标题 | 安徽导游词_导游词 |
范文 | 安徽导游词_导游词(精选5篇) 安徽导游词_导游词 篇1一提到安徽,大家都会不约而同的想到“天下第一奇山”之美称的黄山了吧。下面我就给大家介绍介绍黄山吧。 黄山是“三山五岳”中的“三山”之一。奇松、怪石、云海、温泉素称黄山四绝。 黄山七十二峰,天然巧成,并以天都峰、莲花峰、光明顶三大主峰为中心向四周铺展。 黄山的奇松,以石为母,以云为乳,七十二峰,处处都有青松点染,如一支神奇的画笔,把五百里的黄山抹上了生命的色彩。 且不说那展翅欲飞的凤凰松,也不说那轻歌低吟的竖琴松,但是那遍山普普通通的奇松,就足以把黄山装点的美不胜收,妙不可言了,难怪古人说:“黄山之美始于松。” 黄山有温泉十五处,其中被称为黄山“四绝”之一的温泉(故称汤泉),又名朱砂泉,有两个出入口。温泉水质以含重碳酸为主,自唐代的开发以来,享誉千年。 云海是黄山第一奇观,黄山自古有云海之称。黄山的“四绝”中,首推的就是云海了,由此可见,云海是装扮这个“人间仙境”的神奇美容师。云以海名,谁能说不奇?奇妙之处就在于是海非海,山峰云雾相幻化,意象万千,想象那就更是千千万万了! 听我说了这么多,你是不是心动了?俗话说:“百闻不如一见,百见不如亲身体验。”我就不多说了大家自己去体验黄山的奇吧!去了后,你一定会感到“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”说得是如此对啊! 安徽导游词_导游词 篇2寿县的特色,当然就是古城墙啦!那座古城墙保存地非常好。 寿县的古城墙挺大的(最起码比我大),共分为东、南、西、北四门。我大姑家住在城墙的南门,所以,我几乎只去过南门。记得南门还有许多有趣的东西,过年的时候,我们去寿县,丹丹大姐带我到南门口去玩。那里有好多好玩的,我和丹丹大姐回家的时候,都玩累死了。本想坐车回家的,可是因为那里好玩的太多了,我们回家时,已是两袖清风了,身无分文啊!只好到小广场去休息了一会才回家的。 寿县的古城墙除了城门有很多好玩的,在城墙上面,有好几个景点呢!从南门往城楼上走,有一个景点。从里面可以学到很多东西。 寿县很有趣,寿县的古城墙也非常好。朋友,请到我们寿县来,看一看美丽的古城墙吧!相信,你一定能学到不少的东西。 安徽导游词_导游词 篇3我的家乡在安徽省宣城市。这个城市虽然很小,经济也不够发达,却是一个山清水秀、有着悠久历史文化的城市。你若在宣城走一圈,就会感到宣城的文化气息扑面而来。 这里有着大诗人李白的足迹。踏着诗仙的脚步,你来到了敬亭山,这座山不高大,很秀丽。当年李白曾吟咏“相看两不厌,只有敬亭山”,因此敬亭山便有了“诗山”的雅称。每到春天,这里游人如织,一路上洒下欢声笑语。循着李白的踪迹,你又来到了谢眺楼,当年李白抑郁不得志,登上此楼吟出“抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁”的千古名句,可见诗仙愁之深。追着李白的身影,你顺水而漂,漂到了泾县的桃花潭,李白正在这里和友人告别:“桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情”你还见过比这更深的友情吗?诗仙又飘然上路了……李白所到之处,都留下了浓浓的文化气息,一直传承到今天。 你爱书画吗?那你肯定知道宣纸了。早在唐代,宣纸即闻名天下。因为在古代宣城的造纸技术十分先进,造出的纸柔软又纤薄。宣纸具有“韧而能润、光而不滑、洁白稠密、纹理纯净、搓折无损、润墨性强”等特点,并有独特的渗透、润滑性能。写字则骨神兼备,作画则神采飞扬,成为最能体现中国艺术风格的书画纸。一笔落成,深浅浓淡,纹理可见,墨韵清晰,层次分明。再加上宣纸有耐老化、不变色、少虫蛀,寿命长的特点,故有“纸中之王、千年寿纸”的誉称。如今,宣纸业更为兴旺蓬勃,尽情彰显她的独特魅力。这是我们宣城人值得骄傲的! 还有宣城的古建筑也值得一提。其中以泾县的查济古民居和旌德江村古民居为代表。这些古民居多建于明清时代,这些古建筑,大多为祠堂、府第、书院、庙宇和民居,体现了徽派特色。古雕、砖雕、木雕随处可见。 古宅的门坊、墙裙、柱础上、窗棂和门楣上,都有精美的雕饰。栩栩如生的人物、鸟兽,雅致的山水、花卉,富有文人气息。站在这明清古建筑群面前,我们不禁激起对源远流长的中华文化的自豪感,赞叹我们的祖先创建这辉煌灿烂的古代文明的勤劳与智慧。 你见过扬子鳄吗?你喜欢它吗?它可是宣城所独有的宝贝哟。在宣城南郊,扬子鳄国家自然保护区就座落在那儿。扬子鳄是地球在2.1亿年前无休止的大陆架碰撞、火山爆发后仅存的生物,被誉为“活化石”。后逐渐蜷缩在皖南一带生存。上世纪80年代,扬子鳄人工繁殖获得成功,使得濒临绝境的扬子鳄得以繁衍。扬子鳄代表了宣城自然资源文化。如今以“中国鳄鱼湖”为代表的自然风光旅游文化,正蓬勃发展。这是一道亮丽的风景,作为宣城人能不高兴吗? 你爱喝茶,一定要到宣城来,这儿有敬亭绿雪恭迎您;你爱喝酒,一定要到宣城来,这儿宣酒芳香四溢;你爱饮食文化,一定要到宣城来,这儿是徽菜的老家,美味佳肴会令你流连忘返。 够了,够了,宣城文化太丰富了,我不能一一枚举。相信你也感受到了她这浓郁的文化气息,你也会和我一样,深深爱着她。在宣城文化的浸润下,这里的人民勤劳智慧、自强不息、百折不挠,在不断地创造着物质财富和精神财富,也在创造着新的文明。 让我们祝福宣城:明天会更好! 安徽导游词_导游词 篇4九华山在皖南青阳县境内,是我国四大佛教名山之一。唐代文学家刘禹锡,登上九华山后,对其赞叹不已,认为天下名山均不能与九华山争长。李白曾三上九华山。九华山的特点是山奇峰秀,佛寺众多。 早在东晋年间(401年),山上就开始建寺庙,以后历代都增建、扩建,形成“三里一小庙,五里一大庙”,庙宇遍布全山,据说兴盛时期多达300余座,僧众四五千人。现在保存完整的寺庙尚有五六十座。 游九华山,首先到九华街,这里海拔600多米,是九华山的中心,寺庙也主要集中在这里,因此有“莲花佛国”之称。这里实际上是一个山上的村镇,除了庙宇外,还有商店、学校、旅店、农舍,游人可以在这里住宿,并以此为起点,游览山上的名胜。 九华街上的化城寺,是九华山历史最悠久的晋代古寺,也是九华山的主寺,寺的建筑依山势布局,反映了高超的建筑设计艺术。寺内有一口高一丈有余,重约20__斤的古钟,铸造精美,声音洪亮,用槌撞击,凝重清扬的钟声,在山谷回荡,往往使人有超凡脱俗之感。“化城晚钟”遂成为“九华十景”之一。 从九华街往东走不远,有一建在悬崖上的殿堂,就是著名的“百岁宫”。其匾额上书有“钦赐百岁宫,护国万年寺”十个金字。据说,在明朝万历年间,有个叫无暇的和尚,26岁来到九华山,在一个人迹罕至的山洞里苦修了100年。死后3年,人们才在洞中发现他的肉身。山上和尚认为他是活佛转世,遂将尸体装金供奉。明崇祯皇帝知道后封他为“应身菩萨”。于是供奉他的小庙香火日旺,寺庙扩展,成为九华山四大丛林之一。游人可以在寺里的肉身殿看到这具头戴僧帽,身披红色袈裟,端坐莲台之上的无暇和尚的装金肉身。 九华胜景在天台。天台峰是九华山的主峰,海拔1300多米。有“不登天台,等于没来”的说法。从九华街上天台,约15华里山路,沿路经过很多风景点。当你气喘吁吁,到达天台正顶,眼前的景色,将使你胸襟开阔,疲劳顿消。四周群山匍伏,远望九华街,只有巴掌那么大了。极目远眺,天地浑然一体,长江如练隐隐可见。清冽的山风送来阵阵松涛、竹喧,令人陶醉。周围的岩石,奇形怪状,多呈黝黑色。有一巨石上刻“非人间”三字。此时此刻,真使人有身临蓬莱仙境之感。在天台上看日出,据说其瑰丽景色不亚于在泰山日观峰看日出。因此“天台晓日”被列为“九华十景”之一。 安徽导游词_导游词 篇5Ladies and gentlemen How do you do! I'm the tour guide who will show you around Huangshan scenic area thistime. You can call me Lu Dao. Please pay attention to safety. Now we have reached Tangkou, an importanttown in the south of Huangshan scenic spot. First of all, I would like tointroduce the general situation of Huangshan. Huangshan Mountain, located in the south of Anhui Province, China, is partof the Nanling Mountains, covering an area of about 1200 square kilometers. TheMount Huangshan mountain system is interrupted. It is the essence of MountHuangshan. That is the Mount Huangshan scenic spot we want to browse, with anarea of about 154 square kilometers. It is located in Huangshan City, adjacentto she County, Huizhou District, Xiuning County and she County in the south, andHuangshan District in the north; these five counties and districts are alsounder the jurisdiction of Huangshan City. There is also a magic legend in Huangshan. Before the Tang Dynasty, it wascalled Yi mountain, which was black in appearance. Because there were many rockson the mountain, it was green black, and the ancients gave it such a name. It issaid that the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, wasin business after the unification of the Central Plains. After the founding ofChinese civilization, he came here to collect herbs and refine alchemy, bathe inhot springs, and became an immortal. Li Longji, the famous emperor of the TangDynasty and the Ming emperor, believed this very much. In the sixth year ofTianbao (747), he issued an imperial edict to change the name of Yishan toHuangshan, which means that this mountain belongs to the Yellow Emperor. Sincethen, the name of Huangshan has been up to now. Do you understand. Next, I'd like to introduce the "four wonders" of Huangshan. When it comes to Huangshan's "four wonders", of course, Qi song ranksfirst. Huangshan strange pine is first of all strange in its extremely tenaciousvitality, you can't help but call it strange. Generally speaking, where there issoil, plants and crops can grow, while Huangshan grows from hard Huanggangstone. There are pine trees growing everywhere in Huangshan Mountain. They growon the top of peaks, cliffs and deep valleys. They are lush and full ofvitality. Grotesque stones are another unique feature of Huangshan. Strange rocks canbe seen everywhere in Huangshan. The shapes of these rocks vary greatly. Someare like people, some are like objects, and some reflect some myths, legends andhistorical stories. They are vivid and interesting. Among the 121 famous stones,the more famous ones are "feilaishi", "immortal playing chess", "magpie climbingplum", "monkey watching the sea". Some of these strange stones are huge, some are exquisite, some areindependent, some are several combinations or combined with Qisong. Let's talk about the sea of clouds. Although the sea of clouds can be seenin other famous mountains in China, none of them is as spectacular andchangeable as Huangshan. About this reason, Huangshan has another name, Huangshan sea. This is not afalse claim, it is a sign of history. Pan Zhiheng, a famous historian in theMing Dynasty, lived in Huangshan for several decades and wrote a 60 volume book,Huangshan Mountain chronicles, which is called Huanghai. The names of somescenic spots, hotels and many landscapes in Huangshan are all related to thisspecial "sea". If some landscapes are viewed in the sea of clouds, they will bemore authentic and have more charm. All these also prove that the name "YellowSea" is worthy of the name. There are many, many, many views of Huangshan, which can't be explainedcompletely. Please go and watch it yourself. It's hot spring. Please payattention to safety. This tour is over. thank you! |
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