标题 | 贵州旅游导游词 |
范文 | 贵州旅游导游词(通用15篇) 贵州旅游导游词 篇1黄果树大瀑布位于贵州安顺镇宁布依族苗族自治县境内白水河上,连环密布的瀑布群而闻名于海内外,享有“中华第一瀑”之盛誉,也是世界上最阔大壮观的瀑布之一。奔腾的白水河在这里从悬崖绝壁上直泻而下,形成九级瀑布,落差共为105.4米,漩涡无数,声如雷鸣,响达千米。水雾经阳光折射,五彩缤纷,变幻无穷,气象万千,风景极为壮观。为便于观赏瀑布奇景,附近建有观瀑亭、望水亭,并筑有直通犀牛潭的台阶和石梯。 黄果树瀑布是白水河上最雄浑瑰丽的乐章,它将河水的缓游漫吟和欢跃奔腾奇妙地糅合在一起。从68米高的悬崖之巅跌落的是整整一条河的热忱,它既有水量丰沛、气韵万千的恢宏,又有柔细飘逸、楚楚依人的漫柔,81米宽的瀑面上水汽飘然,若逢适当的阳光照射还可形成迷人的彩虹。 从岩壁小径走去,水帘洞便赫然出现在眼前,它使横穿瀑布的探险成为可能。虽然没有花果山水帘洞的空阔奇妙,但在岩缝的空隙中穿行,让鲜丽的水珠溅一身清爽,让崎岖曲折的登临育一腔豪迈,足以令人心花怒放了。 瀑底是深不可测的犀牛潭,从瀑底往下游走去,水流清澈得呈现出不可抗拒的吸引。倘若此时不掬一掌的清水洗洗旅尘,那么留下的遗憾将可能是终生的。 贵州旅游导游词 篇2云台山位于施秉县北部,距县城区13公里。云台山风景区是(氵舞)阳河国家级风景名胜区的主要组成部分,由云台山、外营台、轿顶山及大田垴等群峰组成。面积约210平方公里,主峰团仑岩海拔1066米,突起于群山之间,因山形“四面削成,独出于云霄之半”,山巅如台,加之云雾缭绕,故名云台山。20xx年,经贵州省政府批准,施秉县云台山景区被列为了“中国南方喀斯特”第二批申报世界自然遗产预选地之一。 云台山以原始自然生态、天象奇观、奇峰丽水、佛教遗址、道教古刹等自然和人文景观为特色。面积47平方公里。公为云台山、排云关两大旅游片区,规划景点24处,山间珍稀等植物近400种,珍贵等动物近百种,被称为“植物宝盆、动物宝库”,是贵州东线探险寻幽的旅游宝地。 当游人置身山巅极目远眺,万山丛中支腾雾绕,如白龙翻滚,奇峰耸立怪石穿空露出峥嵘,深谷林莽古藤如织,山猴攀援飞禽啼鸣,晨曦透过松林光柱斑谰眼,山花散发阵阵清香,画眉跳跃枝头高声鸣唱,古松挺拔山风吹拂,构成一幅诱人的风光画卷,被诗人赞为“山中俊鸟”。 山中流泉淙淙,均从喀斯特地貌的石缝间喷出,不受污染,清澈可掬,顺着奇山怪石间自由流淌,或为池潭,或为飞瀑,或为溪涧,水声叮咚,如歌如琴,悦耳动人,游人到此,依树听泉,别有一番超凡脱俗的惬意。夏季雨盛,溪涧水涨,你又会感受到“飞湍瀑流争喧逐,旋崖转石万壑雷”的豪情。难怪历代僧侣能抛却凡心,戒除七情六欲,耐得寂寞,与世隔绝修行一生,却原来这云台山是一处难得的世外桃源,身临此山,自有世人不知之无穷乐趣。到了云台山主峰,更是别有一番景象。站在千仞绝壁之上,极目远眺,天宽地阔,近看,奇崖异石昂然列,争奇斗艳;远眺,云蒸霞蔚,千山万壑沉于足下,万顷碧绿,随山起伏,山风吹过,有如朵朵绿云飘飘欲仙,忽发奇想:或许真的有神仙存在于世,“只在此山中,云深不知处”? 云台山之所以迷人,贵在“云”上。夏季的早晨,登上云台山,游人可看到磅礴的云海奇观。那云雾飘忽苍茫,忽快忽慢,忽浓忽淡,忽聚忽散,使云台山的奇山异石、巨木古藤时隐时现,如美女遮羞,又如仙妖显相,耐人寻味,朝阳出处,云蒸霞蔚,瞬息万变,仿佛海市蜃楼,远眺群山,有如一幅变幻不定的魔画。 云台山风景如画,美景是数不胜数,但是也有很多景色依然被埋藏着,就好比这张云台山留念的景色。 贵州旅游导游词 篇3各位游客朋友们: 大家好!欢迎你们来到十丈洞景区来旅游,我是你们此次之行的导游员。游客朋友们,十丈洞景区,位于贵州省赤水市南部风溪河上游,离城区三十余公里,十丈洞景区是赤水国家4a级风景名胜区的重点组成部分。景区以瀑布群、竹海、桫椤、丹霞地貌为主要特色,兼有长征历史文化、文物古迹,是集生态、科普、文化、游娱为一体的旅游目的地。十丈洞景区是一个以瀑布为主的生态景区,它主要由十丈洞瀑布、中洞瀑布、蟠龙瀑布群、鸡飞岩瀑布群、任友溪瀑布群以及十丈洞附近的暗瀑组成。由于十丈洞大瀑布长期隐藏深闺,道路又非常难行,一直不为人所知,直到1986年7月19日,中央电视台新闻联播节目首次向世界播放发现十丈洞大瀑布奇观的新闻,这才揭开了十丈洞大瀑布神秘的面纱,广为世人所知。 现在就由我带领大家去解开十丈洞瀑布的神秘面纱吧!游客朋友们,现在我们已经来到了景区大门,大门处竖着两座雕塑,雕塑是由400块丹霞石组成,连底座一起高6米,宽8米,分为两个部分,正面形象为森林老人,又名大山之神,造型取自于人类始祖之一轩辕皇帝的原型,喻意十丈洞景区古老、原始,在森林老人和大山之神的保护下,没有受到人为的破坏。雕塑的背面形象为空谷佳人,又名瀑布仙姑,根据刘海粟老先生“空谷佳人”的题词来造型,意在展示十丈洞景区的清秀和美丽。 游客朋友们请跟随我来,现在我们来到了中洞瀑布,瀑布高18.5米,宽75.6米,远观犹如银珠织帘垂挂谷中,与十丈洞瀑布相映成趣。此瀑布晶莹剔透,十分美丽,被当地人誉为“美人梳”。中国科学院考察团则称它为“中国帘状瀑布的典型代表”。 游客朋友们是否听见远处传来轰隆隆的水声,现在我们沿着这条小道去看一看,因为地面比较湿滑,请大家注意安全。 游客朋友们,现在我们来到来十丈洞景区的中心地带——十丈洞瀑布,十丈洞大瀑布堪与黄果树大瀑布媲美,瀑高76米,宽80米,是中国丹霞地貌上最大的瀑布景观,是我国最佳瀑布奇观之一。 瀑布从悬崖绝壁上倾泻而下,似万马奔腾,气势磅礴,几里之外声如雷鸣,数百米内水雾弥漫,阳光照射之下,呈现五彩缤纷的彩虹,偶尔还能看到奇妙的“佛光环”,随行人移动,一人一环,美不胜收。瀑布周围树木繁茂,四季葱茏。十丈洞大瀑布有着无穷的美丽壮观,也有着无尽的传说。 站在瀑前深不可测的“龙女潭”前观瀑,人们会听到一个关于“龙王三公主”的动人故事。据传,远古时代,十丈洞一带久旱成灾,龙王三公主趁老龙王外出,私降甘霖拯救众生万物,玉帝一怒之下把三公主囚禁潭底,深潭由此得名“龙女潭”。三公主身居龙潭仍不改初衷,每遇久旱无雨,就会驾彩虹化雨为瀑,拯救众生,至今,大家只要驻足龙女潭边,环顾护绕身旁的“佛光环”,就能听到龙王三公主银铃般的笑声,油然而生对这位善良美丽的龙女敬意。 游客朋友们,十丈洞景区之行就到此结束了。欢迎大家下次再来十丈洞景区来旅游,祝大家万事如意!身体健康! 贵州旅游导游词 篇4各位旅客朋友: 大家好,我是你们的__导游。六枝特区是全国重点产煤地区,是“中国凉都”和“江南煤都”六盘水市的东大门,素有江南煤海之美称。交通十分发达,矿产资源富集,生物资源极为丰富。 六枝特区的旅游资源独具特色。有蕴藏着古夜郎文化牂牁江省级风景名胜区及倍受海内外关注的梭戛生态博物馆,是融民族文化风情、自然风光、名胜古迹为一体的独特旅游区。其中,中部有桃花公园、九头山公园、南极山公园、天然洞穴月宫洞(观音洞);南部有郎岱古城、郎岱木城碑记、郎岱暴动烈士墓及神秘的老王山(古郎山);东南部有底溪森林公园,有白水河上的瀑布群和以落别为中心的溶洞景观;北部有岩脚古镇风光、老高桥景点、懒龙桥景点(窗子洞)、老卜底景点及梭戛生态博物馆景点。 加上浓郁神秘的民族风情,如:布依族的赶表、苗族的晒月亮、彝族的赶山节、仡佬族的吃新年等,构成了六枝独特的旅游景观,吸引着国内外大量游客及民族文化专家、学者。目前,六枝特区正在积极开展底溪生态园、月亮河夜郎布依文化生态园、月亮河省级森林公园等的建设工作,阿珠水电站坝后水域面积为平方公里,光照电站坝后水域面积为51.54平方公里,牂牁江沿线将成为一道亮丽的风景线。 六枝特区四季皆宜旅游。六枝特区气候宜人。年平均气温13.5--15.2℃,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。 六枝特区距省会贵阳172公里,距六盘水市中心城区98公里。东连镇宁、普定两县,南接关岭,西靠水城,北抵织金、纳雍,西南与晴隆、普安两县接壤。六枝处于长江流域和珠江流域的分水岭,南有北盘江的上游牂牁江,北有乌江上游三岔河,东有黄果树瀑布的源头白水河。水流落差大,水能资源极为丰富。 六枝特区是三线建设”时期由原“六枝特区”与“郎岱县”合并而成。境内居住有汉、彝、苗、布依、仡佬等32个民族,少数民族人口占全区总人口的30.52%。少数民族文化十分悠久。 贵州旅游导游词 篇5Maybe some tourists are still savoring the magic of Maling River Canyon andthe thrill of rafting. Today we will take you to visit Wanfeng forest, anotherscenic spot of Maling River. As the saying goes: "predestined fate to meetthousands of miles", today let's go to meet Wanfenglin! It is located in the southern suburb of Xingyi City, Guizhou Province. Itis a typical karst peak forest landform. The peak forest is more than 600 metershigh, with unique peaks standing. Wanfenglin was once rated as one of the "fivemost beautiful peak forests in China" by {Chinese geography} magazine. Xu Xiake,a geographer and traveler in the Ming Dynasty, once visited Wanfenglin andpraised the peak forests connecting Guangxi and Yunnan: "it's magnificent forthousands of miles in Southwest China", "there are so many famous mountains inthe world, only here can form a peak forest; the steep peaks are separated fromeach other, and there are different kinds of senlieba bamboo pomelo." Inaddition to the picturesque peaks and beautiful Tianba, there are also theundercurrent of the Ming River, natural lakes and karst caves, which complementeach other. There are also Buyi ancient music - "eight notes singing" and "eightbowls" and other unique Buyi culture. The whole scenic spot is full of poeticand picturesque, like a fairyland on earth. Speaking of this magical andbeautiful Wanfeng forest, a beautiful story has been widely spread among thepeople since ancient times. According to legend, a long time ago, Wanfenglin wasa vast sea. In order to survive and multiply here, the Jade Emperor ordered thesea god to retreat from the sea, and ordered the four land gods to come down toearth for management. However, many years later, it is still desolate. Afterknowing this, the Jade Emperor discussed with the queen mother of the West anddecided to send her three children down to earth to govern. The third sister andbrother were very happy, so they decided to go down to earth that night andfinish the task as soon as possible: on the first watch, they found a way toopen the way, on the second watch, they met with water to build a bridge, on thethird watch, they gathered together in the mountains, on the fourth watch, theyrushed to fill the sea, and on the fifth watch, they called for the goldenharvest. However, when they had gathered in the mountains to prepare forreclamation, they were obstructed by Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Dragon King,which delayed their reclamation time. Not long ago, it was five o'clock, whenthe rooster crowed, the magic of the three brothers and sisters all failed. Thereclamation task could not be completed any more, and even they could not returnto heaven. From then on, the mountains that the three brothers and sisters cameto gather here and became Wanfeng forest. The third sister and brother could notreturn to heaven, so they settled down and led the craftsmen and technicians toteach all kinds of skills to the common people here, so as to make this placemore and more prosperous. Later, the third sister and brother were recalled toTianting. The elder sister became fairy peak when she ascended, the secondsister became xiunv peak when she ascended, and the third brother became generalpeak when she ascended. Well, the legend is over, and we have reached our destination. Please takethe audio items and get off to visit. Wanfeng forest is divided into two parts:the East peak forest and the West peak forest. Now we come to the West peakforest. From a distance, we can see that the West peak forest is a broad plateaukarst landscape. A beautiful mountain in the basin is integrated with greenfields, curved rivers, simple villages and lush forests, forming the bestecological environment in nature and a rare peak forest pastoral scenery in theworld . It's like a picture of "there are valleys in the peaks and peaks in thevalleys; there are fields in the peaks and peaks in the fields; there arevillages under the peaks and peaks in the villages." It's a beautiful landscapepainting. Some people call the land image here "eight trigrams field". Do youlook like it! What do you feel when you look at the scenery from a distance? Let's have alook at the villages in the peak forest. This is the Buyi village group. We livein the Buyi villagers. Now we come to the Buyi first village, which is known as"the first view of Wanfeng". Let me show you the cultural characteristics of theBuyi first village. Then we have "eight big bowls of Buyi" (pig feet stewed withgolden beans and rice, braised pork stewed with tofu, stewed pig skin, crispypork noodles, spareribs stewed with radish, plain pumpkin, stewed pork, stewedpork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewedpork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stewed pork, stew We can listen to the ancientmusic of Buyi, which is called "Ba Yin sit sing" and drink "Bento wine" (Buyirice wine). Well, after eating the rural rice with national characteristics, we willcontinue to visit. When you go to Wanfeng forest, you have to look at Tiankeng,also known as cave funnel. There are more than 30 large and small funnels inXifeng forest alone. Let's go to see the shape of these karst terrain now.Tourists, on the opposite side is our east peak forest. As the East peak forestis not fully open, I can only show you its magical beauty. The eastern andWestern peak forests have different scenery, which are called nature's waterpainting and natural bonsai. Dongfeng forest is characterized by towering karstpeak clusters, with dense peaks, overlapping peaks, and deep karst funneldepressions scattered all over the place, making people mysterious. Well, members, today our tour of Wanfenglin is coming to an end. I believeyou have a deep understanding of Wanfenglin's evaluation of "Shan Xiong pullingbamboo shoots, steep peaks standing apart, uneven forest columns". I am veryhonored to spend this wonderful time with you, and welcome you to come again.Thank you! 贵州旅游导游词 篇6对,你们今天已经来到了龙的家园——龙宫。咱们今天游的龙宫风景区,位于贵州省安顺市南郊,与闻名中外的黄果树风景区毗邻,这里交通便利,距省会贵阳市116公里。龙宫是全贵州接待条件最成熟、景观最精华的黄金旅游点,也是国家5A级风景名胜区。 俗话说来到贵州要三看:看山看水看溶洞,而龙宫则是以美丽的溶洞著称,这里是典型的喀斯特地形,有着中国的五个最:分别是中国最长的水溶洞,中国最大的洞穴佛堂、中国最大的洞中瀑布、全世界最低的天然辐射剂量率、全世界最多最为集中的水旱溶洞等,这五个最,使龙宫闻名全世界,所以大家今天有幸来到龙宫,也算是人生的一大幸事啦。 现在,让我们走进龙门飞瀑,它高50余米,宽26米,为洞中瀑布,是天池水倾泻而成。流水以喷泻之势钻山劈石,气势磅礴,大气恢宏,特别壮观,犹如万马奔腾,走近龙门飞瀑,我们每个人的心灵,都会为之震撼,你看水流在阳光的照射下,所形成的彩虹,宛如仙界,非常地美丽。这条瀑布顺流而下,再行30公里,就是闻名中外的黄果树大瀑布。 大家慢慢地欣赏美丽的景观,我来给大家把龙宫的整体情况做一下介绍,龙宫的总体面积达60平方公里,分为中心、漩塘、油菜湖、仙人箐等四大景区。龙宫非常美丽壮观,呈现出四大特色,一是被游客称为“中国惟美水溶洞”的地下暗河溶洞。龙宫水溶洞长达15公里,为国内之冠。目前景区对外开放了二段,长1260米,洞内钟乳千姿百态,与北方溶洞相比更显细致与精巧,与南方溶洞相比更显神秘与奇特,其洞厅构造宛如神话中的龙王宫殿,这也就是为什么此处被称为龙宫啦。当然,随着时代的发展,相信以后全部开放的时间不会太久,到时欢迎大家再来浏览。再者,这里也是佛信徒的天堂,因为这里有中国最大的洞中寺院——龙宫观音洞,它最大的特点就是所有的殿堂都是天然溶洞。人工雕刻佛像32尊,其中观音像高达12.6米,主殿上有一天然神似观音的钟乳石,天然和人造的佛像浑为一体,在咱们国家,名山上的寺院很多,但在溶洞里的寺院,这里无论就规模还是知名度,都可以称得上是全国之冠。第三个特点就是洞内瀑布,刚才咱们已经浏览过了,相信大家肯定已经有了自己的感受,最后一个特点就是山不转水转的旋水奇观——龙宫漩塘,这是一个万余平方米的圆塘,池水不借风力,永不停歇地沿着顺时针方向旋转着,大家可以看看自己的手表,对比着看一下漩塘,也是一个不错的感觉,这种奇特的现象,就连中央电视台科学教育频道《走进科学》栏目,也就此进行过探密和报道,所以,大家来到漩塘,也算是非常地幸运啦。 各位游客,玩了一天,相信大家都累了,来到龙宫,大家可以去吃些好的,咱们这里因为是龙宫,所以知名的鱼虾菜品不多,比较有名的有花江狗肉、荞凉粉,肠旺面和油炸鸡蛋糕,相信大家在饱览了美丽的景色后,一定会有更好的胃口,来品尝龙宫的美食。 好的,尊贵的客人,本次龙宫游就到此结束了,欢迎大家下次还来做客,也欢迎大家对我们的工作提出批评意见。祝大家身体健康,幸福快乐! 贵州旅游导游词 篇7大家好!欢迎您随我一道浏览如诗如画的——万峰林景区,很荣幸和大家一起共度这段美好的时光,在此呢,预祝各位朋友旅途愉快!万峰林景区距离兴义市约45公里,是国家4A级风景名胜区,马岭河峡谷的重要组成部分,它由兴义市东南部成千上万座奇峰组成,气势宏伟壮阔,山峰密集奇特,整体造型完美,被不少专家和游人誉为“天下奇观”。万峰林景区是典型的喀斯特地貌,峰林高达600余米,形成了妙趣无穷的地质景观。在三百六十多年前,明代地理学家徐霞客就曾到过万峰林,不禁赞叹到:“磅礴数千里,为西南形胜”。相传还发出:“天下山峰何其多,惟有此处峰成林”的溢美之言。 万峰林景区位于马岭河峡谷风景区中下游沿岸,是典型的喀斯特盆谷峰林地貌,分为东、西峰林,景观各异。东峰林正如我们所见,它以峥嵘巍峨的喀斯特峰丛为特征,这里峰峦拥簇,重重叠叠,构成气势磅礴、雄伟壮丽的立体画卷。茫茫峰林间,深邃的喀斯特漏斗洼地星罗棋布,峰壑高低起伏,神秘幽深莫测,而西峰林是一座座奇美的山峦,与碧绿的田野,弯曲的河流,古朴的村寨,葱郁的树林融为一体,砰然一幅“峰内有谷,谷内有峰;峰里有田,田里有峰;峰下有寨,寨里有峰”的山水国画。东西两座峰林构成大自然中最佳的生态环境,形成天底下罕见的峰林田园风光。这里神奇、秀美,绵延十五公里,山峰奇巧密集、千姿百态,形成一道罕见的峰林画廊。下午屯南北两段峰林也各具特色,北部峰林如同一道屏风,护佑这耳寨、双生、乐立一带的村寨田园,这里奇峰如林,田坝似锦,河水如带,村寨如云,充满诗情画意,恰似一幅朴素、清丽的布依民族织锦。 当然,来到万峰林,除了欣赏这大自然的鬼斧神工,人文景观的妙不可言自然也是深藏其中,既然它们躲在深闺无人识,今天我们就一起去揭开她神秘的面纱。如果万峰林是一幅封面的画,那么上纳灰村便是最富有生机的一部分,而下纳灰村便是最富生活气息的艺术处理。近年来,随着万峰林景区的旅游逐步升温,居住在万峰林景区的上纳灰村村民,便把自己的小日子经营得红红火火,温_宝总理也来到此地访问,亲切慰问了当地村民,给上纳灰村的人民带来了福祉。当地也有一句话叫“纳灰村民真是好,农民跨越温和饱”,今天的纳灰村呈现出一派欣欣向荣的景象。 贵州旅游导游词 篇8Dear tourists Good morning, everyone! Welcome to join the Guizhou tourism team ofChongqing air travel. I'm Mu Ke, your tour guide. I wish you a happyjourney! It is believed that many people's understanding of Guizhou begins with thesaying "the sky is not clear for three days, the earth is not level for threemiles, and people are not silver"; I don't think the 38 million people of allethnic groups in Guizhou will agree with it, because its description isdiametrically opposite to the actual situation of Guizhou. "It rains at night,it's sunny, the roads are peaceful everywhere, and people are full of silverevery festival" is the real Guizhou. Occupying all the advantages of time, placeand people is actually "the treasure of China". According to the two character "Guizhou", it is "Zhong, Yi, Bei, Zhou",that is, "a treasure state of China", which reveals the peculiarity and value ofGuizhou. What kind of treasure is Guizhou? It is the perfect combination ofheaven, earth and human. It is a pure land of nature and human culture.Guizhou's "sky" is clean, humid and pleasant; Guizhou's "Earth" is composed ofvaried karst wonders; Guizhou's "people" live in a variety of culturalenvironments and create splendid cultures and civilizations. Guizhou is locatedbetween 24 ″ 37 ′ N and 29 ″ 13 ′ n, which belongs to subtropical monsoon humidclimate with abundant precipitation, small temperature change, warm in winterand cool in summer. Today, the earth's climate is getting worse and worse. In many parts of theworld, people are suffering from heat, drought, flood and sandstorm; Naturaldisasters are eroding people's homes on a large scale. However, in this preciousland of Guizhou, the weather is still four seasons like spring, three sunny daysand two rainy days, with fresh air and pleasant climate. It is like a rare largeair conditioner. The unique natural climate and environment have created a wide variety ofgreen vegetation in Guizhou, which is the magic picture of "mountainZhangjiajie, Jiuzhaigou everywhere". From this, Guizhou has won the reputationof "Park province" and "air conditioning province". This is where Guizhou'scharming charm lies. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen oncepredicted: "in five hundred years, Yunnan and Guizhou will compete in Jiangnan."What does Yunnan and Guizhou win over Jiangnan? Liu Bowen said: "thousands ofrivers in Jiangnan are the most important mountains in Yunnan and Guizhou." Theconcentrated expression of Guizhou scenery is the vast mountains. Guizhou is aplateau mountainous area, with mountains and hills accounting for 95.2% of theterritory's land area. It is known as "eight mountains, one water and onefield". Those who have been to Yunnan may have heard of its "Eighteen monsters";there are also eight monsters in Guizhou this time The first one: stone as tile Guizhou's stones are very special, with clear layers. They can peel offpieces of stone a few centimeters thick. Using these pieces of stone instead oftraditional sintered tiles, although the area is not too uniform and neat, itsaves the cost of firing, and is stronger and more durable than tiles. Whynot? Second strange: the old lady goes up the mountain faster than the car There are many mountains in Guizhou, so the road is also difficult. Thewinding mountain highway has been circling around the mountain. Even if thefastest car can go up the mountain along the winding mountain highway, it has togo up one by one. Naturally, the distance is dozens of times of people's walkingpath. Therefore, when the car goes up, even the slow old lady will arriveearly! Third: half of the houses are built on the mountain Anshun Dragon Palace scenic area has many houses built close to themountain. By borrowing the mountain as the back wall and skillfully borrowingthe terrain, it also saves the stone of one wall. According to the commonpeople, this kind of house has the advantage of being warm in winter and cool insummer! Fourth strange: shanbaoer is independent Guizhou's mountains, especially in southwest and South Guizhou, areisolated and abrupt. Only the foot of the mountain is connected with each other.Far from Yunnan's mountains, they are connected by the same ridge, rolling andgreen peaks. Maybe that's where shanbaoer stands alone? Fifth: growing vegetables on the roof This is not a common phenomenon, but a special way, that is, when theresidents with good conditions are building houses, they often use cement toreinforce the roof, and then leave a parapet, spread good soil in the parapet,and grow some common vegetables, but they also end up with a feeling that theycan not ask for people without asking for them! Sixth strange: chili as a home dish Guizhou is located in the plateau and mountainous area. At the same time,the rainy weather makes up a complete humid climate. Eating chili often candrive away the cold and strengthen the body? Sometimes I don't understand. Onthe edge of the desert in the northwest, the residents in the setting sun alsohave chili after eating. So what are they doing? Maybe under the bad foodconditions, in order to have a meal? Guizhou residents, especially Miao and Dongpeople, like spicy food, but also acid . As the local saying goes, "if you don'teat sour food for three days, you'll walk around (meaning unstable)". Thus, twofamous dishes were derived: one is fish in sour soup. During the production, thetomato and ginger are put into the rice soup, stored in the earthen jar forfermentation, and then a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, Chinese pricklyash, green onion and Chinese toon are added to cook with the fish. The soup isfresh, tender, hot and sour, and the appetite is wide. The second is tiger skinpepper, that is, green pepper is roasted on the fire, torn into strips, mixedwith soy sauce and other seasonings, and served on the plate. The seventh: three mice in a sack The rats here, of course, refer to the giant rats. Each mouse weighsseveral kilos and can be packed into a sack. However, this monster should be the same as the three mice and a sack inYunnan. The eighth: take it with you in the toilet It refers to the fact that there were few toilets in the past, and the longskirts of Miao people made it convenient to use the toilet everywhere. InGuizhou, more than 40 ethnic minorities, such as Miao, Dong and Buyi, live inharmony and have colorful ethnic customs. Women especially like to dress up withsilver ornaments. It is said that a Miao woman's silver ornaments weigh 16 kg.However, when working in the field, they don't wear accessories, and they oftenwear skirts (also known as hundred fold skirts) on their lower body. When youneed to "release", you can squat down at any time, and the skirt opens around,just like a natural toilet. Also heard another guide said: the uglier the better sell (GuizhouGastrodia elata) bark as medicine to sell (Guizhou Eucommia ulmoides) wine notfloating at home abroad (Guizhou Maotai) 贵州旅游导游词 篇9Dear friends hello everyone! "The mysterious Chishui River is flowing quietly, with a variety ofcustoms, fragrance all the way. The magical Chishui River has a long history.The waves are thousands of miles away, making wine and intoxicating everywhere!"welcome to Chishui, the world natural heritage site of "China Danxia", which hasthe reputation of "city of thousand waterfalls, garden of thousands of bamboos,Kingdom of Alsophila spinulosa". I am the tour guide to show you around. Isincerely wish you endless beautiful scenery, endless delicious food, endlessstories and endless exclamations during your two-day trip to Chishui. I will trymy best to make your journey happy and fruitful. Please allow me to brieflyintroduce Chishui, a beautiful and peaceful city. Chishui City is located in the northwest of Guizhou Province, in the middleand lower reaches of Chishui River, bordering on the south of Sichuan Province.It has been a border trade link between Sichuan and Guizhou, an importanteconomic and cultural town, and an important gateway from northern Guizhou toBashu. It is known as "key of Sichuan and Guizhou" and "border city of NorthernGuizhou". Chishui has beautiful mountains and beautiful scenery. The forestcoverage rate of the whole city is 76.2%, ranking the first in Guizhou Province.It is a national ecological demonstration area, known as "ecological bordercity". Chishui is famous for its beautiful and mysterious Chishui River runningthrough the whole territory, and also for the "four crossing Chishui" of the RedArmy of workers and peasants. On August 1, 20__, in sunny Brasilia, Chishui wasofficially listed in the world natural heritage list as "China Danxia" project,becoming the second world natural heritage site in our province after the karstin southern China of Libo. This has become the pride of Guizhou, but also thepride of Chishui people. Chishui is rich in tourism resources. Chishui is the only national scenicspot named after the administrative region of the State Council. Its landscapefeatures waterfall, bamboo sea, lake, forest, Alsophila spinulosa and Danxialandform. It also has ancient human landscape and the remains of the long marchof the Red Army. It is praised as "the city of thousand waterfalls", "the crownof Danxia", "the hometown of bamboo" and "Alsophila spinulosa kingdom" byChinese and foreign experts ”It has five characteristics, namely, the site ofthe long march. Dear tourists, what I want to introduce to you today is abrilliant red water. The beauty of red water lies in the gorgeous colors. The "white" red water is the beauty of waterfall and the mellow of wine.Here is a saying that "all water forms a waterfall, and all bamboo forms aforest", which vividly describes the spectacular waterfall of Chishui and thebeautiful scenery of water forest blend. The waterfalls in Shizhang cave andSidonggou, two national scenic spots, present different customs due to theirdifferent shapes and changes. It can be said that one is a lady from a bigfamily, the other is a jasper from a small family, the other is majestic andheroic, and the other is a bird depending on a person. Chishui River passes through the city. Because of its unique geographicalenvironment and hydrological and climatic characteristics, Chishui River hasbrewed more than ten kinds of famous wines at home and abroad, such as Maotai,Jiangling, Xijiu, Chishui Goujiang, Langjiu, huaijiu, etc. The "white" ofChishui is the purity of spirituality, the gift of nature and the mystery of"the unity of man and nature". The "green" red water is a vast sea of bamboo and a forest of Alsophilaspinulosa. Bamboo sea and Chishui River are closely related. The vast bamboo seaconserves the water source for Chishui River and makes it continuously flowing.The surging Chishui River makes the bamboo sea flourish. They help each other tocreate a green world. Some people say that when you come to Chishui, you arehere to wash your lungs. There are pre glacial plants growing here, which arecalled "living fossils" of scientific research. They are of great value inscientific research and appreciation. They are first-class rare and endangeredplants under national protection. At this point, you can take as many deepbreaths as possible in Chishui. Some people even joke that you can sell a lot ofmoney when you go back with a bag of Chishui air in a plastic bag! The "red" of Chishui has two important components. One is that it is themost incisive "magic stroke" of Chairman Mao's campaign, guerrilla warfare andthe battle tactics of winning more with less during the long march of the RedArmy. Although today's peaceful and happy life has replaced the smoke and war,the respect for "red" in people's hearts will never go away. The second "red" isDanxia, the world-famous geomorphic feature of Chishui. After a special visit toChishui by famous Danxia geomorphologists in China, they came to the conclusionthat "the Danxia Landform in Chishui is the largest in China in terms of itslarge area, typical development and spectacular beauty.". Dear tourists, when you come to Chishui, you can see the "red" and "green"in your eyes, as well as the intoxicating "white". Have you been deeplyattracted. Today's Chishui has beautiful scenery, numerous delicious food, andpeople live and work in peace and contentment. In such a peaceful city, we oftenstay in it, and we are happy not to think of Sichuan. Let's enjoy themagnificent beauty, mysterious beauty, quiet beauty, and distant beauty ofChishui, and feel the beauty of harmonious existence between nature and humanbeings. This is a place you must come to in your life, and it is always open toyou! 贵州旅游导游词 篇10Hello, everyone I'm Dai __ from __ travel agency. Call me "Dai Dao". In the past few days,I will take you to visit the scenic resort Huangguoshu waterfall. During thetour, please recognize the sign of the guide flag to avoid following the wrongteam. If you have any problems or requirements, please try to put forward them.I will try my best to solve them. Finally, I wish you all have a good time, eatwell and live comfortably. Huangguoshu waterfall is the largest waterfall in China and one of the mostfamous waterfalls in the world. In November 1982, Huangguoshu waterfall wasapproved by the State Council of the people's Republic of China as a nationalkey scenic spot. Why is this waterfall called Huangguoshu waterfall? It is saidthat farmers near the waterfall used to grow Huangguoshu for a long time. Thereis a large yellow orchard beside the waterfall, so this waterfall is calledHuangguoshu waterfall. Huangguoshu national key scenic spot is located in thesouthwest of Guizhou Province. It is one of the first batch of national keyscenic spots and the first batch of AAAA grade tourist areas assessed by thestate. It is 128 kilometers away from Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou Province,and 45 kilometers away from Anshun, the central tourist City in the West. Thereare Yunnan Guizhou railway, Zhuzhou Liupanshui double track railway, Huangguoshuairport, 320 National Highway and Guiyang Huangguoshu high-grade highway runningthrough the whole area The newly built Qingzhen Huangguoshu Expressway goesdirectly to the scenic spot! " You see, Huangguoshu waterfall has arrived. You see, this is the mostfamous waterfall in China. Huangguoshu waterfall is 77.8 meters high and 101.0meters wide, surrounded by 18 waterfalls of different sizes and styles, forminga huge waterfall "family". It is rated as the largest waterfall group in theworld by Guinness headquarters, and listed in Guinness records. Huangguoshuwaterfall is the most spectacular waterfall in Huangguoshu waterfall group. Itis the only waterfall in the world that can be viewed from up, down, front,back, left and right. It is also a waterfall that has water curtain cave and canbe heard, viewed and touched from inside and outside. Handsome guys, beautiful girls, "water curtain cave" has arrived, pleasetake your valuables with you. The water curtain cave is 134 meters long andconsists of six windows, three Gudong springs and six passages. You should befamiliar with this. The scene of Shuiliandong in the large-scale TV seriesjourney to the West adapted from Chinese fairy tales was shot here. I hope youwill hold up your camera, take a picture of Huangguoshu waterfall, keep it inyour memory and publicize it to more people, because Huangguoshu waterfall isthe pride of China! Dai Dao, I want to say goodbye to you. As the saying goes, "it's hard tosee each other, but it's also hard to leave each other" and "it's different tosend you a thousand miles away.". I'll be your guide next time. Finally, I wishyou a safe journey! Happy family! Good health! 贵州旅游导游词 篇11云台山位于施秉县北部,距县城区13公里。云台山风景区是(氵舞)阳河国家级风景名胜区的主要组成部分,由云台山、外营台、轿顶山及大田垴等群峰组成。面积约210平方公里,主峰团仑岩海拔1066米,突起于群山之间,因山形“四面削成,独出于云霄之半”,山巅如台,加之云雾缭绕,故名云台山。20xx年,经贵州省政府批准,施秉县云台山景区被列为了“中国南方喀斯特”第二批申报世界自然遗产预选地之一。 云台山以原始自然生态、天象奇观、奇峰丽水、佛教遗址、道教古刹等自然和人文景观为特色。面积47平方公里。公为云台山、排云关两大旅游片区,规划景点24处,山间珍稀等植物近400种,珍贵等动物近百种,被称为“植物宝盆、动物宝库”,是贵州东线探险寻幽的旅游宝地。 当游人置身山巅极目远眺,万山丛中支腾雾绕,如白龙翻滚,奇峰耸立怪石穿空露出峥嵘,深谷林莽古藤如织,山猴攀援飞禽啼鸣,晨曦透过松林光柱斑谰眼,山花散发阵阵清香,画眉跳跃枝头高声鸣唱,古松挺拔山风吹拂,构成一幅诱人的风光画卷,被诗人赞为“山中俊鸟”。 山中流泉淙淙,均从喀斯特地貌的石缝间喷出,不受污染,清澈可掬,顺着奇山怪石间自由流淌,或为池潭,或为飞瀑,或为溪涧,水声叮咚,如歌如琴,悦耳动人,游人到此,依树听泉,别有一番超凡脱俗的惬意。夏季雨盛,溪涧水涨,你又会感受到“飞湍瀑流争喧逐,旋崖转石万壑雷”的豪情。难怪历代僧侣能抛却凡心,戒除七情六欲,耐得寂寞,与世隔绝修行一生,却原来这云台山是一处难得的世外桃源,身临此山,自有世人不知之无穷乐趣。到了云台山主峰,更是别有一番景象。站在千仞绝壁之上,极目远眺,天宽地阔,近看,奇崖异石昂然列,争奇斗艳;远眺,云蒸霞蔚,千山万壑沉于足下,万顷碧绿,随山起伏,山风吹过,有如朵朵绿云飘飘欲仙,忽发奇想:或许真的有神仙存在于世,“只在此山中,云深不知处”? 云台山之所以迷人,贵在“云”上。夏季的早晨,登上云台山,游人可看到磅礴的云海奇观。那云雾飘忽苍茫,忽快忽慢,忽浓忽淡,忽聚忽散,使云台山的奇山异石、巨木古藤时隐时现,如美女遮羞,又如仙妖显相,耐人寻味,朝阳出处,云蒸霞蔚,瞬息万变,仿佛海市蜃楼,远眺群山,有如一幅变幻不定的魔画。 云台山风景如画,美景是数不胜数,但是也有很多景色依然被埋藏着,就好比这张云台山留念的景色。 贵州旅游导游词 篇12女士们、先生们: 今天我们将要游览的风景点是黄果树瀑布。黄果树瀑布是中国第一在瀑布,也是世界上慕名的大瀑布之一。1982年11月,经中华人民共和国国务院审定,黄果树瀑布已被列为国家重点风景名胜区。 黄果树瀑布距省城贵阳市137公里,位于贵州省西部镇宁县和关岭县接壤处的打邦河支流的白水河上。从贵阳乘车到黄果树,约需一个半小时左右时间。 黄果树大瀑布已经到了,你们看,这就是早已闻名遐迩的中国第一大瀑布。 黄果树瀑布高68米,加上瀑上瀑6米,总高74米,宽81米,夏秋洪水暴涨,瀑布如黄河倒倾,峭壁震颤,谷底轰雷,十里开外,也能听到它的咆哮;由于水流的强大冲击力,溅起的水雾可弥漫数百米以上,使坐落在瀑布左侧崖顶上的寨子和街市常常被溅起的水雾所笼罩。游人谓之“银雨洒金街”。冬春水小,瀑布便分成三五绺从岸顶上挂下来,远远望去,那洁白的水帘飘然而下,扬扬洒洒,如绸缎飘舞,如仙袂飘举,如淑女浣纱……。数百年来,黄果树瀑布的雄姿一直为许多文人学者所惊叹。清代贵州著名书法家、“颐和园”三字的题额者严寅亮在“望水亭”题写的对联:“白水如棉,不用弓弹花自散。红霞似锦,何需梭织天生成”,更是形象而生动地概括了黄果树瀑布的壮丽景色。 现在,我们来到了瀑布跌落处---犀牛潭。此潭乃因传说有神犀潜藏水底而得名。有没有神犀,谁也没有见过,但潭水的神秘幽深,至今依然,任何人驻足潭边,都会浮想联篇。若是晴天的上午10时或下午4时左右,由于阳光的折射,你还可以透过瀑布冲击时溅起的雨雾,看到从深潭中升起的七色彩虹,使你顿生雄姿盖世,艳丽昭天之感。 贵州旅游导游词 篇13欢迎大家光临斗篷山景区旅游观光。 都匀斗篷山——剑江是国家级重点风景名胜区,总面积266.8km2,她是一个集山、水、林、洞、瀑和浓郁的少数民族文化于一体的风景名胜区。这个风景区两个显著的特点:一是风景名胜区的剑江景区就座落在流经都匀城区18km的剑江河畔,另一个是风景区森林覆盖率高,自然生态极为和谐。 各位游客今天来到的是斗篷山景区的马腰河峡谷。 马腰河峡谷总面积105.8km2,这个峡谷河道狭窄,谷坡下陡下缓,是一个幽深的极富原始韵味的谷中谷,两岸原生态植物盘根错节,树冠婆娑,婉如幔幛,遮天蔽日,河水清沏,沿曲折的河床轻吟浅唱在石缝间,在密林深处,古驿道、古驿站遗址、百家厂遗址,依稀可辨,似乎向人们诉说着明清时代,在这密林深处的一段不解之迷。彩虹瀑布、犀牛谷内犀牛瀑布以及28处大小不同的瀑布,构成了这一景区内最迷人的景观。 各位先看这块国家级风景区的标志,它是用马腰河内的天然石头做成,桥、石头、标志浑然一体,令人称绝。 各位可在此照像留影纪念,给大家5分钟。 各位往左边看,过了标志桥、沿石阶而上,就可以到磨子岩:一块巨石立于石柱之上,摇摇欲坠,而又如盘石生根,该景点各位可在回来后自己选择性游览。 从这里我们将沿着步道游览马腰河峡谷。 首先大家看到的是戏水潭,斗篷山有四句话,水清、山幽、林密、石奇,这第一句话说的就是水,斗篷山的水矿物质含量丰富,水从山涧中流出,水清彻见潭底。这里称戏水潭,就是让游客可以亲历,去体会它的柔情而又刺骨的感觉。 这里叫三仙亭,取其三角形三根柱,寓意儒、道、佛三教,寓意福、禄、寿三仙,各位可自己去体会。 大家注意不要滑下去。 啊,这里称客泉,清澈的泉水从龙的嘴里流出,它是为游客的第一个奉献,游客大多在这里把矿泉水倒掉,而灌一瓶斗篷山的山泉水,它那么清凉,那么甘甜,这是大家的泉,是游客的泉,所以称客泉。 大家可以去体会一下这泉水。 这里是毛环方竹,毛环方竹是贵州大学兰开敏教授在斗篷山发现的新的植物种群,它是目前世界范围内在斗篷山仅有的植物。 该方竹因节上的一圈毛刺而名,生长在斗篷山海拔1100m左右的高度上,高于和低于这个高度斗篷山的竹子均不是此种。 各位可以沿小路用手摸一下。 这里称千滴泪,有点伤感的味道。其实它是沙页岩地区特有的地质现象,斗篷山与张家界同属于沙页岩地区,沙页岩透水性好,加上斗篷山森林覆盖率高,保水性强,所以水常年累月地从岩层中渗出,也造就了为什么斗篷山的石头上长树,这是个人性化的比喻,这些水不能很快汇入小溪河流,而是静静地从岩层中渗出,似乎很委屈,实际它的作用很大,它孕育了斗篷山的万顷森林。委屈就委屈吧,我们还是认识到它的功绩,化作千滴泪,你还是要汇入江河中一展你的风采。 这里是湘楠亭,因周边的湘楠树而命名。湘楠属樟科,是国家一级保护植物。在斗篷山景区有国家一、二级保护植物共22种。一会游客还可以看到红豆杉、马尾树等。 大家可以在此休息或照像留念。给大家五分钟。 这块圆圆的大石头称镇山石,它来自何年何月,来自何处,已经无法考证,从它身上斑斑擦痕,可以推断它是第四季冰川的产物,伴着星斗转移,伴着潺潺流水,它日夜守护着马腰河,其情感人,默默奉献的精神,其实就是我们西部各民族精神的写照,我们称它为镇山石。 这里的景点叫壶口,它很像黄河的壶口瀑布。水从上边跌下,潭深有4m多,但是清沏见底,无论你从哪个方向去观察它,它总会给你一种新奇的感觉。 游客要小心滑倒。 这座桥称凌涧桥,一桥飞架,是为了照顾老人,若觉得登山很累,可以从桥上返回。该桥是按中国古代就掌握的拱桥技术而建,小巧而迷人。 哪位游客愿与她照张相,那就照吧。 这里称飞石峡,巨石涌进河床,是什么力量把它们请来,是大自然的鬼斧神工。然而流水不会屈服,它照样轻吟浅唱,照样咆哮奔腾,那一往无前的精神为我们树立了榜样。 这里称孔雀开屏,大家看,孔雀的头在前,一块大石头是它的身体,在石头上生满了几种树木,它们挺拨有序,似孔雀开屏一样。石头上长树,这是斗篷山的一大奇观,各位只要细心会发现几乎很多树是长在石头上,这里一个特点是树干不粗,但都长的很高,主要原因就是为了争取阳光,才能活下去,大自然的物竞天择就是这个道理。 大家可以和千年孔雀照张相。 现在大家要通过第一跳,这是个人工坝,大家要走好。 现在到了马腰河峡谷最宽阔的地方,这里称风流滩,它的特点是巨石散落河里,就好像群星荟萃,这里树木参天,浓荫蔽日,百态千姿,这里水动石静,充分展示了大自然极和谐的一派生机。在这里,可谓是仁者见仁,智者见智,大家都可以一展风流,让你自己汇入大自然的鬼斧神工的怀抱中去吧。 各位游客,这里总的名字是叫幽谷壶口,我们从观瀑桥上走过,上边是马腰河峡谷的第二跳,在悬崖上有四个大字“幽谷壶口”,大山深处,峡曲谷幽,一溪清泉如泄,形同壶嘴,在幽谷的左前方,是明清时的古驿道,随着时间的流逝,还透着岁月的苍桑,这里是明清时从湖南、广东到西南的必经之路,我们今天站在这里,身边还依稀听到山间忽远忽近的马帮的驼铃声。 给游客10分钟,大家可以以任何角度拍照。 这里向上150m,被称为“旺嘎布”,它是苗语,翻译成汉语就是情人谷,这是情人们唱情歌选意中人的地方,自古到今,这里不知成全了多少对青年男女的爱情。 而今上边有铁链,供情人们去锁连心锁,年纪大一些的游客也不要着急,你不锁情人锁,也有健康长寿锁供你选择,有平安锁让你对亲友平安的寄托。 这里给大家15分钟,锁售价仅10元,大家把锁锁好把钥匙丢在大山深处。 各位游客,现在我们到了听雨桥,听雨桥向上称犀牛谷,这是马腰河峡谷中的谷中谷,也是马腰河峡谷中景观最漂亮的一段。 犀牛谷以犀牛瀑布命名,从听雨桥到犀牛瀑布,总长只有800m,但垂直高差有200m,各位站在现在的地方海拔1132m,到犀牛瀑布的观瀑亭海拔1337m。 犀牛谷内巨石林立,石上森林令人称绝,28级瀑布令你眼花缭乱,听雨桥上,流水声如雨落前庭,飞云桥凌空,让你置于云海之中,这里的28级瀑布我们给了参考性的名字,也期待游客给他起个更形象、更贴切的名字,入选后我们有奖。 大家看,那里就有一位游客送的名字,他把这个犀牛谷称为“虫二”,寓意“风月无边”,我们觉得很有意思,把他的建议刻在借来的石板上,让游客们分享这无边的风月。 大家整理一下,我们准备登山。刚才说了,直线只有800米,但大家要爬高200米的垂直高度,要拿出当年红军的精神,要有不到长城非好汉的气质,但不要走得太快,那样有点累不说,关键是你要仔细欣赏这里的独特风光。 现在是犀牛谷第一个景点,石上森林,整个斗篷山是沙页岩,在石上能生成如此茂密的森林,堪称奇观,在远古的岁月里,这里的树木在如此艰难的生态条件下,这样郁郁葱葱,充分显示它强大的生命力,这似乎也是我们西部地区各族人民性格的写照。 大家往下看,这个潭叫望彼旺,苗语是公主潭,即是苗王公主沐浴的地方,这里潭水清沏剔透,在这里沐浴,会让你皮肤润滑,大家可以试一下,但是请男士不要去,这是规矩,上边有专为男士准备的潭水。 这个景称一帘幽梦,水如帘,为动,石生根,为静,动静置于一体,恍如幽梦。 这个景观叫地缝,水从石沟中流过,只闻水声,不见水动,岁月无情,水滴石穿,流水把巨石冲出一条缝来,若地缝一样。 这里水响如雷,千百万年,涛声依旧,所以称千年涛声。 这里的水如从天上来,称天沟,是对应地缝起的名字。 游客们要站在我这个角度,从两巨石之间看过去,天仅一线,这处的瀑布倒挂,如白练飞度,称为一线观瀑。 这个景观称断印,一方巨石如古代官印,似乎又缺了一块,是哪路神仙用此印镇山,令人无限地沉思。 这里看有四个瀑布,同时跌入眼帘,我们称为四步梯瀑布,四级瀑布如一幅立体山水画,挂在我们面前,令人心旷神怡,也让你浮想连翻。 这里称弯瀑,瀑布拐了一个弯而泄下,令人称绝。 这个景观称桥下瀑,一桥飞架,形似彩虹。水从桥下飞泄,称桥下瀑。 飞云桥,从下边往上看,此桥凌空飞架,如彩虹飘逸,这里海拔较高,常年在云雾中,云雾渺渺,乱云飞渡,桥如盘石,人在桥上过,若腾云驾雾,若隐若现,飘飘欲仙。 站在桥上往下看,这里称望黛旺,是苗王公子戏水的地方,就是苗语公子的意思,这里不是沐浴之地,是苗王公子健身的地方,这里水凉刺骨,是锻炼公子意志的地方,所谓不经历肌肤之痛,就没有健康的身体和坚强的意志,男士们不妨去试一下,但这里同样要求女士们不要去碰。 过了飞云桥,各位游客往右上方看,这是个特大的瀑布群,瀑布多而形态各异,流水潺潺,水声贯耳。充分展示大自然的鬼斧神工,这是犀牛谷最壮观的地方。 这里称神门,二块巨石如中国民间传说的二位门神一样,守护着犀牛瀑布,从这里进入,使人油然而生敬意,那是大自然的杰作,那是人与自然交往的写照,人是地球的一员,我们同样要尊重大自然给我们的一切。 神门前留个影吧,让它也记着你是曾经来拜访过它的客人。 这个景区称石上清泉,溪水如挂在石头上的一缕白带,又好象被舞动的白练,让你感到大自然的纯和美,巨石、流水、远山、绿树充分展示了大自然的和谐。 这里我们来到了观瀑亭,抬头看到的是犀牛瀑布,瀑布高33m,水从高山上飞流直下,直泄犀牛潭,声如雷,水如银,水雾迷漫,水流如帘。 各位可以在此照像留影。 然后,可以上到水帘后边,从后边看瀑布飞泄,别有一番情趣。但不要久停,上边悬石很多,大家要注意安全,不要用手撬动石块。 下边我们将沿着步道下山,我们要经过一段长长的次生林区,斗篷山原始生态保存得比较好,为什么这一段是次生林,这里边隐藏着斗篷山的二大迷。 一是四方岩,斗篷山属沙页岩地区,但在我们经过的路上,有一些巨石兀立,石上长满了树木。这些巨石来自何方,为什么几何尺寸如此整齐,一些人提出是外力的结果,那么真的是外星人的杰作吗?不敢肯定。 把这谜留给游客。 第二个就是明清时候的古遗址,说明在600年前这里曾经有人类活动,他们留下的屋基历历在目,屋基里又是长了树木,更说明了这些人类活动的久远,也是留给游客待解的谜。 现在我们来到百家厂古遗址,更进一步地说明了这个谜的神秘,大家先看这一段碑文。碑由一个形似龟的动物驮着,它叫贔屃(音笔洗),大家常说龙生九子,它是老九,以负重称雄,所以一般地看到石碑都由它千百万年的背之。 据说,摸摸它的头,会让你身体健康;摸摸它的下巴,打牌的手气特别好。各位游客不妨试试。 据说,摸摸它的头,会让你身体健康。摸摸它的下巴,打牌的手气特别好。各位游客不妨试试。 (读碑文) 这里围起的古遗址,记录了岁月的苍桑,也留给了我们很多不解之谜,因此,我们也欢迎游客能帮助我们解开它,可以多照几张相片,但不要进入围栏以内。 下边我们要返回,大家注意安全。 贵州旅游导游词 篇14Hello everyone! Welcome to Guizhou tourism, which has the reputation of"cultural state, ecological state, singing and dancing state, and wine state".I'm the tour guide of this tourism activity. My name is _ _ and you can call me_ guide. Now our location is Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou Province. Guiyang isknown as "the city of forest". As we all know, there is heaven above and Suzhouand Hangzhou below. As a matter of fact, the capital of shunshu is in Guiyang.From the image orientation of Guiyang, we can feel its "green" and "ecological"breath. Wang Yangming, a great ancient philosopher, praised that the mountains inthe world are emerald in the clouds and precious; they stretch for thousands ofmiles, and the sky is boundless. Today, let's go to the mountain of Guizhou:Fanjing Mountain. Fanjing Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangkou, Yinjiang andSongtao counties in the east of Guizhou Province, China. The highest peak isFenghuang mountain, with an altitude of 2752 meters. Fanjing Mountain is notonly the first mountain in Guizhou, but also the main peak of Wuling mountainsin central and Western China. It is also one of the 14 world nature reservesthat have joined the United Nations "man and biosphere", known as the"ecological kingdom". The whole mountain area is large, east-west width is about 21 kilometers,the north and South are about 27 kilometers, and the total area is 567 squarekilometers. The sub peak "Hongyun Jinding" is the essence part of the Fan Jingmountain. It is also part of the middle part of the Fan Jing Mountain ScenicArea. Its total area is about 150 square kilometers. It travels on the East-Westtwo line, and today we are on the east line. Songtao in the South has not beendeveloped yet, and these three counties are under the jurisdiction of Tongrenarea. Fanjing Mountain, the whole territory of the magnificent mountains,overlapping peaks; steep slopes, deep valleys, towering peaks; streams,waterfalls hanging; ancient geological formation of the special geologicalstructure, shaping its diverse, magnificent mountain landscape. According totextual research in ancient books, Fanjing Mountain was called "three valleys","Chenshan" and "siqiongshan" before Tang Dynasty, and "Fanjing Mountain" afterMing Dynasty. Fanjing Mountain, the name of the mountain, has a strong Buddhistcolor. It comes from the "pure land of Brahma". According to historical records,the original name of Fanjing Mountain was "three valleys", but later it became"Fanjing Mountain". Maybe I have to ask the Buddhist monks of that year."Fanjing" is the "Buddhist pure world". The fame and development of Fanjing Mountain originated from Buddhism. Thehuge temples of the four great Huang'an and 48jiao'an in Fanjing Mountain areahave established the Buddhist status of Fanjing Mountain as a famous "ancientBuddha Taoist center". It is the only Maitreya Bodhisattva Taoist center amongthe five famous Buddhist mountains in China. Buddhist culture has put a solemnand magical color on the vast Fanjing Mountain. The ancients said: "the world'smost famous mountain monks." Nature has created the fantastic scenery of FanjingMountain, while Buddhists are famous for the beautiful scenery of FanjingMountain. My friends, you have come all the way here to see the beauty of FanjingMountain with your own eyes. Don't you want to feel the happiness of life? Yes,Fanjing Mountain is extremely beautiful. It can be said that it is a greatpleasure for people to visit it and see it with their own eyes. A long time ago,in the long geological history, the infinite power of nature It has created thebeautiful style and various strange landscapes of Fanjing Mountain, which isfascinating and intoxicating. Now the city people are used to the red and white life, but occasionallythey will feel boring to this kind of life. At this time, come to FanjingMountain, such a paradise, will let you breathe clear air, bring you spiritualenjoyment. Take this opportunity to have a real close contact with nature. The first beauty of Fanjing Mountain lies in its unique peaks, which arecalled unique, unique and verve. The four famous Chinese works "journey to thewest" are said to be a journey to the West. It is said that when the Tang monksand disciples passed by, because of the height of the mountain, the horse's feetwere stirred, that is, several stacks of scriptures fell from the horse's back,forming a group of peaks on Fanjing Mountain, which is also known as "tenthousand volumes of books". The unique stone "mushroom stone" in the world is shaped like a stack ofscriptures. It is said that this day's craftsman was made by the great sageMonkey King himself, who made a havoc in the heavenly palace. No matter thewind, thunder, sun and rain, it still stands on the top of the mountain afterthousands of years. The corresponding "red cloud and golden top" of MountFanjing rises from Mount Fanjing, Protruding 100 meters above the ground, it canbe called "a pillar of blue sky". On the top of it, there are two temples,namely Maitreya hall and Sakyamuni hall. It is said that Buddha came to theworld through this roof. So our friends who come to Fanjing Mountain, as long aswe climb the top of Hongyun Buddha and worship the Buddha, we can share thepeace of the world. Next, I'd like to introduce the "magical scenery" of Fanjing Mountain.Talking about the "magic" of Fanjing Mountain, there are ten points to sum up:strange mountain, strange stone, strange tree, strange flower, strange animal,strange wind, strange cloud, strange water, strange temple, strange light! Itcan also be said that there are ten unique, which can be described by fourpoems: strange stone, strange tree, wind and cloud, strange animal, rare bird,Buddha light and snow; there is another unique high road, which is closed to thesky when entering the cloud. Fanjing Mountain is a famous Buddhist mountain with high mountains, steeproads and abundant rainfall. There are thousands of animals and plants growingin the mountain. That Fanjing Mountain stone, the world's unique mushroom stone, 10000volumes of books can be called "the world's unique.". Among the rare trees in Fanjing Mountain are Lagerstroemia indica, known asthe "king of Asia", Taxus chinensis, endangered plants Davidia involucrata,Rhododendron Baili, etc. Some of the strange animals in Fanjing Mountain are known as "the onlychild in the world - Guizhou Golden Monkey", whose population distribution isamong the top in China, and the second-class national protected animal - bigcarp (also known as "giant salamander") and so on. Fanjing Mountain is high and windy, but the trees have never been broken bythe wind. Is it strange? It's sunny and sunny. When you are walking in thewoods, suddenly there are dark clouds on the other side of the mountain,covering the whole peak. Often when you climb to Jinding, you are preparing tolook forward to the mountains, but when you get to the top of the mountain, apiece of white clouds surround the whole peak, just like you are in a fairyland,with a kind of heaven and earth The feeling of flying. Strange water: the spring water from Fanjing Mountain is natural mineralwater, which can be drunk everywhere, cool and sweet. Strange Temples: there are two temples on Fanjing Mountain, one is theHuguo temple, the other is the Zhenguo temple, and there are many ancienttemples and pagodas that have never been found in the forest. There is Buddha light in Fanjing Mountain. If you are sincere, you can seeBuddha light when the weather is good. In addition to the above, what attracts you more is the ten thousand stepladder. In addition to enjoying the scenery and seeking peace, the people whocome to Fanjing Mountain also have a challenge to their physical fitness. Allthe people who can walk up to Fanjing Mountain are heroes. I believe you willnot let me down. In addition, the waterfall, sunrise and sunset of Fanjing Mountain are alsovery spectacular and beautiful. Fanjing Mountain is a high mountain with steep slopes. Streams rush out ofhigh mountains and valleys and fall down from the cliffs of the valley to formwaterfalls. The vivid portrayal of Fanjing Mountain is that it rains all nightin the mountains and there are waterfalls everywhere. There are many waterfallsin Fanjingshan, the most spectacular of which are "Renzi waterfall", "Yuao" andFanjingshan waterfall group. Fanjing Mountain has four distinct seasons: green peaks and brilliantflowers in spring; azaleas and fragrant flowers in a hundred miles; cool insummer, waterfalls everywhere, and a mineral spring bath at any time; crisp inautumn, red leaves are like rosy clouds; in cold winter, it is covered withsilver, ice and jade. Fanjing Mountain is really a wonderful place for tourism,summer vacation, flowers and snow. Now let me go into this mysterious forestwith you. Love nature, so live, love life, so love yourself. I hope you can have arelaxed and comfortable spiritual enjoyment in the journey, and all yourtroubles can disappear. It will be a new journey of life to welcome all ofus. 贵州旅游导游词 篇15梵净山位于贵州省的江口、印江、松桃、三县交界处,面积41900公顷,1978年建立省级自然保护区,1986年晋升为国家级,同年加入联合国教科文组织国际“人与生物圈”保护区网,主要保护对象为亚热带森林生态系统及黔金丝猴、珙桐等珍稀动植物。 梵净山是武陵山脉的主峰,最高海拔2572米,具明显的中亚热带山地季风气候特征。本区为多种植物区系地理成分汇集地,植物种类丰富,古老、孓遗种多,植被类型多样,垂直带谱明显,为我国西部中亚热带山地典型的原生植被保存地。区内有植物种数20xx多种,其中,高等植物有1000多种,其中国家重点保护植物有珙桐等21种,并发现有大面积的珙桐分布;脊椎动物有382种,其中国家重点保护动物有黔金丝猴等14种,并为黔金丝猴的唯一分布区。梵净山不仅是珍贵的生物资源库,也是我国历史上佛教名山之一,自然风光奇特,人文历史遗迹保存较多,为尚待开发的旅游胜地。 |
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