标题 | 试用期在职证明 |
范文 | 试用期在职证明(通用3篇) 试用期在职证明 篇1_________银行: 兹证明______先生(女士)是我单位职工,工作年限______年,在我单位工作______年,职务为______,岗位为______,工作性质为(正式制;合同制;临时制;其他),职称为______,该员工是否有违规违纪行为(有;无)。 其身份证号码为:____________。 其平均月收入为人民币(大写)______元 填表人签字:证明单位(盖公章) 日期:______年___月___日 试用期在职证明 篇2____市____区就业管理服务处: 兹有本单位职工_____,因___________________前往你处申请失业登记。 该同志工资已发至____年____月份,其在本单位工作时间____年____月至____年____月,累计工龄____年____个月。 负责人(签章) 单位(印) 二〇____年____月____日 试用期在职证明 篇3To Australia Consulate in China, We certify that Mr/Ms.Zhang San [Passport No. G12345678] has been employed by公司英文全称as 职务. He/She was recruited in 10/20xx (入职时间) and salary in our company is 5000RMB/month. We have approved Mr/Ms.Zhang San leave from 19/12/ to 05/01/. The purpose of his/her is travel and he/shewill resume his/her duties with the company after his/herreturn to China. We are confident that Mr/Ms.Zhang San will return to work on time. He/She will not seek any employment or residency in Australia and will comply with Australia laws and regulations. We would be very grateful if you would approve Mr/Ms.Zhang San’s Tourist visa application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on (担保人). Yours sincerely, |
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