标题 | 2023英文导游词 |
范文 | 2023英文导游词(精选22篇) 2023英文导游词 篇1During the spring equinox every year, cherry blossoms on the campus ofWuhan University compete with each other for beauty and beauty. After the bleakwinter, cherry blossoms first bring people joy and joy. Cherry blossom is thenational flower of Japan, but it is not unique to Japan. In fact, it is oftenseen in Yunnan and other places in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Atthe beginning of the Anti Japanese War, there were cherry blossoms in WuhanUniversity. According to Tang Zibing (also known as Tang Shanghao), he graduatedfrom the Economics Department of Wuhan University in 1934, then studied inJapan, and returned to Wuhan University to teach in 1937. After the victory ofthe Anti Japanese War, he went to Chinese Taiwan, taught in various colleges anduniversities in Taipei, and now lives in the United States). Mr. Li recalledthat after Japan launched the brutal war of aggression against China in 1937, itmoved fiercely to central China, and the situation in Wuhan became increasinglytense. In April 1938, Wuhan University moved to Leshan, Sichuan Province. WangXinggong, President of Wuhan University, decided to appoint Tang Zibing andother five people to stay in Han Dynasty. In October, after the Japanese armyoccupied Wuhan, Tang et al. Evaded the French concession in Hankou, and WuhanUniversity became the headquarters of the Japanese army in the Central Plains.On campus, there are more than 100 cadres of the first Japanese regiment, whoseheadquarters are located in the College of Arts. The three academies of Arts,science and engineering are used by a large number of civil servants in theCentral Plains command of the Japanese army. The dormitories for professors areoccupied by senior Japanese officials. The dining room (the first canteen forcollege students) is upstairs and downstairs by the Japanese army fieldhospital. After the Japanese army occupied Wuhan University, Tang Zibing tookhis wife (Japanese) and the left behind personnel to negotiate with the Japanesearmy inside the University, demanding that the Japanese army strictly protectthe campus facilities of Wuhan University. The interviewee was the commander ofthe regiment, the great assistant of Yi chieftain wasteland. He said that theJapanese army "has no intention of destroying the non military facilitieswithout resistance. In particular, we should take good care of the plants andtrees on the campus of the high school. Second, if the troops are mobilizedfrequently, I can leave a message when I am stationed: the receiver still paysattention, and then I can visit again. "At the beginning of 1939, Chang et al.Learned that the Japanese army had changed its defense, and once again" theoriginal class members went to the campus to negotiate with the Japaneseauthorities. Once again, he asked the Japanese army to take good care of all thecampus facilities. This time, major general Takahashi, a civilian militaryofficer, was interviewed. Due to the lack of garrison, the campus has become theagency for handling the post logistics in Japan, and its attitude is more kind.Takahashi made it clear that "we should try our best to protect this culturalarea which is more beautiful than the sunlight and Hakone in Japan." he alsosaid: "only when the spring is bright and beautiful, we still need flowers andtrees to decorate it. We can plant cherry blossoms here from Japan to enhanceour mood." Then he led Tang to the College of liberal arts and told long thatthey were going to plant cherry trees in the future (now the cherry gardenavenue) to show that they had made up their mind to plant cherry trees everyday. Tang Zibing was not satisfied with the Japanese army's method of plantingcherry trees, because cherry trees are the national flower of Japan. He wantedto plant them in Wuhan University for a long time, but he didn't dare to opposethem publicly. So he came up with the suggestion that "plum blossom can beplanted at the same time" when planting Japanese cherry trees. On the surface,Takahashi objected to Tang's suggestion, saying only: "cherry seedlings are easyto get, plum seeds are hard to find. Next year, you can come to enjoy cherrytrees." in fact, he denied Tang's opinion. From Mr. Tang's recollection, we caninfer that Japanese cherry trees were first planted in Wuhan Tianxue in 1939.Takahashi planted no more than 50 Japanese cherry trees in that year, mainlydistributed on today's Tuoyuan Avenue. These cherry trees began to decay in the1950s. In 1957, the third management department of Wuhan University renewed theold cherry trees. In 1965, more than 50 cherry trees were planted in the area ofYingYuan Avenue in Wuhan University farm, and the variety increased greatly. Inthe 1970s, a batch of cherry trees were introduced into Wuhan University farm torenew the old cherry trees. In the 1980s, after the establishment of theGreening Committee of Wuhan University, a comprehensive and reasonable layout ofcherry trees on campus was carried out, and the planting area of cherry treeswas expanded, from Wang Zai's new fourth teaching building, gymnasium, newsecond teaching building, through YingYuan Avenue and its broad area, biologybuilding, humanities Museum (i.e. Yifu Building), physics building,administration building, to new and old receptions Cherry blossoms have beenplanted in all schools, students' second canteen and Wuhan University Hospital.According to incomplete statistics, there are at least 500 cherry trees on thecampus of Wuhan University. Sakura is a deciduous tree or small tree ofRosaceae. It has beautiful flower shape and is suitable for vibration beltplanting. The bark of cherry tree is smooth, purplish brown and glossy, withluxuriant branches and leaves and green ginseng, which can be used for plantingbeside pedestrian and vehicular roads. There are many kinds of cherry blossomswith their own characteristics. At present, there are several varieties ofcherry blossoms in Wuhan University. In addition to one or two exotic Dahongshancherry blossoms among the Japanese cherry blossoms updated in the 1950s, thisvariety also introduced a batch of mountain cherry blossoms from Shanghai in1973, also known as double petal cherry blossoms. The flowering period is laterthan that of Japanese cherry blossoms, with flowers and leaves in full bloom andvarious colors. At present, there are four kinds of cherry blossoms in WuhanUniversity: white, green, pink and scarlet. They grow luxuriantly and are cute.(2) In 1973, Japanese friends sent a batch of cherry trees to Premier ZhouEnlai. Premier Zhou once lived in Wuhan University, so the central governmenthad a lot of them The Customs Department transferred the seedlings to Wuhan University forplanting. This cherry tree has white flowers and smaller ones. (3) The Japanesecall it "eight cherry trees". In 1983, a Japanese friend presented 100 cherrytrees to Wuhan University. Now they are in the growing period, with tightflowers, luxuriant leaves and colorful pink flowers. This kind of cherry enjoysa high reputation in Japan. (4) Zaoying (the name of the plant has not yet beenidentified). In early 1989, Wuhan University introduced 15 cherry trees fromYunnan and planted them on the road of Wuhan University Hospital It is also inthe opening period when plum blossom is strong and needs to be adjusted. Fromthe above, we can see that there are more than 10 varieties of cherry blossomsin Wuhan University, but the blooming period of some cherry blossoms is veryshort, generally only about 15 days, and the flowering period is not consistent.For example, early cherry usually blooms in early March every year; JapaneseCherry usually blooms from late March to early April; while double cherry anddrooping cherry usually bloom in early April. Due to the different florescence,the technical management is very particular. Cherry blossoms were originallyplanted in Wuhan University just to make the campus green for the teachers andstudents of Wuhan University to enjoy. Now it has changed a lot and become oneof the most important landscapes in Wuhan city. It is estimated that nearly onemillion Chinese and foreign tourists visit Wuda every year to watch cherryblossoms. In the eyes of Wuhan people, Wuda seems to be the only scenic spot towatch cherry blossoms, The relevant units of Wuhan city and the relevantdepartments of the central government also took advantage of the opportunity tohold various academic seminars, experience exchange meetings, sportscompetitions and other activities in Wuhan University, which increased thelively atmosphere of the cherry blossom period. The cherry blossoms of Wuda arenot only for Chinese and foreign visitors to enjoy, but also for breedingvarious cherry varieties for brother units to beautify the environment. In 1988,Wuhan University transferred 16 rare cherry trees to Central South University ofFinance and economics. These cherry trees were deeply loved by the teachers andstudents of the University. In 1991, Wuhan University transferred more than 100cherry trees of more than 10 varieties to the cherry garden of Yuyuantan Park inBeijing, which was also praised by the people of Beijing. At present, theGreening Committee of Wuhan University is stepping up the propagation of variousvarieties of cherry trees. In addition to meeting the needs of campus greening,it will also support units outside the campus to beautify the environment. Wefirmly believe that in the near future, the cherry seedlings of Wuhan Universitywill take root and blossom in more areas. Cherry blossoms are native to the temperate Himalayas of the northernhemisphere, including northern India, the Yangtze River Valley of China, Chinese TaiwanProvince of China, Korea and Japan. It is the most abundant in southwestmountain areas of China and cultivated in North China. At the beginning of theAnti Japanese War, there were cherry blossoms in Wuhan University. According toTang Zibing (also known as Tang Shanghao), he graduated from the EconomicsDepartment of Wuhan University in 1934, then studied in Japan, and returned toWuhan University to teach in 1937. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War,he went to Chinese Taiwan, taught in various colleges and universities in Taipei, andnow lives in the United States). Mr. Li recalled that after Japan launched thebrutal war of aggression against China in 1937, it moved fiercely to centralChina, and the situation in Wuhan became increasingly tense. In April 1938,Wuhan University moved to Leshan, Sichuan Province. Wang Xinggong, President ofWuhan University, decided to appoint Tang Zibing and other five people to stayin Han Dynasty. In October, after the Japanese army occupied Wuhan, Tang et al.Evaded the French concession in Hankou, and Wuhan University became theheadquarters of the Japanese army in the Central Plains. On campus, there aremore than 100 cadres of the first Japanese regiment, whose headquarters arelocated in the College of Arts. The three academies of Arts, science andengineering are used by a large number of civil servants in the Central Plainscommand of the Japanese army. The dormitories for professors are occupied bysenior Japanese officials. The dining room (the first canteen for collegestudents) is upstairs and downstairs by the Japanese army field hospital. Afterthe Japanese army occupied Wuhan University, Tang Zibing took his wife(Japanese) and the left behind personnel to negotiate with the Japanese armyinside the University, demanding that the Japanese army strictly protect thecampus facilities of Wuhan University. The interviewee was the commander of theregiment, the great assistant of Yi chieftain wasteland. He said that theJapanese army "has no intention of destroying the non military facilitieswithout resistance. In particular, we should take good care of the plants andtrees on the campus of the high school. Second, if the troops are mobilizedfrequently, I can leave a message when I am stationed: the receiver still paysattention, and then I can visit again. "At the beginning of 1939, Chang et al.Learned that the Japanese army had changed its defense, and once again" theoriginal class members went to the campus to negotiate with the Japaneseauthorities. Once again, he asked the Japanese army to take good care of all thecampus facilities. This time, major general Takahashi, a civilian militaryofficer, was interviewed. Due to the lack of garrison, the campus has become theopportunity for Japan to handle the post logistics His attitude is more amiable. Takahashi made it clear that "we should tryour best to protect this cultural area which is more beautiful than the sunlightand Hakone in Japan." he also said: "only when the spring is bright andbeautiful, we still need flowers and trees to decorate it. We can plant cherryblossoms here from Japan to enhance our mood." Then he led Tang to the Collegeof liberal arts and told long that they were going to plant cherry trees in thefuture (now the cherry garden avenue) to show that they had made up their mindto plant cherry trees every day. Tang Zibing was not satisfied with the Japanesearmy's method of planting cherry trees, because cherry trees are the nationalflower of Japan. He wanted to plant them in Wuhan University for a long time,but he didn't dare to oppose them publicly. So he came up with the suggestionthat "plum blossom can be planted at the same time" when planting Japanesecherry trees. On the surface, Takahashi objected to Tang's suggestion, sayingonly: "cherry seedlings are easy to get, plum seeds are hard to find. Next year,you can come to enjoy cherry trees." in fact, he denied Tang's opinion. From Mr.Tang's recollection, we infer that Japanese cherry blossom was first planted inWuhan Tianxue in 1939 East Lake cherry garden, one of the three largest cherry garden in theworld, can be called the three largest cherry garden in the world together withHongqian cherry garden in Japan and Washington cherry garden in the UnitedStates. First of all, the garden covers an area of nearly 200 mu, and its gardenand architectural layout are exquisite, exquisite and high-grade. More than 5000cherry trees have been planted with 20 varieties, most of which are from Japan.Second, the garden adapts measures to local conditions, and combines Chinesegarden style and Japanese harmony garden style organically. Chinese and Japaneselandscape experts and aestheticians who have been here all give high evaluation.It can be seen that Japanese Cherry Blossom experts can not overestimate thatthe garden is one of the three largest Cherry Blossom gardens in the world. Theunique East Lake cherry garden east lake cherry garden is located in thebeautiful Moshan scenic area. The elegant Chinese garden and the heavy Japaneseharmony architecture are integrated into one, which can be described as the bestof the scenery. For example, the landmark "five tower" in the park is dignifiedand exquisite; the "Red Bridge" passing through the water, the "stream" withstrange rocks, the floating colorful "island in the lake", the extraordinary"Bird House" and the complacent "carp flag" all give visitors a relaxed andhappy sense of beauty. The area of the garden is large, the terrain isundulating, and the cherry trees are planted in pieces. The age of the trees isup to 40 years. There are many varieties and colorful. There are single petalsas bright as clouds, double petals as magnificent, and the colors are pink,water red, purple, white, etc. there are also drooping cherry flowers that arehard to see in other places. The early, middle and late varieties of cherryblossoms in the garden have a flowering period of more than 20 days, which makesup for the short flowering period of single cherry blossom and takes a long timeto appreciate. East Lake cherry garden becomes famous Donghu cherry garden was built in 1978. In memory of Premier Zhou Enlai(the 78th anniversary of Premier Zhou's birth), former Japanese Prime MinisterTanaka presented Deng Yingchao with 78 cherry trees. Deng Yingchao chose Wuhanas the planting site of the 78 cherry trees, which were planted on the Bank ofDonghu Lake and the South foot of Moshan mountain. In 1997, the Wuhan municipalgovernment invited Japanese experts to visit the site for many times and decidedto expand the East Lake cherry garden. In 1998, the East Lake Scenic AreaAdministration and the lu'ao Bank of Japan jointly invested 15 million yuan inthe construction of the park. In March, the cherry blossom garden was opened towelcome guests. The construction of the park took nearly 30 years, but it is arecent year that it has formed such a scale and characteristics. Since theexpansion of the garden, through the careful design and hard cultivation ofChinese and Japanese experts (especially in recent years, more than 20 batchesof Japanese Cherry Blossom experts have come to the garden for technicalguidance and cultivation), the cherry trees in the garden have been able to growvigorously, making this year's East Lake cherry garden "flower like sea, peoplelike tide". Wuhan East Lake Moshan cherry garden is located in the southern foot ofMoshan near Meiyuan, covering an area of 150 mu, with 5000 cherry trees. Thefirst batch of cherry blossoms planted in the garden were presented to DengYingchao by former Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, and then transferredto Donghu by Deng Yingchao. The vast majority of cherry blossoms now are jointlyinvested and planted by China and Japan in 1998. Moshan cherry garden in WuhanEast Lake, Hongqian cherry garden in Aomori County, Japan and Washington cherrygarden in the United States are known as the three largest cherry capital in theworld. Moshan cherry blossom garden is centered on the five tower imitatingJapanese architecture, with Japanese garden style ponds, islands, streams,Hongqiao, niaoju and Doumen, Even the management room and the ticket office are well-designed imitativeJapanese buildings. During the opening period of cherry blossom, the park willregularly play Japanese folk songs and provide many Japanese snacks. The wholescenic spot is full of Japanese customs. Walking into Moshan cherry garden inWuhan East Lake, thousands of cherry blossoms are blooming on the greenhillside. Breeze blowing, swaying flowers, falling flowers. The water shadow ofthe wooden pagoda is full of fragrance, which makes people linger in the springbreeze. It is understood that Moshan cherry garden, which was founded in 1979,now has more than 30 varieties, such as Yoshino Sakurai, Guanshan Sakurai, DadaoSakurai and Chuizhi Sakurai. The whole garden adopts Japanese style courtyarddesign, which has Japanese characteristics. In the cherry garden, there is apavilion called 78 Cherry Blossom Pavilion, which has 78 cherry blossoms. Itcommemorates the signing of the Sino Japanese Friendship Treaty in 1978. 2023英文导游词 篇2Hello, everyone. Welcome to Lushan. My name is Qiu. You can call me Qiuguide. It's a great honor to be your guide. Let me show you the charm of LushanMountain. Lushan Mountain is located in the south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Provincein Central China, bordering on the Yangtze River and Panyang Lake in the north.The total area of the whole mountain forest is 302 square kilometers. It is longfrom north to South and narrow from east to west. There are more than 90 peaksin the whole mountain. The highest peak is dahanyang peak, 14734 meters abovesea level. There are many valleys, caves and streams scattered among the peaks,and the topography is complex. Lushan Mountain is famous for its wonderful,beautiful, dangerous and majestic scenery in the world. It has 12 scenic spots,37 scenic spots and 230 scenic spots. Lushan has long been a legend of the landof immortals. Lushan Mountain is a famous mountain for thousands of years, whichintegrates Hill scenery, Wei Hua, religion, education and politics. It is thecradle of Chinese landscape poetry. Since ancient times, countless scholars havevisited Lushan Mountain, leaving more than 4000 poems and songs for them. Whenwe come to Donglin temple, I begin to introduce: Huiyuan, a famous monk of PudaiDynasty (334-416 A.D.), established Donglin temple in the mountains, created thePure Land Sect in Buddhism, and made Lushan an an important religious resort infeudal China. Bailudong academy, which remains today, is the central institutionof education in ancient China. The Mount Lu also features architecturalmasterpieces of various styles, including the Rome style and brother's stylechurches, the Byzantine architecture that combines the eastern and Western artforms, and the Japanese architecture and Islamic temple. Lushan Mountain notonly has beautiful natural scenery, but also has rich and splendid culturalconnotation. Then we swam the hero slope, the plant circle` Tourists, today's tour is over. Thank you for visiting the worldheritage. 2023英文导游词 篇3Dear tourists Hello, everyone! My name is__ Today, I will serve you wholeheartedly. Ifyou have anything to do during this period, please don't mention it to me. Iwill try my best to solve it for you. Dandong, the largest border city in China, is located in the southeast ofLiaoning Province, which is close to the Democratic Party of Korea The people's Republic of Italy faces each other across the river and facesthe Yellow Sea to the south. The mainland coastline is 120km long and there aremore than 30 islands and reefs along the coast. The total area is 14910 squarekilometers, and the urban area is 832 square kilometers. "Seven mountains, onewater, three fields, half roads and manors" is the geographical feature ofDandong. With a total population of 2.4 million, Dandong now has jurisdiction overthree districts, two cities and one county (namely Zhenxing District, YuanbaoDistrict, Zhen'an District, Donggang District, Fengcheng district and KuandianDistrict), with an urban population of 810000. There are 20 ethnic minorities,the largest of which is Manchu, accounting for 32% of the city's population. Dandong and the Democratic Republic of Korea are separated by a river.There is only one river between the two countries. This is the world-famous YaluRiver. During the war of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the officersand men of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army bravely fought to defend theircountry. Dandong is a coastal city with industry, commerce, logistics and tourism asthe main body. It is a national border economic cooperation zone and the largestand most beautiful border city in China. It is the only city in China and Asiawith border ports, airports, high-speed rail, river ports, seaports andexpressways. Because Dandong is close to the Yellow Sea, affected by it, the climate issuitable for me, which is warm in winter and cool in summer. The winter inNortheast China is relatively cold, but the cold winter period in Dandong isonly 182 days, and the lowest temperature in history is only 18 degrees belowzero. The hot period in summer is only 50 days, and the average hot period above25 degrees is only 20 days. Because the temperature is more suitable, the mainagricultural and sideline products are millet, strawberry, tussah, ginseng,shrimp, seafood varieties are quite rich. There are 29 ethnic minorities in Dandong, accounting for 34% of the totalpopulation. Most of them are Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Korean. As early as morethan 300 years ago, the Eight Banners soldiers of the Manchu nationality werestationed in Phoenix City and tongyuanbao. Later, during the reign of Kangxi, alarge number of eight banners soldiers entered the pass with their families. Atthe same time, the Mongolians were transferred to the pass to settle in theborder areas for reclamation. As a result, the nomadic living habits of theethnic minorities were changed, and they lived there. There are two counties inDandong, namely Fenghuang city and Kuandian County, which are Manchu autonomousregions. There are eight national scenic spots in Dandong, including Fenghuangshanscenic spot, qingshangou scenic spot, tianqiaogou scenic spot, memorial hall forresisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, Yalu River Bridge, Shuifeng Lakescenic spot, Hekou scenic spot and Taiping Bay scenic spot. There are manyprovincial scenic spots, such as Yalu River Park, Jinjiang Mountain Park, DaluIsland seaside resort, Hushan Ming Great Wall site, Dagu Mountain ancientcultural temple complex, Wulong mountain, wulongbei hot spring, etc. Tourismfeatures are quite rich: mountains, water, rocks, hot springs, historical andcultural landscape, ethnic customs and so on. There are also special bordertourism projects, such as one-day tour, four-day tour and five day tour to NorthKorea, and seven day tour to South Korea by boat. The city tree of Dandong City is gingko tree, and the city flower is Dujuanflower. When you take a bus to visit the city, you will find that both sides ofthe main streets are covered with green trees, which are called ginkgo trees.According to the survey, there are five streets in Asia covered with ginkgotrees, of which Dandong accounts for three. Now the Dandong Municipal governmentis still increasing investment in urban greening, and has made long-termplanning and construction for the city appearance in front of the station. Inthe near future, when you come back to Dandong, you will find that the cityappearance of Dandong will have greater changes. Dandong is well preserved in natural scenery and rich in tourism resources.In the north, there are layers of green mountains with overlapping peaks. In thesouth, the winding Yalu River is connected with the vast Yellow Sea.Bangshantai, the starting point of the Great Wall in the East, the river seaboundary stele in the North, the bullet marked Yalu River broken bridge, and thestrong ethnic customs and the combination of river, mountain, lake, sea, forest,spring and river It has become a marvelous sight. Dandong's scenic tourism resources account for more than 10% of the areaunder its jurisdiction, with 16 scenic spots, forest parks and nature reservesat or above the provincial level. Yalu River, Fenghuang Mountain and qingshangouare national key scenic spots; Dagu Mountain and tianqiaogou are national forestparks; Yalu River Wetland and Baishilazi are national nature reserves;provincial scenic spots and forest parks include Wulong mountain, Tianhuamountain, Huangjia mountain, Dalishu, Pushihe, etc. Tourist friends, our car is coming from the city to the ancient Great WallRuins in the direction of Hushan. Now the tour bus is passing the jiuche towngovernment in Zhen'an District. Sitting in the car, you can see the stone tabletstanding on the mountain beside the road. Let me briefly introduce the origin ofthe stone tablet. This mountain is called Japan mountain. It is now renamedzhendongshan. A Japanese general during the Russo Japanese war was buried on themountain, and this stone tablet was erected as a historical relic. The stonetablet has not been removed. Tiger mountain is located 1500 meters northeast of Dandong City. It lookslike a crouching tiger. The former "double peaks of tiger ears", one of Anton'seight scenic spots, and the "Tongjun Pavilion", one of the eight Korean scenicspots on the opposite bank, face each other across the river. Standing on thebeacon tower on the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of MashiSha Chau and Sinuiju city in Korea. The terrain of Hushan is very dangerous. Itis an important military place in history and the starting point of the east endof the famous Great Wall. Before entering Hushan scenic area, we are far away from Hushan. After ageneral survey, you will find a sleeping beauty lying on the back in the shadowof Chongshan green water. From west to East, it is long hair, head, chest, dressand vivid. I believe you will be very excited when you see the huge historical site ofHushan great wall standing beside the Yalu River. Before you climb the GreatWall, please give me five minutes to introduce the general situation of HushanGreat Wall: Hushan was originally named ma'er mountain. Because of two toweringpeaks side by side, it looks like two vertical long tiger ears, also known ashu'er mountain, which was transformed into today's Hushan in the Qing Dynasty.As a gateway to the country, the location of the Great Wall in Hushan hasmilitary significance. Anyone who understands military affairs knows that theinitiative in fighting must first occupy the commanding height, so it is naturalto build the Great Wall in Hushan. It is also recorded that the Great Wall wasbuilt in Dandong more than 20__ years ago during the Warring States period, andthe Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms The Great Wall continued to be built in Dandong until Ming Dynasty. Thegreat wall of Hushan was built in 1469 ad in the fifth year of Chenghua of MingDynasty. It was built by Han Bin, then the commander in chief. It was alsocalled "Liaodong side wall" at that time. It mainly includes the wall of theGreat Wall, the wall tower, the enemy tower, the horse face, the beacon tower,the moat, the horse wall and so on. Wang Zhihao, the governor of the MingDynasty, once wrote a poem "climbing Mt. ma'er to look at Korea" when he climbedto the fortress of Hushan. The poem says: "head high to the east of the sea,point out that Fusang can hang a bow, the willow can be lost in smoke, and theJackdaw can take the moon to support the sky. The mountains and rivers areendless, the mountains and rivers are different, the emperor is selfless, andthe rain and dew are the same. But he laughs at the fact that the building andthe ship have become the bottom of the matter, and the battle of the dead boneson the seashore has been successful. " The poem vividly depicts the terrain ofHushan mountain, the coldness of the border, and the cruelty of the ancientbattlefield. However, due to historical misunderstanding and historical delay,it was not until December 1990 that the governments of Liaoning Province andDandong City invited the Great Wall scholars and experts from all over thecountry to determine the historical status of the great wall of Hushan. Dandongdeclared to the world that the starting point of the great wall of Ming Dynastywas Dandong, and Dandong had the first brick of the great wall of MingDynasty. On the huge rock in the square of the scenic spot, there is a poem: "cleargreen river, towering Hutou mountain. From then on, the Great Wall willstrengthen China. " Luo Zhewen, an expert on stone architecture from the StateAdministration of cultural relics and vice president of the Great Wall Societyof China, wrote this in 1990. It is located on the north slope of Hushan mountain. It is 23.6 meters highand has five floors, including three main floors and two arrow towers. The mainbody is 9.6 meters high, and the whole building is mainly red, giving people apowerful historical charm. The great wall of Hushan has played an important role in resistingcountless invaders from Korea, Russia and Japan. In order to restore theoriginal historical appearance of the ancient Great Wall site, and to make thegreat wall of Hushan stand up again, Dandong people formed a fund-raisingcommittee for the restoration of the Great Wall. The old people, children,cadres, workers, farmers, students, and soldiers all paid for it. Even a Penny'scontribution was an act of sacrifice to their ancestors. The builders lived inthe open air and lived in the stars and the moon Today, the great wall lying inHushan has fully reflected the original power of the ancient Great Wall, and canalso tell visitors its historical statement. We should witness the style of theancient Great Wall and experience the pride of the ancient Great Wall of Chinafrom Dandong. Now we start from the foot of Nanshan and climb up the mountainalong the original route. Friends, these tall, thick and strong walls will make you feel like youonce knew each other? Everyone who has been to Beijing and swam the Great Wallwill have the same feeling. The wall switches of Jishan great wall and BadalingGreat Wall are identical. And the white mortar, the gray wall with the brickjoints, also has a sense of history. When we climb to the top of the Great Wall along the broad and solid roadof the Great Wall, you will naturally feel the pride that you are not a herountil you reach the Great Wall. The mood will be broadened. Looking from a highaltitude, you can see that the Yalu River is like a green ribbon floating awayfrom your feet. On the other side, inlaid with green trees, are the former sitesof the liberation tower and the Tong Jun Pavilion in Sinuiju, North Korea. This"one-step" boundary marker marks the international boundary between Dandong andNorth Korea, which is only one step wide. The work of the Korean villagers isjust like that behind us. The fifth largest pillarless arch bridge in Asia inDandong. The revolving restaurant of the international hotel, the skyscraper ofthe international trade building, the residential buildings with 24 floors, andthe green Jinjiang mountain and Yuanbaoshan mountain It is full of beautifulscenery and the pride of Dandong people. This is the end of the group tour ofHushan Great Wall. The rest of the time is free to watch and play. After 30minutes, gather in front of the tour bus at the foot of the Great Wall. Have agood time! 2023英文导游词 篇4We went straight to the waterfall by sightseeing bus. Along the way, onemountain after another is steep and lush. We got off the sightseeing bus andheaded for the Three Gorges waterfall. When you enter the scenic area, you cansee an ancient forest path. On the left side of the path is a flowing streamwith clear water. On the right side of the path are the continuous mountains,with dense forests and abundant grass, flowers blooming and butterflies dancing,birds singing and mountain streams. If you're lucky, you can see groups ofmonkeys playing in the mountains. I was intoxicated with the beautiful sceneryby the side of the road, and suddenly there was a loud thunder in my ear.Following the prestige, a huge hundred chains hang high in the mountains,straight down to the bottom of the valley. It's really "flying down 3000 feet."this is the Three Gorges waterfall. I yelled excitedly, put on my raincoat andran to the waterfall. I went through a cave first, and a cool wind came,followed by a water mist, which floated like a gossamer, and the crystal clearwater droplets sprinkled on my face...... We frolic, we fight, we go through thewater. Suddenly, someone yelled, "rainbow, rainbow..." I ran out of the waterfalland saw a big arch bridge hanging in the sky, which was colorful. Red, orange,yellow, green, blue and purple. It's so beautiful. I've never seen a rainbow,but today I see its beauty. I stand in the middle of the rainbow, my mothergrabs this beautiful moment for me. It's really worth the trip. If you want a cool summer, please come to the Three Gorges waterfall! 2023英文导游词 篇5Sanya is the southernmost city in China, is China's most famous "international tropical seaside tourism city". Sanya has a long history. The archaeologists found in sanya put pen to paper hole "sanya" site, site of human habitation is the earliest known hainan island. Han dynasty cliff, sanya in this set beads cliff county town, vibration in the sui dynasty set up county, the tang dynasty to the vibration state, renamed cliff state when the Ming and qing dynasty, the republic of China after the change of cliff state for cliff county. Cliff in 1954 the county seat moved from yacheng to sanya, until 1984, sanya undo cliff county set up upon approval of the state council. So, as a city, sanya is very young. This is the place where many ethnic populations, the city's 450000 people, 170000 li, miao, more than 2800 people, nearly 7000 people of hui nationality. In addition to the city, sanya governs ten town three township, there are five large state-owned farms. Sanya is located in the 18 degrees north latitude, annual average temperature of 15.4 degrees Celsius, at the age of frost-free. When north and you spend a lot of, this piece of land in sanya, is still basking the red, purple, green, warm air attacks. 4 "overseas don't a scenery, willow ever-green flowers. Changing no one, only look at China at the age of peach wood charms against evil have." The ancients described four spring-like, beautiful scenery of sanya this poem, has been linked to lovers. Because of this, become the country's best escape the cold, winter swimming, sanya holiday leisure resort. Sanya, brings together the sun, sea, beach, hot springs, ethnic customs, climate, environment and tropical pastoral scenery tourism resources in one place, is the world's tropical Marine tourism resources one of the most densely populated areas. Not only tropical coastal natural landscape beauty crown hainan sanya, and cultural tourism resources are very rich. There are ancient dynasty court relegated official footprints, monk, a beautiful fairy tale and the folklore. When you revel in the breeze chaton, those associated with the landscape of the legendary history and culture, department of emotion, will make you think of lang. Sanya tropical seashore of main sightseeing and leisure to yalong bay, the touching, the ends of the earth, dadonghai, nanshan, wuzhizhou island, etc. Their common feature is that the sun is shining, not only in Beijing, breeze cui, beach chaton is attractive, and are all in the pure ecological environment. Offshore water quality conforms to the national first class standard sea, atmospheric environment is superior to the national first class standard. The third and the fourth census results show that the per capita than any other country in the national life, hainan and sanya is in hainan's oldest place. Sanya is the city flower of bougainvillea. Both scenic spots, and mountains, you can see YiPengPeng dense greenery, flying the clusters of bright red flowers, warm like the hearth fire in the winter, it is the bougainvillea. Were is the tamarind tree sanya. Its huge trunk, branches and leaves thick, tree pose HongLi, lawn FengJingShu isolation is very precious. In nanshan cultural tourism zone, however, you can see patches of acid beans woods. The story (" because "touching" we in scenic spots), sanya "lucheng" nickname. Sanya as the international tropical seaside tourism city, more and more attention to various eyesores beautification. They are 20 kilometers along the sanya bay coastal strip construction "coconut dream corridor", and the realignment of dadonghai new forest square, is the city in recent years, the implementation of afforestation key engineering projects. "Coconut dream corridor is given priority to with coconut trees are planted, shade lower plant grass, interspersed shrubs, flowers, decorate with entertainment, landscape culture, form a set of ornamental, sightseeing, leisure, fun, vibrant coastal strip park. Currently has completed the first phase, to listen to the tao to admire the view, tourists can joy of body and mind. Friends, let's relax, melting the party a person what the ancients called "the polar exotic", is now in the construction of the international tropical seaside tourism city direction of land and the sea. 2023英文导游词 篇6Letter valley pass in front of yu shan jin three provinces border, henanlingbao city territory, about 75 km away from downtown sanmenxia, 12 km fromdowntown spi. Letter valley was founded in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, after the destroyed by fire. In 1987, rebuilt thebeginning letter of rehabilitation of 1992 cage valley floor, is a Taoistculture and military in the heart of the integration of the humanities. Lettervalley is building in the history of our country one of the earliest innorth-west fortress, also our country ancient great thinker, philosopher Lao ziTaoist school of thought takes great the daodejing valley, the spirit of theholy land, to celebrity (Lao tzu), classics (the daodejing), collecting thevalley off (letter) niche in history, known overseas. Former Chinese Taoistassociation, yuxi road flyover MinZhiTing personally inscribed for the scenicspot "the source of the Taoist" plaques. The scenic area covers an area of 16.9square kilometers, divided into functional valley and the beginning of twoparts. Letter valley pass was built in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, "because, in the valley deep risks such as letter of thename. Since yao mountain mountain east, west to Tong jin, TongMing lettervalley, so-called crash" (as the example). Since the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, afterseven male supremacy, chu, huang chao uprising, the article analyzes the peasantuprising, as well as the xinhai revolution, the Anti-Japanese War, liberationwar shows that must, is strategically important for everybody. The beginningpalace is China's spring and autumn dynasty outstanding thinker, politician,philosopher and writer Lao tze writings the daodejing, his book the daodejing,its ideas and profound, contains the rich, all aspects related to heaven, earth,people, in politics, economy, military affairs, art, ethics, health and otherfields has the original opinion, is a rare treasure in the world. Since 1992,the letter of valley Lao zi s birthday activities every year, when the touristsat home and abroad to pilgrimage. Main attraction on floor, letter off trail,the beginning palace courtyard, avenue, Taoism regimen, the scripture-storedtower, deep purple floor, chicken calls, the forest of steles, museum, themuseum of more than 20. 2023英文导游词 篇7Hello, everyone. Today we come to the famous world heritage is one of the imperial palace, it in landscape and contains 9000 rooms of furniture and handicraft product of large buildings, become China's Ming and qing dynasties era civilization priceless historical testimony. First came to the hall of supreme harmony. The hall of supreme harmony commonly known as during which, in the center of the Forbidden City, is one of the three main halls of the imperial palace. The temple with gold QiMuZhu and delicate panlong sunk panel, "legitimate" plaque hanging on the end, words about heir to die before they slip into tablets. The middle is the symbol of the feudal imperial power, golden dragon throne carved lacquerware. The hall of supreme harmony Huang Wa eastward, glittering in the sun, is the imperial palace is one of the most spectacular architecture. After visiting the hall of supreme harmony, came to zhonghe palace. Zhonghe palace is one of the three main halls of the imperial palace, located in the hall of supreme harmony. Flat square, yellow glazed tile, the corners of saving pointed to the middle gold-plated treasure of a roof. Form, an architectural. Baohe Palace is one of the three main halls of the imperial palace, and behind the house. Flat rectangle, architectural decoration and coloured drawing or pattern is very fine. Palace of heavenly purity the front Chambers in the Palace Museum. Once upon a time for the emperor kangxi to live here and handle affairs, after the qing yongzheng emperor had moved to yangxin dian, but still played in the reviews, appointed officials and summoned liegeman. Look, this temple in the palace of heavenly purity and palace of earthly tranquility, intercourse and well-being happiness of heaven and earth. It was built in the Ming dynasty, is a pavilion in the four corners, gold-plated treasure top, longfeng grain square house. Ming and qing, the temple is the place where birthdays activities held by the queen's birthday. Palace of earthly tranquility in the Forbidden City the most behind "Chambers". When Ming dynasty for the queen's house. In the qing dynasty to the god. Its Middle East NuanGe wedding bridal chamber, for an emperor kangxi, managment, three emperor, were held in the wedding. Again came to the echo wall, it is the peak of Chinese wooden structure, with only a wooden tenon knot, should support, full use wood had completed a stunning masterpiece. Another beautiful place, the temple of heaven is the echo of the wonderful. Stand in the center of the circular mound altar altar call a sound, you will hear from the depths of the formation of bright and dark echoes, the sound as if from the center of the earth, and seems to have come from the sky, so people for it took a full of mysterious name: "heavenly heart stone". The dome in emperor yu was surrounded by a thick about 0. 9 meters fence, you stood whispering the wall at one end, on the other side of the people as long as abnormal ears stick metope can hear clear, and there is a stereo effect, this is the "echo chamber", it can prove that, 500 years ago, the Chinese have been able to use acoustic principle. The palace is a huge complex, I said also said not over, will please you go touring. 2023英文导游词 篇8嗨!大家好,我是你们的导游——小靳,欢迎来到西安的兵马俑游玩,今天由我来为大家提供全程服务。 现在我们的车正行驶在去兵马俑的路上,我先来给大家讲讲它的历史。大家都知道,秦始皇是第一个统一中国的皇帝,他的陵墓在西安城东30公里处。而我们今天的目的地只是位于秦始皇陵墓东侧1.5公里处的一处兵马俑。那里展出的武士俑和兵马俑共计80000个,它们各式各样,排队列阵,气势壮观,十分震撼。 好了,目的地到了。请大家随我下车,这里共有三个坑,我们就按顺序观看一号坑吧! 大家跟着我往这边走,一号坑面积最大,东西有230米长,兵马俑有6000多个。大家往下走,看,这个是武士俑,他有1.8至1.97米高,它身穿战袍,披着铠甲,相当于当年的“防弹衣”。他脚上穿的鞋很独特,前端还向上翘起。手里还拿着长矛!大家发现没有,这里的武士俑都有一个特点,那就是都长着八字胡。瞧它神气的样子,准能把敌人吓地屁滚尿流! 看,这边就是二号坑了。大家顺着我手指的方向看,那站第一个的就是将军俑。您瞧,他的身材是多么魁梧,头戴鹤冠,身披铠甲,手里还拿着宝剑,可以想象当年这宝剑金光闪闪,是权力和地位的象征。它若有所思的样子,好像在考虑如何退敌的策略。那边跪在地上的兵马俑是跪射俑,看他炯炯有神的眼睛,就像盯紧猎物的的老鹰。 大家再跟我向左走,这个就是骑兵俑,他骑在马上,手持弓箭,好像在等将军一声令下,就出去与敌人做殊死搏斗。 好,我的讲解到这里就结束了。现在大家自由活动,一个半小时后我们在门口集合。 各位游客,我们今天的行程到这里就全部结束了,现在我们的司机陈师傅送大家回宾馆休息。以后您再来西安游玩,我乐意再次为你服务,我的电话1234567,期待再次与您重逢! A: hi! Hello, everyone, I am your tour guide, small jin, welcome to visit xian terracotta warriors, today I'll provide full service for everyone. Now our car is driving on the way to the Terra Cotta Warriors, I'll tell you something about its history. As you all know, qin shi huang was the first emperor unified China, his tomb in xian city, 30 km. And our destination for today is located in the east of qin shihuang mausoleum only 1.5 km of the Terra Cotta Warriors. There on display and a total of 80000 terracotta warriors, the warriors are various, line array, momentum magnificent, very shocked. Well, to the destination. Please follow me to get off, there are three pits, we in order to watch a pit! Everybody follow me this way, the area of the no. 1 pit is the largest, is 230 meters long, the Terra Cotta Warriors has more than 6000. You go down, look, this is the warriors, he is 1.8 to 1.97 meters high, it is wearing a shirt, wearing armor, is equivalent to the "body armor. His feet shoes is very unique, the front is tilted upward. The spear in hand! We found no, here has a characteristic, the warriors of that is has a moustache. Look at it the appearance of the air, will the enemy scared the shit out! Look, here is the no. 2 pit. All along the direction of my finger to see, the first is the general figurines that station. You see, his figure is strong, head Dai He crown, wearing armor, sword in hand, you can imagine that this sword glittering, is the symbol of power and status. The appearance of it thoughtfully, as if considering how to refund the enemy's strategy. Kneeling fire is kneeling on the ground of the Terra Cotta Warriors over there, see a twinkle in his eyes, like watch the prey of a hawk. You left to me again, this is the cavalry, he is riding a horse, and armed with bows and arrows, as if waiting for the general commanded, went out do good fight with the enemy. Ok, my explanation is over here. Now you free activities, an hour and a half after we set at the gate. Dear visitors, we here today's schedule was all over, now our driver master Chen to send you back to the hotel to rest. Later you again to visit xi 'an, I'd be happy to serving you again, I call 1234567, look forward to meet with you again! 2023英文导游词 篇9Shiyan is located in the middle and low mountain area at the north foot ofWudang Mountain and the South Bank of Hanjiang River. It has a north subtropicalmonsoon climate with an average temperature of 15.2 ℃ and an average annualrainfall of 828 mm. Shiyan is an important automobile production and scientificresearch base in China, and an important economic, political, cultural andtechnological center in Northwest China. The total area is 1190 squarekilometers, and the urban area is 203 square kilometers. The total population is406900, and the urban population is 293300. It is an open city on the border ofHubei, Henan, Sichuan and Shaanxi. From the Shang Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, Shiyan was under thejurisdiction of Yunxian County, Yunyang Prefecture. In the middle of the QingDynasty, people here built dams on the Baier River and the Zhihe Riversuccessively to store water and irrigate farmland. The dams were called Shiyan.There were ten dams built on the two rivers, so it was named Shiyan. Shiyan is one of the tourism center cities in Northwest Hubei. In the East,there is Wudang Mountain, which is famous for its "Xianshan qiongge"; in thesouth, there is Shennongjia, a mysterious natural animal and botanical garden;in the west, there is the site of the great wall of Chu in Zhuxi County; in thenorth, there is the vast Hanjiang River. In the city, there are Saiwudang naturereserve, which is dominated by forest, cloud, peak and waterfall. There arefamous religious temples such as Baima temple, Huilong Temple and mosque. Shiyan is a famous automobile city at home and abroad. Dongfeng MotorCompany, one of the world's three largest truck factories, and Dongfeng TireFactory, one of China's four largest tire factories, are all built here."Automobile industry development and opening experimental zone" is open to theworld. Now we have established friendly relations with Nantong and chiricosui.Shiyan automobile industry as the main body, rubber, textile, electronics, foodand other industries also develop. Shiyan is a unique "hundred Li Garden City". Surrounded by green mountains,fresh air, convenient transportation, clean city appearance, stable order,civilized atmosphere, spacious and comfortable housing. With the rapiddevelopment of culture, education, health and sports, cultural and recreationalfacilities are scattered all over the world. 2023英文导游词 篇10Mengshan mountain national forest park, the development since 1993, has invested nearly one billion yuan, after protection in the first development, the principle of protection and development, with the typical ecological environment and unique natural resources, has won the national forest park, national AAAAA tourist area, national geological park, national youth civilization fit-out industry such as authentication and the honorary title, has become the core of yimeng tourism the main scenic area, a typical representative of the yimeng mountain area good scenery. Yimeng tourism cloud scenic spot has a total area of 55000 mu, natural resources are rich and colorful. With wild animals: beast 15 species of 10 families, 28 families and 76 species, more than 100 families and 100 species, the forest vegetation coverage above 95%, and is regarded as "best beautiful, natural classroom". Ecological research center monitoring by the Chinese academy of sciences in 1999, air negative ions content in the scenic spot 854167 per cubic centimeter, for Beijing area 195 times, in the country, for the centre ever measured peak. Is known as "natural oxygen bar", "super clean areas," to become "China's best green fitness resort". Mengshan rich in natural resources, possess the rich cultural connotation, had past leaders, writers and painters reside mengshan, chanting mengshan. Confucius's "dongshan (mengshan, ancient dongshan, east) and small lu", li bai, du fu, walks mengshan left "drunken sleeping autumn, be goes hand in hand," such as lovers, su shi swim mengshan poems said: "not jing bo sea change change, see cloud Mongolia leakage ze spring"; Half years the light in the Ming dynasty of text for < < mengshan fu > > recite sigh mengshan; And allusions, circulated, QinZhuanHanWa, ancient temples, stone tablet stone carving handed down the long line. Yimeng tourism cloud Mongolia area, which is based on natural resources, with ecological tourism as the theme, develop leisure, fitness for the province and even the whole country green tourist resort. Scenic area accumulative total investment of 320 million yuan, developed a series of infrastructure and attractions. Scenic area with more than 40 kilometers of road, formed the cycle of three vertical and two horizontal lines, construction of 10 km highway, road 320xx multistage stone steps, woodiness step swim 3990 meters (has applied for the guinness book of world records, become the world step), built in the parking lot of 20xx0 square meters, equipped with 20 sightseeing tour bus, the construction of the passenger ropeway is 1200 meters long. Scenic spot has a three star hotel 2, the construction of the tourism shopping market, develop the deer park, herbal garden, bird park, bamboo garden, garden, large stone archway new attractions, such as supporting the forest charge car drift, forest, forest cableway, picking garden, herbal garden, rain king temple, king kong square folk customs such as entertainment, improved communication, health, safety and other facilities. Scenic spots set to eat, live, travel, tour, shopping, entertainment at an organic whole, omni-directional to provide quality services for tourists. 2023英文导游词 篇11Welcome to here, let me to introduce for everybody! "See China in five hundred, please come to Beijing, want to see China in five thousand, please go to xi 'an", see this you should know the history of the xi 'an long, xi 'an was the capital of 13 dynasties, is also one of the seven ancient capitals in China, together with Athens, Cairo, Rome more is known as the "world's four major ancient civilization". Xian, called chang 'an. Around xian imperial mausoleum, palace ruins, ancient temple of acquainting and garden scenic spots, is a treasure trove of xi 'an became a history and culture, numerous cultural relics to reveal it once had the brilliant and deep rich historical and cultural charm. Is in such a city, in this you can feel the Chinese for thousands of years of vicissitudes of life change, and the development of the Chinese civilization and the greatest of the Chinese nation. In Beijing on January 14, 20xx, the national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot of opening ceremony, the xi 'an qujiang wild goose pagoda? Datang furong garden scenic spot success promotion national 5 a grade scenic spot, become after the Terra Cotta Warriors, huaqing pool and runs in our province, the fourth national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot, is the first company in xi 'an city 5 a level scenic area, is the first regional, many attractions whole packaging promotion national 5 a grade scenic spot. Xi 'an qujiang wild goose pagoda? Datang lotus park scenic area is located in the core region of xi 'an qujiang newly developed area, with a total area of 3.8 square kilometers, is China's only journal theme scenic spots. There are tang changan xuan zang translated by land, day - the temple of Buddhism; Xi 'an landmarks, one thousand sites - wild goose pagoda; Architectural landscape, nature, save big tang temple Ursa major temple tang big temple ruins park base sites; China's first comprehensive display of tang style park - datang furong garden; In the tang dynasty QuJiangChi site for dating, followed the open cultural experience of landscape pattern of the park - park QuJiangChi sites; After 1400 years of wind and rain of the tang dynasty city wall ruins, restore reproduce the character of the tang dynasty and the tang dynasty as the theme of the artistic conception of tang dynasty city wall ruins park; There is Asia's largest matrix water dance music square, leisure culture of great wild goose pagoda scenic area, dazzle beautiful tang Yin and datang city that never sleeps. Cultural and historical resources of the scenic spot, beautiful scenery and pleasant environment, everywhere embodies the concept of environmental protection and humanistic care, has become a new card in xian city, the ancient capital tourism new brand. Visitors enter the scenic area, every footprint walk on site, every journey to complete the dialogue with history. 2023英文导游词 篇12Bozhou City in North China border, the southern tip of the HuanghuaiPlains. Jin Jianghuai South, the North hope the Yellow River, is the state-levelhistorical and cultural city, Chinas outstanding tourist city and opening upcity. Bozhou City area of 8522.58 square kilometers, exempted Guoyang, Mengcheng,Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, the citys total population of 5.34 millionpeople. . May 20__, the State Council approved a level Bozhou City, exemptedGuoyang, Mengcheng, Lixin County, and three Qiaocheng Qu, land area of 8522.58square kilometers, accounting for the provinces total area of 6.08 percent;farmland 60. 190,000 hectares. The citys population of 5.3002 million, of which82,000 ethnic minority people. Bozhou across longitude 115 ° 53 ~ 116 ° 49,latitude 32 ° 51 ~ 35 ° 05, about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitatjurisdiction and the Yellow River burst connected to a fan-shaped, lying flat,with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan,double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distributionthroughout the Northwest Bozhou topography, natural ground to l/9000Micro-dumping gradient to the southeast. Because of the river winding past theYellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impact form of plain Kong,Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, the topography of ups anddowns, a "Ohira small injustice," the geomorphological features. Temperateclimate in the citys southern edge, a semi-Wenrun temperate climate, there areobviously transitional characteristics, the average temperature 14.7 ℃, the average duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, an average of 216 daysfrost-free period, an average of 822 mm of precipitation. Area rivers are theHuaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the main trunk stream, Fei River WestRiver, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and so on. Bozhou City, a major mineral resources of coal, quartz stone, limestone,dolomite, clay and animal resources are foxes, badgers, Huang You, woodpeckers,owls, Lusi, Li Huang, a snake, scorpion, frog, carp, crucian carp, mandarinfish,eel, eels , Shrimp, aquatic plants are lotus root, turbot, wild rice stem,Gorgon Fruit, Reed, Po, a Chinese herbal medicines peony, chrysanthemum, Sangpi,pollen, bellflower, such as more than 400 species of honeysuckle. Specialtiesare Furui Gong wine, TGP, paulownia, Mansudae Yaozhen, paper-cut. Cheng Tangtomb relics have, Hua Um, spent Xilou, the ancient underpass, ethics in thePalace, Sang Lin, Cao Cao Temple, Cao Pi Temple, spent the Chinese Taiwan chapter. Bozhou has a long history and a long history and ancient culture of theChinese nation is the birthplace of one. On the old days, "Bo" and an ancientYuzhou, Cheng Tang诸侯for when living in this. "Millimetres" Writing was "thin.""History Geography" Note: "millimetres with the thin." "Historical Records" set:"Since the lease to move eight Cheng Tang, Tang before the Habitat millimetres."Has on several occasions to move the capital by the people will have the soupand collectively referred to as "Bo", including South millimetres (now the southof Shangqiu in Henan Province, north of Bozhou in Anhui), North millimetres(Shandong Caoxian this area), West millimetres (this area in Henan Yanshi ). Nowthe Bozhou, it millimetres of South Metro. Zhou Dynasty, said here "coke." Qinunified China, the county system, Qiao home in this county, under the DangshanCounty. Qinmo Sheng Chen, WU Guang-Ze in the rural uprising, because from timeto the north of the Pengcheng, to occupy Qiao County. Western Han Dynasty, YuQiao County under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Zhouci Shi Peijun. EasternHan Dynasty, Peijun to Peiguo. Jianan the end, out of a home Peiguo Qiao County,Cao Cao Qiao County to the vicinity of the base, the military and economicexpansion on its own strength. Qiao Cao Cao in the county, such asimplementation of Cultivation, vigorously carry out "Juntun," "Man Tuen," Qiaocounty region to promote the development of agricultural production and thegrowth of economic strength. Wong Wei Wendi early 20__ (22 l), Qiao was called "Capital", and Xuchang,Changan, Luoyang, and ye are called 5. Zhengshi four years the Northern WeiDynasty (507) Purchase South Yanzhou. The first year of an elephant NorthernZhou (579), Yanzhou is located in the South because of ancient Near South millimetrestemporary, the "ancient South millimetres away from the name of the state to"change the South for the Bozhou Yanzhou, the name of Bozhou only see this. Sui and Tang Dynasties period, changed its name several times, or Bozhou,or Qiao County. Early Ming, Bozhou, down to the county, under the Yingzhou City.Hongzhi nine years (1496), millimetres County also upgraded the state. The earlyQing Dynasty, under the Bozhou Gangnam province Fengyang House. Kangxi 20__(1667), designated as Gangnam province of Jiangsu, Anhui, the two Buzheng ShiDivision. In the first year (1912) Bozhou to millimetres County. In 37 (1948) inAugust the establishment of Bozhou City, in February 1949 city and county mergedto restore millimetres County formed, Li Fuyang Civil Administration. March 1986dismantling millimetres County built Bozhou City, and its affiliation with thesame area. February 1998 directly to the provincial jurisdiction. May 20__-levelto the establishment of Bozhou City. Bozhou-wide cross-east longitude 115 ° 53 ~ 116 ° 49, latitude 32 ° 51 ~ 35° 05, a long, Dongnanxibei syncline, about 150 km and a width of 90 km. Habitatjurisdiction and the Yellow River to burst fan attached to a plain, is flat,with only the eastern part of Yongsan, Shi Gong Shan, Qi Shan, Langshan,double-lock for more than 10 such as the limestone residue Qiu distributionthroughout the Bozhou terrain northwest and southeast high-low To 1 / 9000 ofnatural gradient to the ground southeast of micro-dumping. Northwest Qiaocheng Qu Zhan floor topography highest, 42.5 meters above sealevel; Lixin County, southeast of outreach to the minimum southern ditch, 22meters above sea level, the relative gap between 20.5 meters. Because of theriver winding past the Yellow River and cutting changes in the South Pan-impactform of plain Kong, Singapore, dish-and low-lying land distribution, a "Ohirasmall injustice," the geomorphological features. Jiang soil is mainly blacksand, followed by the influx of soil, brown earth soil type, soil and a smallamount of lime in the vortex, kept the hills surrounding countiesdistribution. Temperate climate in the citys southern edge, a semi-Wenrun temperateclimate, marked the transitional characteristics, mainly for the monsoonObviously, a mild climate, sufficient light, moderate rainfall, a longfrost-free period, four distinct seasons, spring temperature changes, Yu Xiaconcentrated, Qiugaoqishuang, long and dry winter. Because of the climate oftransition, resulting in frequent confrontation and well-being of air masses,the weather changes, annual precipitation, the citys historical averagetemperature 14.7 ℃, the average duration of bright sunshine 2320 hours, anaverage of 216 days frost-free period, the average annual rainfall of 822mm. Bozhou City common disastrous weather is dry, floods, high winds, hail,Ganre Feng, low temperature, frost, and so on. Drought, waterlogging is the mostimportant natural disasters. ? Area rivers are theHuaihe River water system. Wohe rivers are the maintrunk stream, Fei River West River, Huai River Mainz, beifei he, QIAN He, and soon. Qiao Chengqu Wohe since the Immigration wandering the town, flows throughthe southeast Guoyang County Mengcheng County, moved to the village to collectexit Huaiyuan County, 173 km in length, the basin area of 4,039 squarekilometers; Fei River West River since the Qiaocheng Qu Fei River town entry,Guoyang County, flows through the southeast, to show Gou Zhen from Lixin countyin Fengtai, Yingshang County community, in the 123.4 km long, the valley area of1,871 square kilometers; Mainz Huai River from Lixin County Li Jizhen entry tothe east The Lixin County south to exit floor, Zou Mengcheng County in HuaiyuanCounty, 66 km in length, the drainage area 14 01 square kilometers. 2023英文导游词 篇13"Bao guang, west park, north green cloud, in yuan." To yuan temple is located in wuhan hanyang CuiWei feng cui wei road west side, and GuQinTai adjacent. Say "convenient to return yuan no 2, there are many." Yuan temple temple name comes from this. To yuan temple site for private garden in Ming dynasty, by 1658, the park owner give alms to the monk in this build three small tower, tower buried unowned bones. Deng shedding pay property to build temples, then experience generation reconstruction in succession, hence become today's pattern. Owned by yuan temple building area of more than twenty thousand square meters? Main construction points, both inside and outside. The outer court is mainly composed of gate house, courtyard, ponds; The inner court by the north courtyard, then Ursa and south courtyard sutra depository arhat hall three main body construction, as well as great, earth treasure house, etc. To yuan temple give an outstanding impression is consistent with the other temple is its architecture. It would not be symmetrical pattern of grand, but slightly clutter. Originally, built the temple, begging monk can't gather together in a short time together enough money to do the arrangement. Rich when you hurry to buy to repair, otherwise wait to raise enough money, ideas in the surrounding area has first bought by others. Monks have to can only have a sum of money in one place. The gate toward the east, but gradually from the south to the north side in buildings. Compared with the general big jungle, be yuan temple "hundred feet maolin, thousand bamboo pole, and red, brake, green around the cloud room", colorful, beautiful and pleasant. Drops after lotus leaf green lotus pond, lotus flower in full bloom, is Ursa major, the temple Buddha like guanyin is the island, on both sides and 24 the heavens like, placed on a sloping surface, high technological level. Particularly noteworthy is that the sugar like sweets before running, it is not normal fabric, but wood and wood is wiser. Behind the of primitive simplicity and elegant modelling is unique, with high appreciation value, is a rare art treasures. To the north and to the sutra depository, the magnificent building, decorative and elegant, is the treasure house of collection of cultural relics to yuan temple. Hidden inside a set of qing and bei Ye Zhenjing,.chinese or copper Buddha, both for treasures, and also has given some buddhist relics abroad. Main hall displays a Burmese jade Buddha statue, very beautiful. West sutra depository, bypass tuas pavilion, south to the south of arhat hall, went into his house, can see a "field" glyph of five hundred arhats. Their ups and downs sit, joys and sorrows, each feminine beauty, rich distinguishing feature each, or legged earphones, or design, or studying buddhist scriptures, bouldering or drive out evil spirit, each are not identical, some brave, some gentle, some naive, silly, and some vicissitudes, expressions are all different, some in the pick up ear cleaning, some in a bored manner yawning, make people laugh. Ocean's production craft level is very high, to the end of the 19th century the qing guangxu years HuangBei County wang's father and son take a nine-year into. Type used on the process linoleum bodiless lacquer special method: first use unpainted clay idol with molding model, with a thick cloth, raw lacquer paste TaoSu step by step, and make each ocean's head and shoulders, ribs, leg respectively form a tendency, thus in the line of art image draws the outline of a large surface, make the action, different expressions. This process is conducive to the screw, enduring, and corrosion protection, is not bad, it is unique to China. Wuhan flood in 1954 and five hundred arhats, floating down the house after water back but intact, so wuhan folk have bathed ocean's "five hundred". To yuan temple is also one of the birthplace of the modern buddhist revival. In the spring of 1922, too the mage to yuan temple lecture buddhist, when all the listeners, stimulate too buddhist volunteers, it is the same with listening celebrity to negotiate, to better buddhist generative, must set up the buddhist, extensive training talents of Buddhism, buddhist institute to run one of the cause of this is wuchang. 2023英文导游词 篇14ladies and gentlemen , welcome to Fenghuang, the place where were arrivingis one of the two most beautiful town in China----the old town of fenghuang, itsa very important point that connects huaihua hunan and tongren guizhoutogether.and its the hometown of mr shengcongwen. fenghuang has wonderful natural landscapes,its very hot for travellingsince the old time. even a lot of teleplays were produced here.fenghuang is alsoa dradle for famous people ,shencongwen and xiongxiling are both spent theirchildhood here.now, lets set out to enjoy these fantastic good views. THE FORMER RESIDENCE OF SHENCONGWEN This is the former residence of shencongwen,a very famous auther,archaeologist and historian in china. lined in the zhongying street in the south part of the fenghuang old town,the residence is a typical spacious ancient countryard with special tectonicstyle of ming and qing dynasty. walk into the yard, you can find that there is asmall patio in the center of the countryard. which is built with red rock.around the patio , there are about 10 rooms which are small but decorated byspecial carved wooden windows .its so beautiful. common people,and know their tragic lives. this special experience stunnedup his enthusiasm of writhing . so in 1919, mr shen went to beijing alone, andbegan his hard writing . after his series of works WEST OF HUNAN FRINGE TOWNwere punished, mr shen became nation -wide well -known.at that time, he was evenas famous as luxun, another famous auther in chiese literature area. its saidthat shencongwen is the one who is the most possible to win the prize. mr shen devoted all his life to writing,his 5-million word works are thoughas the precious legacy to the world literature.meanwhile, these works are alsovery veluable date for researching the history of hunan province and evenchina. 2023英文导游词 篇15Dear visitors, my name is yu-chen zhang, is jiujiang landscape travel guide. Today I lead you to visit the place is only in the "world heritage" of China cultural landscape - lushan scenic area. Lushan mountain in jiujiang in jiangxi province in central China, the south, also known as "KuangShan", "KuangLu", lists of the Yangtze, tight in poyang lake. The whole of a total of more than 90 peaks. To hanyang peak, the highest peak either altitude 1473.4 meters, the lushan mountain scenery to "show, and the risks, the male" is famous, known as "KuangLu under well of guilin" reputation, is now main twelve landscape, 37, 230 scenery landscape. Lushan early have "lu" of fairy tales, fog day up to an average of 191 days, diffuse clouds of lushan added a lot of the beauty of the landscape charming and mysterious. Lushan mountain is one of the birthplace of Chinese civilization, as well as a collection of scenery, culture, religion, education, politics, as one of the famous through the ages. Also has a unique quaternary glacial relics, is the theory of the quaternary glacial birthplace. Now we can visit freely, then we'll come to here. 2023英文导游词 篇16大家好!欢迎来到颐和园,今天由我来担任你们的导游,我叫杨依璠,大家可以叫我杨导游,废话不多说,现在就开始我们一天的旅程吧! Everybody is good! , welcome to the Summer Palace today by me to serve as your guide, my name is Yang in Fan, you can call me Yang, tour guide, please donate said, now let's start our day trip! 首先,我们绕过大殿,来到有名的长廊,这条长廊有七百多米,分成273间,绿漆的柱子,红漆的栏杆,每一间的横槛上都有五彩的画,画着人物、花草、山水,几千幅画,没有那两幅画是相同的,长廊的两旁还栽满了花草树木,这一朵花还没谢,那一朵花又开了,让我们感觉神清气爽。好了,我们走了这么大一会儿,也累了,现在请旅客朋友们坐在长廊的凳子上,休息一会儿,吃点儿东西,喝点水,但是大家千万不要把垃圾乱扔,这样即破坏环境,又给清洁工人员带来了不便,请大家把垃圾都丢到垃圾箱里。这不是一举两得吗! First, we bypass hall, came to the famous promenade, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273, the pillars of the green paint, red paint railings, each cross sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape, thousands of painting, without the two picture is the same, the gallery also planted with trees and flowers on both sides, this didn't thank a flower, the flower opened again, and let us feel refreshed. Well, we walked so much in a short while, also tired, now please passengers sit on a porch friends stool, have a rest, eat something, have a drink of water, but you don't throw the trash, so that damage the environment, and brought inconvenience to cleaner, please put the rubbish into the dustbin. This is not kill two birds with one stone! 我们游览过了长廊,现在请大家跟随我到万寿山来游玩吧!现在我们已经在万寿山的脚下了,请旅客朋友们抬头向上看,我们会看到一个八角宝塔形的三层建筑耸立在半山腰上,这就是佛香阁,下面的一排排金碧辉煌的宫殿,就是排云殿。 We visited the gallery, now follow me to the longevity hill, please come and visit! We are now at the feet of the longevity hill, please passengers friends look up look up, we will see a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in the hillside, this is the Buddha incense, the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is the cloud temple. 现在我们在万寿山山上了,据说这里是看颐和园全景最好的地方,我们向前眺望,映入眼帘的是昆明湖,它静得像一面镜子,绿得像一块碧玉,不知旅客们有没有这样的感觉? Now we in longevity hill mountain, it is said that this is the best place to see the Summer Palace view, we look forward, greeted the kunming lake, it quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jade, I wonder if the passengers have such feeling? 我们已经在万寿山山下了,昆明湖就在我们眼前,它围绕这长长的堤岸,堤上有好几座式样不同的石桥,湖中心有个小岛,我们走过长长的石桥就可以去小岛上玩,这座石桥叫十七孔桥,桥栏杆上有上百根石柱,柱子上都雕刻着小狮子,姿态不一,没有那两只是相同的。 We are already below the longevity hill and kunming lake is in front of us, it around this long bank, there are several styles of different stone bridge, on the lake in the center there is a small island, we can go to the island to play through the stone bridge, the bridge is called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, railing on hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion, have different attitude, without those two are just the same. 时间过得真快,到和大家说再见的时候了,真希望大家以后有机会再来观赏一下颐和园的美景。 How time flies, to say goodbye to you all, wish you have a chance to later to enjoy the beauty of the Summer Palace. 2023英文导游词 篇17独乐寺位于蓟县城武定北侧,它始建于天宝十一年,辽代重建。关于独乐寺的得名,这里有三种说法,第一种说法是独乐寺的主体建筑是十一面观世音的内部,就是一颗参天而立的独梨树;第二种说法是,安禄山起兵反唐,这里是誓师地,他“盖思独乐而不与民同乐”,故名独乐寺:还有一种说法是,“佛家清心寡欲,独以普渡众生为乐”故名独乐寺。整个独乐寺有三部分组成,东路是清朝皇帝辟建的行宫,西路是僧房,中路由山门,观音之阁,八角亭,卧佛殿,三佛殿组成。整体建筑布局简洁,主题突出,宏伟庄严。独乐寺有五个之最:观音阁是我国仅存的最古老的木结构高层楼阁;观音像是我国仅存的最大古代泥塑之一;山门为现存最早,等级最高的庑殿顶山门;山门正脊上有最早的鸱吻;独乐寺为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 Alone le temple located in jixian city WuDing north side, it was YuTianBao eleven years, liao reconstruction. About alone le temple of named, here are three kinds of views, the first scenario is the main architecture of the music alone temple is ten side, it is a combination of internal star stands alone; pear tree towering The second argument is that war against tang troops stationed, here is pledging to "cover thought alone, he Shared with people without music," friend name alone le temple: another theory "buddhist less-desired, alone to self-salvation for le" friend name alone le temple. The whole alone le temple has three parts, road is the qing emperors monarch palace, built in the west is monk room, by the middle of the entrance, guanyin restaurant, BaJiaoTing, lie shrive, three shrive composition. The whole building layout is concise, subject is outstanding, the majestic. There are five alone le temple of most: GuanYinGe is China's only to save the oldest timberwork high-rise castles, Kuan Yin like China the biggest only to save one of ancient clay sculpture, For the earliest extant entrance, the highest level of Wu house top entrance, Entrance is ridge has the earliest ChiWen; Alone le temple to the first national key units of cultural relics protection. 现在,我们到站了。 Now we arrived. 现在我们大家看到的这个建筑就是山门,他高10米,面阔三间,进深两间,中间坐穿堂,两侧是稍间。在山门的檐下有一块匾,上书“独乐寺”三个字,为明代大学士严嵩手笔,据说他在北方只留下六个字,另外三个字就是北京的“六必居”三个字。 Now, let's see the building entrance, he is 10 m tall, surface broadly three rooms, descend two rooms, sitting among ChuanTang, both sides are a little room. At the entrance YanXia a plaque proclaiming, "alone le temple" three words, YanSong descriptions for Ming university, he is said to be in the northern leave only six words, another three word is Beijing's "six will dwell" three word. 在山门的前两稍间有两尊辽代的金刚力士站像,也就是我们俗称的哼哈二将,从他们的嘴形和手形可看出,左边这尊闭口,握手为“哼”将,右边张口,伸手为“哈”将,他们都是4.5米高,肌肉隆起,威武雄壮,紧守着山门,他们站在此地已经是一千多年的历史了。我们看这两根中柱的中间,相传以前有一扇大门,由于年代久远,这门及应不存了,但这里是山门和观音之阁的分界线,站在门槛这一边看观音之阁,只能看到局部,跨过门槛一步,大阁全貌就尽收眼底了。大家不妨试一下,这是魏晋时期,普遍采用的画框式结构。山门北稍间的两侧是清光绪年间绘制的四大天王像。先看东侧:南方增长天王,手持宝剑;东方持国天王,手持琵琶。西侧的两尊:北方多闻天亡,手持雨伞;西方广目天王,手握银蛇。四大天王手中所持之物组成一个成语“风调雨顺”,表达了我国老百姓的愿望。 In the first two slightly have between two honour the king kong lux stood like liao, namely we commonly known as the HengHa will be two, from their ZuiXing and can be seen on the left hand form, this statue silent, the handshake for "hum" will, on the right hand to mouth, "ha" will, they are all 4.5 meters high, muscle uplift, power and grandeur, clinging to the entrance, they stand here is more than a thousand years of history. We see the two root in the middle, said to the column before there was a gate, because is ages ago, this door and shall not be saved, but here is inside the cabinet and guanyin boundaries, the standing in this side watching the threshold restaurant, only see avalokitesvara local, across the threshold step, big ge panorama is panorama. You might as well try, it is widely used in wei-jin period, the frame type structure. Entrance slightly between the north is flanked by guangxu period of four major Kings like drawing. First look at the east: the south, holding the sword; growth lalitasana Oriental lalitasana, holding the pipa hold kingdom. West two honour: north WenTian wu, holding an umbrella more, Western wide eyes lalitasana, hand measures. Four major Kings hand held by the content composition an idiom "good", expressed our common people's wishes. 我们去看一看主体建筑。我们面前的就是独乐寺的主体建筑“观音之阁”,它通高23米,从外观上看分为上下两层,实际上是三层,在它正中间有一个暗层,整个大阁最突出的特点是没有一根钉子,都是榫卯结构的,我们看这一朵朵的就是斗拱,方形木块为斗,长条拱木为拱,整个大阁共用了152朵斗拱。大阁的房顶为九脊歇山式,檐下有一块匾额“观音之阁“,它是李白的真迹,这块匾额已经收入全国名匾大全了,下面这块匾额是“具足圆成”它是咸丰的手笔,意思是说里面的观音已经修行圆满,具备成佛条件了。 We went to see the main architecture. In front of us is the main architecture of the music alone temple the pavilion "view sound", it connects tall 23 metres, from appearance on look into fluctuation two layer, is actually three layers, in its middle have a dark layer, the whole big pavilion, the most outstanding characteristic is not a nail, are SunMao structure, we see this one is for wood, quadrate Romanesque capitals which should GongMu measures, strip for arch, the whole big ge share now 152 flower Romanesque capitals which should. Big ge roof for nine mountain ridge jehiel, YanXia have a plaque type of "ge" view sound, it's li bai's authentic, this plaque, have income national name plaque daqo, below this plaque is "a full five pureland sutras" it is written, xianfeng mean inside the goddess of mercy has practice perfection, have become Buddha conditions. 我们从这个位置回头看一下山门,整个山门是由12根粗大的柱子支挺的,柱头全部向内倾斜。它是我国古建筑的一个特点,称为侧角,使建筑物更加稳定,在山门的正脊上有两个饰物,尾巴向内翘起,似鸟非鸟,似鱼非鱼,叫做鸱吻。传说为龙生九子之一,能喷浪成雨,取喷水震火之用。 We'll check it from this location, got the whole entrance is consisted of 12 root massive columns branch stand of, the stigma all inward tilt. It is our country ancient building a characteristic, called lateral Angle, make the building more stable, the entrance is in two ridge decorations, tail inward tilted and like birds, like fish than the birds, fish called ChiWen. Legend as one of the nine dragon born son, can spray waves into rain, take water-jet earthquake fire with. 现在我们走进大阁里边来看一下。在我们面前的就是十一面观音像,它通高16米,站在莲花台上,通过暗层,直达阁顶。观音有33种变化形式。十一面观音为其中一种,这种体裁在别处是绝对看不到的,因为就全国来讲,只有这里供奉的是十一面观音,它在世界上也仅存13尊。我们看整个观音略向前倾,给人以亲切感。它的两个飘带从手腕处一直垂到莲花台之上,实际上是起了支撑点的作用了。我们说这个观音是泥塑的,并不是说它完全是用泥堆起来的,它的内部有仿人体骨架的木结构,外面雕刻的是泥。十一面观音两旁的是善财,龙女两位胁持菩萨,他们腰部微扭,头顶五佛冠,显得生动活波,给人以真实感,这三尊塑像加上前面的哼哈二将,独乐寺共有5尊辽代的塑像,专家评价独乐寺的早期塑像就是“少而精,艺术价值高”。 Now we walk in the cabinet inside check. In front of us are ten side kuan Yin, it connects tall 16 meters, standing on the lotus stage, through the dark layer, direct ge crest. Kuan Yin has 33 change form. Ten to one side guanyin, this genre elsewhere is absolutely cannot see, because national terms, only where is ten side guanyin, it in the world only to save and honour. We see the entire guanyin slightly lean forward, give a person with tenderness. Its two ribbon from wrist hung to lotus Chinese Taiwan, is actually played above supporting role. We said this guanyin is clay sculpture, and it's not to say it is completely with mud the heaped, its inside human body skeleton are imitated timberwork, outside carved is mud. Ten side kuan Yin is the good fortune, both sides of the dragon female two nov.19 bodhisattva, their waist micro twist, head the five-buddha crown, appear lively, give a person with reality, these three statue adds the previous HengHa will be two, alone le temple there were five honour liao statue of expert evaluation alone le temple early statue is "fewer but better, artistic value high". 在里边来看,每个柱头上都有一个斗拱,整个大阁152朵斗拱,24种形式,分布在大阁各个部位,它好似人的关节一样,这是观音之阁历经1000多年的风风雨雨,28次地震,依然安然无恙的原因之一。 Inside to see, each inter-specific has a large cabinet, whole Romanesque capitals which should 152 flower Romanesque capitals which should, 24 types, distribution in the big ge each place, it seems people joints are the same, and that is the pavilion over 1000 years guanyin the ups and downs, and 28 earthquakes, still safe and sound reasons. 整个大阁是以三大艺术于一堂的,它就是古建筑,塑像,通栏布满墙面的彩色壁画。这组壁画绘制于元代,1972年才发现出来的,原来一直保护在一层泥土里面,它的发现有很高的历史价值,科研价值和艺术价值。它已经被临摹收入国库了,壁画以佛教十六罗汉和二天王为主题,间以佛教有关的神话故事,世俗题材组成一组组各有独立,又彼此相连的巨幅画卷。 The whole big ge is in one of three art, it is an ancient architectural TongLan figurine, full of metope color murals. This group of mural drawing in the yuan dynasty, 1972, it is found out in a layer of mud have been protection, it found inside have high historical value and scientific value and artistic value. It has been copying income Treasury, mural by buddhist 16 arhat and two Kings as the theme, with Buddhism between relevant myth, secular subjects composed of groups each have independent and each connected non-imperial scenes. 现场解说到此结束,下面的时间,大家可以自己游览。 On-site interpretation to the end, the following time, everybody can oneself tour. 2023英文导游词 篇18Hello! Dear passengers, my friends, I am you the tour guide. First to introduce myself. My name is guilin travel guide, hong-yu zhu, I will be with you through this journey together, thank you to give me this chance, I will service for you, let everybody have a good time in guilin and happy, hope everyone support to our work. Guilin, the famous tourist destination, as the saying goes: landscape jiatianxia guilin. Guilin with her mountain, water show, hole, Shi Xiu is famous for its beautiful scenery, every year attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad to guilin tourism. Guilin mountains in this area, the past high mountains towering, springing up, connect. Guilin water winds bend, on the bottom, in trip in the future I will take you on a boat to see guilin is the most beautiful one in the river, li river. The lijiang river water is eerily quiet, quiet we simply dont feel it in the flow; The water of the lijiang on the bottom, can see there are many beautiful fish swimming around. Guilin more mountain stone, famous with the hilt of crescent hill stone fish stone elephant trunk hill, fubo hill sword-power-test rock... Guilin hole is a special skill. Let me together with me, please go ashore to admire the mysterious rock. Rock cave of the area is big, can accommodate more than ten thousand people, look here, inside hole has a strange shape various scenery: a vast original forest, pagoda towering tall and straight, and fresh white bamboo... A palace of nature, said. Look at this way, for a variety of stalactites, under the lights, it is more fun? The stalactites has a beautiful name, what shiling toward, stone milk account, haeundae range and so on. Please free to enjoy, must pay attention to safety! Guilin stone beauty, green hills, water show, hole. The beautiful scenery of the singularly, won the praise of the landscape jiatianxia guilin. Compose a as long as more than 80 km of landscape picture scroll. 亲爱的乘客们,你们好!我的朋友们,我是你们的导游。首先介绍我自己。我的名字是桂林旅游指南,洪宇朱,我将与你一起走过这段旅程,谢谢你给我这个机会,我会为你服务,让大家在桂林有一个美好的时光和快乐,希望大家支持我们的工作。 桂林,著名的旅游胜地,俗话说:山水甲天下的桂林。桂林的山、水、洞、Shi Xiu以风景优美著称,每年吸引数以百万计的国内外游客到桂林旅游。 桂林山区在这方面,过去的高山高耸,弹跳起来,连接。桂林水风弯曲,在底部,在未来的旅行,我将带你乘船看到桂林是最美丽的一条河,澧。丽江河的水是出奇的安静,安静的我们根本感觉不到它在流动;丽江的水在底部,可以看到有很多漂亮的鱼游来游去。 桂林的山多石,著名的有月牙山石头鱼石象鼻山柄,伏波山剑的力量测试岩石桂林洞是一种特殊的技能。让我和我一起,上岸去欣赏那神秘的岩石。 岩窟面积大,可容纳一万多人,看这里,洞内有一个奇形怪状的各种风景:一大片原始的森林,宝塔高耸挺拔,清新洁白的竹自然的宫殿,说。这样来看,各种各样的钟乳石,在灯光下,它更有趣?钟乳石都有一个美丽的名字,什么石岭朝,石乳账户、云台范围等。请自由享用,一定要注意安全! 桂林石美人,青山,水秀,洞。的奇异美丽的风景,赢得了山水甲天下的桂林的赞美。创作一条长达80多公里的山水画卷。 2023英文导游词 篇19The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India andthe Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world.Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province,the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobidesert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up anddown, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan MountainChains through five provinces-Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--andtwo autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern Chinatogether. Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall todefensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Chengof the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring Statesperiod in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin werefrequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan andYanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducalstates to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered theother states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection ofthese individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the presentgreat wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north ofthe Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC--1644 BC.), which went to ruinthrough years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeedingdynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements andrenovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the MingDynasty Wall that visitors see today. The Great Wall is divided into twosections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The westpart is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In theeastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shellis reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preservedsections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijingand both are open to visitors. The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wideenough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures,peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoylesto drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built atapproximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower weredesigned for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storinggrain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quarteringgarrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top,is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". Theview from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour ofmountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge withdistant haze. A signal system formerly existed that served to communicatemilitary information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers onthe Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approachof enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in thedaytime and bonfire did this at night. Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant placeswithin a few hour long before the invention of anything like moderncommunications. There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places ofstrategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguanand Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometersnorthwest of Beijing. Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass UnderHeaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neckconnecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a keyjunction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here.It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to theManchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and sosurrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation ofthe Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911) Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategicpass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history.Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains,it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di ofthe Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to thewestern regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. Thegate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. Ithas an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surroundedby a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, aneastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. thefour corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khanswept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a whitemarble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-StreetDagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the topof the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the YuanDaynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal archgateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendidimages of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividnessof their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandioserelics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancientChinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and thelanguage of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhismand ancient languages. As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only toChina but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and culturalarchitecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also theurban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significantsocial developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of suchhistorical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be soattractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCOas a world cultural heritage site. 2023英文导游词 篇20Changshu city in jiangsu province is located in the Chinese economy most developed Yangtze river delta, the conjugate of the Yangtze river golden waterway of the throat, adjacent to China's biggest economic center of Shanghai, and in the arms of suzhou, wuxi, nantong and other large and medium-sized cities, has a unique geographical advantage. Changshu the amphibious transportation is convenient, in highway. 204 national highway running through the territory, Su Chang line connecting shanghai-nanjing expressway. Suzhou-jiaxing-hangzhou expressway, coastal expressway in construction and planning of the railway, sutong bridge along the river in the intersection, changshu has become an important transport hub in east China. Changshu is located in the Yangtze river delta development zone along the Yangtze river, east on Shanghai, south suzhou, wuxi west, north near the Yangtze river and nantong across the river. The city's total area of 1164 square kilometers and a population of 1.039 million, with 24 towns and yushan mountain forest farm. Within the territory of flat terrain, the climate is mild, the good crop weather, because the harvest year after year the name "changshu", known as "jiangnan land of fish and rice" reputation. Is the national famous historical and cultural city, changshu, after five thousand years of civilization developed leather, culture developed, talents and heroes. Far a xing wu culture and education, the pioneers of the hole door "one of the ten zhe" south "master" suppress and nearly have qing dynasties royal preceptor, prime minister weng dowa etc. A large number of famous historical figures. From tang dynasty to qing dynasty, a total of nine prime minister, eight champions, 483 jinshi. When modern, members (department members), changshu 18, including li qiang, wang kan-chang, gwong dau cheung, Zhang Qinglian such as a well-known scientist. History to changshu left plenty of humanities landscape, listed in the national taihu lake scenic area of yushan mountain national forest park, the monk, shajiabang scenic area, make changshu is famous at home and abroad of tourist attraction. "Seven streams is sea water, green hill half into the city" human natural landscape, changshu has created a unique amorous feelings. In 1997, was the provincial government named the provincial garden city, in 1999, changshu smoothly through the national sanitary city assessment. Changshu is a by the well-off towards basic modernization of cities. Since the reform and opening, changshu make full use of its own location advantages and cultural advantages, carry forward the "unity, hard, realistic and innovative" spirit of changshu, hard work, pioneering spirit, economic and social undertakings have made substantial progress, comprehensive strength enhanced obviously, the sixth year in a row to keep the national "top ten god of wealth county" title, the "national comprehensive strength counties (city)", "national science and technology counties (city)". 20xx 25.8 billion yuan GDP, gross industrial output value 45 billion yuan, the total import and export of $1.561 billion, total retail sales of social consumer goods 6.87 billion yuan, fiscal revenue was 2.436 billion yuan. The whole city economy and various social undertakings maintained a healthy development momentum. Developed economy, science and education progress, market prosperity and social stability of the new changshu is moving toward modernization basic target stride forward. Changshu convenient traffic, only an hour away from Shanghai hongqiao airport. Telecommunications has Cheng Konghua full implementation, is the first population of more than millions of telephone city in jiangsu province. Colleges and universities in the city has 2, 1 national demonstration high school, vocational school 2, 7 provincial key middle school. Changshu is a national "spark technology concentration areas," top ten patent counties (city), in the "national science and technology comprehensive strength counties (city)". 2023英文导游词 篇21Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a world cultural heritage, a national keycultural relics protection unit, and an advanced unit in creating a nationalcivilized scenic spot. "In the boundless Jieshi East, this pass is made byheaven. "The first pass in the world" is the first pass at the eastern startingpoint of the Great Wall. It is the dividing line between the inside and outsideof the pass and an important barrier for Beijing, the capital of the MingDynasty. It's close to the mountain and the sea. It's easy to defend but hard toattack. Built in 1381 A.D., Guancheng is a scientific, complete and strictmilitary defense system composed of Guancheng, Wengcheng, Luocheng, Yicheng,Shaocheng, beacon towers and piers of Xingluo Qibu. Because of its uniqueconstruction, it stands out from many dangerous passes of the Great Wall in theMing Dynasty and is known as "the key of the two capitals and the first pass ofthe Great Wall". Shanhaiguan, with its ancient life experience, has recorded thevicissitudes of more than 600 years and become a witness of history. Manyemperors and generals left their footprints here: Emperor Qinshihuang's questfor immortality, Emperor Weiwu's eastward expedition, Emperor Taizong'sexpedition to Korea, and the five emperors of the Qing Dynasty's stay There havealso been many major historical events here: Xu Dajian's establishment of agarrison, the Jiashen war in the late Ming Dynasty, the invasion of the EightAllied forces, the second Zhifeng war, and the first shot of the Great Wall AntiJapanese war. Laolongtou scenic spot is located on the coast of Bohai Sea, 5kmsouth of Shanhaiguan city. It is composed of Ninghai City, stone city into thesea, chenghailou, nanhaikouguan, longwuying, Haishen temple, etc. Like a giant dragon, the Great Wall stretches across the land of China. Itseast end is 4 kilometers south of Shanhaiguan City, and it is inserted into thesea. Like the dragon head, it becomes the eastern starting point of the greatwall of Ming Dynasty, so it is called the old dragon head. Chenghai tower is thecommanding height of the old dragon head, and it is a resort to view the sea.Mengjiangnu temple is located in Fenghuang mountain, 6.5km east of Shanhaiguan,which is composed of zhennu temple and mengjiangnu garden. In front of thetemple, there are 108 steps leading to the mountain gate. Inside the red wall ofthe temple, there are two halls, bell tower, Zhenyi Pavilion, Wangfu stone, etc.In the back of the temple, there is a garden area of Jiangnan style, MengJiangnu yuan and the east west side hall, which reproduces the panoramic view of"Meng Jiangnu's story", the first of the four folklores in China. 2023英文导游词 篇22大家好!我是你们游览丽江古城的导游。我很高兴能与大家共渡这快乐时光!我姓张。大家可以叫我张导游。 请大家跟我来。这里是丽江古城。我先给大家简单介绍一下丽江古城。丽江古城又名大研镇,坐落在丽江坝中部,称为“保存最为完好的四大古城”之一。它是中国历史文化名城中唯一没有城墙的古城。丽江古城地处云贵高原,海拔2400余米,全城面积达3。8平方公里,自古就是远近闻名的集市和重镇。古城现有居民6200多户,25000余人。其中,纳西族占总人口绝大多数,有30%的居民仍在从事以铜银器制作、皮毛皮革、纺织、酿造业为主的传统手工业和商业活动。 好了,现在大家跟我进古城看看。 丽江古城是一座没有城墙的古城,大研古城是一座具有浓烈人文气息的小城。 丽江古城内的街道依山傍水修建,铺的大多都是红色角砾岩,雨季不会泥泞、旱季也不会飞灰,石上花纹图案自然雅致。看,光滑洁净的青石板路、完全手工建造的土木结构的房屋、无处不在的小桥流水。 前面就是古城中心的四方街了。这里工艺品琳琅满目。人气兴旺。来古城没有不来四方街的。位于古城与新城交界处的大水车是丽江古城的标志,古城大水车旁有一块大屏幕,每日播放的歌曲即是古城最受欢迎最有特色的歌曲,其中《纳西净地》是较为出名的歌曲之一。现在给大家十分钟拍个照吧,你一定感觉很好的! 在丽江古城区,修建有桥梁354座,其密度为平均每平方公里93座。桥梁的形制多种多样,较着名的有锁翠桥、大石桥…… 古城内的木府原为丽江世袭土司木氏的衙署。五凤楼始建于明代万历二十九年(公元1620xx年),楼高20米。因其建筑形制酷似五只飞来的彩凤,故名“五凤楼”。这里还有白沙民居建筑、群束河民居建筑群……一会大家自由参观吧。 丽江古城历史悠久,古朴自然。城市布局错落有致,既具有山城风貌,又富于水乡韵味。丽江民居既融和了汉、白、彝、藏各民族精华,又有纳西族的独特风采,很独特吧!今天,我就给大家介绍到这里。祝大家旅愉快!再见! Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide. I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang. You can call me a guide. Please come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. I'll give you a brief introduction of lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is the only ancient city without walls in China's famous historical and cultural city. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and business activities. Ok, now you give me into the city to see. Lijiang is an ancient city without walls, dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town. Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won't fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance. Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges. Is in front of the old city center square street. Full of beautiful things in this arts and crafts. Sentiment towards prosperity. Shouldn't have come to city square street. Large water wheel on the border between ancient city and new city is the symbol of the ancient city of lijiang, near the ancient city of large water wheel has a large screen, daily broadcast songs is the special features of the most popular songs, including "naxi net to" is one of the more famous songs. Now let's take a picture give you ten minutes, you must feel good! In lijiang ancient city, built 354 Bridges, the density of the average per 93 square kilometers. Shape, a variety of Bridges, a famous cui bridge, a lock in... Lijiang ancient town of mu's residence was hereditary wood's yamen toast. Five phoenix tower was built in the Ming dynasty wanli twenty-nine years (AD 1601), the building of which was 20 metres high. Because of its architectural form like five flying colourful feng, so the name "the five-phoenix towers". There is white sand local-style dwelling houses building, a group of beam river residential buildings... For a moment you free for a visit. Lijiang has a long history, natural style. City layout strewn at random have send, already have mountain view, and abound of lasting appeal. Lijiang residence is harmony the han, bai, yi, Tibetan ethnic essence, and has a unique style of the naxi nationality, is very unique!!!! Today, I would like to introduce you to here. Wish everyone have a happy journey! Good bye! |
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