晋升国家级森林公园的先河。合肥滨湖湿地公园升级为国家森林公园,于20__年4月12日正式挂牌,成为继紫蓬山国家森林公园、冶父山国家森林公园和大蜀山国家森林公园之后,合肥市第四个国家级森林公园,同时也让合肥成为全国唯一一个在市区拥有两座国家森林公园的省会城市。合肥滨湖湿地森林公园地处巢湖北岸,地势西北高,东南和北部低洼,岗少圩多,圩区四周高中间低,为典型的圩湖地区。土质大部分是粉砂土,兼有少部分铁砂土。 合肥滨湖湿地森林公园是安徽省省级森林湿地公园,有着“安徽西溪”的美誉。滨湖(大张圩)湿地森林公园滨湖湿地森林公园简介位于合肥市包河区东南,紧临南淝河入湖口。自古水草丰茂、林地丛生,清朝百姓筑圩防水、围湖造田,20__年退耕还林、广植杨树。现有林地面积10250亩,集城市森林、湿地森林、文化森林于一体,具有休闲观光、康体健身、科普教育多重功能,20__年被批准为省级森林公园。20__年,区划宏图,合肥环抱巢湖,通江达海;20__年,合肥“大湖名城、创新高地”战略横空出世。包河区顺势勇为,生态强区,在滨湖(大张圩)湿地森林公园建设上倾全区之力而发,按照“世界眼光、国内一流”标准,打造环巢湖生态示范区的璀璨明珠。 合肥肥滨湖湿地公园是包河区全力打造力争国家5A级品牌的拳头项目,把滨湖湿地森林公园打造成国家级城市湿地森林公园,把牛角大圩现代农业示范区打造成全省一流,兼具生态、科普、美育等多种功能的综合性特色公园,形成环环巢湖旅游的“三颗明珠”。 滨湖湿地森林公园一期林地2700亩,建有园区机动车道、游步道等四重观景廊。目前正在施工的面积400亩的公园二期预计20__年五月对合肥滨湖诗地森林公园景色(12张)外开放。 合肥导游词 篇13如果您是一位首次来到常德的客人,建议您一定要去看看美丽的滨湖公园。滨湖公园位于朗州路中段,这里景色迷人,空气清新,是人们休闲游玩,锻炼身体的好地方。 从我们学校——北正街小学校门口北行两百余米,就能看到一片开阔的场地,这就是开阔的园前广场。广场中央耸立着四根高大的柱子,“滨湖公园”四个遒劲的大字镶嵌在柱子之间。柱子前方有一个扇形的花坛,碧绿的青草铺满了整个花坛,远看就像一把绿扇子。花坛中间点缀着几棵矮树,枝干横向伸出,好像在做邀请客人的姿势,可爱极了。 走进大门,映入眼帘的就是一大片湖水,这个人工湖是滨湖公园的特色标志。湖边围着一圈整齐的杨柳树。微风拂来,杨柳树就像婀娜多姿的少女跳起了优美的舞蹈,风停的时候,她们就像亭亭玉立的少女正低头含羞地偷看过往的游客。湖水绿绿的,远远望去,像一块完整无暇的翡翠。低头看湖水,清澈见底,阳光透过树林洒在湖面上,湖面泛起点点金光,就像洒下了一大把金子。在阴凉的地方,粼粼的波纹交织成了一块美丽精致的绿地毯,平坦而又洁净。在碧波荡漾的湖面上,游人们愉快的划着船,船浆从水面划过,留下燕尾一般的波纹。湖水中,不时会出现一群群的鱼儿在摇头摆尾的玩耍,好像在嬉戏游人。湖心小岛上郁郁葱葱,远远望去,绿树依依,繁花似锦,小岛中间矗立着一座秀丽的风光塔,塔身玲珑剔透,在阳光下闪闪发光。 再往前走,经过一条林荫小道后,就是儿童游乐场。每逢周末,这里就是最热闹的地方。过了游乐场,就是一片小树林,林中有五花八门的健身器材,再绕过去,就到了湖对岸,湖对岸有著名的文物古迹——铁经幢,这都是值得游一游,看一看的好地方。 每天清晨,不管男女老少,大家都喜欢来这里锻炼身体,大人们跳健身舞,做操,跑步,孩子们荡秋千,攀链索,不仅呼吸了新鲜空气,还锻炼了身体。晚上,人们在茶余饭后来到滨湖公园散步、休息、小坐、闲谈、划船、赏夜景,夜光下人影浮动,到处一片欢声笑语。 “有限风光无限美,一城烟树半城湖。”这就是人们休闲游乐的好去处——美丽的滨湖公园。 合肥导游词 篇14包公园,历史悠久,古称庐州,又名庐阳,位于安徽省中部,地处江淮之间、巢湖北岸,辖东市、西市、中市、郊区4区和长丰、肥东、肥西3县。总面积7266(市区458)平方公里,人口425。9(市区127。94)万。市内道路广阔,绿树成荫,风景优美,既多现代建筑,又有名胜古迹,是一座古老而又年青的城市。 作为安徽省省会,合肥是全省经济、科教、文化、信息、金融、商贸中心和交通枢纽,也是全国甲等开放城市、全国重要的科研教育基地,拥有中国科技大学等30余所高级院校。高科技工业园、科大同步辐射实验室等蜚声中外。 “合肥”名称之由来,说法不一。北魏郦道元所著《水经注》载:“夏水暴涨,施合于淝,故曰合淝。”通常把施水叫南淝河,肥水叫东淝河,这是一种说法。唐代有人提出另一种说法,淝水出鸡鸣山,北流二十里分而为二,其一东南流(南淝河),经过这里入巢湖;其一西北支(东淝河),二百里出寿春入淮河。《尔雅》上指出“归异出同曰肥”。二水皆曰淝,合于一源,分而为二,故曰合肥。 合肥市素以“三国旧地、包拯故里”闻名于世,具有“淮右襟喉、江南唇齿”的战略位置,常为兵家必争之地。三国时魏将张辽大败孙权十万大军的逍遥津战役,即发生在这里。两千多年前,这里就已开始形成商业都会。秦、汉在此设郡县,明、清为庐州府治,时为安徽省省会,如今已是千樯鳞次、商贾辐凑的商 业都会。 合肥素有“绿色城市”、“花园城市”的美名,其环城公园便修建在合肥古城墙的基本之上,沿着起伏的岗丘地形,加之原有的绿林带及护城河,精筑而成。环城公园总长约达9公里,分为六个景区,其中较为著名的有茂林修竹,夏河朝露的银河景区;湖峦相映、水碧枫赤的西山景区;林木葱茏、芳草常青的环北景区。这样的环城公园无城墙之隔阂,面水而立,一派迷人旖旎的江南风光。 近年来,合肥经济突飞猛进,城建日新月异,五里飞虹东西飞架,庐州灯火流光溢彩。高新技巧开发区、经济技巧开发区、龙岗工业区等镶嵌周边。淝水穿城而过,环城公园似翡翠项链;逍遥古津、包河秀色、瑶海公园等如珍珠散落其间;蜀山春晓、包公墓园、教弩梵钟、吴王遗踪,徜徉其间,吊古论今,让人留恋忘返。 合肥的名胜古迹甚多。从前有镇淮角韵,梵刹钟声,藏舟草色,教弩松荫,蜀山雪霁,淮浦春融,巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞八处,统称 “庐阳八景”。其中巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞等景,现已不属合肥市;镇淮角韵等景,因天长日久,物换星移,已荡然无存,成为历史陈迹。现在的名胜古迹以教弩台,明教寺,逍遥津,包公祠等最为著名。 合肥物华天宝,地杰人灵,名人辈出,星转斗移,改造开放给合肥带来了一个崭新的时代。如今,合肥市正以科学城、工业城、园林城、卫生城的崭新姿态。 合肥导游词 篇1511月16日,天气终于放晴了,推迟已久的秋游即将到来。我们兴高采烈、活蹦乱跳地登上大巴车,开始了我们的奇幻之旅。 我们先看了逗比的猪猪跳水,然后观赏了各种动物和昆虫。比如带着毒钩的蝎子、一闪一闪的萤火虫、慢吞吞的蜗牛、五彩斑斓的蝴蝶、颜色百变的变色龙、挥舞着大刀的螳螂和呱呱乱叫的青蛙。 令我印象最深刻的是萤火虫。当我走进萤火虫馆时,里面一片漆黑,我害怕得大喊道:“伸手不见五指啊!”可我慢慢地发现,对面出现了一个个星星点点的小东西,像一群亮晶晶的小精灵在空中翩翩起舞,原来是一群群萤火虫!我们好奇地观察了许久才恋恋不舍地走出萤火虫馆。 到午饭时间了,我们把毯子铺到地上,拿出零食,我们就像三天没吃饭一样,狼吞虎咽地吃起来。有点疯狂地往嘴里塞方便面,有的吃了好多面包,把自己撑了个半死。 到了下午,吃也吃饱了,喝也喝好了,玩也玩够了,我们高高兴兴地踏上了归途!这次秋游真是太好玩了! 合肥导游词 篇16? c?té du parc xiaoyao Law de Hefei, il s'appelait Temple tiefo, aussiconnu sous le nom de Ming Jiao Tai et Cao Cao Dian Tai.Le temple a été construità Liang dans la dynastie du Sud et a été abandonné à la fin de la DynastieSui.Tang Dali (766 - 779) dans les ruines de l'excavation d'un bouddha de fer,l'histoire de l'assassin de Luzhou Pei Silk jouer la cour impériale, jouer lareconstruction, nommé "Ming Jiao Yuan".La dynastie Ming a été rebaptisée "Templede la secte Ming".Plus tard, les méridiens se chevauchent.Dans la troisièmeannée de Xianfeng de la dynastie Qing (1853), il a été détruit par laguerre.Reconstruction du temps de Guangxu.Au cours de l'hiver 1937, une partiedu monastère a été détruite par des avions japonais.Après la Fondation de lanouvelle Chine, les ministères concernés ont alloué des fonds pour la rénovationà plusieurs reprises.En 1983, le temple a été désigné Temple national clé dansla région Han.Le temple Ming Jiao a une longue histoire et un b?timentmagnifique.Sous la dynastie Qing, il vivait dans la couronne des temples de laville de Hefei.Les b?timents existants comprennent la porte de la montagne, lasalle du roi du ciel, la salle du grand héros, la salle de la cachette, la salled'h?tes, la salle de squattage, etc. |
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