

词汇 end
🔑endend1 /ɛnd /


  1. the farthest or last part of something; the place or time where something stops(某物的)末端,尽头;(某事的)结尾,结局the end of a road / room / piece of string路的尽头;房间的另一端;细绳的一头Go to the end of the line.到队列末尾去。My house is at the end of the street.我家在这条街的尽头。The man on the other end of the phone spoke so quietly that I didn't catch his name.电话那头的男子说话声音很小,我没听清他的名字。There are some seats at the far end of the room.在房间的另一端有几个座位。I'm going on vacation at the end of October.我十月底要去度假。He promised to give me an answer by the end of the week.他答应在周末之前给我答复。She couldn't wait to hear the end of the story.她迫不及待地想听到故事的结局。 OPP beginning
  1. (formal) an aim or purpose目的;目标They were prepared to do anything to achieve their ends.为了达到目的,他们愿意做任何事情。
at an end (formal) finished or used up完结;终结;竭尽Her career is at an end.她的职业生涯到了尽头。at the end of your ropehaving no more patience or strength失去耐心;筋疲力尽;智穷力竭bring sth / come / draw to an end(to cause something) to finish(使)终止,结束The summer is coming to an end.夏天快结束了。a dead end
  1. a street that is only open at one end一头封死的街道;死胡同
  1. a point, situation, etc. from which you can make no further progress绝境;僵局a dead-end job (= one that offers no chance of promotion) 没有前途的工作
end to endin a line with the ends touching首尾相连They put the tables end to end.他们把桌子首尾相连地排成一行。in the endfinally; after a long period of time or series of events最终;终于He wanted to get home early, but in the end it was midnight before he left.他想早点回家,但最后午夜过了才离开。loose endssmall parts of a project, etc. that are not finished yet未了结的部分;未完成的细枝末节We just have a few loose ends to tie up on that report.我们那篇报告只剩几处小的地方需要处理。make ends meetto have enough money for your needs使收支相抵;足够维持生计It's hard for us to make ends meet.我们很难维持生计。odds and ends (informal) small things of little value or importance零碎的事物;琐碎的东西on end
  1. in a vertical position竖着;直立着It'll fit if you stand it on end.如果把它竖起来就能放进去了。
  1. (used about time) continuously(时间)连续地,接连不断地He sits and reads for hours on end.他可以坐下来连续看几个小时的书。
put an end to sthto stop something from happening anymore使终止;终结get the short end of the stick (informal) to be treated unfairly, or to be forced to do something that no one else wants to do受到不公平待遇;被迫做苦差

🔑endend2 /ɛnd /


[intransitive, transitive] end (in / with sth)
(to cause something) to finish(使)结束,完成The road ends here.这条路就通到这儿。How does this story end?这故事是怎么结尾的?Most adverbs in English end in -ly.英语中多数副词以 -ly 结尾。I think we'd better end this conversation now.我想我们最好现在结束这次谈话。 OPP begin end up (as sth)end up (doing sth)to find yourself in a place / situation that you did not intend or expect(出乎意料地发现)最终处于,最终成为We got lost and ended up in a bad part of town.我们迷了路,最终发现到了城里一个很糟糕的地方。There was nothing to eat at home, so we ended up ordering a pizza.家里没什么可吃的,于是我们只好叫了比萨饼。




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