标题 | 扬州大明寺导游词 |
范文 | 扬州大明寺导游词十篇 扬州大明寺导游词 篇1现在我们再去瞻仰栖灵塔。有寺庙的地方必有塔,通常人们常说:“救人一命,胜造七级浮屠”,浮屠是印度梵文中塔的别称。栖灵塔于隋文帝仁寿元年(601年)初建,塔高九层,雄踞蜀冈,塔内供奉佛骨。隋唐时期,扬州的政治经济发展很快,已成为全国第三大都会,繁华程度仅次于长安、洛阳。唐代诗人李白、高适、刘长卿、刘禹锡、白居易等均曾登塔赋诗赞颂。可惜在唐武宗会昌三年(843年)一代胜迹化为焦土。1980年鉴真大师塑像回扬州“探亲”,各界人士倡议重建栖灵塔。1988年,大明寺方丈瑞祥法师在该寺东国选址重建。瑞祥法师圆寂后,由能修法师主持栖灵塔的重建,于1993年8月27日开机钻探,总造价达1000万元以上,总建筑面积1865平方米,总高度为70米,建成后的栖灵塔气势雄伟,雄踞蜀冈,成为大明寺的标志性景观。登L塔顶,扬州景观尽收眼底。 各位游客大家好! 欢迎您来江苏大明寺游览,我是导游员小萌。今天有幸陪同大家游览江苏大明寺,共度美好时光,我感到十分荣幸。 大明寺位于扬州西北郊的蜀冈之上。它既是一座佛叫庙宇,也是一方风景名胜,由大雄宝殿、平远楼、平山堂、御园、鉴真纪念堂、栖灵塔、天下第五泉等组成。 大明寺殿内迎面坐着释迦牟尼等三尊大佛;背面为海岛,上有观音脚踏鳌头的立像。殿内东西两侧分列着十八罗汉,这里常年香烟缭绕,经声不断,每年元旦前夕,常有日本客人来此撞钟,以求幸福。 栖灵塔 西隋朝时,隋文帝杨坚笃信佛教,仁寿元年(601)他过生日,曾下诏在全国建立三十座供养佛舍利的塔,扬州栖灵塔,便是其中之一,唐代大诗人李白曾登临此塔,赞叹道:“宝塔凌苍苍,登攀览四荒”,称赞宝塔气势磅礴。 白居易、刘禹锡同游该塔,两人同龄,都是55岁的人了,但精神很好,兴致很高,在扬州玩了半个月,登栖灵塔是他们这次游览的高潮,白居易写诗道:“半月腾腾在广陵,何楼何塔不同登。共怜筋力尤堪任,上到栖灵第九层”。刘禹锡写诗道:“步步相携不觉难,九层云外倚阑干。忽然笑语半天上,无数游人举眼看”。 他们是以登上栖灵塔为自豪的,现在该塔修复,塔身方形,总高度为70米,共9层。塔为仿唐式塔,东西南北每面四柱三间,一门二窗,平座腰檐,出檐深远,屋面平坡,腰鼓形柱,直棂形窗。塔雄踞蜀岗之上,气势雄伟,古朴典雅,远观似孤峰耸秀,矗入云霄;登临则眼界顿开,胸襟旷达。 鉴真纪念堂 扬州鉴真纪念堂是为纪念唐朝律学高僧鉴真而建。鉴真是当时淮南地区极有名望的佛教首领,他拜唐代律宗祖师道岸为师,受请东渡日本传法,于奈良东大寺设坛传戒,又创建唐招提寺,成为日本律宗初祖。鉴真是友好使者,他曾六次东渡,历时十年,虽双目失明而矢志不渝,在日十年不仅辛勤传法,而且把唐代绘画、书法、雕塑、医药、工艺、印刷、建筑等成就的文化带至日本,实际上是一僧团形式的文化代表团。他使魏晋以来中日两国人民互相友好的夙愿和以圆满的实现。1963年鉴真圆寂1200周年,中日双方商定,举行隆重的纪念仪式,我佛教协会主席赵朴初和日本佛教首领大谷莹润分别代表两国鉴真纪念委员会,商定在此建造纪念堂,1973年动工,1974年竣工。 扬州大明寺导游词 篇2扬州大明寺位于江苏省扬州市蜀冈中峰,唐天宝元年(742年),名僧鉴真东渡日本前,即在此传经授戒,该寺因以名闻天下。 大明寺及其附属建筑,因其集佛教庙宇、文物古迹和园林风光于一体而历代享有盛名,是一处历史文化内涵十分丰富的民族文化宝藏。 千年古刹,历经劫难,终获新生。隋朝仁寿元年(620xx年),皇帝杨坚为庆贺其生日,下诏于全国建塔30座,以供养佛骨,该寺建“栖灵塔”,塔高九层,宏伟壮观,被誉为“中国之尤峻特者”,故寺又称“栖灵寺”。 唐朝鉴真法师任大明寺住持,使大明寺成为中日佛教文物关系史上的重要古刹。唐会昌三年(843年),九层栖灵塔遭大火焚毁。后经僧人募化重建,但屡有圮废。 北宋庆历年间,欧阳修任扬州太守时建平山堂。明万历年间,扬州知府吴秀重建大明寺,崇祯十二年漕御史杨仁愿再次重修。清康乾盛世,大明寺扩建为扬州八大名刹之首。清乾隆三十年(1765年),乾隆巡游扬州,改题“法净寺”。然而咸丰三年(1853年),寺庙又毁于太平军兵燹。此后,大明寺几经修建,规模渐大。现 寺为清同治年间两准盐运使方浚颐建。 1949年后以后,人民政府认真贯彻落实宗教信仰自由政策,多次整修扩建这一南朝古刹。1958年,大明寺被列为江苏省保护单位。 “文化大革命”时期,“红卫兵”以“破四旧”为名,要砸烂寺庙内佛像。周恩来紧急电谕,命令坚决保护大明寺古迹。地方政府及时封闭了寺庙,使古刹幸免于难。1979年,寺庙全面维修,佛像贴金,大明寺焕然一新。1980年,为迎接鉴真大师回国巡展,复名“大明寺”。 扬州大明寺导游词 篇3扬州人爱喝茶。喝茶先得种茶。扬州种茶历史悠久。 五代毛文锡《茶谱》中称扬州禅智寺,隋之故宫,寺旁蜀岗有茶园,其茶甘香,味如蒙顶。(蒙顶,是四川峨嵋蒙山之顶,山顶之茶是唐珍品,白居易曾作诗云扬子江中水,蒙山顶上茶)。当时蜀岗茶还作为贡品进贡,至今蜀岗有茶树五百亩,其茶以芽尖鲜嫩,条索紧密,汤色明亮,清香浓重为宇内称道。扬州不仅茶叶好,而且讲究泡制,首先是水,最好的冲茶水当为五泉水。唐代状元张又新写《煎茶水记》,说唐代宗时李秀卿出任湖州刺史路经维扬,逢陆羽,李早闻陆之大名,十分倾慕,相聚甚欢。当他们的船泊于扬子江边准备吃饭时,李秀卿说,陆君善于别茶天下闻名,而扬子江南零水又殊绝,难得今日二妙千载一遇,岂能错过?陆羽欣然应允,于是李秀卿令谨慎可靠的军士携瓶操舟,深入扬子江南零取水,陆羽准备好茶具相候。不一会,水取来了,陆羽以杓扬其水,说:这是扬子江中水不假,但不是南零水,而是近岸之水。军士说我划船深入,而且有百人做证。陆羽不言语,让他端起盆,把水倒入另一盆中,倒及一半时,又以杓扬之,说以下都是南零水了。兵士惊吓不已,跪地请罪。原来他最初确实是在南零取的水,可惜近岸时,舟荡水泼了一半,于是就近以江水加满。李秀卿和宾客都大为惊叹,恳请陆羽口授天下之水的优劣,陆羽说:扬子江江南零水第七,惠山水第二,虎丘水第五,丹阳水第十一,扬州大明寺水第十二。陆羽之后的刘伯刍也是位学识渊博者,把江淮最宜于烹茶的水分为七等,扬子江南零水第一,无锡惠山寺石水第二,苏州虎丘寺石水第三,丹阳县观音寺水第四,吴淞江水第六,淮水最下第七。扬州蜀岗中峰大明寺水名列第五。北宋欧阳修守扬州时,曾品尝该泉水,并在井上建美泉亭,还撰《大明寺泉水记》,称赞泉水之美。苏东坡守扬州时曾记道:大明寺塔院西廊井与下院蜀井的水,以塔院为胜。真是:从来名士能评水,自古高僧爱斗茶。过去此处一直有塔井和下院井之说,明代大明寺僧沧溟曾掘地得井,嘉靖中叶,巡盐御史徐九皋书第五泉三字,青石红字,字形丰腴壮丽,人称此为下院井。水岛上一井,是乾隆二年汪应庚开凿山池种莲花而得,并于井上建环亭,著名书法家,吏部王澍书天下第五泉。 扬州大明寺导游词 篇4大明寺位于扬州瘦西湖西北角的蜀冈中峰上,因始建于南朝宋孝武帝大明年间(公元457-464年)而得名,现在看到的寺是清同治年间建的。唐代名僧鉴真东渡日本前,即在大明寺传经授戒,该寺因此出名。 整个大明寺分三个部分,中部是主体寺庙建筑,东部是栖灵塔,西部是园林式的后花园——西园。按中部-东部-西部的顺序即可游览全大明寺。 沿着舒缓的台阶爬上山——山不高,海拔才28米,即来到大明寺的正门。山路两边有很多出售香火的小贩,不要买,外面的香是不准带入寺内的。请香在寺内,60元起,比较贵,你可以不烧香只拜一拜。 景区中部的主体寺庙建筑沿南北走向分三路。中轴线上从南到北依次是牌楼、同时扮演着天王殿角色的山门、大雄宝殿。西路上主要看欧阳修,南边是欧阳修任扬州太守时建的平山堂,后来苏东坡任扬州太守时,为纪念欧阳修在平山堂后建造了谷林堂,北边是欧阳祠。东路南边是方丈室平远楼,北边是鉴真纪念堂,鉴真纪念堂东还有藏经楼。 其中鉴真纪念堂是大明寺最重要的建筑。鉴真曾六次东渡,为日本带去了中国的佛教与文化,在日本奈良主持建造唐招提寺并最终圆寂于此寺,鉴真纪念堂于20世纪6、70年代建造时即模仿唐招提寺的样子。纪念堂前碑亭里立着刻有郭沫若题写的“唐鉴真大和尚纪念碑”汉白玉碑。院子的正当中有一个石灯笼,为日本唐招提寺长老所送,与唐招提寺中的另一个石灯笼是一对。纪念堂内供奉着楠木做的鉴真坐像,仿唐招提寺里鉴真像,是他圆寂时的模样。纪念堂对面原来的晴空阁现为鉴真史料馆,可以从图文介绍中了解到鉴真的事迹。 景区东部的栖灵塔,原是隋朝皇帝杨坚为庆贺生日而建,现在看到的塔是按照隋朝的塔复原重建的。塔高9层,里面供奉着舍利子和一尊楠木佛塔。爬到塔顶则可俯看整个大明寺,远眺瘦西湖与扬州城景色。栖灵塔的东、西两侧分别为钟楼和鼓楼,塔北的卧佛殿能看到来自缅甸的玉佛。 景区西部的后花园西园,因与乾隆下江南有关,又叫御园,园中和所有江南园林一样,假山、亭台楼阁林立,正中一片湖水是放生池。湖东有乾隆御碑亭,立着三块乾隆御碑。湖中有天下第五泉,这个“第五”是唐代《煎茶水记》的作者张又新评的。乾隆御碑往南走一点,即能看到“第五泉”石碑和一口古井。 扬州大明寺导游词 篇5大明寺地处城北蜀冈中峰,它以悠久历史和优美环境,依山面水,享有“淮东*胜境”的盛名。众多的文物古迹,迷人的山水景观,是集佛教庙宇、文物古迹和园林风光于一体的游览胜地,古往今来高僧辈出,君王贤圣,骚人墨客,国内外风雅名流,曾云集于此,游览观光者无不流连忘返,虔诚祈求者,无不吉祥如意,福寿无量。大明寺初建于南朝宋大明年间(457~464年),故称“大明寺”。隋建“栖灵塔”,故“大明寺”又称“栖灵寺”;又因大明寺在隋宫、唐城之西,亦称“西寺”。 栖灵塔因皇帝诏令存放释祖之圣灵,使大明寺更具盛名,有栖灵寺之称。唐代著名诗人李白、高适、刘长卿、刘禹锡、白居易等均登临栖灵塔赋诗赞颂。刘禹锡与白居易于宝历二年(820xx年)二人同游扬州,赋诗《同乐天登栖灵寺塔》,内容是“步步相携不觉难,九层云外倚栏干;忽闻笑语半天上,无数游人举眼看”。可见当年诗人对栖灵塔的赞誉和游人之多。可惜在唐武宗会昌三年(843年)一代胜迹化为焦土,后来观光者无不感慨叹息。 栖灵塔塔身方形,九级佛塔置于2.50米高的承台之上,塔下设地宫,主体结构为钢筋混凝土,内部木结构楼阁式,总建筑面积1865平方米。风格仿唐,东西南北每面四柱三间,一门两窗,平座与屋檐由斗拱支撑。 塔高各层不一,总高度为70米。塔底层供奉四尊玉佛,面朝四方。这是缅甸仰光市市长吴哥礼于1996年赠送的,同时赠送的还有一尊高2.2米、长5.7米、重18口屯的卧佛,供奉在卧佛殿内。九层宝塔内绘制系列壁画《善财童子五十三参》。组画体现尊师重教、学而不厌,诲人不倦的精神,引导人们追求真、善、美。这是扬州画师李赖贤先生的作品。该塔设计气势雄伟,雄踞蜀冈,一年四季,特别是秋高气爽,游客登塔络绎不绝,扬州全城景观尽收眼底。 唐时,栖灵塔毁于雷火,宋代重建,不久又废圮。于后,寺名亦由栖灵寺复名大明寺。至清代(1765年),乾隆皇帝南巡,改名为“法净寺”。1980年鉴真和尚塑像从日本到中国展出,称之为“回国探亲”乃恢复大明寺原名。 与栖灵塔北台阶相接的甬道直通卧佛殿。卧佛殿为单檐殿庑式建筑,翘角飞檐,气势雄伟。卧佛殿建在高高的台基上,檐下正中处高悬“卧佛殿”金字匾,出自中国佛教协会会长赵朴初手书。 在以大雄宝殿为主体的南北中轴线的偏东位置上,也形成了一个南北中轴线的建筑群体,它就是以鉴真纪念堂正殿作为主体建筑的一个群体,设计精妙,构制完美,堪称近今建筑的精品。 平山堂位于大明寺大雄宝殿西侧的“仙人旧馆”内,为北宋文学家欧阳修在扬州任太守时建,由平山堂、谷林堂、欧阳祠三部分构成,由南至北依次排列。今堂内还挂有“风流宛在”、“坐花载月”的匾额,堂北檐挂林肇元题“远山来与此堂平”匾额。游人至此,思古之情油然而生。 扬州大明寺导游词 篇6大明寺位于扬州西北郊的蜀冈之上。它既是一座佛叫庙宇,也是一方风景名胜,由大雄宝殿、平远楼、平山堂、御园、鉴真纪念堂、栖灵塔、天下第五泉等组成。 大明寺殿内迎面坐着释迦牟尼等三尊大佛;背面为海岛,上有观音脚踏鳌头的立像。殿内东西两侧分列着十八罗汉,这里常年香烟缭绕,经声不断,每年元旦前夕,常有日本客人来此撞钟,以求幸福。 栖灵塔 西隋朝时,隋文帝杨坚笃信佛教,仁寿元年(601)他过生日,曾下诏在全国建立三十座供养佛舍利的塔,扬州栖灵塔,便是其中之一,唐代大诗人李白曾登临此塔,赞叹道:宝塔凌苍苍,登攀览四荒,称赞宝塔气势磅礴。 白居易、刘禹锡同游该塔,两人同龄,都是55岁的人了,但精神很好,兴致很高,在扬州玩了半个月,登栖灵塔是他们这次游览的高潮,白居易写诗道:半月腾腾在广陵,何楼何塔不同登。共怜筋力尤堪任,上到栖灵第九层。刘禹锡写诗道:步步相携不觉难,九层云外倚阑干。忽然笑语半天上,无数游人举眼看。 他们是以登上栖灵塔为自豪的,现在该塔修复,塔身方形,总高度为70米,共9层。塔为仿唐式塔,东西南北每面四柱三间,一门二窗,平座腰檐,出檐深远,屋面平坡,腰鼓形柱,直棂形窗。塔雄踞蜀岗之上,气势雄伟,古朴典雅,远观似孤峰耸秀,矗入云霄;登临则眼界顿开,胸襟旷达。 鉴真纪念堂 扬州鉴真纪念堂是为纪念唐朝律学高僧鉴真而建。鉴真是当时淮南地区极有名望的佛教首领,他拜唐代律宗祖师道岸为师,受请东渡日本传法,于奈良东大寺设坛传戒,又创建唐招提寺,成为日本律宗初祖。鉴真是友好使者,他曾六次东渡,历时十年,虽双目失明而矢志不渝,在日十年不仅辛勤传法,而且把唐代绘画、书法、雕塑、医药、工艺、印刷、建筑等成就的文化带至日本,实际上是一僧团形式的文化代表团。他使魏晋以来中日两国人民互相友好的夙愿和以圆满的实现。1963年鉴真圆寂1200周年,中日双方商定,举行隆重的纪念仪式,我佛教协会主席赵朴初和日本佛教首领大谷莹润分别代表两国鉴真纪念委员会,商定在此建造纪念堂,1973年动工,1974年竣工。 纪念堂由我国著名建筑专家梁思成先生设计,他接受任务后专程赴日,参观奈良唐招提寺和日本其他一些古建筑,回国后,又对我唐代庙宇建造风格进行研究,精心设计这座纪念堂,体现了1963年中日两国商定的精神:不仅从意义上,而且建筑物本身也要成为中日友好的象征。纪念堂分为两组,一组为四松堂构成的清式四合院,南为纪念馆,北为门厅,由游廊周接,天井内有四棵古松,廊悬云板、木鱼,精舍巧建,清幽雅洁。另一组为仿唐式四合院,由纪念碑亭、纪念堂,再由超手游廊将两建筑周接,园内植佳兰芳卉,其中樱花为1980年鉴真大师像回故里探亲时,日本奈良唐招提寺森本孝顺长老所赠。这两组纪念堂一为清式,一为唐式,分之为二,但同处一条中轴线上,又合之为一。 扬州大明寺导游词 篇7纪念碑是梁思成一夜之间设计而成的,他设计成功后,高兴地告诉陈从周教授,说是我国传统的纪念碑以竖碑为多,碑面光滑,天花饰边框,而鉴真纪念碑采用横式,周围边框突出,中间阴文镌字,正面为郭沫若题唐鉴真大和尚纪念碑,背面刻赵朴初在纪念堂奠基典礼上写的文章。这就打破传统格局,在传统基础上创新,有了时代感。底座的花饰采用莲花座作底,莲花座托碑,因莲花独具神圣,出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中空外直,不枝不蔓,且莲的丝长(思长),象征佛教思想天下众生,所以莲花一直成为佛教的象征。莲花座之上有卷叶草为主题的纹样花饰,原来梁思成在快设计完毕时感到唐这个字不好体现,陈从周立刻提议用该草为纹饰,因其是唐朝特有的草,以象征鉴真生活的年代。正堂完全仿照日本招提寺主体建筑金堂样式,只是型制由七楹变为五楹,金堂是鉴真当年亲自设计,保持了中国盛唐的建筑风格,又揉和了日本当时建筑的特点,现在纪念堂又仿照金堂,其用意当然是体现中日文化互相交融的特点。 纪念堂座北朝南,面阔五间,进深四间,四周高大的台基上粗可两人合抱的檐柱,柱为腰鼓状,柱头斗拱三重,线条浑圆飞动,正殿中央坐像为鉴真干漆夹像,是我市雕塑艺术家刘豫按照日本招提寺模大和尚之影而造,结跏趺坐,合闭双目,神态安祥。殿前石灯笼是鉴真大师象回故里时,现招提寺住持森木孝顺长老所赠,已经十多年,长明不灭,站在灯前,不由使我们想起郭沫若先生对鉴真的赞誉:鉴真盲目航东海,一片精诚照太清。舍己为人传道艺,唐风洋溢奈良城。 平山堂 平山堂是游目骋怀的好地方。堂前古藤错节,芭蕉肥美,通堂式的敞厅之上,平山堂三个大字的匾额高悬,这是名闻遐迩的宋代著名政治家、文学家欧阳修贬谪扬州太守时所建。可敬的是欧公不为世俗所羁,一到扬州,就爱上了蜀岗,于是在此建堂。史载,每到暑天,公余之暇,他常携朋友来此饮酒赋诗,他们饮酒方式颇为特别,常叫从人去不远处的邵伯湖取荷花千余朵,分插百许盆,放在客人之间,然后让歌取一花传客,依次摘其瓣,谁轮到最后一片则饮酒一杯,赋诗一首,往往到夜,载月而归,这就是当时的击鼓传花。如今悬在堂上的坐花载月、风流宛在的匾额正是追怀欧公的轶事欧阳修最爱莲花,其后调任安徽阜阳,到任第二天,他就来到该城的西湖之滨,见湖面开阔,但杂草丛生,于是遍植瑞莲和黄杨,使西湖顿改旧观,夏日时接天莲叶,映日荷花,于是他写诗道:菡萏香清画舸浮,使君不复忆扬州。都将二十四桥月,换得西湖十顷秋。可见他是按照扬州瘦西湖的景致安排阜阳的山水。堂前朱漆红柱上的楹联:过江诸山到此堂下,太守之宴与众宾欢,是清太守伊秉绶所作,上联以山喻人,显现当年高朋慕名而至,谈古论今的盛景;下联借欧公《醉翁亭记》中句,表现欧公无法施展抱负的郁闷和乐观自适的落宕情怀。造句既佳,书法古朴,为平山堂楹联之冠。 扬州大明寺导游词 篇8Members tourists: speaking of classical garden, everyone will think of Suzhou. However, 200 years ago, the ancient city of Yangzhou garden is better than Suzhou. In the early Qing Dynasty have been on the spot made this assessment: " Hangzhou Hushan wins, Suzhou to shop wins, Yangzhou to China Pavilion wins. " It can be seen that the Jiangnan area, Yangzhou is known to the beauty of the garden. As early as in the Han Dynasty, Yangzhou has a larger landscape architecture, then there is innovation, to the Qing Dynasty, the handicraft industry, commerce, transportation industry, salt industry is very developed, and the Qianlong of the southern six, Yangzhou garden fast development. But many times in history by the first war, gardens are now destroyed, surviving only park, where, after China Xiaopangu and rule of spring garden is one of the few gardens." [ the founding history and the name origin ]Visitors: today we visited is the ten largest park of garden. Park is located in Yangzhou City East 318 street house, Jiaqing twenty-three years ( 1818), two Huai salt Huang Yuhe in Ming Dynasty garden on the site of the reconstruction. Huang Yuyun thinks Takemoto solid, guilty, body straight, section FOK, gentleman style; and by three leaves the shape of " a " word, take Qing Yuan Mei " Moonlight bamboo thousands of words " sentences " naming " ". Su Dongpo once said: " no prefer fresh meat, can not live without bamboo, no meat is thin, vulgar people without bamboo. " The park hosts with bamboo naming.[ ] - garden landscape in spring" Yangzhou garden garden with stones wins, wins ". This is the bamboo as the main body, with the peak stone for the characteristics of the forest city. Garden rockery take peak rock approach, using different stones, performed four seasons scenery, known as the four seasons rockery, for domestic Kunibayashi Chi isolated cases. Garden plant with bamboo, and bamboo suit most landscaping materials are various qifengyidan, like Ling politics through skillful Taihu Shifeng, thin jagged stalagmite. Bamboo and stone together, forming a distinctive bamboo in landscape garden. Visitors, we now can be seen in the park entrance, gardening will show ingenuity to set up a group of stone garden, at the outset of a place of this garden with bamboo, stone as the central theme." In the house behind the house, from residential middle small clip get into a turn, to the left, you can see a left and right two flower. Table between bamboo bamboo Tingting, stacked uneven loose cloth stalagmites, look far, just like the bamboo shoots in spring break ground, whereas the sparse by mapping in the garden wall, formed " a " shaped pattern, hold the country " garden" a median. The swaying gently in the breeze, is also the symbol of new spring mountain, this is really a fake bamboo scenery, being in front of the residential part of white wall of a lining, an garden doors on each side, it is " Spring Hill is the opening " means. Don't know whether to enjoy the spring returns to the good earth. Tourists, majestic and grand. This is a famous mountain in the off spring.[ scene: Garden summer - Summer Hill ] should be isAfter enjoying the spring, we go to enjoy summer style. So summer rockery in where? From two flower spring into the garden gate, the face is a four hall. In front of the hall there are two flat stones with flowers. Two sets of planting bamboo, Dongtai laurel, the hall was originally called the laurel hall, now on board has been renamed " Yi Yu xuan ". From the hall at the south, everywhere is green, near laurel, clump bamboo. Through the fence four terrazzo stone tracery and a moon gate, also can see we just pass by the bamboo garden. Close-range vision both inside and outside have not separated, but not closed. The internal and external interaction on mutual borrowed increased admission first scene depth of gardening, or a country is unique, can create new styles. From fragrans hall along the Xuan Gallery walk west, through a thick forest, they came to the pool, the water to the north, see blue sky, a towering stand with a pale old rich, Ling Zheng clear Taihu stone rockery, against the mountain cave, mount Shitai, changeable shape posture, shape like the clouds in the sky, it's summer hill. Piedmont is a limpid pool, water has a curved bridge, leading to the entrance, cleverly hide the water tail, give a person with " how deep is the courtyard ". Pool planted lotus, look, " bright red lotus ", highlighting the " summer " theme of artistic conception.Walking in the curved bridge, we can enjoy the summer hill beauty, and on both sides of some such as Wang He stone as independent, form; some may see segment of a whole, charmingly naive. Look up, Taniguchi on flying outside the pick, as the magpie plum, meet the guests; the long jump, the group already had, be overwhelmed with joy. It was king Qiao stone, so dizzying. Enter the cavern, just beginning to feel a little eerie, then used inclined top stone gap falling trace of light, feel spacious cavern. But in a little pond water and divides an inflow hole, plus stone color is green ash, summer in the hole and enjoy the scenery, but feel cool. Cavern can go through, level up, turn on the number to make to the top of the mountain. There is a small pavilion was isolated from the rockery. Before leaving is a means of projecting, cliff, add to the summer mountain lush atmosphere. Standing in the booth, look back in the cave stone, rockery, Yulan complicated and difficult to deal with, the stone steps flanked, rain stand gracefully erect. Walking in the meantime, he sprinkled green shade phi, groves, really lets the human feel heart is refreshing.[ scene: Mount Huangshan garden stone - Akiyama ]Members tourists: if the summer is to have fresh gentle curves of Taihu stone show fair quiet mood, then fall to Mount Huangshan stone rough Haofang expansion linear performance of broad magnificent magnificent. Because of the Mount Huangshan stone has both north and South Mountain, male, landscape of the show, it is the most picturesque Akiyama garden rockery. The rockery, with cliffs on Anhui beach of Huangshi, its color is yellow stone some reservoir, some red as dye. Rockery main faces west, whenever the sundowners, Hongxia mapping, color is very eye-catching. On the cliff stone gap, and the pine stand, its green leaves brown with yellow rocks in contrast, like a piece of a picture. Mountain has a Square Pavilion, in which, overlooking the surrounding landscape to the north, overlooking the green Yang City Guo, Slender West Lake, Pingshan hall and a Buddism godness Guanyin Mountain from King and a garden, this is also the Chinese traditional gardening practices -- by the king. In ancient China, to the autumn high-sighted tradition. Mount Huangshan Stone Park is the commanding elevation, with the climb to render the autumn theme.Akiyama shape tall towering, complicated internal structure. Cave, Shitai, they may, with mountain Chalet Shilianghe staggered together, forming a whirling in the three-dimensional access visit, it not only has a planar roundabout, a more three-dimensional zigzag. Visitors, if you are interested, can from mountain and floor by floor, two hill, slowly to enjoy this ingenious design, stacking technique high mountains of Yangzhou -- a style.[ landscape winter landscape: ventilation leakage Yue Xuan - drain business ]From Huangshi south to the rockery, three surplus building in the west, there is a quiet area, the region 's main building is a North and south open up, things wall enclosed small hall, the building has given people the feeling seems to take some " jingwei ". Please look at the house, the smaller roof warping, more gentle, modelling is relatively heavy, why? Originally in the Qing Dynasty emperor prosperity, South, to play in Yangzhou. Yangzhou city economic strength, for the so-called " Ying Luang " tax one's ingenuity, to try to figure out the emperor 's preferences, so there are a lot of landscape architecture is modeled after the Beijing architectural style, gradually, gardens of Yangzhou some building with some " jingwei ". This building is called the " ventilation leakage month " small hall is no exception. In the south of the hall there is a sun stone flat flowers, table on garden south wall, and declared the heap up small leaning against the wall rock, this is the winter hill. Sun stone produced in Anhui, Xuancheng, its color is white as snow, people also call it snow stone. This scenic area, is the winter snow tea stove, side edge. In order to make rockery in snow when there is still snow, will announce on wall rock of South North wall, from the hall looked, Station Hill color is white, like the snow did not disappear. Because the sun stone contains quartz, its color is white, but in the sun shine, as will their at Sunningdale, with some snow theme behind shady, winter hill, visible also mountain home to observe carefully.Sun hill on the east side of the wall, is the park entrance. In order to make the winter means more foot, the gardeners in the wall have regularly arranged 24 round holes, a component of the leaking window picture have a style of one's own. Whenever the wind blow, the entrance is a flute sound hole on, will send out different sounds, like winter northwest wind call, to sound to assist the theme conception. More subtle is, through the rows of air leakage on round, see is the spring bamboo, stalagmite. If friends have no " winter to spring " of the association.[ summary ] garden landscape gardening artVisitors: in the park area planning, Garden owners in accordance with the main tour routes in clockwise direction, layout of the spring, summer, autumn, winter around the rockery stone, novel, fine material, background harmony, tight structure. In these hills theme landscape sequence, seasonal characteristic is the creation, Haruyama is enlightenment, Summerhill is unfolded, Akiyama is the climax, winter hill is the end, like music or write that, with strict rules.Members tourists: garden rockery summed up the so-called " Spring Hill on the metallurgical and such as laughter, summer hill green, such as drop, such as cosmetics Akiyama is clear and winter hill, bleak, such as sleep " and " Spring Hill should travel, summer Shanyi, Akiyama Norito, winter Hill livable " painting theory. There are " appropriate is ", "hold the hill house ", " cloud brush Pavilion ", " live " Autumn Pavilion ", air leakage through Yue Xuan " and other ancient buildings. Four seasons rockery Pavilion in the set, and the ancient and famous trees embellished the meantime, more simple and elegant, deep, magnificent. Some people say: " King Stone four standard wrinkle, thin, transparent, leakage ", it seems a foregone conclusion, but it is generally rock skills, such as " peak of man-made stone, constitute a four-season rockery, garden week tours, like a year, which shows the different special custom constitution; more valuable the spring summer and autumn, winter is not an isolated individual apart, but like nature itself -- highest quality. Although the snow winter scene to still the feeling. But by the spring on the west wall has opened two circular window, Tadami Edaeda bamboo over, and give people a " winter live split spring " the far-reaching artistic conception, the landscape is like a huge picture of the dynamics of structure, harmony.The tourists: " the main landscape has been touring ended. In the tour. ", maybe you and I also issued a heartfelt sigh: Yangzhou Park, it is the garden of the essence of the garden. 扬州大明寺导游词 篇9纪念碑是梁思成一夜之间设计而成的,他设计成功后,高兴地告诉陈从周教授,说是我国传统的纪念碑以竖碑为多,碑面光滑,天花饰边框,而鉴真纪念碑采用横式,周围边框突出,中间阴文镌字,正面为郭沫若题“唐鉴真大和尚纪念碑”,背面刻赵朴初在纪念堂奠基典礼上写的文章。这就打破传统格局,在传统基础上创新,有了时代感。底座的花饰采用莲花座作底,莲花座托碑,因莲花独具神圣,“出污泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,”中空外直,不枝不蔓,且莲的丝长(思长),象征佛教思想天下众生,所以莲花一直成为佛教的象征。莲花座之上有卷叶草为主题的纹样花饰,原来梁思成在快设计完毕时感到“唐”这个字不好体现,陈从周立刻提议用该草为纹饰,因其是唐朝特有的草,以象征鉴真生活的年代。正堂完全仿照日本招提寺主体建筑金堂样式,只是型制由七楹变为五楹,金堂是鉴真当年亲自设计,保持了中国盛唐的建筑风格,又揉和了日本当时建筑的特点,现在纪念堂又仿照金堂,其用意当然是体现中日文化互相交融的特点。 纪念堂座北朝南,面阔五间,进深四间,四周高大的台基上粗可两人合抱的檐柱,柱为腰鼓状,柱头斗拱三重,线条浑圆飞动,正殿中央坐像为鉴真干漆夹像,是我市雕塑艺术家刘豫按照日本招提寺“模大和尚之影”而造,结跏趺坐,合闭双目,神态安祥。殿前石灯笼是鉴真大师象回故里时,现招提寺住持森木孝顺长老所赠,已经十多年,长明不灭,站在灯前,不由使我们想起郭沫若先生对鉴真的赞誉:“鉴真盲目航东海,一片精诚照太清。舍己为人传道艺,唐风洋溢奈良城”。 扬州大明寺导游词 篇10大明寺位于扬州西北郊的蜀冈之上。它既是一座佛叫庙宇,也是一方风景名胜,由大雄宝殿、平远楼、平山堂、御园、鉴真纪念堂、栖灵塔、天下第五泉等组成。 大明寺殿内迎面坐着释迦牟尼等三尊大佛;背面为海岛,上有观音脚踏鳌头的立像。殿内东西两侧分列着十八罗汉,这里常年香烟缭绕,经声不断,每年元旦前夕,常有日本客人来此撞钟,以求幸福。 栖灵塔 西隋朝时,隋文帝杨坚笃信佛教,仁寿元年(601)他过生日,曾下诏在全国建立三十座供养佛舍利的塔,扬州栖灵塔,便是其中之一,唐代大诗人李白曾登临此塔,赞叹道:“宝塔凌苍苍,登攀览四荒”,称赞宝塔气势磅礴。 白居易、刘禹锡同游该塔,两人同龄,都是55岁的人了,但精神很好,兴致很高,在扬州玩了半个月,登栖灵塔是他们这次游览的高潮,白居易写诗道:“半月腾腾在广陵,何楼何塔不同登。共怜筋力尤堪任,上到栖灵第九层”。刘禹锡写诗道:“步步相携不觉难,九层云外倚阑干。忽然笑语半天上,无数游人举眼看”。 他们是以登上栖灵塔为自豪的,现在该塔修复,塔身方形,总高度为70米,共9层。塔为仿唐式塔,东西南北每面四柱三间,一门二窗,平座腰檐,出檐深远,屋面平坡,腰鼓形柱,直棂形窗。塔雄踞蜀岗之上,气势雄伟,古朴典雅,远观似孤峰耸秀,矗入云霄;登临则眼界顿开,胸襟旷达。 |
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